Only when she stepped into what Aunt Sophie referred to as her front parlor, just off the balcony, did she turn on a lampa"one operated by a dimmer switch. She kept it low, both to protect her true ident.i.ty and create a seductive mood.

Next, she walked to the French doors that led onto the balcony. As much as she wanted to be alone with Ty, she also regretted having to leave the infectious decadence of Mardi Gras behind. On impulse, she opened the doors wide, admitting the sounds of musica"snippets of Dixieland, jazz, and Zydeco all emanating up from the street below. With it came the vague static of voices, laughter, and the wafting aromas of sweet pralines and any number of spicy Cajun delicacies. It all drifted inside, seeming to inhabit the room with them.

Shead dropped by the apartment on the way home from work yesterday to situate everything just the way she wanted it. Turning to see the kitchen chair shead placed in the middle of the parlor floor reminded her thata"with her pa.s.sion already at a fever pitcha"shead best put her strategy into play before he grabbed her and started kissing her and the whole plan was forgotten.

aSit down,a she said. Not too harsh or bossy. Just a request.

He moved toward the sofa that rested against one wall.

aNo. There.a She pointed to the wooden chair.

He lifted his gaze. Grinned slightly, uncertainly. aUh, why?a She returned a small, pointed smile. aJust do it, lover.a He tilted his head in speculation, as if maybe he was tuning in to the idea that she was about to fulfill his private desiresa"then he moved toward the chair and took a seat.

Of course, the way he was looking at her now made her simply want to leap on him and decide Screw the plan, so she had to work to stay calm in order to go on. Still, her thighs ached and her c.u.n.t pulsed with need. Even her arms and hands felt heavy, hungry. Pure want soaked her entire body in a way shead never quite experienced before.

aWhat now, baby?a he asked in the s.e.xiest, raspiest voice shead ever heard leave his mouth.

This is what itas like to be his lover, she thought.

But, noa"that hot antic.i.p.ation leaking from his eyes was only the beginning of being his lover, the before part.

She felt herself taking steps toward him, her shoes clicking across the polished hardwood without her consciously deciding to go. Suddenly, he was like a magnet to her. Reaching him, she boldly lifted one leg across his lap, her skirt rising nearly to her hips as she straddled him.

His hands came to rest low on her outer thighs, skimming quickly upward, past the lace tops of her stockings, under her skirt, onto the thin elastic strap of her panties. A low growl left him and her entire body pulsed, heavy as the beat of a drum. Her p.u.s.s.y pressed against the delectable length of his c.o.c.k through his jeans, setting off waves of pleasure that felt like tendrils stretching out through her c.u.n.t. No, this is what itas like to be his lover. Or it was getting d.a.m.n close, anyway.

aKiss me,a she said feverishly.

Their tongues met at the precise second their lips did, in a warm, sensuous connection that felt natural and right, the sensation melting through her like ice cream left out in the hot Louisiana sun.

She never made the conscious decision to begin unb.u.t.toning his shirt, but the b.u.t.tons slipped free beneath her fingers, one by one. His hands left her hips, then grazed her sensitive b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he worked at her b.u.t.tons, too. Each kiss grew more intoxicating until she was finally pushing his shirt from his shoulders, running her hands over the muscles there, splaying her fingers across the broad, s.e.xy expanse of his chest.

He shrugged out of the shirt before finally undoing the last b.u.t.ton on her blouse and urging it off her shoulders as well. She didnat bother taking it off completely, letting the sheer gauzy fabric fall about her upper arms in a way that felt lightlya"deliciouslya"binding when she moved. Besides, it was too much trouble to pull her hands away from his finely sculpted body, half of it now bared for her.

His kisses trailed from her mouth over her jaw, onto her neck. She arched against him, pressing her hungry c.u.n.t harder into his erection, leaning her head back to welcome his barrage of kisses. His mouth soon sank to her chest, the upper swell of her breast. Her p.u.s.s.y tingled and her pulse raced.

His hands found the two sensitive mounds of flesh just below, lightly cupping the outer curves as he brushed his thumbs across her lace-covered nipples. A slight whimper escaped her as his kisses spanned the valley between, then traveled up onto the other rise. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s had never felt so sensitive, like a gift she wanted to give her man.

He dropped his touch back to her hips, her a.s.s, helping her, because without quite realizing it, at some point shead begun to move against him, grinding against the irresistible column of stone beneath his jeans. Oh G.o.d, at this rate, she would come soon, before the action even really got underway, which she didnat wanta"but how could she resist?

Her body was in charge now, writhing against him of its own volition.

