Behemoth's Pet

Chapter 56.1

Publishedat 29th of August 2019 12:06:35 AMChapter 56.1

Chapter 56 . 1 : The Dragon Girl’s Rampage

「Since Stellchan has her Dragonewt abilities and is equipped with the Mega Shield, I think she should be our〝Tank〟 . 」

「Tank? What is that?」

「It’s vanguard position . It’s the most important role in the party because it’s the one who attracts the enemies’ attention . Also, since you have a greatsword, you can be both Tank and damage dealer – otherwise known as an attacker . 」

Stella got a crash course on How To Be A Tank, thanks to Aria and Vulcan . After listening to their explanations about positions and the advantage of fighting as a team, she laughed .

「GUHAHAHA! In that case, leave it to me! So it’ll be okay as long as I’m rampaging in the front line, right? It’s truly the most suitable position for me!! 」

The knowledge that she’d be fighting in the front lines made Stella excited .

She still hesitated to fight unknown enemies but knowing that Tama would protect her kept her at ease .

“Looper? What’s that?” Such became a target killed on sight .

「Nya~~~! In that case, thanks a lot nya~! 」

「Our party has no tank, so we’re actually being saved by you, Stellchan . 」


Both girls expressed their grat.i.tude to Stella .

Until then all party members, including Tama, were attackers due to the absence of a Tank .

If push came to shove, Tama could fill the Tank role by using 《Iron Body》 and 《Divine Protection of Lion King》 in tandem with his orichalc.u.m armor .

But Aria and Vulcan didn’t know that . Hence why the addition of (supposedly) a Dragonewt was so important to their life .

Vulcan would be able to swing around her battle hammer around without the worry of being attacked .

Aria would make full use of her speed to deliver sneak attacks, while All-Rounder Tama would freely move around the battlefield .



「Well then, you’ll head first to battle as our vanguard, Stellchan… Fufufu, take a look . An appropriate enemy just appeared for us, you know? 」

Aria turned around while she spoke and stared ahead with a daring smile .

From beyond the dark pa.s.sage, a new enemy headed toward them .

『BUHI…… . . 』


By sound alone, it was possible to identify it .

It was the bipedal pig, the Orc .

There were five of them .

Though it was quite rare to see several Orcs at once while in this shallow floor, they appeared at just the right time .

It was the best chance to test their teamwork with the addition of their Tank-c.u.m-Attacker, Stella .



Stella taunted her opponents by beating on her shield with her greatsword .

The sound made by hitting the black iron equipment together resounded in the area .

Despite their initial interest in the three ladies being based on their preferences, the Orcs’ gazes ended up entirely focused on Stella because of the noise .


「b.u.mOOOOOO! b.u.mOOOO! 」

All of them went after Stella simultaneously .

Apparently, they got angry when Stella called them “Porky” .

Two of the Orcs held stone axes, while the other three came at her barehanded .

The first to arrive had a stone axe and it promptly swung it at Stella .

Orcs are huge and have extraordinary strength . Common armor would not withstand even one swing of that axe . The stone coupled with their incredible strength would destroy it .

However, this girl didn’t have common equipment .


The Orc’s attack was blocked by the Mega Shield . Despite the violent clashing sound between the axe and the shield, she didn’t budge at all .

As expected of someone who could turn parts of her body into that of a dragon’s .


The poor creature couldn’t comprehend how a small girl had defended its attack . The said girl couldn’t care less if it was shocked or not, she raised her greatsword and attacked the Orc .

A shower of blood followed the Orc’s agonized scream .


The source was the Orc’s shoulders .

Its hands were cut by Stella’s great sw—— no, it was more appropriate to say they were torn by Stella’s violent swing . In fact, her attack should have torn apart the shoulder all the way to its heart .

But she had attacked from a defensive position . Her attack power dropped considerably and managed to only tear an arm off .

In any case, the Orc that should have died painlessly was now suffering tremendous pain after losing an arm .

『BUGIII……… . . GIIIIIIII……… . ! 』

The sword digging into its shoulder made the Orc scream in anguish .

The other four stopped moving and stared in awe at Stella’s display of strength .


The armless Orc screamed again and, to everyone’s shock, turned around and ran away . It did not seem to care about the pain it felt, the Orc focused only on escaping .


While she cussed the fleeing enemy, Stella conveniently forgot she was a former monster .

She ended up leaving the battlefield, abandoning her party as she chased after the escaping Orc .

「Stellchan! You can’t leave your post! 」

「Just leave that pig who deserted the battle nya~!! 」

Aria and Vulcan tried to shout after Stella, trying to make her return .

It was a pointless effort . As a former monster, Stella wouldn’t heed anything that tried to control her hunting instinct .

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