As she began her work on his other ankle, he couldnat help asking, aI thought I was being good now. Why are you tying me up more?a She flashed a naughty grin from beneath that s.e.xy mask. aJust because youare being good now doesnat mean you wonat try to take over in five minutes.a She looked down at her work, circling the bottom of his left leg with more rope, pulling it snug with a motion he felt in his d.i.c.k, and then raised her gaze to his again. aBesides, I like the way you look tied up.a He didnat answer, only felt his c.o.c.k swell more.

As he watched her work, he thought about that mask of hers, wishing like h.e.l.l shead take it off, wondering why she was so adamant about not letting him see her. Must be part of what turned her on about this hot little game, he decided.

He wasnat sure why seeing her face mattered so much, but when she kissed hima He couldnat explain it to himself, but something about her felt so familiar, almost as if he knew her. But he didnat think head forget having met Mistress Mina, so he dismissed the idea.

aBeg me to suck your c.o.c.k,a she commanded.

At first, head felt weird about thata"begging. But head grown more used to the discipline now, and even though he didnat think head want to do this all the time, begging her to lower those lovely lips onto his erection wasnat a challenge. aPlease, Mistress Mina, suck my c.o.c.k with your pretty, pretty mouth. Please suck me.a Kneeling low between his thighs, she surprised him by licking his b.a.l.l.s, then dragging her moist tongue up his length. When she reached the tip, she hungrily licked off the heavy acc.u.mulation of fluid at the end. aMmm,a she said. aDelicious.a He could have come right then, given all head endured so far, but no way was he ready to let himself go just yet. He had a feeling that s.e.xy and mysterious Mina was just getting started on him.

aTell me again,a she said.

aPlease, baby, suck me. I want to be in your mouth so bad. I want to feel your s.e.xy lips on me.a Rising up slightly, she rested her elbows on his knees and slid her splayed hands upward on his thighs until her bared b.r.e.a.s.t.s came to rest around his hard-on. aOh G.o.d,a he said on a moan.

aHow about these?a she asked. aWould you like to feel these on your c.o.c.k, too?a They were delectable, round and lush with the prettiest mauve nipples, which he couldnat believe he hadnat managed to get in his mouth yet. On his c.o.c.k, thougha That was even better. aMmm,a he said, barely able to talk as he looked down at the t.i.tillating vision of the two soft mounds curving around his hard shaft. The stiff lace of her bra abraded his b.a.l.l.s. aYes, please.a She lifted her hands to the round, white globes of flesh, pressing them more fully around his erection, her beads caught up and intertwining with her long, tapered fingers. As she began to softly slide her b.r.e.a.s.t.s up and down his c.o.c.k, he shuddered and groaneda"again so close to coming that he wondered how he was managing not to. He was generally in firm control over that, but being with Mistress Mina changed things.

aDoes that feel good, baby?a she purred, peering up at him.

aG.o.d, yeah.a aMistress Mina likes to please you when youare a good boy.a aCan I thrust?a he asked, fearing that if he did it without asking, it might suddenly put him in bad-boy land again, which he didnat want at the moment. He was enjoying her attention too much.

aLightly,a she said, her voice a mere lilt, and he immediately began helping her, pushing his hungry c.o.c.k up through her gorgeous b.r.e.a.s.t.s. d.a.m.n, what he wouldnat give to have use of his hands right now, so he could be the one holding her mounds around him. But he wasnat complaining. Her pretty, tapered fingers, their nails painted a s.e.xy blood red, looked hot as h.e.l.l curving around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And this whole game had turned out to be even more arousing than he could have imagined.

aNow,a she said in that s.e.xy voice of hers, ahow bad do you want me to suck this big, hard c.o.c.k?a He looked down at the vision before him. His aching erection being pleasured between her beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her hot eyes glimmering through that s.e.xy black mask, her pouty red lips teasing him with the possibilities. He let out everything he was thinking. aI want it so bad, Mistress Mina. So bad I can hardly breathe. I want to watch you suck me. I want to see how much of my c.o.c.k you can take. I want to f.u.c.k your mouth the same way you f.u.c.ked mine on the couch. Please suck me, Mina. Please.a Her eyes never left his as she rewarded him with a wicked little grin and poised her lips at the head of his erection. She licked a hot little circle around the tip, again taking the bead of moisture from the end and making him utter, aOh yeah, baby.a Then she lowered her lovely lips over him, smooth, swift, taking an astounding portion of his length. He was well over eight st.u.r.dy inches and shead just swallowed most of them. He could feel the tip of his hard-on touching the back of her throat, wet and warm as she held him there, as if showing him exactly what she could do with his c.o.c.k.

