1. The socket in which the bolt of a door _rests_.


2. The hinge of a door.

_Gl. Sibb._

3. The support of a warlike instrument.


_To_ RELE, _v. n._ To roll.

V. ~Reile~.

_To_ RELEISCH, _v. n_. To go at large.

Fr. _relasch-er_, to enlarge.


_To_ RELEVE, _v. n._ To raise, to exalt;

Fr. _relev-er_.


_To_ RELEVE, _v. n._ To resemble.

Fr. _relev-er_, colligere.


_To_ RELY, _v. a._ To rally.


_To_ REME, _v. n._ To foam.

V. ~Ream~.

_To_ REMEID, _v. a._ To remedy.


REMEMBRIE, _s._ Remembrance.


_To_ REMENT, _v. a._ To remember.


Fr. _ramentevoir_, id.

REMYLLIS, _s. pl._ Blows.


Teut. _rammel-en_, Su. G. _raml-a_, tumultuari.

_To_ REMORD, _v. a._

1. To have remorse for; Fr. _remord-re_.


2. To disburden the conscience.


RENDAL, RENNAL, RENNET, RUN-DALE, _s._ A division of land, equivalent to _run-rig_, S.

_Statist. Acc._

Su. G. _ren_, palus limitaneus, and _del_, a division.

_To_ RENDER, _v. a._ To beat b.u.t.ter, Ayrs.

V. ~Rind~.

_To_ RENG, RING, _v. n._ To reign.

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