aThe mask,a he said, pointing. aI wasnat sure what to expect, but I suppose this means weare still playing domination games tonight.a She pursed her lips. aDoes that disappoint you?a He shook his head shortly. aNo.a Although that was a bit of a fib. The truth was, head hoped to take a little more control this time, get back into his usual comfort zone. The fantasy had been fun, if a little unnerving, but he wanted something else tonight. And now that he knew what it felt like to be tied up, he kind of had the urge to tie her up. He wouldnat have minded dispensing with the mask, either. s.e.xy as h.e.l.l? Yes. But despite that, he still wanted to see her face.

She took his hand. aReady?a So she intended to lead him straight to her apartment and get right to the action. He wasnat complaining, buta aIad hoped to take you out to dinner first.a aI already ate,a she said, then stepped up close to hima"so close that, despite all the partiers and revelers around them, no one noticed when she pressed her palm against his c.o.c.k through his khaki pants. aAnd I want to f.u.c.k you, lover. Now.a Warmth encased his body as the hot pressure from her hand turned him even harder. He loved that they stood in the middle of a crowd, but no one knew she was touching him so intimately. aDonat suppose I can argue with that,a he murmured, peering heatedly down into her eyes.

Turning, she grabbed his hand and began to guide him across the street to Jackson Square. aOne thing, though,a he said behind her.

When they reached the sidewalk, she stopped to look up at him. aWhatas that?a aDonat tie me up this time. I want to touch you.a aYou didnat like how things were last time?a aI loved it, baby. It wasaas if you read my mind.a And that was the truth. aBut this time I need to have my hands on you.a He decided to keep it as simple as that. The last thing he wanted to do was p.i.s.s off Mistress Mina by refusing to play her little game.

She gazed up into his eyes, the expression in hers pointed, almost feral, giving him the impression that she might want the same thing. aWill you do what I say if I donat tie you up? Exactly what I say?a In actuality, he wasnat sure he could resist taking control if he wasnat bound. He wanted to turn the tables on this exciting, delectable woman. But he wasnat about to tell her that. aYes,a he lied. aAnything.a He sounded so earnest, so needful, it tore at Miaas heart. Part of her was tempted to rip off her mask and wig and say, Itas me, Mia. Pure insanity, of course. But a big part of her wished he knew she was the woman making wild love to him, the woman he was begging, wanting to touch.

Still, she couldnat. Shead gone too far into this crazy game now. She had to keep playing or shead lose everything. Her friendship with Ty. Maybe even her job. Definitely this second night of pa.s.sion. She wasnat willing to give up any of those things.

Taking his hand again, she led him up to Bourbon, the crowd and the excitement growing with each step toward the famed street of debauchery. Music played everywhere around them. Guys threw handfuls of beads from balconies to girls who were lifting their shirts below, baring their b.r.e.a.s.t.s to the cheers of pa.s.sersby. Hurricanes and daiquiris and enormous of beer were being drunk, or splashed, or spilled. A glance to her right found a college-aged girl purposely oozing a slushy daiquiri onto her exposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s while two guys licked and slurped the drink away.

Mia had never been into that sort of random revelry, even during Mardi Gras. She loved s.e.x, but before Ty, shead never f.u.c.ked someone on the first date, and public displays of decadence on the street generally didnat affect her much one way or the other. But tonight, with a river of heat already flowing through her veins and flooding her p.u.s.s.ya"everything around her added to her arousal, with or without her permission.

When finally they reached Aunt Sophieas place she reached into her bra and drew out the key, letting them inside. And just like night, she wanted him so badly that it was all she could do not to just leap on him. She needed to catch her breath, get control of the situation, if she wanted to play his Mistress Mina again.

Whisking into the front parlor, she opened the French doors wide and stepped out on the balcony for a breath of fresh, calming air. The weather was cooler tonight than last week. But the crowd was wildera"Fat Tuesday, the culmination of Mardi Gras, was only three days away, and you could feel the Quarteras tension building with each successive night. This weekend would be the pinnacle of the heavy partying, all the stops pulled out. Maybe this wasnat such a good place for attempting to calm herself.

She stood there unable to think clearly, her desire rising to a fever pitch, when Ty stepped up behind her. His arms slid around her waist as he pressed his hard-on into the center of her a.s.s. She let out a sensual sigh, and rubbed lightly against him, unable to resist.