Finally, after a breathtaking moment, she pulled back and began to move her mouth up and down on him, taking him almost as deep each time.

aThatas so good, baby.a He let himself lift slightly, f.u.c.king her mouth just as head told her he wanted to. She didnat object, or even flinch, and he loved her boldness, loved how much she enjoyed what she was doing.

She continued delivering the luscious ministrations for what seemed a long and generous while, and he relished each and every second. More than once he tried to reach for her, to run his fingers through her hair, or to draw her down on him hardera"only to remember his hands were bound behind his back. He strained helplessly at the ropes, both frustrated and pleased by the harsh rub of them against his skin. But all the while she kept working over him, sucking him so thoroughly he thought head die of pleasure as he pumped up into her wet, lush little mouth, and by the time she released his shaft from the moist pa.s.sage, he felt more enamored of the sensuous masked woman than he could easily understand. He wanted to tell her what a bad girl she was, and how much he loved that, but as her submissive slave tonight, he knew it wasnat the time, so he held his tongue.

Finally pushing to her feet, she said, aNow itas time for you to pleasure me some more.a He gave her his most wicked grin. aWant me to lick that pretty pink p.u.s.s.y again, Mistress Mina?a She shook her head. aNo. Iam going to ride you instead.a With that, she lifted one leg over the chair, giving him an incredible view of her c.u.n.t, then circled his shaft with her fist, and lowered herself onto it with shocking ease.

They both moaned at the smooth, deep entry.

aYou have a marvelous c.o.c.k, Ty.a She leaned in to brush a sensuous kiss across his lips.

aYou have a warm, wet, sweet little p.u.s.s.y,a he returned.

She bit her lip at the dirty compliment, sinking onto him a little farther, and he groaned.

aA very deep little p.u.s.s.y,a he added.

aFortunate for you, yes? So that I can accommodate this very lengthy erection.a aDoes it feel good inside you?a She gave a languid nod. aSo big and hard. Youare filling me.a aAre you gonna f.u.c.k me now, Mistress Mina? I mean, really f.u.c.k me? Really ride me? Hard?a He could have sworn the question turned her beaded nipples a little firmer before his eyes. aIs that what you want, Ty? To be tied up and f.u.c.ked hard?a He simply nodded. Thatas what head wanted before tonight, but now he wanted it more than head ever known possible. And he wanted it with her. His dominatrix, Mistress Mina of the Glittery Mask.

aThen Iam going to give you what you want, baby. Iam going to give it to you so good, going to make you come better than you ever have before.a aI believe you,a he said. And he did.

Mia felt nearly undone. Still in control of the situation, yes, but on the inside, she was drowning in a pa.s.sion so thick that it was all she could see, all she could feel. Taking his c.o.c.k into her mouth had been more fulfilling than with any other guy, ever, and although it had never been an activity she minded, with Ty, she could have kept going all night, just pleasuring him that way, just feeling the stretch of her mouth around his hardness and the way head slid himself in and out, so deep.

As for how far shead managed to go down on him, it wasnat that she was unusually skilled, only that she was so hot for him. And it was also because he was Tya"her Tya"and shead simply wanted to take every ounce of his perfect c.o.c.k inside her in some way. Thenaand now, too.

Lowering herself onto him just now had been more than incredible, an experience shead literally awaited her whole life. Now, as she thrust downward, her arms around his neck, her c.l.i.t meeting the flesh just above his erection, it feltalike coming home. Possibly the corniest thought shead had since high school, but there it was. It seemed at once new, yet familiar, like a thing that was supposed to happen, a place she was meant to be.

