4. A compact body of armed men.


5. _In stale_, in battle array.


6. The princ.i.p.al body employed in the chace.


7. _Staill_, the mother-hive; also, _staill-skep_, S.

STALE, _s._ A prison.

_K. Quair._

A. S. _horsa steal_, carceres.

STALE FISHING, _s._ Fishing with a _stell-net_, q. v. S.

_Statist. Acc._


1. A huntsman.


2. One who illegally kills deer.

_Acts Ja. I._

From the use of a _stalking_ horse.

STALL, _s._ Main army.

V. ~Stale~.

STALL, _pret. v._ Stole.


STALLENGE, _s._ Duty paid for liberty to erect a _stall_ during a market.


~Stallanger~, _s._ One who sets up a stall for selling his goods during a market.

L. B. _stallangiar-ius_, id.

STALLIT, _part. pa._ Set.

V. ~Stell~.

_K. Quair._

STALWART, _adj._

1. Brave.


A. S. _stal-ferhth_, chalybei animi h.o.m.o.

2. Strong, powerful.


3. Strong, applied to inanimate objects.


4. Hard, severe.


5. Stormy, tempestuous.


~Stalwartly~, _adv._ Bravely.


STAMFISH, _adj._ Unruly, unmanageable, W. Loth.

Teut. _stamp-en_, to kick.

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