He nipped at the hard peak of her breast through the lace that barely covered it, and she cried out. The delectable sensation shot straight to her p.u.s.s.y and nearly pushed her over the edge. She moved harder against him, wanting more, more.

His palms roamed her body oh-so lightly, his touch at once a tease and the most wonderful stimulation. She heard herself pantinga"him, tooa"and looked into his eyes to find the same fire as before, only burning hotter now. aYouare so s.e.xy, baby,a he murmured. aSo f.u.c.king s.e.xy.a He framed her face with his hands and drew her in for a deep kiss that reached all the way to her soul, just as he slipped his fingers beneath her mask and began to remove it over her head.

She pulled it back into place, yanking his fingers away. aNo,a she snapped.

It killed her mounting pleasure, and the o.r.g.a.s.m that had felt so neara But that was actually good, despite the frustration roaring through her body. Because shead clearly forgotten her plan, gotten off track.

Time to get back on.

aWhy?a he asked. aI want to see you. I want to see your face, Mina.a She shook her head, and thena"as painful as it wasa"extracted herself from his lap.

The move racked her body with loss, but that, too, was worth it, since his attempt to remove her mask was a wake-up call. No more letting her own desire get the best of her. Time to take control. Completely.

aWhatas wrong?a he asked, rising to his feet.

She pressed her palm to the center of his chest and pushed him back down. aSit.a aWhat?a he murmured, looking confused.

aYouave been a bad boy,a she said, moving to the shopping bag shead placed just a few feet away on her previous visit to the apartment. She pulled out one length of the heavy white rope shead purchased and walked behind his chair. aGive me your wrists.a He cast a brief glance over his shoulder, clearly surprised, but then his expression softened as he shifted his arms behind him, through the lowest opening on the ladder-back chair.

Mia drew in a deep breath as she placed his wrists one over the other, then began to tie him up. She purposely avoided tying him to the chair, wanting him bound but still able to move around at her will. A dart of dark pleasure pierced her chest as she wrapped the rope, tightly, over and under, wondering if it was biting into his skin, wondering if he was enjoying that.

Even after her initial delight at hearing Ty and Jackas conversation in the office earlier in the week, shead never truly expected to derive any deep thrill from taking on the role of dominatrix, but already, she could tell shead been wrong. She liked tying him with the rope far too much, each twist of it around his wrists filling her with a sense of forbidden heat.

When shead knotted the rope and walked back around in front of him, his expression hovered somewhere between aroused and amused. aYou know I canat touch you like this?a Yes, she knew. A sacrifice, but one worth making. aThatas all right.a Then an idea hit her, a slight amendment to the plan. aMaybe Iashould do it for you.a With that, she walked to the stereo system and pushed the play b.u.t.ton to start a CD shead brought over the day before. The speakers boomed with a super-s.e.xy song that always got her hot. Above a slow, throbbing rock beat, the singer urged a woman to be his lover, promising to show her his dark secret.

Mia had never stripped before, and even with the plethora of menas clubs to be found just a couple of blocks away, had never seen a stripper perform live. But she was going to try to be one now, for Ty, and she was already so excited that her arousal squelched any fear.

Turning away from him, she began to sway her hips sensually back and forth with the driving rhythm. Then she arched, leaning her shoulders back to let her transparent blouse slide from her arms and drop silently to the floor.

Revolving, she rested against the wall, one knee bent, her arms stretched up over her head. Slowly, she drew her hands down, letting them skim sensuously over the round globes of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the flat plane of her bare stomach, then she splayed her fingers as both hands pushed down her thighs.

ad.a.m.n, thatas hot, baby,a he said, sounding totally spellbound.

Curling her fingers around the hem of her skirt, she met his gaze as she playfully lifted the fabric inch by teasing inch.

aOh yeah. Thatas nice. Keep going.a When the skirt rose past her lace stockings, she eased her fingers onto the flesh of her thighs, beneath the tight black garters. Gliding her fingertips upward, she lifted the skirt to her hips. She heard Ty sigh at the sight of her mound, which had gone swollen and achy now. It was a pleasure for both of them when she slipped her middle finger between her legs for one slow upward stroke over her panties. She felt it deep inside, especially when Ty purred, aMmm, yeah.a Reaching behind her as she resumed her slow sway to the s.e.xy song, she unzipped the black mini and used both hands to push it down, down, until it loosened at mid-thigh and dropped to the floor. She stepped carefully free of it, very aware of how she looked now, wearing only s.e.xy black lingerie, ultra-high-heeled shoes, and her feathered, glittery mask.

aStand up,a she said.

He rose to his feet, looking all-too-good in nothing but those pleasantly snug jeans, his hands tied behind his back. But he was about to look even better.

