Drizella waited outside as the head eunuch inform the emperor of her visit.

The head eunuch came back out, nodded his head and made a gesture for her to enter.

Drizella took a deep breath in and out before entering the emperor"s study room.

She don"t know what the emperor want to talk to her about but she have something to talk about with the emperor.

From fragments of Xuehau"s memories, she can make out what kind of emperor he is. Furthermore, she got first dips in seeing the emperor on her second time being in this body.

From what she can remember, Xuehau is very afraid of the emperor. The emperor"s eyes seems to know every move and action she was doing. He was like a watchful G.o.d watching and watching everything happen before him. If he got enough of watching, terrible things can happen to that person.

However, from what Drizells sees he is better than the Zovaidel kingdom"s king but worse than the Desert Empire"s emperor. The Zovaidel"s king is very much a hypercritical man that she can"t stand him but she can"t hate him either. She only saw the Desert"s emperor twice, the first time, he has a weak body but seem to have a kind heart. Yet, the second time... he was still weak but have a strong mind and can easily influence those around him.

Drizella guess there are many type of king and emperor. Depending on their rule, the place they rule can turn out good or bad.

Anyway, she has no reason or want anything to do with the places they rule and politics.

The head eunuch standing on the side has a curious look in his eyes, wondering what is wrong with the young miss of the house of Bai. She took a deep breath and just stood there before entering the emperor"s study room.

The inside of the emperor"s study room was rather simple with a table and scrolls on the side waiting for him to read. Books stacked on the bookshelves waiting to be read. Hanging on the wall were some calligraphy that she cannot read or made out. Even though the study room was simple, the simpleness made the room gorgeous too.

Standing before her was the Emperor of the Heaven Realm, Tang LiWei. At the age of two hundred he took his brother"s throne and became emperor of the Heavenly Realm. No one knows the reason why his brother give th throne to him. Even so, before he was crowned, Tang LiWei was already famous throughout the Heaven Realm.

He with his brother killed one of the evil dragon bringing peace back to the three realms. At the age of twenty, he killed his first beast all by himself and received his first heavenly tribulation after training for 10 years.

She did a curtsey bow showing her respect and named herself.

The emperor turn his head up from the scroll infront of him and questioned, "Do you know why we called you to meet us?"

Drizella gulp down with little droplets forming on her forehead. Like Xuehua"s memories protruded this emperor has watchful eyes like a hawk. It seems like he can predict her every movement almost like the Desert sultan"s brother, Kasim.

She answered: "Yan Xuehau doesn"t know what the emperor wants to talk about but Xuehau does have some something she wants the emperor to allow."

Tang LiWei raise an eyebrow: "The dance you show for the crown prince"s celebration is similar to the Phoenix Dance yet it is not. What is the name of your dance."

Drizella knows that he is testing the water before making his real objective real. She answer in an ambiguous manner, "An imitation of the Pheonix Dance doesn"t need a name, does it."

Tang LiWei show a surprise look but only last for a second. Drizella didn"t catch his surprise look and still wondering how to bring up her favor.

"Is it?" Tang LiWei questioned with a voice of indifference.

"That is what this one think. Doesn"t know if the emperor have a different idea?"

His lip"s turn into a little smirk as he said, "The Pheonix dance is of elegence while what you exhabit isn"t an imitation. It is a flawless display of sword skill and dance."

Drizella can felt the intense glare at her when he mentioned "sword skill" yet she has to act as if she knows nothing about it.
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"Please don"t joke, this one just doesn"t have the elegence that the Pheonix dance need."

Tang LiWei didn"t prep further: "We see. Let us bestow a name to this dance then. Soaring Pheonix, that would be fine right?"

Inside her consciousness, Drizella almost kneel down at Tang LiWei"s naming sense.

"Why don"t you just stick to the original name. What is the use of adding an addition word to the original name?"

Even if she think so, she still have to comply with the name. She was just a step away from thanking Tang LiWei for the name when he interrupted.

"We see, let"s change it to Soaring Blade dance. Next time, we would like to see your great style with a sword."

Drizella: "Thank you, your majesty. Might this lady ask a favor out of you?"

The enunch to the side almost jump and scold her but a wave of Tang LiWei"s arm stop him.

"Oh! What is this favor? For saving us, we will hear your favor."

Drizella bite her lower lip contemplating on her own thoughts. She said, "Let me take on Shen Yan"s punishment."

"You? Who is of a n.o.ble bloodline? He don"t even have a special relations.h.i.+p to you either. Why take on his punishment?"

Drizella sneer, she didn"t care about curtsey anymore: "n.o.ble bloodline? When this blood has killed my whole family leaving only me behind? Special relations.h.i.+p? Shen Yuan is my disciple, does that not count as special? Beside, how can a child... moreover, a mortal won"t be able to bear the eighteen level of h.e.l.l. You are...your majesty is demanding a child to die without reason."

Even though Tang LiWei was surprise at her speech pattern, he felt like the girl has finally shown her true color.

"Reason? Isn"t attempting to a.s.sa.s.sinate us a reason?"

"But your majesty isn"t dead and it"s a controlled attempt a.s.sa.s.sination, which your majesty should know. It"s when the person is being control to do the deed. Instead, of looking for the penetrator, your majesty is condemning a child to die. Whatever reason your majesty have, I, Bai Xuehau has put Shen Yuan under my protection."

"Since you have gone so far as to protect him, we can let you suffer in his place but he need a punishment too or else were would we put our face."

Drizella contemplated for a minute and said, "Since he"s a mortal, sending him back to the mortal realm to suffer what a mortal is suppose to suffer should suffice."

Tang LiWei smile, "I can allow that but you have to make a deal with us?"

Hearing the word deal, Drizella didn"t want since she is only accompanying Xuehau"s body and don"t know when she would leave. If she leaves, Xuehau would have to deal with the aftermath in her place.

She doesn"t want to create trouble for the other person to cover. Xuehau would most likely throw a tantrum and punish everyone in her residence.

Drizella: "What is the deal?"

"Ummm... You have to agree first or the punishment would belong to him not you."

Biting her lower lip again, Drizella really have a hard time thinking between Xuehau and Shen Yuan. She promise, she would take care of Shen Yuan and breaking such a promise isn"t befitting of her. Shen Yuan doesn"t have anyone to care for him either. To add, he"s only a child of about eight years old. On the other hand, there is Xuehau and this is Xuehau"s body. She can"t bring damage or resentment to herself to create more of a bad reputation for Xuehau.

Drizella took a deep breath and with strong eyes declare, "Alright deal but you have to promise to erase Shen Yuan"s memories of here, give him a happy home and it can"t be something that"s over my abilities or else I will just have to force my way with the punishment. Your majesty, should know why I am still alive even though my family have died. I am very capable..."

She trail her sentence and didn"t finish.

Tang LiWei with a harsh tone and darken face: "You dare to threaten us."

"Of course not, I am just stating the facts."

Tang LiWei sigh with a smile sneer: "You are perfect. More than we have thought. The deal is marrying one of my sons."

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