Reaching up to pull back her red locks, he lowered a tender kiss to the ultrasensitive skin on her neck, letting the sensation flutter down through her. Then he whispered in her ear, aI donat mean to be a bad boy, but if you donat come inside and have your way with me, Iam gonna push up your dress and f.u.c.k you on this balcony right now.a She turned into his arms, her soft body raking against his hard one. Invisible sparks flew.

He drew her close against him with one hand, using the other to eagerly ma.s.sage her breast. aOoooh,a she purred, thinkinga"Oh G.o.d, yes, his hands were a welcome addition to this evening already.

Without a hint of hesitation, he tugged on her bodice until one taut nipple appeared above the fabricas scalloped edge. Molding his hand beneath it, he bent to lick. She moaned in response, never giving a thought to whether anyone below could see what they were doing as she reached out and found his erection through his twill pants.

By the time he came up for air, they were both panting, hungering for more.

It was almost enough to make her abandon her plansa"to just let him f.u.c.k her however came naturally, to just have normal, wild, writhing s.e.x. There was even a part of her that wanted to submit to Ty, to find out what he would do to her if she let him.

But shead liked the sense of control shead felt last She liked it andawell, she also thought maybe she needed ita"to help her keep her false ident.i.ty at the forefront, to ensure keeping her secret safe.

So she pushed him away. aYou are a bad boy,a she said pointedly, no humor in her voice. She motioned toward the open doors. aGo inside and prepare to take your punishment.a She couldnat read his look. Disappointment or excitement?

Either way, though, he withdrew from her and went inside as he was told, and recapturing that sense of power gave her the security she needed to maintain her ruse and press forward into another evening of hot s.e.x with Ty.

Following him inside, her heels clicking across the floor, she reached behind her, unzipping her dress. She found Ty standing in the middle of the room, exactly where his wooden chair had been located last time, waiting and watching. Hooking her thumbs through her shoulder straps, she drew the dress off, shrugging free until it fell around her ankles. Her purple lace shelf bra was cut to expose her nipples, so they were both bared now. Her matching garter belt started at her hips, extending nearly to her thighs, cut to resemble a sinfully short miniskirt that barely revealed the crotch of the tiny thong she wore underneath.

She absorbed his long perusal of her body until he finally said, aYou take my breath away.a As before, she longed to go to him, just kiss him, just f.u.c.k him, but she held her grounda"and her ident.i.ty. aDo you think that makes up for your misbehavior? You promised youad do exactly as I said, yet I did not tell you to come out on the balcony and rub your c.o.c.k against me. I did not tell you to kiss my breast. Youave been a very bad boy again, Ty.a Her p.u.s.s.y swelled at the harsh reprimand, even if the dark sparkle in his eyes left her wondering if he was going to acquiesce this time. As much as she relished controlling him right now, the idea that he might not allow it made her c.u.n.t spasm further.

aStrip,a she demanded.

She took a seat on the sofa and met his gaze, which seemed to silently challenge her. Heas going to fight me on this, she thought. Heas going to fight me, and what then? Who would win?

She had to. Because if she didnat, if she turned weak and submissive, she might do something stupida"she might act like herself, she might sound like herself. She might even somehow look like herself. He might see something in her eyes or hear something in her voice that said Mia to him more than Mistress Mina.

So she glared at him, as if just daring him to argue with her. aStrip, I said.a His eyes narrowed and he looked almost angry, but finally, Ty slowly began to undress. He pulled his polo shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor, then discarded his pants, leaving him in only a pair of gray boxer briefs. His tremendous hard-on made a big tent in front, practically causing her mouth to water.

aAll the way,a she said when he stopped there, then enjoyed the view as he pushed down his underwear and stepped free of them.

G.o.d, he was gorgeous naked. Maybe the other night shead been too busy with her plans, or too nervous, making sure everything went just right, to really take her time looking at him like this, to just study him and savor it. But now she was doing both. aYou have a fabulous body, lover.a aThank you, Mistress.a His eyes still shot fire as he stared at her, and she suddenly knew she needed to put this man in his placea"quicklya"before he decided to put her in hers. aGet on your hands and knees,a she instructed.

This time, he obediently followed the order, pleasing her. Reaching up, she absently cupped one breast, lightly twirling her nipple as she watched him. He kept his eyes on her, too.

aNow, crawl toward me.a As he did, she observed the muscles in his arms and shoulders working, glidinga"he moved toward her like a s.e.xy jungle cat.