Stepping up to him, Mia ran her hands down his hard, muscular flesh, from shoulder to waist, where she folded the fingertips of both hands into his jeans. Sliding them to the center, she met an astonishingly hard obstacle that made her go weak. aMmm,a she said, unb.u.t.toning the jeans, then slowly easing down the zipper. aYouare so big for me.a Reaching into the open fly, she ran her palm up his erection.

He leaned his head back with a long, s.e.xy sigh. aAw, youare killing me here, honey.a She grinned up at him. aGood. Nothing like a little torture to set the mood.a They exchanged feral looks and he bent down to sweep a hungry kiss across her mouth as she squeezed and caressed his c.o.c.k through his briefs. She was awed by how large he felt and it only added to her excitement.

Moving around behind him, she hooked her thumbs into his jeans and underwear and dragged them down to his knees. She nearly shuddered at the sight of his tight, round a.s.s, his wrists roped just above it.

As he kicked off his shoes and began maneuvering out of the denim, she ran her hands around him from behind, caressing his hard chest, his hips, the tops of his thighsa"everything but the c.o.c.k itself.

He leaned his head back in frustration. aPlease, baby.a aThatas right, lover. I want to hear you beg. Beg me.a He hesitated a moment, letting out a small growl, then said, aPleasea"touch me,a adding, aCome on, honey. Do it.a She withdrew her hands.

aWhat?a he asked, clearly disturbed.

aThat sounded more like a demand than begging.a She purposely sounded miffed.

By the time he spun to face her, shead returned from another trip to her shopping bag, from which shead retrieved a black leather riding crop. She stood sternly slapping it into the palm of her free hand as she gave him a look meant to quell any arguments.

He raised his eyebrows. aYou intend to use that thing on me?a aYouave been a bad boy. Clearly, you need to be disciplined.a He stood looking uncertain, as if perhaps he was having second thoughts about wanting to be dominated. But given all the trouble shead gone to, arranging all this, shead be d.a.m.ned if he was going to back out now. Lifting the fringed end of riding crop to her shoulder as he watched, she slid the length of the tool along the swell of one breast, the leather braiding that circled it creating a pleasant sensation as it pa.s.sed over her skin.

As shead hoped, the fire returned to his eyes. aDoes using it turn you on?a She nodded. aVery much.a aWhat do you want me to do?a he asked, seeming ready to acquiesce.

aDo what I say and only that. Donat question me or argue with me. Take what youare given and like it.a She sensed the exacting command sinking into his arousal, making him want to obey.

And for the first time in the midst of her attempted discipline, she noticed his c.o.c.k. It was even bigger than shead imagined. Certainly the largest specimen shead ever had. The sight of it made her bite her lip with hunger as she reached out with her new leather toy. Sliding it behind his erection, she pulled it forward a bit, then removed the crop, letting the shaft slap softly against his abs. He let out a soft, quick moan.

But she couldnat let herself be sidetracked by his hard-on, no matter how colossal and beautiful it looked, so it was back to business. aTurn around and lean over the chair.a She watched Ty take a deep breath, then pivot, bending slightly at the waist, his wrists still bound behind him. aLike this?a aYes, that will do. Now tell me youave been a bad boy.a He hesitated, so she took the opportunity to snap the crop lightly against his lovely, masculine a.s.s, surprised at the pleasure the strike deliveredato her. aSay it,a she commanded.

He sighed, still looking reluctant. aIave been a bad boy.a She smacked his a.s.s with the crop again, slightly harder this time.

aOh G.o.d, Iave been a bad boy.a Mmm, yes, that time it sounded like her little spanking was starting to feel good to him.

Her c.u.n.t throbbed when she slapped the crop harder across his flesh, this time leaving a pink mark. He moaned.

Each successive strike of the riding crop elicited another groan from Ty, each sounding deeper, deeper, until she asked him, aDo you like your whipping from Mistress Mina?a He nodded vigorously, even if he looked a bit spent with desire. aYes.a aMmm, thatas a good boy,a she purred, her p.u.s.s.y humming with delight at his submission. aNow, sit back down.a He obeyed, and when she next saw his eyes, she knew she had him utterly excited, and ready for whatever came next.

aDo you want to see more of me?a She drew the riding crop sensually through her legs and up her p.u.s.s.y in case he needed some inspiration.

He answered deeply. aOh yes.a aBeg me.a He didnat hesitate this time. aPlease let me see you, Mistress Mina. Let me see your b.r.e.a.s.t.s, let me see your pretty p.u.s.s.y.a Oooh, she liked him this waya"so much so that it increased the pulse in her c.u.n.t and she could barely wait to let him see more of her.

