1. A goblet or large bowl, for containing liquor.


2. The salutation of one who is present, or the respect paid to an absent person, by expressing a wish for his health, when one is about to drink.


Isl. _skal_, _skaal_, Su. G. _skol_, Dan. _skaal_, a cup, a bowl, a drinking vessel. Su. G. _dricka skala_, bibere pateram, quando bibitur alicujus honori et memoriae; Loccen. _Dricka ens skol_, id. Ihre.

SKUL, _s._ A scullion.


Ir. _sguille_, id. Su. G. _skoel-ja_, eluere.

SKULE, _s._ An inflammatory disease affecting the palate of a horse, S.

Teut. _schuyl_, Su. G. _skalla_, id.

SKULE, SCULE, SKULL, _s._ A great collection of individuals, as of fishes, S.


A. S. _sceole_, coetus magnus, mult.i.tudo.

SKULES, _s. pl._ Stalls where cattle are fed, S. B.

Isl. _skiol_, Su. G. _skiul_, a covert.

SKULL, _s._ A shallow basket of a semicircular form, S.


Isl. _skiola_, vas quo arida vel liquida metiri consueverunt.

_To_ SKULT, _v. a._ To beat.

V. ~Scult~.

SKUR, _s._

1. A small horn, not fixed to the scull of an animal, but hanging by the skin, Ang.

2. The rough projecting part of a stone, Ang.

Su. G. _skoer-a_, rumpere.

SKUR, _s._ Perh. a scar, Mearns.

Isl. _skor_, incisura.


1. A dissipated fellow, a lecher.


2. A vagabond, Loth.

Lat. _scurra_ and _vag-or_.

SKURRIOUR, _s._ A scout.

V. ~Scurrour~.

SKUWES, _s. pl._ Groves.

_Sir Gawan._

A. S. _scua_, umbra.

_To_ SLA, _v. a._

1. To strike.

V. ~Slew~.

2. To slay, to kill.


Moes. G. _slahan_, Isl. _sla-a_, Belg. _sla_, to strike.

SLABBER, _s._ A slovenly fellow, Dumfr.

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