When he neared her, she lifted one shoe to stop his progress, pressing the inch-high platform beneath her toes lightly to his forehead. He halted, letting her hold him there like that.

aLick the heel of my shoe,a she told him, a little surprised at the skittery reaction in her c.u.n.t. She had planned this part of ita"wanting to experiment a little deeper with the notion of submissiona"never having a clue such an act would excite her, too.

She watched as he dragged his tongue up the smooth patent leather heel, her p.u.s.s.y weeping in response, and added, aKeep going. Onto my ankle, up my leg.a A slow trail of fire climbed her inner calf, past her knee, up her thigh, past the top of her stocking, until he was tonguing her c.l.i.t through lace. aOoooh,a she moaned hotly, now fondling both her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, aware his gaze was glued to them.

aNow reach under my garter belt, and when you find a ribbon, pull it.a He did, his fingers barely whispering across her skin, and when he tugged on the ribbon, her thong loosened.

aNow the other side,a she whispered. aThen pull my panties away so you can look at my p.u.s.s.y.a Her legs were spread wide, so once the sc.r.a.p of lace was gone, her c.u.n.t was put on proud display, looking pink and slick and lush.

aDo you want to lick it?a He dragged his heated gaze to her face, nodding.

aToo bad.a She laughed. aTonight thatas a treat reserved for only good boys. Instead, youall stay where you are and watch me pleasure it.a Ty couldnat believe her beautifully wet p.u.s.s.y was mere inches from his face and she wasnat going to let him feast on it. Her c.l.i.t protruded, swollen and needy-looking, as if begging for his tongue, and he yearned to taste her, longed to feel those soft pink inner lips surrounding his mouth as he licked up through them and across the glistening nub of flesh. Just how long, he wondered, was she expecting him to put up with being denied like this? And just how long would he? Last time, shead helped him live out a fantasy. This time, he was trying to indulge her dominance, but he simply wanted what he wanted, and he didnat like being told no.

He felt near to collapse when he watched her reach between the couch cushions and draw out a shiny gold vibrator. Even more so when she said, aGet it wet for me, lover,a and inserted it into his mouth before he could even think of protesting.

She pushed it in slow and deep in a way that made his stomach contract, since he was unwittingly finding out what it must be like to take a c.o.c.k in your mouth. She began thrusting the cylinder slowly between his lips, and he wondered how he looked doing this and if she liked it.

Finally, she withdrew the vibrator from his mouth and inserted it smoothly into her p.u.s.s.y in one swift action. aMmm,a she said, then turned the end with long purple fingernails, making the toy buzz to life as she began to slide it easily in and out.

Being that close made him f.u.c.king crazy. In one sense, it excited the h.e.l.l out of him, but in another, he felt excluded, like he desperately needed to be involved.

And, d.a.m.n it, he was going to be involved. Right now.

aLet me lick your c.l.i.t, Mistress Mina,a he said, a little more forcefully than he meant to. And he didnat wait for her to give him permission. Instead, he simply leaned in to lap at her hot, open p.u.s.s.y. Oh G.o.d, she tasted good. Her c.l.i.t was like a thick, soft bead on his tongue. He drank in her pungent scent, letting it surround him, drown him.

Above, she bit her lip and whimpered with pleasure, thrilling him. Mmm, yes. His naughty Mistress Mina clearly didnat minda"or at least couldnat resista"letting him take a little control. And he was more than happy to suddenly find himself back in the driveras seat, where he liked to be.

He continued licking, matching the rhythm of her thrusting gold toy, which still vibrated just below his mouth, occasionally b.u.mping his chin. It at once excited and irritated him that she was pushing the hot little rod in and out of herself while he licked hera"he wanted all her pleasure to come from him.

Reaching up, he covered her fingertips with his at the base of the vibrator. aLet me do it,a he murmured against her pink flesh.

She released the toy into his grasp without argument and he instantly pushed it in farther and deeper, harder than her own strokes, loving it when she cried out. Yes. He wanted her to feel it coming directly from him.

He fastened his mouth tight around the bud of her c.l.i.t and sucked as he continued f.u.c.king her with the vibrator, delivering insistent thrusts. He didnat want her to have any sort of soft, gentle"no way. He wanted it to hit her hard. Head taken back control and he was going to use it for his own satisfaction.