Abandoning her riding crop on the couch behind her, she reached up to curl her fingers into the cups of her bra, slowly pulling them down to reveal taut pink nipples, standing thick and erect. The beads she wore fell between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He let out a low groan and she ran her hands over them, tweaking the rosy tips.

aSo pretty,a he murmured.

aBeg to see my p.u.s.s.y some more,a she instructed him.

The request brought fresh heat to his expression. aPlease, Mistress Mina, show me your p.u.s.s.y. Show me your hot, pink c.u.n.t. I want to see how wet and open you are.a Mmm, just what the dominatrix ordered. Like before, his begging upped her excitement, getting her even more turned on than she already was.

She turned, putting her back to him, then slipped her fingers beneath the elastic at her hips. She drew her panties down over her garters and stockings, bending at the waist to give him a hot view from behind. When the panties were at her ankles, she stepped free and turned to stand before him, exposed.

aOh G.o.d,a he breathed, his gaze glued between her thighs.

aYou like it, lover?a she asked, reaching down to run her fingers through her damp slit. She glanced down at it herself, aroused at the sight, because shead shaved away all of her pubic hair except for a narrow swath above her c.u.n.t.

af.u.c.k yes,a he growled, sounding as excited as she was.

Following her instincts and highly aware that he loved watching her autoerotic touches, she sat down on the couch and parted her thighs wide.

aUnhaa he breathed.

Biting her lip, she reached for the riding crop, then began to run the leather-fringed tip over her c.l.i.t and inner lips.

aOh G.o.d, honey, thatas so d.a.m.n hot. Let me f.u.c.k you now.a Mia couldnat quite believe how wonderful it felt to rub the leather crop through her slit while Tyas eyes drank it all in. Shead never touched herself for a guy before, and like everything else that was a first for her tonight, the rawness of the act thrilled her almost more than she could understand. aYou like watching me play with my p.u.s.s.y?a she purred.

aG.o.d yes, baby.a His voice was a low, hot rumble. aBut I need to f.u.c.k you now.a She lowered the crop to the cushion beside her and squared her gaze on his. aAre you being a bad boy again? Trying to take control when you know it belongs to me?a Ty looked like he was ready to come bounding off the chair at any second, but at this, he collected himself. She saw him take a deep breath. aNo. Whatever you want, Mistress Mina. Whatever you say.a aGood.a She smiled. aNow, get down on your knees and come over here.a Their eyes met. His seemed to say he wasnat sure he liked this part of the game. She kept her gaze steady, though. Commanding.

Finally, he left the chair and dropped to his knees, his hands still firmly tied behind him. He began to move toward her, placing one knee in front of the other.

Ty looked amazingly s.e.xy coming closer to her, his hard c.o.c.k jiggling with each move, his eyes hungry, his hands still trussed. Knowing he was willingly following her demands only made it better. She parted her legs farthera"as far apart as possiblea"as he neared her, pleased that his burning gaze had fallen back to her c.u.n.t.

aNow, eat me,a she said, when he was kneeling between her thighs.

Without a secondas hesitation, he lowered his face to her p.u.s.s.y, closing his mouth over her engorged c.l.i.t. She cried out at the instant pleasure. Hissing as he began to suckle, she realized her joy ran deeper, much deeper, because the man who mouthed her was Ty. Her Ty, the guy shead had a crush on for most of her life. And now they were suddenly playing naughty s.e.x games and he was licking vigorously at her slit, getting her wetter and wetter, making her think yes, yes, and making her know that disguising herself to be his secret lover was the best thing shead ever done.

aOooh, yes, lick my p.u.s.s.y,a she cooed over him, watching as he dragged his tongue all the way from her opening up over her c.l.i.t. aOh G.o.d, yes, baby, thatas good.a She lifted one high heel to the couch, her knee bent, to give him even better access, beginning to raise herself toward his ministrations. All the while, she caressed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, gently ma.s.saging, lightly twirling the nipples, her black beads clicking together lightly as she thrust at him.

When he looked up, his eyes going at her self-caress, she upped the heat by pushing one breast as high as she could with her hand, then bending toward ita"just barely able to rake her tongue across her own nipple. She felt a shudder run through him and cast a s.e.xy smile. aDonat stop,a she told him. aLick your Mistress Minaas pretty p.u.s.s.y.a Miaas body was on fire. She wanted to raise the temperature in the room even more, though, so when she caught sight of the riding crop next to her shoe, she took it up and began to swat Tyas a.s.s in time with her light lunges against his oh-so skilled mouth. In one way, she hated to think of all the other women she knew head been with over the years, but in another, she couldnat have been more pleased to have a man of such experience between her thighs. She moaned as the pleasure grew and grewa"glad she hadnat climaxed before when head been in the chair, glad shead saved it up for now, because she suddenly wanted, more than anything, to come in his hot, s.e.xy mouth.

