After finis.h.i.+ng the story, there were discussions all over the place. Cinderella, Emma, and Clara including most of the girls have tears in their eyes. While the boys were complaining about how stupid the couple is. After seeing they have different views towards the story, they started fighting.

At long least they look at Drizella for an answer. All their intense stares show that Drizella has to decide which side is right or there will be no end.

Drizella was sweating buckets, which side she choose the other side won"t be happy. She thinks the story is shallow and is heartbreaking. It"s a tragedy that both main characters die because of a misunderstanding.

She quickly thought of an idea: "Let"s make shaved ice!"

"Shaved ice?! What"s that?"

"It"s ice filled with many flavorings, such as strawberries, limes, blueberry with other toppings. As the ice melt in your mouth, you can feel the coldness and sweetness mixed together. With each bit, it cools down your anger, emotions and the heat. Huh! Just the thought of it makes my mouth watery. Its mostly eaten in the summer but there"s no ice so let"s do it now when there"s snow everywhere. Let"s go find the ice, fruits, water, and candies! Including dishes and spoons!"

Everyone"s mouth was watering and there were some gulping sounds as they listen to Drizella. They raise their hand and in unison, "Ooohh!" as they run to find the items.


Four children are sneaking around the yard of Ferguson"s house. Each step they take is as slow as a turtle trying to make as less noise as possible. They only leave a pair of footprints as they follow the first person"s footprint and that person is Drizella.

Her mean reason wasn"t going to get the pot of water she froze the day before in the backyard whether she"s trying to peek at what the people inside are talking about. But as she thought, she can"t hear a single sound inside and the window"s curtains overshadow everything, making her see only the black curtains. They never use the black curtains unless it"s something important and doesn"t want the people outside to know.

Drizella bait they are playing detective inside with the black curtain making everything inside dark. The flickering candle lighting part of their body, making it more mysteries and thrilling. She really wants to see it, it"s almost like watching a movie in real life but everything isn"t as simple as in movies.

"What are you stopping for," Anastasia who"s behind her whisper, seeing her sister dazzling when they are near the window.

Drizella shakes her head, clearing her mind from unnecessary thoughts as she keeps moving forward at a slow pace. Who would have thought she was blocked by a hard wall, that wall turns out to be a person. He"s wearing a white knight uniform with his left hand holding onto his knight sword on his side. Drizella shakingly raises her hand with an awkward smile, waving her hand in a h.e.l.lo sign then... burst out running right past him with the other three following after her. She didn"t forget her mission; she went straight for the wood basket by the water well.

The water well is five inches covered in snow making the wood basket surrounded by snow. The water in the basket is frozen solid so when Drizella grabs the handle instead of lifting it... it makes her facepalm straight into the snow! The other three who already bypast her burst out into laughter when they saw her while the knight chuckles softly.

Bringing her face back up from the snow, the three can see her face that"s covered in snow being red as she makes an anger expression glaring at them. They quickly stop their laughter as Cain and Cinderella run to help her up and carry the wooden basket. It took all three of them to lift the basket up and try to run where Anastasia is. However, it didn"t go smoothly as they have their own pace that within three steps they would tumble down into the snow.

Cinderella seeing the knight standing where he was before softly chuckling, she runs up to him. With a sweet smile: "Sir Kyle Scalzo shouldn"t just stand around. A knight"s duty is to help the citizens so Sir Kyle should do the same. Or... should I tell papa."

Thinking about the punishment he"ll go through, Kyle s.h.i.+vers from her sentences; he hurriedly went to pick up the wooden basket"s handle from Drizella and Cain. He didn"t struggle like them, the way he carries the basket is smooth like its a part of his body as he follows them back into the forest.

Kyle just wanted to see what the silent crunching sound outside the house is but didn"t expect the sound to be the young misses. Now he has to babysit these children but he felt that he"s lucky, unlike his companion who"s still inside that intense house.

Walking with the four children, they arrive at an open s.p.a.ce full of snow. There are small human footprints in the middle leading to one corner of the s.p.a.ce. In that s.p.a.ce, there are footprints too along with oval or circle prints. From the way the prints are lay and the situation, Kyle believes those oval and circle prints are children bottoms. Meaning there are other children here beside the four children with him.