She looked into his eyes and got even hotter, rubbing her c.l.i.t against him as she rode him in tight, heated little circles, his c.o.c.k doing just what shead told hima"filling her, so very well.

aI wish I could touch your b.r.e.a.s.t.s,a he said, and they both peered down at her pearled nipples. The globes of flesh felt heavy, achy, and she wished he could touch them, too.

aSuck them for me,a she whispered, their foreheads softly meeting.

He moved in for a hot kiss on her mouth, and then she arched for him, her Mardi Gras beads falling around the breast he sought as he bent to capture the pink nipple between his lips.

She let out a whimper at the added pleasure. As she moved on him, bucked against him, offering her b.r.e.a.s.t.s up to him, she felt wild, dirty, alive, free. Her beads bounced lightly on her skin. The tight lace of the bra that still framed her moved against her with each rhythmic stroke. The garters, too, stretching taut down her thighs and across her a.s.s, provided more sweet, hot friction as she moved against Ty.

af.u.c.k me,a she whispered. She didnat plan it, wasnat being demanding Mistress Mina anymore. It just came out spontaneously, was simply what she wanted, needed.

His thrusts came harder in response, his mouthas grip on her breast more intense.

aYes,a she murmured, ayes.a Everything inside her was rubbing together just the right way, and though she wasnat normally a multiple o.r.g.a.s.m sort of girl, she knew that tonight she was, and she also knew the second would be even better than the first, by the mere fact that he was inside her, the way shead always fantasized. Of course, the mask and the ropes were new parts of the fantasy, but the lovely hard c.o.c.k and the sucking of her breast, and the blond hair she ran her hands througha"all that was the same. Only better. So much better.

aYes, f.u.c.k me,a she whispered urgently. af.u.c.k me more. Donat stop. Donat stop.a This time the o.r.g.a.s.m rose slow and steady, until she reached a point when she knew it was upon her, and she said, aYes, now. Now, baby.a And it rocked her against him, filling her body with electricity at every hot lunge, vibrating through her like live wires whipping about. She cried outa"loud, screaming criesa"until finally the climax began to wane, leaving her to look into his eyes as he lifted his head from her breast.

Just as shead antic.i.p.ated, coming was even better that time. With him inside her. Because you waited for it so long, she told herself. Because youave had a crush on him most of your life. Thatas the only reason it had felt soafulfilling, so profound. She had to believe that.

He continued to pump up into her and she could see, sense, that he was on the edge, too, and she wanted to feel Ty come in her, wanted to make him climax just as hard as shead promised.

Of course, shead already said lots of very dirty things to him, shead already tied him up and made him obey her, shead stripped for him, shead gone down on him, shead played with herself for hima"what could she do to make it better for him, too, better than ever?

Following her instincts, she simply brushed against him, grazing her firm nipples across his chest as they moved together, before lowering her hands to stroke his nipples with her thumbs. Then she bent to kiss his necka"soft little kisses, like raindrops on his skin.

His moans had begun low, but now grew louder, more intense with each tiny kiss and touch she delivered, and she heard herself murmuring against the tender skin of his neck, aCome. Come for me.a aOh G.o.d,a he breathed above her. aG.o.d, yes, Iam going to. Iam going to. Iamaahhhhhhhh,a he yelled as he thrust up into her hard and deep, lifting them both from the chair. Once, twice, three times, then foura"he raised her entire body with his c.o.c.k, pumping, pumping, and she loved knowing he was emptying inside her, that shead made it happen. Shead brought his fantasy to life, but for her, being with Ty was more than mere fantasya"it was a dream coming true.

As they slumped together, recovering, she instantly felt weird. Shead not thought about the after part, still having to keep her mask on after they finished, but certainly she had to. No other choice.

Still, she didnat want the moment to end. She sat pressed against him, their chests molded together, her arms around his neck, her head on his shoulder. She thought she could stay like that forever.

Finally, though, his mouth quirked into a wan smile.

aWhat?a she asked.

aAre you going to untie me now, Mistress Mina? Or am I stuck this way?a Biting her lip, she dismounted from him, sorry for the loss when his c.o.c.k left her, but wanting to free him from his bindings. The truth was, shead sort of forgotten about him being tied, but now that she remembered, she felt bad, suspecting his arms were probably sore.

Behind him, she stooped to undo the knot, and when the rope fell away, his shoulder blades spread apart and he groaned, stretching.

