
_To_ REWM, _v. n._ To roar.

V. ~Rame~.

O. Fr. _ruim-er_, id.


~Rewmour~, _s._ Tumult.


Germ. _rumor_, id.

REWME, _s._ Realm; O. Fr. _reaume_.


RHIND MART, RYNMART, a carcase from the herd.


Teut. Isl. _rind_, bos.

RIACH, _adj._ Dun, S. B.

_Journ. Lond._

Gael. id. brindled.

RIAL, RIALLE, _adj._ Royal.

_Sir Gawan._

_To_ RIB, _v. a._ To rib land, to give it half plowing, S.

Belg. _gerib_, ridged.

~Ribbing~, _s._ A slight plowing.

_Stat. Acc._

RIBBALDAILL, RYBBALDY, _s._ Low dissipation.


O. Fr. _ribauderie_, libertinage, conduite de bandits.

RIBBAND. _St Johnston"s ribband_, a halter, S.

_Muse"s Threnodie._

RYBEES, _s. pl._ Shoes called Turn-overs.

_Sir Gawan._

O. Fr. _ribe_, trepointe de soulier.

RIBBLIE-RABBLIE, _adj._ Disordered, Loth.

Teut. _rabbel-en_, praecipitare verba.

RIBUS, _s._ A musical instrument.


C. B. _ribib_ is expl. a reed-pipe, a hautboy.

RICE, _s._ A twig.

V. ~Ryss~.

_To_ RICH, _v. a._ To enrich.


_To_ ~Rich~, _v. n._ To become rich.


RICHT, _adj._

1. In health, S. Germ.

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