Just after thinking that, three to four children came out from the other sides of the forest carrying objects in their hands. Some help each other carrying the crates as they head to where he and the others are.

"Who"s he?" the children ask.

Drizella answer in suspense, "A handsome young man who is willing to help us make shaved ice."

Drizella wanted to start working on the ice but there are no useful tools to work with. She doesn"t want to work with her hands, for the fact of getting blasters and frostbites... worst she might even lose her hand. She then remembers this world is a fantasy world with magic so her best choice would be to make Cinderella"s knight do it. Besides, they owe her more for wanting her mother to marry their lord.

Drizella gives a big smile as she said, "Mister knight, you"re very strong right? Please help us turn this bucket of ice into fine grounded sand, using your skills."

Kyle has no choice but to show off his swordsmans.h.i.+p skills. He was in a stance to draw his sword when he was stopped by Drizella.

"Don"t..." but Drizella was too late, Kyle already draw his sword, throw the basket into the air, peeling the basket off and slicing the sword into tiny little pieces.

The only thing she can do in that three seconds is... looking for a basket of the same size near her, dumping the items inside and timely place the basket where the ice would fall.

She was still too late but never thought that the ice wouldn"t land on the snow. Instead, it was floating in the air by some kind of force. The ice swiftly made its way towards Drizella, falling straight into the basket she"s holding. With something even heavier than her own strength inside the basket, she dropped the basket straight down, making a hole in the snow without spilling any ice.

She quickly took a survey around her to see that the knight was the person who helped.

For him to move so fast and still know what she was doing and wants... he truly deserves the word knight.


Drizella let the knight do the hard work such as cutting and crus.h.i.+ng the fruits for juice. There are three fruits, Drizella knows that grows in the winter. The three fruits are star berry, giarola, and hazel salal. Star berries look like stars that are cl.u.s.ter together and are about a pinky long. They grow on spikey thorn bushes. They only grow and bloom in the winter from the (cold) snow. The flower they bloom from are similar to lily with the color yellow.

Giarola is a round small ice blue fruits. They are about the same size as cheeseball. They have a sweet mixed with a sour taste and clear liquid. They only grow on frost trees. These frost trees are formed in icy lakes since it uses the lake"s water and rainwater to create itself. The trees are all ice blue without any leaves but crystal-like tiny flowers surround the branches like cherry blossoms. Some of the flowers bloom into giarola fruits while others don"t. Not all lakes have frost trees and Drizella doesn"t know the reason why. The only thing she knows is that there are special conditions that are needed.

Hazel salal is an all-rounder fruit that can stand the cold winter. They bloom flowers in the fall and grow fruits in the winter. They are similar to cherry and taste like cherry. The only difference is their liquid isn"t a red color, they are a blue color.

Cinderella helps Drizella set up the cups filled with ice while Emma and Clara set up the flavors and fruits. Emma and Clara placed the flavors and fruits on top of baskets everyone use to bring their items. Anastasia made the first prince, Lucas helps her pa.s.s the cups filled with ice to everyone. She didn"t forget to place a spoon in each cups.

After everything is set in place, everyone forms a line and gets to decide on the flavor and fruits they want, even though there are only three flavors from the same fruits.

It was fun as they try to create different taste with only three flavors. Some choose only one flavor with the same kind of fruits while others mismatch.

Drizella ran towards the knight with a cup of shaved ice in her hand. Everyone stared at her without speaking or eating only gulping down waiting for what"s going to happen next.

Drizella smile, handing the cup of shaved ice to the knight, "Mister knight, here"s one for you. Without your help, we wouldn"t have finished so fast. Thank you."

Kyle looks on as the girl who"ll be his new young miss hand him a cup of shaved ice filled with other things inside. He took the cup and took a bite feeling the chilly coldness mixed with a sweet-sour taste and as the ice melt, it washes away the taste bringing in the fruits taste.

He said, "Thank you."

Drizella brightens up feeling happy until another voice was heard, "What"s going on here."

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