As he bent to work at one ankle, she returned to the front of the chair to untie the other.

Finally free, he sat up, looking down to where she kneeled before him. aSo, Mina, what now?a Come to bed with me. Stay the night. Letas make love. Without the whips and ties. They were fun, but I want you the normal, easy way, too. I want your hands on me.

She longed to say that, all of it, in the afterglow of s.e.x. But of course, she couldnat. In fact, she could only think of one thing it made any sense to say at all. aYou get dressed, and we say goodnight.a He gave a short nod, but as he bent down, reaching for his jeans, she couldnat help wondering if head been hoping for something else.

Just then, he muttered, aAwwwad.a.m.n it,a and bent his forehead into his hand.

aWhat?a she asked without moving from her place near his knee.

He gave her a look drenched in regret. aThereas a condom in my jeans, but I never even thoughtaand even if I had, my hands wereaa He sighed. aI f.u.c.ked up.a The same regret rushed through her now, as well, leaving her unable to believe shead forgotten, too. Somehow with Ty, someone she knew so well, it just hadnat been at the forefront of her mind like with other guys.

aWell,a he said, aIam sorry I canat tell you Iam a chaste guy who doesnat usually fool around on the first date, but I am always pretty careful. Up to now, I mean.a She nodded, encouraged. aMe, too. And Iam on the pill.a After cleaning up with a tissue from a nearby table, he stepped into his jeans. She pushed to her feet, as well, wondering if she should find her panties, adjust her bra, but she settled for not doing either, since as far as he knew, she didnat have to leave the apartment in order to be home. It would seem silly to cover herself for any other reason after the things theyad just done.

As he pulled on his shirt and slid his feet into his shoes, he tilted his head, peering down at her. aLet me see your face.a Then he added a playful grin and a teasing voice. aPlease, Mistress Mina.a Bizarrely, she was almost tempted. Crazy. aNo,a she said.

aWhy?a Good question. aThis way Iall always be your mysterious Mistress Mina.a aWhy do you have to be mysterious?a aBecauseathatas the way I am, the way I like it.a aCan I see you again?a Oh G.o.d. He wanted more of her? It was a dream come true. And also a nightmare. aNo.a He looked undaunted. aWhy?a aWell, maybe,a she amended, fumbling but trying not to let it show, wholly unsure how to proceed.

aMaybe?a She nodded, thinking, Please leave, Ty. Just go. I canat take this much longer.

aWhen?a he asked. aGive me your number.a aNo,a she replied quickly, aIall call you.a Looking around, he grabbed up a notepad from Aunt Sophieas desk, along with a pen, then scribbled down both his home and work numbers before ripping off the top sheet and shoving it into her hand. She looked at them, particularly the one head labeled awka, thinking, Little does he know, Iam the person who answers this phone for him.

After that, he turned and walked to the door, so she followed, beginning to feel a little sheepish in her revealing lingerie and high heels now that the hot s.e.x was over.

aLet me see you,a he said once more, sounding a bit more insistent this time.

She simply shook her head.

He gave her a long look, letting his gaze drop all the way to her feet before rising back to her eyes. aWell, honey, even if you wonat let me see your face, I can tell you thisa"the rest of the package is beautiful.a Then he pulled her to him in a firm embrace to lower a long, thorough kiss to her swollen lips. It traveled all through her, leaving her nearly as weak as her had.

aThank you, Mistress Mina. It was a h.e.l.l of a night.a aA memorable one, I hope.a He nodded. aLike no other.a Then he pushed through the door, leaving her there with nothing but what shead left him witha"memories.

By the time Mia reached work on Monday morning, she couldnat believe she was actually considering seeing Ty again. s.e.xually. Bringing out Mistress Mina for one more spin before retirement.

But s.e.x like thata"G.o.d, shead never had s.e.x like that.

