_Sir Egeir._

_To_ RESILE, _v. n._

1. To flinch, S.


2. To resist, in reasoning.


Fr. _resil-er_, id.

RESING, _adj._ Perhaps foolish.


Teut. _ries-en_, temere agere.

RESP, RISP, _s._ A kind of coa.r.s.e gra.s.s, S.

_Gl. Sibb._

_To_ RESP, RISP, _v. n._ To make a noise resembling that of a file, S.


RESPONSALL, _adj._ Responsible.

_Acts Parl._

_To_ RESSOURSS, RESURSE, _v. n._ To rise again.

Fr. _resourd-re_.


RESSUM, _s._ A small fragment, S. B.

Fr. _resson_, goute.

_To_ REST, _v. n._ To be indebted, S.

Fr. _en rest_, in arrears.

_Acts Sed._

~Restes~, _s. pl._ Arrears, Fr.

_Acts Mar._

REST. _Auld rest_, perhaps old sprain.


_Wrest_, _rest_, S.

A. S. _wraestan_, to distort.

_To_ RESTYN, _v. a._ To refresh.


RESTING-CHAIR, a long chair shaped like a settee, used in farm-houses, Ang. Perths.

_To_ RETENT, _v. a._ To cause to resound.

Fr. _retent-ir_, to resound.


RETH, _adj._ Fierce.

A. S. _rethe_.


~Rethnas~, _s._ Ferocity.


A. S. _rethnes_, id.

_To_ RETOUR, RETOWRE, _v. a._

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