She responded to his mouth and the vibrator, meeting the intense drives of the toy, and letting out a hot little cry at each. He drew hard on her c.l.i.t and made her sob. And he was just beginning to wonder if maybe head gone too far, sucked too hard and actually hurt her, when he felt something at the back of his head, bracing him against her.

He looked up from his task, over his shoulder, to see she had locked him in place with their old friend, the black riding crop, placing it behind his head like a bar, holding tight to it with both fists.

aLick me!a she demanded, pressing on the crop so that he had no other choice. He sank his face back into her wet pink folds and got lost in the work of licking and sucking at her hot nub, still pummeling her with the vibrator, only wishing it were wider and longer so he could give her more.

aMmm, mmm, mmm,a she began to sob in a hot, rising rhythm, and he knew she was about to come. He licked and sucked her simultaneously, effectively French-kissing her c.l.i.t, and she pulled the crop tighter, pressing him deeper into her. He f.u.c.ked her as thoroughly as possible with the vibrator, nearly inserting his fingers up inside her along with it.

aOh G.o.d, yes!a she yelled then. aYes, yes, yes, babya"G.o.d, oh G.o.d, yeah!a She f.u.c.ked both his mouth and the vibrator hard, pumping, pumping, filling him with so much satisfaction as she came that he rose up, shoved her to her back on the couch, and buried his c.o.c.k in her in one brutal thrust.

They both let out ferocious moans and Ty didnat move, just kept her pinned there beneath him, around him, enjoying the simple, feral pleasure of having taken back full control.

When she finally came down from the high, she looked pleasantly spent, filling him with masculine pride. aHow was your o.r.g.a.s.m, Mistress Mina?a She gave him a scolding, angry sort of smile. aExcellent, naughty boy. But youare going to be severely punished for your insistence on licking me.a He lowered a soft, tiny kiss to her nipple, then gazed up at her, delivering a wicked grin. aMaybe Iave decided Iam through being a good boy. Maybe Iave decided to change the rules of our little game.a He had no idea how she would react, but he could tell from her sharp intake of breath that his switch to dominance fueled her excitement.

Even so, she pushed him away and got to her feet before him, so that he was looking up into her smooth-shaven c.u.n.t. He watched her cross the room, loving the way she walked around with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and p.u.s.s.y exposed, all the while leaving on her super-s.e.xy lingerie and those f.u.c.k-me heels, which he thought he might be officially developing a fetish for, now that head actually licked one of them.

aWhat if I say the game is over then? Meaning the s.e.x is over?a she snapped, turning to face him.

Ah, so she was excited, but resisting it. He knew he was playing with fire, but gave her a truthful answer, still flashing his most devilish look. aI donat think thatas going to happen. I donat think you can say no.a She looked defiant. aWhat makes you so sure?a aYour p.u.s.s.yas too wet. Your nipples are too pointed. And you might be able to hide your face from me, but you canat hide the excitement in your eyes.a aLie down on the couch. On your stomach,a she said, her voice all business.

aNo.a She looked stalwart, angry, and he suddenly understooda"if he took all her power away, all her control, it changed everything she wasa"or at least everything shead chosen to be for him. When her expression turned into something new, giving him the idea that she felt a little lost, maybe didnat know what to do, it tore at his heart a little. He realized he needed to meet her halfway, so he spoke gently. aTell me something, Mina.a He saw her swallow, but her answer still came strong. aWhat?a aHave you ever been tied up?a She hesitated, then shook her head.

aWould you like to be?a She didnat answer.

aAfter you tied me up the other night, can you tell me, in all honesty, that you didnat wonder how it felt to be on the other side?a Still no response, but her pink nipples stayed tautly erect, and her eyes glittered with pa.s.sion.

He dropped his voice even lower. aLet me show you. Give me the power, just this once. Trust me.a She spent a long moment considering the request, then finally took a few steps back toward him, her s.e.xy heels clicking across the floor. aPromise me that in the end, youall let meahave my way.a aDefine that for me, Mina.a aIf I let you do what you want to me, you have to return the favor afterward.a He blinked, mulling over the bargain. If she was willing to bend for him like this, couldnat he give her a little something back in return? aSure,a he finally said. aOkay.a She gave a short nod, unsmiling, then strolled back across the room with her pretty a.s.s partially on display beneath that lovely garter belt. She returned a moment later carrying some familiar lengths of rope in her hand, only more of it than last time. aYouall need this,a she said softly.

aIndeed I will,a he replied, a whole new sort of desire humming through him. He was about to tie her up, about to take her someplace as new as the places shead been taking him.

aLie down on the couch,a he said, rising from it. aOn your stomach.a Just like shead wanted him.