She whimpered as she drove at him, her Mardi Gras beads snapping together harder. She soon stopped hitting him with the crop, instead reaching past his bound hands to slide the tool up and down the valley of his a.s.s. The new sensation made him moan deeply, so she kept it up, thinking of the leather braiding pa.s.sing back and forth across his a.s.shole as she got closer and closer to o.r.g.a.s.m.

She lowered her free hand to his thick, sandy hair, thrilled by the simple sensation of running her fingers through it, but soon enough she was using it to guide him, to force him, to make him press himself deeper against her as she f.u.c.ked his mouth. aA little more, baby, just a little more,a she murmured, pulling him to her p.u.s.s.y while she stimulated his a.s.s with the crop.

Both of their moans filled the sultry air, drowning out the CD of s.e.xy songs shead made, as well as the noises from outside. She wondered briefly if anyone beyond the balcony could hear them, and she hoped so. She hoped all of the French Quarter could hear them making each other so hot.

And then his lips clamped tight around the swollen bud of her c.l.i.t, and she thrust at him harder, anda"oh G.o.da"it broke over her like a tidal wave, more consuming and overpowering than anything shead ever experienced. She heard her own screams without being fully conscious of making a sound. The pleasure pulses were wild, drenching, filling her ears, her whole bodya"every limb seemed to vibrate with the intense waves.

She lifted, attempting to pull her p.u.s.s.y away from his mouth because it was too much, she couldnat take it, needed to let it pa.s.s and then recovera"but Ty wouldnat release her, following after her c.u.n.t until he was pressing her into the back of the couch to keep sucking at her c.l.i.t. His insistence should have been something to be punished, but it dragged her o.r.g.a.s.m out, longer, harderabetter. Mmm, yes.

So when the flood inside her finally calmed and he drew back to kneel before her, she didnat say anything about discipline. In fact, she could barely move. She felt limp and heavy, thoroughly f.u.c.ked without having been f.u.c.ked yet. Amazing.

Even more amazing was that Ty sat patiently waiting between her knees for his next instructions, suddenly her obedient little s.e.x slave.

aWas it good?a he asked, looking as if he very sincerely hoped head pleased her. His face glistened with her wetness.

She nodded, still trying to come back to herself. aAre you ready for more?a she asked, maintaining her sultry voice.

aOh yeah, baby. Iam ready for whatever you want, Mistress Mina.a She couldnat keep a wicked little smile from spreading across her face. aMy, my, arenat you just a good little boy now? Maybe I should reward you.a His eyes sparkled with fresh antic.i.p.ation. aHow?a aGo back to your chair, and maybe Iall suck your c.o.c.k.a

Chapter Four.

Ty could barely breathe by the time he sat back down. His entire body felt on edge. G.o.d, even his a.s.s, from the way shead rubbed him with the riding crop. Head never felt anything like that. Had never even thought head want to. But Mistress Mina was teaching him a thing or twoa"just when he thought he knew everything there was to know about s.e.x.

She slowly got to her feet, her f.u.c.k-me-now shoes accentuating those long, silky legs, leading up to her sweet little p.u.s.s.y, shaved so smooth. He didnat think head ever been with a woman so incredible.

As for the bondage stuffa"head been right, he liked being tied up. But he hadnat even thought about issues like discipline coming with that, and that partawell, it wasnat easy, but head decided to give himself over to it as much as possible, just for this one night. After all, head wanted this, hadnat he? And like an answer to a wish, here was the mysterious Mina, bringing his fantasies to life and adding to the mix with her hot little commands and that s.e.xy riding crop she used so well.

She walked toward him, her lush lips gleaming with the hint of a smile, and it was only then that he realized she must have reached into her bag of goodies when he wasnat looking, because she held more rope in her hand. His stomach tightened with strange arousal to wonder what she was going to do with it, and to know he was pretty much at her mercy. At her mercy by choice, yes, but there wasnat much a guy could do with his hands tied behind his back if he decided he wanted the game to end.

She kneeled between his thighs, looking delectable. He could still taste the sweet tang of her c.u.n.ta"shead been so wet, he felt like he was wearing her juices all over his face, and the sensation hardened his anxious c.o.c.k all the more.

Pressing one of his ankles back against the front leg of the chair, she began to tie him to it. Like before, when shead bound his wrists, the harsh rope bit into his skin, pleasurable only because she was the one making it that way.

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