Francis and the doctor"s conversation lasted a long time. There was some shouting from the doctor"s side and sighing as he can"t seem to diagnosis what is wrong with Leon.

Sean, the crown prince even summoned the royal doctor to check Leon conditions but there was still no result. Francis can only sigh and command the royal doctor to check on Cinderella.

From time to time, Leon would cough up blood, blooding his pillow and bed sheets into a red color matching his clothes (which is soaked in blood.)

Since none could be of any help, he can only request his grandmother for help which is something Francis never want to do.

Using a sheet of paper and mana, he transformed the paper into a paper crane with the request inside. With more mana poured into the paper crane, it flips its wings as it took to the sky.

He turns around as he asks with a stern voice, "Where is my eldest daughter, Drizella?" Silence feel the room making his voice even colder as he made his hunch, "...Don"t tell left her behind!"

The room temperature dropped, as the two young boys can only gulp down their saliva as they felt their sweat turning into ice and stay silent.

Hearing coughing arising from the bed, Francis withdraws his aura, not wanting to make Leon"s condition worsen. He orders them out from the room: "If my eldest daughter doesn"t return, the consequences would be yours to bear."

With the door to the room close, they finally have a breath of relief. Sean wonders why Marquess Tremaine is so strong yet he doesn"t want the t.i.tle of Duke instead persist on the t.i.tle of Marquess.

"Uncle wants to stay away from political struggles as much as possible," Elijah answered as he stretches his arms. "That was suffocating and you were thinking that out loud. Sean, you should really stop thinking out loud like that."


She was enclosed in darkness as she tries to find her way out of the darkness. She ran and ran until she was out of breath but it seems as if she only ended up in the same place. Suddenly there was a light that shone in front of her and enveloped her and her surrounding.

Drizella groaned as she opens her eyes to see that she wasn"t Xuehua"s room. There seems to be something blocking the length of her sight and as she touches the thing, she figures out its a mask to hide her face. What"s more, she"s surrounded on three sides by many people and her arm seems to be broken.

A young man suddenly rushes out of the group of people and throw a fast punch towards her. She who doesn"t have a clue about what is going on still counter the punch with her hand due to her reflects.

Francis has taught her to the point that she hit, dodge, or counter someone on reflect. Thinking back to those days, Drizella as Leon felt like he was dead only to be revived again and again to experience being knocked out again and again.

The impact bounces them both back and Drizella tried to stand her ground by smearing her feet into the ground.

She was filled with hatred towards Francis for working her to the break of exhaustion but now she really is thankful for him as she stares into the sky with little droplets of tears.

The onlookers seeing her in this state thought that she really was hurt and with her staring into the sky with a peaceful face, she is prying that she won"t die today.

The arm that is already broken is even more broken now. She can clearly feel the pain gus.h.i.+ng from her hand. Two hands hold onto her hands, she turns her head back to notice two young children around five clutching her hands, one boy and one girl.

Their face can"t be clearly seen as their long bangs block their view and their body is rough up as their clothes have holes and there is dirt everywhere them. The two children run towards a woman lying on the ground. Her conditions are worse than the two children. The girl said with a quivering voice, "Please...please"

Drizella walks up to the woman, kneeling down on one knee, she checks the woman"s breathing by placing her index and middle finger near the woman"s nose. There was no sign of breathing, next she checks for a heartbeat on her wrist and the color of her skin texture. She waved the hair blocking the woman"s eyes and as she saw her face, she was memories. Even though the woman is already dead for so many hours, her face still looks the same as when she was alive. To add, she was a beauty except she was the sickly kind of beauty.

She thought in her mind, "Why is everyone such a beauty. Is this a beauties world!"

She closes the woman"s open eyes and stood up with her head down she shakes her head. She mumbled, "I"m...sorry..."

When the two children heard her words, the girl who was holding back droplets of tears, burst crying as she hugs the woman"s body. The boy was still holding his tears, he wasn"t willing to allow himself to cry. He clunches his hands into fists as hard as he can, making his mind full of the pain instead of the feeling of grieve.

