3. Applied to the product of genius.


~Snackly~, _adv._

1. Cleverly, S.

2. With intelligence, S.


~Snackie~, _adj._ Full of tricks and quirks.

_Pop. Ball._

SNACK, _s._ A slight repast, S.

V. ~Snak~.


_To_ SNACK, _v. n._ To snap as a dog.

_Gl. Sibb._

_To_ SNAG, _v. n._ To snarl, Fife.

Teut. _snack-en_, latrare, gannire; Isl. _snagg-a_, litigare.

~Snaggy~, _adj._ Sarcastical, Fife.

_A. Doug._

~Snaggin~, _s._ Raillery.

_A. Douglas._

_To_ ~Snagger~, _v. n._ To snarl.


SNAK, _s._ The gnashing of a dog"s teeth, when he aims at his prey, S.


Teut. _snack-en_, hianti ore captare.

_To_ SNAP _up, v.a._

1. To eat hastily, S.

2. To lay hold of suddenly, S.


Su. G. _snapp-a_, to catch hastily.

_To_ SNAP, _v. n._ To make a hasty attempt to speak.

_A. Nicol._

Belg. _snapp-en_, to tattle impudently.

~Snapsy~, _adj._ Tart, S. B.

_A. Nicol._

~Snappert~, _adj._ Tart, hasty, S. B.

Isl. _snaefur_, tart, Teut. _snapper_, loquacious.

SNAP. _In a snap_, in a moment, S. B.

Belg. _met een snap_, id.


~Snaply~, _adv._ hastily, S. B.


Teut. _snap_, raptus.

SNAP d.y.k.e, a stone fence, from four to six feet in height, strong and firmly locked together at the top, S. O.

Teut. _snap_, interceptio.

_Stat. Acc._

_To_ SNAPPER, _v. n._

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