Drizella walk into the middle of the large room. The girl who told her to dance walk pa.s.s her as she whispers, "Wish you luck."

Drizella whisper back, "Thank you but you really shouldn"t."

The girl turned out to be the woman dress in full white that seems to have a weak but curveinous body.

Drizella stand in the middle of the room waiting for the music to start.

She have some recollections of Xuehau"s dance moves so she"s not worried about the dance. Drizella is more worried about her movement being sloppy.

In her previous life, she has tried dancing but in this life she hasn"t done any dancing. To add, no one taught her dancing moves. Her life revolve around the sword as she is Leon.

Let"s pray that everything turns out will, even if she mess up, with Xuehau"s reputation... she might just be able to get away with ruining everything.

She closes her eyes trying to picture out the dance Xuehau had envision. As the first beat of the music begin, she didn"t move, just staying in her original spot. The third beat sounded, her hands finally make their movements.

Everyone could see that her movement wasn"t elegant as a blooming flower but as sharp as a sword, yet they couldn"t move their eyes away from her figure. Her long sleeve, red robe and scarf around her arm hide her sloppiness and bring a different kind of elegance with her sharp movements.

Shen Yuan"s body spring up into the air and as if he can"t control has body, the fruit knife on the table was in his hands as he launch towards the crown prince.

Drizella troll her feet and stretch out the long scarf around her arms to grab Shen Yuan.

As she has already learn how to control leaves with her spiritual energy, she uses the same method on the scarf. However, unlike the leaves which are small and less complex, the scarf was larger and has many silk threads tied together creating more complexity and more usage of her spiritual energy.

As the scarf tried to grab Shen Yuan, he lost control of his movement and like a puppet, he throw the knife straight at the Heavenly Emperor.

Drizella has to swiftly change the scarf direction from Shen Yuan to the Heavenly Emperor.

In one hand, she caught Shen Yuan before he fell down and on the other hand, the scarf has a tear but was able to stop the knife from moving.

Everyone stare in amus.e.m.e.nt and dread. The palace guard surrounded Drizella with their spear pointing at her.

Drizella"s mouth twitch. What she means by ruin everything, she doesn"t mean this kind of ruining her life!!

Shen Yuan watches as the woman hold him tightly in her embrace not letting him go. He don"t know what happened but he felt like he was being controlled to do those things. A hot energy was slowly gas.h.i.+ng the back of his s.h.i.+rt. Then a cooling energy seem to overpower that hot energy on his back. This energy was faint to the energy that saved him before.

"What are you doing?" Drizella speak out.

The head guard clasp his hands together forming a bow then explained, "I"m sorry. But that child have to leave with me."

Drizella: "Why?"

Head guard: "He was trying to a.s.sa.s.sinate the crown prince and the emperor. How can we let him go scout free."

Drizella: "Isn"t the emperor and crown prince still safe and sound. Even more, this child is still a young child. His strength can"t match up to them so how can this be cla.s.sified as an a.s.sa.s.sination attempt. It"s more like a prank for the crown prince"s birthday party."

Head guard: "...Even so, he has to come with us. Who knows what will happen in the future. Now is the best time to snap the bud before there are future troubles."

Drizella want to argue more but this is a celebration not a court. If the conversation continues on, it might upset the emperor and crown prince, creating more unnecessary trouble later.

She sigh as she put Shen Yuan down. She said in a dissatisfying tone, "All right. But I"m coming along as his guardian and as his master."

After they left, the guests were astonished. The cruel and worthless young miss Bai Xuehau is acting different. She seem and doesn"t seem like the Bai Xuehau everyone knows and heard so much about.

She stand her stance against the imperial head guard, her spiritual energy was so great, and her dance was as sharp as a sword with elegance.

The Bai Xuehau they know is a coward who only knows to beat up the weak and revere the strong. What they just saw is beyond their believe.

The emperor sitting on his throne has a satisfied smile on his face as he skin all his princes. His eyes linger on the crown prince, the twin princes and the seventh prince, who is sickly.

In his mind, one of them would make for the perfect husband for such a ferocious and confident girl.
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His first two times seeing Bai Xuehau, she didn"t make such an impression on him. She was a quiet and cowardly girl. In front of him, she acted pleasant behind him, she was ill-mannered.

Today though she has a quiet aura surrounding her and has the look of someone enjoying a play. When someone provoked her, she provoked back with her skills not with her fists. What even more surprises him was her technique in handling the situation and her spiritual power.

"Now then, let"s not waste our time with the past and enjoy the crown prince"s birthday celebration," the emperor exclaimed.

Even though he was just speaking casually, everyone can feel the might and power in those words.

At the side, a silhouette slowly disappear from were he was sitting and follow Drizella"s group while staying hidden.

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