RIMBURSIN, _s._ A rupture in an animal, in consequence of which the belly sometimes bursts, Bord.


From _rim_ (of the belly), and _burst_.

_To_ RIN, _v. n._

1. To run, S.


Moes. G. _rinn-an_, Su. G. Isl. _rinn-a_.

2. To become curdled, S.

Su. G. _raenn-a_, _renn-a_, coagulare.

3. _To rin in_ one"s head, to intoxicate, S.

~Rin~, _s._

1. A run, S.


2. _A rin of water_, a waterfall; also, a stream, S.

Germ. _rinne_, fluvius.

~Rinnin darn~, a disease in cows, in which they are severely affected with a flux, S. B. _Darn_, secret.

~Rin-waw~, _s._ A part.i.tion, S.

_To_ RIND, RYNDE, _v. a._ To dissolve any fat substance by the heat of the fire, S.; also, _render_.

_Acts Ja. V._

Isl. _rind-a_, pellere, because _beaten_; or _raenn-a_, _rinde_, liquefacere.

_To_ RYND, _v. n._

1. To pertain.


2. To tend.

_Acts Marie._

Su. G. _rind-a_, tangere.

RYNN, _s._ Territory.

_Gawan and Gol._

Teut. _reyn_, limes, confinium.

_To_ RING, _v. a._ To reign, S.


~Ring~, _s._

1. Kingdom.

_Pal. Hon._

2. It also signifies reign, S.


RING, _s._ The meal which fills the crevices in the circle round the millstones, Loth.

_Law Case._

To ~Ring~ _the mill_, to fill these with the first grain that is ground, after the stones are picked, S.

RING, _s._ A race.

V. ~Renk~.


RING, _s._ A circular fort, S.

_Stat. Acc._

Su. G. _ring_, the place where public conventions were held.

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