From a far road by mountain streams; Then sing with joy ye Khau-ik-i!


"Then sing with joy ye Khau-ik-i!

The Khau-ga chant with waving arms, The Nin-uit sing An-un-na-ci!

Give to our Sar your sweetest charms.

"E"en all that on the tablet rests, In Erech"s tower, the Su-bu-ri,[12]

The beautiful, with glorious crests, He wrote for far posterity.

We plead with him to leave us not, But Zi-Gab-ri[13] him led away, When our great Shal-man[14] joy us brought, And Elam fled to the blue sea.


"Then sing with joy ye Khau-ik-i!

Il-gi-sa-kis-sat[15] from above, The Nin-uit sing An-un-na-ci!

Oh, how Heabani we shall love!"

The maidens note their monarch"s moody face, And turn their songs to him with easy grace, Of their great ruler tune a joyous lay, And oft into his eyes hurl glances gay; And trumpets join the chorus, rolling drums, And wild applause from all the chieftains comes, Till the grave seers and councillors now cry In praise of him they love so tenderly: With arms upraised the mighty chorus join, Until his heart is filled with joy divine; And thus they sing with more than royal praise, Their love for him in every face doth blaze.

[Footnote 1: "Sar-dan-nu," the great King.]

[Footnote 2: "Sar," king.]

[Footnote 3: "Ki," earth.]

[Footnote 4: "Samu," heaven.]

[Footnote 5: "Mu-di," seers or wise men.]

[Footnote 6: "Khau-ik-i," the choral band.]

[Footnote 7: "Khau-ga," chorus.]

[Footnote 8: "Nin-uit," song.]

[Footnote 9: "An-un-na-ci," spirits of the earth.]

[Footnote 10: "Zi," spirits of the earth, air, water, etc.]

[Footnote 11: "El-li-tar-du-si," one of the temples of Erech.]

[Footnote 12: "Su-bu-ri," the lofty.]

[Footnote 13: "Zi-Gab-ri," spirits of the mountains.]

[Footnote 14: "Shal-man," deliverer.]

[Footnote 15: "Il-gi-sa-kis-sat," spirits of the hosts.]



Our Izdubar dear Erech raised From her distress, when she did mourn; With joy his glorious name be praised!

Of a great warrior"s daughter born, And Bel in his own might, him arms, To Erech"s sons and daughters save; What other Sar hath glorious charms Like his, who saved proud Elam"s slave?


No rival hath our mighty Sar, Thy cymbals strike and raise the cry!

All hail! All hail! great Izdubar!

His deeds immortal glorify!

Our Izdubar our sons preserves To all our fathers day and night, And Erech"s ruler well deserves Our highest praise, whose matchless might Delights the G.o.ds! All hail our Sar!

Whose firmness, wisdom need no praise!

Queen Daunat"s son, our Izdubar, His glory to the Sami[1] raise!


Of a great warrior"s daughter born, The G.o.ds clothe him with matchless might; His glory greets the coming morn, Oh, how in him we all delight!

And thus of Seer Heabani they now chant His birth and history and hyemal haunt.

Who can compare with thee, O Nin![2]

The son of Bel; thy hands didst lay Upon Ar-ur-u, thine own queen, With glory crowned her on that day.

To her thy strength did give, and blessed Her with thy love and a dear son; With Ami"s strength within his breast, And Ninip sped then to his throne.

When Queen Ar-u-ru hears her lord From Erech"s city far has gone, She bows her head upon the sward, With pleading hands in woe doth moan.

And to Heabani she gave birth, The warrior, great Ninip"s son, Whose fame is spread through all the earth.

The queen with her own maids alone Retired within her palace walls For purity in Erech"s halls.

Like the corn-G.o.d his face concealed, Of men and countries he possessed, Great wisdom by the G.o.ds revealed: As Ner[3] the G.o.d, his limbs were dressed.

With wild gazelles he ate his food While roaming with them in the night; For days he wandered in the wood, And bu-hir-tser-i[4] him delight.

The Zi-ar-ri[5] Heabani loves, That play within the running streams; With Zi-ti-am-a-ti[6] he roves Upon the sands in warm sunbeams.

"The prince returns, O Sar!" the herald said, And low before the throne he bowed his head; "Our Zaidu, the bewitcher of all men, Doth unsuccessful to us come again.

Before the cave the seer confronted him Three days where Khar-sak"s snowy brow doth gleam.

Heabani with his beast in his cave went, And Zaidu waited, but his courage spent When he beheld the seer and beast remain Within the cave, and all his words were vain.

The prince remains without with downcast face, And beg of thee, his Sar, thy sovereign grace."

The king to all the maidens waves his hand, Then vanishes from sight the choral band.

[Footnote 1: "Sami," heavens.]

[Footnote 2: "Nin" or "Nin-ip," the G.o.d of the chase and war.]

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