Mia obeyed, then watched over her shoulder as Ty placed one knee between her legs on the couch and reached for her arms, pulling them gently behind her. She waited as he proceeded to tie her wrists tightly together, unable to deny the excitement that coursed through her at the gnawing of the rope against her skin, at the sense of being truly confined by her lover, her Ty. She couldnat quite believe shead agreed to this, but even as helpless as shead felt having to give up her power, shead wanted this, tooa"wanted to just give herself over to him, in every way.

Next he kneeled beside the couch to bind her ankles together, just as firmly. A part of her began to wonder just exactly what he planned to do to her, how helpless he wanted to make her. But at the same time, she couldnat deny the bizarrely pleasurable tingle in her c.u.n.t at knowing she was totally and completely at his mercy.

aWhat now?a she asked, her heart beating harder than she wanted it to.

He leaned near her ear and whispered, aNow Iam going to whip your firm little a.s.s, just like you whipped mine the other night.a Her p.u.s.s.y seized slightly beneath her at the threat which, at the moment, sounded more like a promise, something she wanted.

The first strike of the riding crop was insignificant, just a pleasant little tap on her sensitized skin. The second and third were much the samea"just enough to rouse her, to make her a little wetter than she already was.

aNaughty little girl,a he murmured above her, that hot, s.e.xy voice shooting another dart of l.u.s.t to her c.u.n.t just as he brought the riding crop down on her a.s.s once morea"harder this time. She flinched at the sting.

aDid that hurt?a he asked.

She nodded against the throw pillow supporting her head. aA little. In aagood way.a aGood.a Then he swatted her again, hard, the burn traveling all through her and settling firmly in her p.u.s.s.y.

She let out a small moan.

aMmm, do you like that, naughty girl?a aYes,a she said, breathless.

aWell, hereas some more.a He hit her again, and again, the hot sting flashing through her like lightning, like something illuminating her from the inside out.

Then his rhythm changeda"he struck her faster, but with a steady beat, like a drumalike s.e.x. She cried out lightly now at each hot blow of the crop, stunned at the incredible pleasure, even more stunned at how good it felt to relinquish her power to him. She lay there, content to soak it up, enjoying each intense sting of her own mini-whip.

aMmm, I wish you could see how nice and red your a.s.s is,a he cooed, sounding utterly turned-on.

aMe, too,a she heard herself breathe without planning.

aI should kiss it make it feel better,a he announced, just before his mouth rained kisses across her bottom.

aOhhhh,a she purred. aThatas so good.a aHowas this?a he asked, his breath wafting over her skin as one finger eased into her a.n.a.l pa.s.sage.

She clenched her teeth and sobbed with fresh delight. She had no experience in that area, but dear G.o.d, his touches felt incrediblea"wildly consuming, more than she could have known. Her voice came out shaky. aSo good.a He kissed her a.s.s again, whispering, aThen youall probably like this even better.a aWhat?a she asked a split second before she felt something bigger, more solid, nudging at the same hole.

She looked over her shoulder to see Ty easing her vibrator slowly into the tight opening. aOh G.o.d.a Their eyes met and he flashed a dirty smile. aHave you ever been f.u.c.ked here before?a She managed a slight shake of her head. aAnd I never thought I wanted to, butaa aBut what?a he prodded.

aBut, G.o.d, I do. Oh, I do!a Just then, the vibrator slipped in, deep in her a.s.s, and the pleasure seared her. She cried out, and Ty said, aTurn back around, baby, and relax. Just feel it.a Having little choice, she did as he instructed, not quite able to believe shead ended up bound and being f.u.c.ked in the a.s.s with her own toy. But it was so good, in a way she couldnat have fathomed before this moment. She lay moaning beneath him, her whole body on fire with heat and deep sensation.