Before night, shead thought shead had some good lovers. Shead thought she was an energetic bed partner herself and had never gotten any complaints. But her domination game with Ty had been different. Shead been making it up as she went, knowing little more about true domination than what shead been able to read on the Internet over the few days prior, yet whatever shead done had clearly workeda"at least for her. Her whole body had been left practically humming from the two spectacular Ty had delivered to her at Aunt Sophieas place. Even now, her p.u.s.s.y tingled at the mere thought of them.

aHey, sweet thing, whatas shakina?a She looked up to see Ty walk in with a big smile on his face. At the sight of her unsuspecting lover, her stomach contracted and her breath trembled. Get it under control.

aYouare awfully chipper for a Monday morning,a she managed to say.

aHad a great weekend,a he replied easily. Rather than making a beeline for his office, as usual, he stopped and rested his arms on the counter, looking almost giddy.

aOh?a she asked, trying to hold her voice steady. aWhat was so great about it?a aJackas party. Met a woman. She rocked my world.a It wasnat unusual for Ty to give her little snippets of his s.e.x life this way, but this was the first time she could remember hearing about it without the news making her insanely jealous.

He tilted his head. aHey, wait a minute. Speaking of Jackas party, where were you?a Excellent question. For which shea"stupidlya"had not prepared an answer. She reached for the simplest reply at hand. aMet a guy,a she said with a smile. aHe rocked my world.a Ty blinked, looking understandably surprised. While he generally knew who she dated and had even met some of the guys on occasion, she didnat usually allude to her s.e.xual encounters, even in simple terms like this.

He raised his eyebrows. aPlease tell me heas someone I would approve of.a She couldnat help smiling. aWell,a she began, leaning her head to one side, aI canat be certain youad approve, but I think youad get along with him.a His eyes narrowed. aAny tattoos?a She shook her head. aUnfortunately not. Thatas his one flaw.a aWhat is it with you and tattoos anyway?a She shrugged. aTurns me on, I guess.a Then she squared her gaze on him. aWe all have our little turn-ons, donat we?a As shead hoped, she could almost see his thoughts traveling back to night, to rope and riding crops. Finally, he gave a short, almost-sheepish laugh. aYeah, I guess we do.a Just as quickly, though, his eyes turned serious and protective again. aBut listen, Mia, just be careful. Okay?a aOf?a aGuys whoawell, just guys you donat know very well. This is a crazy city with a lot of unusual people. I justawouldnat want you to get hurt in any way.a aYou forget, Ty, youare the transplant. I grew up thirty minutes from here. Iam well aware of where we live.a He sighed. aI know. And I donat mean to treat you like a little kid or something. I justayou know.a aNo, I donat know. What?a aI care. Thatas all.a Her heart constricted lightly, and one of her most frequent thoughts came back to her. If you only knew, Ty.

If you only knew how deeply it touches me that you care, but how badly I wish you cared in a different way.

She added a new thought. If you only knew how much of a little girl Iam not. If you only knew I was the woman who tied you up and f.u.c.ked you senseless night, just like you wanted.

aAny calls?a he asked, getting back to normal.

aYeah, Bobby called in. Heas going to be late again.a Ty responded under his breath, rolling his eyes, aBobby might not have a job for much longer.a aAnd Rich from Sure-Pak called. Wants to set an appointment to show you their new line of baskets and carriers.a He nodded. aAnyone else? Like a woman with a s.e.xy voice?a She almost smiled, but held it in. aNo, thatas it.a He responded with a sigh. aOkay. Iall be in my office.a Mia watched him walk away, and again, had the burning urge to don her wig and mask one last time. In a way, it seemed crazya"shead managed to pull it off and had given them both the night of their lives, so why risk messing it up now? Yet on the other hand, how was she supposed to resist that hungry, happy look in his eyes? Or the letdown expression that had replaced it when head learned she hadnat called? She was suddenly the object of Ty Breweras affection. He wanted her. Madly. How could she refuse that?

Glancing up at his open office door, she let out a sigh of her own and answered herself.

Simple. She couldnat.

Ty sat in Jackas rundown old office on Royal Street, waiting for him to get off the phone. He was used to this, butawell, not this exactly.

He was used to waiting for Jack to get off the phone with clients. But latelya"the last year or soa"head been waiting for Jack to get off the phone with Liz.

You guys canat get enough of each other at home? he always wanted to ask. Apparently they couldnat. And today, for some stupid reason, it made him feel sort ofalonely.

