RIP, RIPP, REIP, _s._ A handful of corn not thrashed, S.


A. S. _ripe_, id.

RIP, _s._ An ozier basket, Ang.

Isl. _hrip_, id. formio.

RIP, _s._

1. Any thing base or useless, S.

2. A cheat, S.

Isl. _ref-iaz_, fidem fallere.

_To_ RIPE, RYPE, _v. a._

1. To search, S.


2. To probe.


3. To investigate; respecting the mind.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

4. To poke, S.


A. S. _hrypan_, dissuere.


1. The noise of great mirth, S.


2. Uproar in a bad sense, S.


Isl. _hrip-a_, tumultuarie agere.

RIPPIE, _s._ A pock-net fixed to a hoop for catching crabs, Mearns.

V. ~Rip~, a basket.

Isl. _hrip_.

_To_ RIPPLE, _v. a._ To separate the seed of flax from the stalks, S.


Teut. _rep-en_, stringere s.e.m.e.n lini. Germ. _riffel-n_, to hatch.e.l.l flax.

~Ripplin-caimb~, _s._ A flax-comb, S.


_To_ RIPPLE, _v. n._ To drizzle, S.

Isl. _hrafl_ in _sniohrafl_, nix recens et rara.


1. A weakness in the back and reins, S.


Fr. _ribauld_, rabauld, rei venereae intentus ut enervetur.

2. The King"s evil, improperly, Bord.

_Gl. Complaynt._

RISE, _s._ A coa.r.s.e kind of gra.s.s.

V. ~Reyss~.


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