Robert Browning Personalia. By Edmund Gosse. Boston and New York: 1890.

Robert Browning: Essays and Thoughts. By John T. Nettleship.

New York: 1890.

Browning"s Message to his Time: his Religion, Philosophy, and Science.

By Edward Berdoe. London: 1890.

A Guide-Book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning.

By George Willis Cooke. Boston: 1891.

Life and Letters of Robert Browning. By Mrs. Sutherland Orr.

Boston: 1891.

Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. By Henry Jones, M.A.

New York: 1891.

Some additional papers of the Browning Society, published since the first edition of this book:--

"A Death in the Desert". By Mrs. M. G. Glazebrook.

Read February 25, 1887.

Some Notes on Browning"s poems referring to music. By Helen J. Ormerod.

Read May 27, 1887.

"Saul". By Anna M. Stoddart. Read May 25, 1888.

Andrea del Sarto and Abt Vogler. By Helen J. Ormerod.

Read November 30, 1888.

La Saisiaz. By Rev. W. Robertson. Read January 25, 1889.

On the difficulties and obscurities encountered in a study of Browning"s poems. By James Bertram Oldham, B.A.

Read February 22, 1889.

Taurello Salinguerra: historical details ill.u.s.trative of Browning"s Sordello. Muratori and Browning compared.

By W. M. Rossetti. Read November 29, 1889.

The value of Browning"s work. By William F. Revell. Read May 30, 1890.

The student will find much other valuable material in the Browning Society papers.

For Articles in Periodical Literature, the student should consult Poole"s Indexes.

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