Luna is a girl who has the grades and the looks but she never has a boyfriend in high school or in college. She is always obeying her parent"s rule of being the best of the best at everything she does, aiming to be a doctor or someone who makes a lot of money, only dating after college, and find someone who really cares for you. Everything in life was planned out for her by her parents.

She never thought that those rules would make her "supposedly" friends talk behind her back.

This might be just a coincidence but as she was heading to the cla.s.sroom during high school she overheard her friends gossiping about her.

"Luna really has the looks and the grade and can charm any man with just a flick of her hair. Just like a cunning fox!"

"So what about it! Because she has all those things men think she"s interesting but the truth is she"s just a boring woman! She has an invisible-like wall surrounding her making those that want to woo her stay away… And who would they turn their eyes to... To us who is her "best" friends."

"Right, right! Without those two things, she"s boring as h.e.l.l! I wouldn"t even stick close to her and be her friend. She has no communication skill, no fas.h.i.+on style, and I"m just guessing this..." One of them look around and whispered quietly with a hand hiding her mouth. "But her face must be full of makeup to look that beautiful and underneath she must be as ugly as the ugly h.e.l.l."

"Hahahahahaa!" they all laugh together.

"This conversation just between us. Don"t tell her any of this or she might think that we are talking bad things behind her. I... We still want to take advantage of her good nature and qualities."

What are they talking about? I"m not like that. I worked hard to get to where I am today, studying every day. They don"t know what I went through to get to where I am today and I"m only above average looking.

She broke off their relations.h.i.+ps and they started rumors about her, how she"s a jealous s.l.u.t wanting men for herself but she didn"t care.

In college, she finally understands their meaning. Even if her looks were above average there were men chasing after her every day. She shoos many men away and broken many hearts but there was never a shortage of men coming after her. They are from being rich to being poor, from overseas to attaining the same college as hers. She never wanted a life like this and getting tired of everything.

Those that she is friends with distanced themselves from her, afraid that their boyfriend would be charmed by her. Other"s just don"t want to get close to her.

Luna tried many new activities that popular people wouldn"t really do. From learning to fight to be a nerd. However, this attracted a different type of men, they are from muscular men to skinny men and even some are nerds or fatties.

The next step on the list is wearing (different/ugly) makeup and This next step worked out but only on a short term.

Each time the guys would fight over her for no reason whatsoever, the girls would start to hate her and bully her. Some would go as far as trying to threaten her with her life saying "because of her they broke up with their boyfriend". Even at home, her parents could never have peace of mind so she moved to the dorms but things never got better.

Before moving out of the house, her parents took her to see shamans, exorcist, etc. but they all say it"s due to a curse, a spell, your daughter has charming skills, or that it"s tied to your families history. The one Luna think is the most realistic is about in her past life, she didn"t receive anything love and now in this life, she is getting all the love she should have. In her next life, she"ll be just fine and live just like a normal girl.

As she was walking back to her dorm from attaining her college course, she keeps having this kin feeling in the back of her head that someone was following her. As she was reaching the dorm she spotted a shadow waiting by the streetlight.

Luna was scared but she still walks forward not knowing that something dreadful would befall her.

Before she could make out her situation, the shadow drive a knife straight into her stomach. She could only hear a female shaking voice shouting, "This is all your fault! Because of you… Because of you, he won"t love me anymore and want to break up! He was the only one for me…"

After she couldn"t hear any more of the female"s voice but the sensation of being stab still linger in her fingertips.

I"m guessing tomorrow"s headlight would be [A female college student majoring in medical science and technology was stabbed to death by a crazy stalker!]

She wanted to laugh at her own stupid death but her voice was stuck in her throat. Her consciousness was fading out, making her remember her youth.

As a child, she was someone that has a hard time voicing out her thoughts. She can only find comfort in reading books and princess"s tales are her favorites. There was always a prince charming or knight in s.h.i.+ning armor saving the day. The princess and her knight live happily ever after. One of her favorite fairy-tale is Cinderella. She was abused by her stepmother but she still remains kind-hearted and at the end, she lived happily ever after with her prince.

She realized everything is just a fantasy and far-fetched dream. There was no prince charming or knight in s.h.i.+ning armor coming to her rescue. There were only beasts wanting a taste of her and throwing her out as she has seen from people dating. Real life is only full of hards.h.i.+p and there is no happy ending. Making her remember her mother"s words before she left to live in the dorms.

"Why! Just why! Do I have to go through this suffering! Those none stop knocking and threaten letters, what did you do! Did you not listen to your mother at all! Because of a cursed child like your father left, being unable to take this heavy atmosphere longer. I too… no because of you… you… a child who shouldn"t be born!" she came back from her senses after she uttered those words. "…I"m sorry, Luna. Leave your mother alone for now." Her mother was shedding tears as she said her last sentence.

Both her parents are just ordinary citizens with ordinary looks but as their daughter she was different. She doesn"t have their appearances but her looks are from her great grandmother"s appearance when she was young.

"No… I"m the one… who should be… sorry…" where her last words before she took her last breath.

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