Drizella wobblingly sits down on the chair with no life with the only thought--my life is over. I"m still so young to die.--running through her mind. She wasn"t even paying attention to the whole conversation until she realizes something, making her quickly shouted out, "I want a divorce!"

"Huh? Divorce? You with who?!" Matthew frustrated yell out. He won"t let the guy life so comfortable for tricking his good granddaughter.

"..." Drizella shake her head, "No! NOOO! Not me! Mother!"

Camilla lower her head with an afflicted expression. She closed her eyes tightly and uttered two words, "I can"t..."

Before arriving at the Church for the Awakening Ceremony when they were just preparing to use a magic scroll Marquess Tremaine announce, "For the contract to break it"s either I breaking our marriage or when I die. You"ll have to stay with me until my death."

He disappears before she got the chance to get mad and retort at him. She was still so angry when she notices they have arrived behind the Church. They watch the whole show of the fight and everything that happened afterward. There"s no way Marquess Tremaine wouldn"t be interested in her family now.

She shook off her thoughts as she said: "How about introductions first."

Introductions at a time like this! Drizella didn"t want to get more involved with Cinderella but Camilla just have to be married to Cinderella"s father... What a minute! They haven"t celebrated their wedding yet so... she just has to make Cinderella"s father disgusted with her mother!

Having this brilliant scheme, she smiled as she introduced herself next after her mother and grandparents, "My name is Drizella Ferguson and my little sister who isn"t here now is Anastasia Ferguson. What might your names be."

Marquess Tremaine was amazed at the girl"s tone as she faces him without exposing her recklessness: "My name is Francis Tremaine. And this young girl here is my daughter Cinderella Tremaine. I will be your father starting now on... meaning I have the privilege to call you as my daughter."

"You!..." Drizella took a deep breath to calm her fumed self as she retorted, "You mean to say "stepdaughter" and "stepfather." My mother hasn"t had the marriage ceremony with you, the Marquess yet."

He hasn"t had someone speak to him like this for a while now, except for his meeting with Carmilla.

Carmilla stands up from her seat, she bows apologizing, "Sorry for my daughter"s rude. Daisy takes Cinderella and that boy who"s siding by the side out with you to play with the other children. We have important matters to discuss."

Drizella drops her head dejectedly. Even though she was unwilling, she still follows her mother"s order as she takes Cinderella"s hand and heads out with their cloaks on. Cinderella dragged the Cain out with them.

Camilla sits down with a sigh of relief. Her sigh didn"t escape Francis"s eyes as he said: "What she said is right."

Camilla give him a sweet smile but her words were the opposite of that smile, "I don"t plan to marry you. We are just contract partners."

Francis Tremaine a Marquess and the second son of Landon Tremaine; even though he isn"t a Duke he has privileges equal to a Duke, all this is due to the King"s trust in him and the power he holds. He is the commander of the knight"s second order that protects the kingdom and fight against enemies. Generations of his family have always been loyal to the king and they are one of the few how can a.s.sa.s.sinate the king "if" he becomes corrupted. However, they are most known for their breathtaking appearances. Each child born from the House of Tremaine would always have a beautiful appearance. Nevertheless, there are consequences of gaining a beautiful appearance; the oldest child would be cursed to never fall deep in love with anyone when they turn six years old. Another is they have a small number of family meaning the wife could only have two children and no more or else there would be misfortune befalling them. There is also a rule in the family that they are only allowed to marry the love of their life.

"Is my family that scary that you won"t marry me?" Francis questioned.

"I"m not that shameless," Camilla answered him.

Francis: "Yes. Your family is the same as mine. Misfortune would befall the oldest daughter in the House of Ferguson and her oldest daughter. If the oldest daughter has a die young, the misfortune would go to her second sister"s firstborn daughter."

They both stare at each other trying to outdo each of other. There were electric sparks flying in the air. The two knights who stayed behind to protect the lord really wish they would"ve gone out with the two misses instead of staying now.

Matthew coughed two times, bringing their staring contest to an end as they all start discussing the main issue.


Drizella stoops in the snow as she drags Cinderella by the hand. Her head is still hanging down with a pout feeling unfairness. After taking ten steps, she"ll look back at the house than Cinderella. This goes on for five times before she spoke as she walks: "You won"t be mad right?"

Cinderella eyes widen. She understands what Drizella meant, she answered, "I"m a little surprised at all this. It happened too fast. I don"t know whether I should be mad or be happy. My mother..."

"You don"t have to bring out sad memories if you don"t want to. Come, I"ll take you two to were my sister is."

"How do you know where she is?"

"There will be clues when we get there." Drizella smiles cheerfully like an innocent child as she runs ahead and waited for them to follow.

They reach a wide open s.p.a.ce with only snow on the ground. Standing side by side are a group of kids, the five that were with Drizella during the Awakening Ceremony were also inside the group. There were two children that didn"t stand with the group instead they in front of the group. One of the children has red hair and brown bright eyes. She waved at them with a grin on her face; by her side is a boy two head taller than her. He has a delicate face with scared eyes, the only wrong thing is he"s sort of fat. If he can get rid of all those fat, he"ll turn out to be handsome with a refined face like that.

The girl ran towards where the three is, she hugged the front person"s hand under the cloak as she laughs showing her dibbles.

The person the girl hug is, of course, Drizella and the girl is Anastasia. Anastasia peeked at the two-person behind her sister with curiosity. She looks up at her sister with eyes asking "who are they."

Drizella pinches her nose that has turned red staying in the cold. She introduced: "The young beautiful girl is Cinderella Tremaine and the young man is Cain Morris. How about introdu..." Her eyes widen taking a good look at the chubby boy.

She quickly glances at Emma, Clara, Stan, Gray, and Endy for an explanation why the first prince is here of all places. Forget that, her sister hasn"t done any strange thing to the prince right.

Anastasia proudly said: "I"m Anastasia Ferguson and this here is Lucas. Can we keep him?"

Drizella"s face has black lines all over. There are too many bombs today that she can"t handle then all. First Cinderella, the fight, her mother"s marriage, and now keeping a prince, what"s next she"ll be married off to a disgusting fat n.o.bleman!

She was about to speak when the prince looked at her with a fl.u.s.tered face and shakes his head. How does he know what I wanted to ask when he doesn"t know me?

She hugs Anastasia and pulled her over to the side so that no one hears their conversation.

She places her arm on Anastasia"s shoulder as she closely whispers, "Why do you want to keep him?"

Knowing their conversation is private, Anastasia also whispers, "I pick him up."

"Where? Why?"

"While in the capital, I saw he was being picked on like a scared puppy so I came to the rescue. Who knows what happened afterward, I just pick him."

"You... you a.s.sociate him with a puppy. Let me tell you, that puppy will grow up to bite and bite you to death!"

"That"s not possible, even though he"s younger than me, I"m stronger than him!"

Drizella shrugged her shoulder with an awkward smile. Good thing they spoke in a low voice otherwise her head wouldn"t be on her neck anymore. She walks to the edge of the open s.p.a.ce was a log cover in snow lays. She brushes the snow off as she sits down.

She said, "As I promise I"ll tell a story. Gather around!"

Everyone in the group ran towards her and sit down on the side with the thinnest snow layer. Anastasia holds onto Lucas"s hand as she leads him while leaving Cinderella and Cain to Emma. They also sat down but at the front near Drizella.

She thought for a bit and announce, "Since we have three new guests I"ll tell the story about a rivalry love, Romeo and Juliet."

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