He ignored the emotion the best he could, though, because it was likely just one more effect of riding an emotional roller coaster. The memories of night, still so fresh in his mind, filled him with a deep, glowing sort of satisfaction he couldnat ever remember feelinga"or at least not since head been very young, getting first kisses from girls he really liked and thought would be in his life for much longer than they actually had. His masked Mina had really done a number on him.

But the dips in the ride came when he recalled how thoroughly underwhelmed shead seemed by his request to see her again. Had he done something wrong? Had he not been good enough for her? Head always felt pretty accomplished at f.u.c.king, butawell, this had been new. Maybe he hadnat been submissive enough? After all, that part sure hadnat come naturally. For her, head done ita"and head enjoyed the resultsa"but giving up total control had been difficult. h.e.l.l, for all he knew, maybe shead wanted him to fight back more. He just didnat know how these games worked well enough to accurately a.n.a.lyze it.

And since when did he feel he had to a.n.a.lyze his s.e.xual performance, anyway?

Since Mistress Mina had whisked into his life with her s.e.xy leather riding crop, he supposed.

Finally, Jack hung up, leaned back in his chair, and crossed his ankles on his desk. aWhat has you lookina so jumbled up this mornina? And where did you disappear to so early on night?a aSame answer to both questions. A woman.a Jack raised his eyebrows. aA woman has you jumbled up?a Ty was less than thrilled to hear he looked ajumbled upa, but decided to move past it. aYeah, and I need to find out who she was. A redhead with a killer body in a black see-through blouse and a black Mardi Gras mask with feathers. She was handing out the king cake.a Jack blinked and lowered his feet to the floor. aI remember who youare talkina about. But I never spoke to her, so I donat know who she is. Hang on a minute,a he said, holding up one finger.

He picked up the phone again, dialing Liz back, Ty figured. Two minutes later, he hung up once more and gave Ty a perplexed look.

aWell?a aLiz doesnat know, either. She saw her, tooa"helped her with the cake, she saida"but she thought it was somebody I knew, a client or something.a Ty leaned back in his chair. aUnbelievable. The best f.u.c.k of my life, and I canat find her.a Jack sat up a little straighter. aThe best f.u.c.k of your life?a Ty nodded. aRopes and everything.a An amused expression grew on Jackas face. aReally? And everything?a Ty was beginning to feel sheepish, but given some of the stuff head been through with Jack over the years, he didnat know why. aEverything as ina"there was a, uhariding crop.a Jack nodded, grinned. aWeapons, now, too. Interesting.a aAnd she wouldnat let me take her mask off, so I never saw her face.a aMysterious.a aYep.a aSo, was beina tied up everything you hoped for?a aAnd more, unfortunately.a aUnfortunately?a aI want her again. Like Iave never wanted a woman before. And I have no idea how to find her.a Twenty minutes later, he walked back into the messenger service, no closer to locating Mistress Mina. He found one of his messengers, a college girl named Cara, sitting behind Miaas desk. aMia went to lunch,a she said. aI told her Iad cover the phones until you got back.a He nodded. aThanks. Any messages?a aI think Mia put a couple on your desk before she left.a Making his way into his office, he scooped up the two small pink slips of paper. One was from an architectural firma"they wanted to negotiate terms for a new account. He lowered the message next to the phone, then moved on to the other one.

His heart nearly dropped to his stomach as he read it. In Miaas neat handwriting, it said, Someone named Mina called. Sheall meet you Friday night at 8:00, outside the Caf du Monde.

Chapter Five.

Ty nearly felt faint when he set eyes on Mina Friday night. She was a vision. Shead been alluring enough before head known what she could do to him, but with that added knowledge, she made him hard as a rock on sight.

Tonight she wore a tight, slinky dress of purple that showed lots of cleavage and lots of thigh. Same hot black heels, and he only hoped those stockings led to garters againa"he had a serious thing for garters.

Of course, to his frustration but not his surprise, she was wearing another mask. Tonightas was covered with tiny glistening purple sequins, and three dark purple feathers fanned up from the left eye. Two strands of shimmery purple beads hung from either side of the mask, draping below her chin.

Her vibrant green gaze seemed to pin him in place.

aMistress Mina, I presume,a he said with a smile.

aYou presume?a G.o.d, her s.e.xy voice sifted down through him like warm brown sugar.

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