
2. Safe conduct.


SOVERANIS, _s._ L. _severanis_, difference; O. Fr. _sevr-er_, to separate.


_To_ SOUF, SOUFF, _v. n._

1. To sleep in a disturbed manner, S. B.

Su. G. _sofw-a_, A. S. _swef-an_, id.

2. To breathe high in sleep, S. B.

Teut. _soeff-en_, spirare; A. S. _seof-ian_, to moan.

3. To whistle in a low tone, S. A.


4. To con over a tune on an instrument.


~Souf~, ~Souff~, _s._

1. A disturbed sleep, S. B.

2. High breathing in sleep, S. B.

3. Low whistle, S.

_Gl. Shirr._

4. Strain, humour, S.

_To_ SOUFF, _v. n._ To strike, S. B.

Isl. _sweip-a_, percutere.

SOUKS, SOUKIES, _s. pl._ The flower of red clover, S., from being _sucked_ by children.

SOULDER CRAB, the cancer bernardus.


SOULE, _s._ A swivel.

V. ~Sule~.


SOUM, SOWME, _s._ The relative proportion of cattle or sheep to pasture, or _vice versa_, S.

1. _A soum of sheep_, five sheep, in some places ten, S.

_Stat. Acc._

2. _A soum of gra.s.s_, as much as will pasture one cow, or five sheep, S.

_Acts Ja. VI._

Sw. _sum_ is equivalent to _tal_, number.

_To_ ~Soum~ _land_, to calculate and fix what number of cattle or sheep it can support, S.

_Stat. Acc._

_To_ ~Soum~ and ~Roum~, to pasture in summer, and fodder in winter, S.

V. ~Rowme~, v.

_Stat. Acc._

SOUMS, _s. pl._ The _sounds_ of the cod dried for food, Shetl.

Dan. _swomm-e_, to swim.

SOUNDS (of a fish), _s. pl._ The swimming bladder, S.

_Stat. Acc._

Isl. _sund_, natatio.

_To_ SOUP, SOOP, _v. a._ To sweep, S.

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