She took a deep breath of fresh air as she turns around, facing the crowd. There was anger mixed with fury inside her chest, which she didn"t know where it came from. There was only a picture of a woman flas.h.i.+ng by her mind.

However, without her face being seen, the crowd thought she was scared of what would happen next as she kept taking deep breaths. She might die just like the woman there, who protected those two children.

Instead, inside the mask, Drizella was trying to calm down the emotions that are budding up in Xuehua"s body. She clunch her hands tightly, inhaling, she shouted, "Why is everyone trying to kill these children?"

A man in blue step out of the crowd to answer her question, "This young lady doesn"t have to know. Just know that when they grow up, they would be people who would bring the world to destruction. So don"t get in our way."

Drizella really doesn"t like the way this man talk: "Never heard the proverb "Don"t judge a book by its cover", it applies to humans too. If you educate them and get to know them better, instead of destroying... this world. They might turn out to be the savers instead of destroyers. And you... elegant, good-looking, good manner, nice fas.h.i.+on, nice sense... but... insensitive, secretive, you are good looking but I can"t stand looking at your smug face and most of all, full of arrogance, unsuited for you."

When the man heard her first part, he was troubled then feel good and towards the last, he wants to kill the girl. And he did, as he advances towards her and pulls his sword, striking at her. He thought he really got her but the girl avoids his attack and throws a punch at his face.

He went flying in the wind and landed in the crowds" arms.

Drizella said to him, "Now you look better to look at."

He was so angry, he coughs up blood. As he was trying to get up and fight her again. An old man with white hair and long bread stopped him, "Step down Hongqi. It"s not worth it. She"s just trying to stir you up, making you lose focus."

"But... but Grandmaster... Alright..." the young man stepped down and kept quiet. While the old man with white hair who the young man called grandmaster was impressed by the young girl"s reaction. Even if Hongqi lost focus, his strength and speed didn"t demolish instead it improves but the girl uses that improve to herself.

Drizella sinking: "It was just getting fun too."

The old man appealed to her: "Place forgives this one"s disciple. He has rushed to make a decision before investigating it through. If you don"t mind how about a fight against me."

Drizella laughed: "Hahaha! Old man, you must be joking. Even though I don"t know how you are, I know that you are one of the strongest people here. Those old bones and that weak looking body won"t deceive me."

The old man was even more impressed. He laughs: "Hahaha! This young lady is right. If this young lady doesn"t want to fight than we won"t."

He turns around, giving a light bow with his hands, he said, "My three disciples and I would leave now."

"Why is the Grandmaster of the Ice Pavilion leaving?"

"Yes. With him we disciples wouldn"t even have to raise our hands."

"Stop insulting bulkheads. The Ice Pavilion didn"t involve themselves, they must be traveling back and spotted a disturbance and only came to see what is going on."

"Still... they still came. So they should stay."

Drizella listens to their discussion and feels relief inside. It"s a good thing she made the right decision to not fight that old man. Anyway, how long does she has to stand up here for? If they are going to fight then fight. Why the long talk! If not, just allow her to leave here with the children.


Jasmine stared at the face full of bandages in her bedroom. She turns towards the royal doctor that is trembling at the side: "Why hasn"t she awaken yet! If you don"t tell me the truth, I"m going to tell Father and your head will be rolling in any second!"

The royal doctor went on his knee: "Pr...princ...princess...she hasn"t... a..a...awaken yet...b.b..because she"s....going...thro...throu...through her"

Jasmine was getting at this doctor"s shuttering, "Speak clearly! I don"t understand any of your words!"

"She...She"s going through her second awakening that"s why she hasn"t awakened and... and she will need someone with strong mana to help pull her up," the doctor told Jasmine as he tries to hide his neck.

Jasmine was very frustrated. The strongest people she knows and is able to help is her are her three brothers. But two of her brothers are away from the castle while the only one left hated girls, the only exception is her. How is she going to make her brother help her, she doesn"t want to give up when she went to all the trouble of saving the girl.

She thought up of a solution: "Doctor, don"t tell anyone that she is a girl or else your whole family to the ninth generation would be beheaded."

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