She found herself pumping against it, amazed that something there could feel so overwhelmingly hot. aOh G.o.d, I think I could come from this,a she admitted on a heated sigh, and he helped her, easing his free hand up between her legs, his fingers sinking into her moist folds.

aMmm, yes, yes,a she said as the heady delight took her to a place of swallowing intoxication. And within a few amazing seconds she was screaming her ecstasy as she drank in the pleasure delivered by both of his hands. The vibrations rocked her, rocked herauntil finally they faded and she went still.

Ty eased the vibrator from her a.s.s and bent to lower a kiss to her shoulder. aHow was that, baby?a Spent, she could only sigh her satiation, and they stayed that way for a moment, him bending over her, close enough that she could smell the musky scent of his skin as she listened to the Mardi Gras revelers outside.

Somehow, that sound reminded hera"this had gone terribly awry. Or wonderfully awry, depending upon how she looked at it. But if she didnat get back some control herea"dear G.o.d, for the first time it occurred to her that Ty could take her mask off if he wanted to and there wouldnat be a thing she could do to stop him with her hands bound!

aMy turn,a she said, soft but sure.

He hesitated before reaching to untie her. aAre you sure?a he said, amus.e.m.e.nt in his voice. aBecause from where I sit, you handled the submissive role beautifully, honey.a She flashed a smile over her shoulder. aOkay, so Iam a flexible girl. Itas your turn to be flexible again.a aAbout that,a he said, working the rope at her ankles once her wrists were free, aI love the things you do to me, baby, but you might as well know, submitting doesnat come easy to me.a Freed, she sat up next to him. aThen I guess I should be flattered that youave given me as much power as you have.a aYes, you should.a aAnd youare saying thatas over now?a His slight nod sent a stark disappointment barreling down through her. Because she wanted to do one more thing to Ty, just one more thing. Head just inspired her, deeply, and she wanted to bend him to her will one last time.

Reaching out, she began to stroke his long, smooth c.o.c.k, still standing at attention between his thighs. He pulled in his breath.

aFive minutes,a she whispered. aFive more minutes of surrender and Iall take you to heaven, lover. I promise.a The combined heat and tension in the room were palpable as their eyes met in the dim lighting. aI donat think I cana"a he began, but she cut him off.

aYou can do this.a He let out a sigh.

aPleeease.a She flashed persuasive eyes through her mask.

He let out a soft chuckle. aI thought that was supposed to be my line.a She returned a small grin. aUnlike you, Iam perfectly willing to beg from time to time in order to get what I want.a His eyes narrowed in grim amus.e.m.e.nt. aWhat do you want me to do?a aSimple. Lay down on the couch like I was, on your stomach.a He lifted a finger in the air. aI donat want to be tied up again.a She rolled her eyes playfully. aFine.a And even despite his reluctance, Miaas soul filled with excitement as Ty rolled to lay on the sofa. She wasted no time, climbing onto the couch, straddling his legs, wondering if he could feel her p.u.s.s.y rubbing wet and open against them as she began to do what shead done the last time theyad been together herea"she slid the length of the riding crop along the crack of his a.s.s.

aOh G.o.d,a he groaned.

aMmm, yes,a she purred in reply. Women werenat the only ones to find pleasure in a.s.s play and she was going to give her man as much joy as head just given her.

She bit her lip, aroused by rubbing the leather braidwork over his a.s.shole. Slowly to and fro she sc.r.a.ped the crop, sinking it deeper and deeper against him, playing him like a violin. Beneath her, his breath came hot and heavy, drenching her c.u.n.t with still more desire.

Before she knew it, their mutual excitement drove her to do something entirely new. She pulled the crop away from his a.s.s, laying it across his lower back as she used both hands to spread him there, study him. Shead never really had much occasion to examine a guyas a.s.shole so intimately, but given that this was Ty, her lifelong dream man, she couldnat have been more deeply thrilled. She stroked the fissure with the pad of her thumb and he moaned, something that she sensed grew from deep in his gut. A second caress produced the same effect, arousing her to her inner core, her very soul.

Drawing in her breath, glad he couldnat see the little experiment she was about to indulge in, she stroked her fingers between her thighs, getting them wet. Then she rubbed her juices in a gentle circle over his a.n.u.s, watching it open slightly. He uttered a soft, light gasp that pleased her immensely.

Her heart beat faster as she repeated the motion, this time ma.s.saging the wetness in, applying more and more pressure to the hot little circles her fingers made.

aUhhhaa he growled deeply and she knew he liked it.

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