Drizella opens her eyes from hearing two screaming voices and shaking her body nonstop. She quickly yelled out as she shoves the two away from her.

She realizes that instead of being in agony from all her bruises, she feels fine... no, she feels good.

With a quick look at her arms, she didn"t see any bruises or blood, whether her arms are as white as the snow and spotless as gla.s.s.

"Miss, are you alright?" one of the two girls called out to her.

Drizella stare up at them, they aren"t wearing clothes from the kingdom she"s from rather their clothes resemble maid dresses she saw on Chinese dramas back in Earth.

Pale green in color with a string around the chest area... like those clothes from the Tang dynasty.

"Who are you two?" was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

The two turn around looking at each other puzzled. One of them said, "Miss, please don"t joke around. I"m Xiao Lizi and she"s Xiao Mei."

Drizella was feeling very confused. She was supposed to have died for the greater good by letting the crown prince, Cinderella, Elijah, and the children escape. So how did she end up here, where she isn"t familiar with anything at all.

The place she"s in seems to be a garden. There are all type of flowers here that bloom beautifully and a river that seems to run endlessly without end.

She places her fist on her hand and blinks with an understanding, "Oh! This is heaven! Meaning I"m already dead."

Xiao Lizi stares at her miss with a questioned face: "Of course this is heaven. Where else did miss think this place is."

Understanding her situation. She got up from the ground to have a look at her body. She also is wearing a traditional Chinese long dress. An amaranth long sleeve robe with white undergarments.

She tries walking straightly without tripping on her dress. Who would have thought that the more she tried to walk straight, the more she is towards the point of collapsing... and she really did, das.h.i.+ng towards the river.

She stretches her arms out as she yells, "Help! Help! I don"t know... to swim!"

Xiao Mei shouted, "Miss! Please stay calm, the water isn"t deep. You just have to stand up and you"ll see."

Drizella really did as she said and found out that it"s true. The water isn"t deep, it"s more like an illusion to trick the mind. She really wants to hide in a cave to cover up her embarra.s.sment.

Withdrawing the hands from whipping of the water off her face. She soon comes to a realization; her face wasn"t her face! Its someone else... and to add a very beautiful and attractive young lady. She has the air of a cla.s.sical, traditional Asian lady.

"Who is this!" she shouted out as she pointed towards the water. Touching her face, she wonders how and why she is in this body.

She mumbles to herself, "This will mark my second transmigration... that"s just impossible! There"s no news about being able to transmigrate two times. What the heck is going on."

She stares at her own reflection again and can"t get used to seeing how breathtakingly beautiful the girl is. If she has to choose between Cinderella with her as the most beautiful, Cinderella wouldn"t even be her match. However, Cinderella has her own unique charm, she has an innocent (baby) face, with bright blue eyes coupling with her elegant character and a graceful body. She was the type of beauty men would fell over themselves to protect.

The two girls help pull her up from the river. Her clothes are drenched and wet from the river, making her s.h.i.+ver as she stands in the garden.

"Excuse me, are there other clothes for me to wear. I don"t want to catch a cold," Drizella ask the two girls as she hugs herself.

The two looks at each other, the first to speak was Xiao Lizi, "Miss, we are in the Heavenly Garden waiting for the crown prince and not at Yue Liang mountain... so there... none."

Drizella makes an mmm... sound as she stood there.

"Please don"t punish us, Miss. We"re very sorry," Xiao Lizi said as she and Xiao Mei knelt down.

A puzzled Drizella asks, "Why would I punish you. Anyway... let"s go back. I can"t stand getting a cold like this."

Xiao Lizi: "But... Doesn"t the miss want to see the crown prince, that"s why miss is here..."

Drizella: "Who can bother with that now. If it"s destined I"ll meet him sooner or later and if not... who cares. He"s not mine and I"m not his."

Xiao Lizi hearing her miss"s words was in shock. The miss she always knows is always using every possible chance to see the crown prince. But today her voice makes it sounded like the crown prince isn"t of her own concern at all. Even her last words, "He"s not mine and I"m not his" shows that they are worlds apart and she doesn"t care about him.


Drizella was very amazed by the mountain that she"s living in. A mountain that isn"t cla.s.sified as a mountain, a landscape that isn"t a landscape. Whether its a mixture of these two, creating a contrast that mix perfectly in together.

She really wants to go sightseeing but the most important expect is knowing how this body is. Her thought is along the lines of "the place the original body live should have stuff about her."

She searches through the bedroom of the original body but found nothing, the only thing she recovers is a book about the crown prince, which really make her want to shred it into pieces. Looking again she discovers an old note tuck under one of the bed"s leg. The note was directed to this body since she who is an outsider could understand what the words are. The note must be written by a graceful lady according to the handwritten. It goes, "My child, Xuehua life is filled with hard times and good times. Learn from everything you can. There will always be a presence that understands you from all the misunderstanding and become your greatest ally. Be yourself and live a life that I couldn"t attain. Never forget that I love you."

Drizella touches her face as she was in confusion why tears start plummeting nonstop. She held the note into her chest as she knelt down, trembling and holding back her tears. Her whole mind is in confusion, it"s like the person the letter is directed to is her; herself.

While crying she slowly walks up to the bed and knocks her head straight to the wooden pole connecting to the bed.

With a bang from out of the door, Xiao Mei hurried inside while Xiao Lizi went to get a doctor.

Drizella can feel the tremblings of Xiao Mei"s hand as she supports her onto the bed. She really has done it now; who would have thought her aiming would be so inaccurate from crying. From the impact instead of hitting a soft surface, she hit a rather sharp, b.u.mpy surface similar to the edge of a rock.

With this, she can have a reason to ask about this body and what the letter in her hand meant. Her consciousness slowly drifts away from the loss of blood and the impact to her head.

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