The skinny mice lightly nibble on the boy"s stomach to see a reaction and he did get one. The mouse can feel the boy rolling around in the snow as he tries to scratch himself. Each scratch was getting closer to the mouse and trying to reach the mouse in one hit but his layered clothes always get in the way. The only way for him to get the mouse is taking his layer of clothes off in this cold weather.

The boy glance at the where the n.o.bles are doing their Awakening Ceremony and a frustrated glare was aiming at him. He was scared s.h.i.+tless. He hurriedly took off his b.u.t.toned coat and sweater. This only makes him feel chilly and freezing that he sneeze a few times. Those that watch can"t help but feel sorry for him and think that he"s an idiot.

Ella has the face of someone in a panic. She wanted to help but a hand hold onto her shoulder. Peeking at the person, it was the person they called Daisy. On her lip is a clear innocent smile as if she was telling her to forget about helping.

Drizella: "Do you really want to stop the fight. Even if he said all those bad things."

Ella nodded her head without hesitation even if it means that she"ll lose the fight.

Drizella sigh--this is what female lead is all about. Being kind, gentle, and sweet. Let"s not forget being able to forgive easily.

The boy yelled out, "Heh! Never thought a n.o.ble lady would use underhanded method!"

Ella smiled: "On second thought that"s not."

Drizella almost face-slip onto the snow looking like the boy. Her lip twitches uncomfortably, this is also a form of being kind, gentle, and sweet. He just dug his own grave but she"s not going to beat him to death with two mice.

The one-sided laughter of the boy was getting boring after half an hour as the boy"s laughter shorten into shrieks. He kept trembling as his hands are red and felt like frozen as he moves slowly to search his s.h.i.+rt. His breathing was shortening as his chest huff up and down like he was suffocating.

Ella: "Give up. Isn"t it cold sleeping in all this snow."

The boy clinches his teeth not willing as he kept digging his own clothes.

Ella eyed Drizella with a troubled look as she steps back from the boy. Drizella felt something is off with the boy"s action as he kept looking at the side every three minutes. She a.s.sumed one of the n.o.bles must really hate Cinderella to use such tricks. She kept an eye on where the boy"s eyes kept looking to locate his n.o.ble master.

Drizella walk to Ella, she mumbles in her ear. Ella side-glance to the side, she nodded her head and whispered some words back. They said a few more words to each other before Drizella back off and Ella walks in front of the boy. She murmurs a few sentences to the boy, making his eye wide and full of terror. The boy ponders for a sec before he announces, "I concede. It"s your win but remember your promise."

Everyone was baffled by the boy"s sentence. He who wouldn"t admit defeat at all admitted after a few words from her. What did she tell for him to yield? This really is a weird fight but a weak animal such as a mouse can win against a person! They shouldn"t take her lightly, she is a n.o.blewoman after all.


Ella took off her warm furry cloak and wrap it around the boy with a slight smile. There"s a slight blush on his cheeks if people look closely. He was s.h.i.+vering nonstop even with the cloak, his hands and ears are bright red. He couldn"t even move his fingers to warm himself up. His breathing was even more unsteady than before.

Drizella moved Endy and Gray upfront motioning them to help support the boy as he walks and to follow her. She asked Ella if they could use the carriage she uses to warm up from the cold. She directed Clara and Emma to buy a few hot, warm drinks, and food while Stan will buy blankets in the capital town with the money they earned from the bet and return to the carriage. Ella will show the way to her carriage as Endy and Gray carry the boy.

As they walk from the commoner"s Awakening Ceremony to were Ella"s carriage is, Drizella spotted a girl with a very bright yellow dress under a cloak standing by herself. She stammered a bit before she runs to where the girl is.

She called out, "Excuse me, are you, Marguerite?"

The girl has a very evil mouth: "Excuse me! A commoner like you shouldn"t address a n.o.ble lady like me with the word you!"

WOW! Such a rude child. She"s the rich version of Emma in every aspect they speak. Guessing this is the reason her father want someone to watch over her. She"ll never be able to make any real friend with a mouth like that.

Drizella comforted herself. She straightens out her clothes and did a lady bow, "Excuse this one"s rude behavior. Should this one call my lady, Lady Marguerite?"

She crosses her arm as she puffs out her chest, "I...I guess I"ll allow a commoner like you to call me Marguerite and address yourself as yourself."

Drizella has a carefree smile as her head is running--Yep, she definitely has the tsundere syndrome. If this was a j.a.panese manga or anime she"ll be one of the main characters.

"Marguerite if you don"t mind you should follow me."

"Why should I! Staying here is just fine with me."

"Even though you are all ALONE." She glances at her surrounding. Marguerite was really all alone there wasn"t even a shadow or other footprint around her except herself. The others are avoiding her like she"s the black plague. Drizella shrug, "Suit yourself. Even though your father ask me to watch over you."

"Wa...wait! You"re really leaving..." her voice got soft at the end of her sentence almost as if she"ll cry at any minute. She tightly grasps her cloak with tears in her as her head lower from a 90 degree.

Drizella sigh, she"s really wasting her time dealing with this when she"s supposed to help the boy. She steps up to Marguerite clearing her tears with her freezing fingers, "Please don"t cry. Tears don"t fit a beautiful lady like you."

After that sentence left her mouth she... wanted to dig a hole for herself! She sounded like those main male characters! Especially the PLAYBOY kind!!!

Marguerite sniffed as she complains, "Your hands are cold."

"...Sorry for having cold hands."

She shook her head, "No. It felt good."

SHE WANTS TO KILL HERSELF!!! The whole conversation felt like a drama story plot right out of a book! She"s playing the male lead while Marguerite is the female lead and the part is about wooing the female lead. She took a fleeting glimpse at Marguerite... feeling guilty. Don"t go making such a cheerful blus.h.i.+ng face... you"re making me more ashamed than I already am!!

Forget it! She has a more important matter to attend to right now. She just hopes this doesn"t lead to a girl"s love development.


"Your late. Who"s with you." Endy asks with an annoyed look in his blue eyes.

"This is Marguerite. The person who took us here told me to look for. Marguerite, these two are Gray and Endy. The girl is Ella while... I don"t know the boy"s name." Drizella introduces them to each other. She didn"t expect the carriage to be so simple but gorgeous at the same time. The carriage can fit her whole family inside and she can live in it without feeling cold. It"s even comfortable and sleepable too!

"Can you get serious here already," Endy said again.

"Yes. You don"t have to be so mean to me." Drizella holds onto the boy"s hand before her hands were knocked away from the boy"s hand. She freezes in her position. Even though her hands are cold there was warmth returning to the boy"s hand but at a very slow pace and his breathing is still not stabilized. He hasn"t gone to the most extreme of hypothermia yet. She turns her attention to Endy.

Endy blushes as he quickly answered her, "A...a man and a woman shouldn"t be so intimate before marriage."

Drizella: "I know. Can you help me lay him down and hold his head up for me. We need to stabilize his breathing before he went into shock and before I have to...cpr."

Endy was getting angry. This girl doesn"t understand what he was trying to apply at all! Is she trying to play dumb or does she really not understand his meaning.

After carefully laying him down. Drizella uncloaks the cloak around the boy"s neck. She places her fur cloak on top of him as she searches around the carriage for a big object. After 30 sec. of searching and only seeing that the carriage is too clean that there is not a drop of dust anywhere, she gives up. She climbs onto the sit the boy is laying down on, she lifted his two legs as she kneels down on the sit.

Drizella remembers something: "Ella, you can use healing magic right. And since your a n.o.ble you should already learn to use magic so try it on him to see if his complexion would be better."

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