Drizella stares intensely at the scroll in her hand without any clues. She tries flipping and turning it around, trying to understand what is written in the scroll.

The only thing she knows is that Francis might have look at the scroll but hasn"t used it. She only knows this due to an adventurer who stopped by Hadleigh and told her that a scroll with a black marking on the upper right-hand side can only be used once. Since they are rare and most are filled with complicated techniques, they require specific requirements. After the technique is learned the scroll will set fire to itself turning to ash.

She has seen adventurers use scrolls but the way they use scrolls are different from each other. Some cast spells while others chant spells that she doesn"t know or understand anything.

Will, she can make something that sounds cool up and see if it works like in mangas and novels. She looks around her area seeing no one close by. With a deep breath and embarra.s.s face she whispered, "Sleeping in the deepest part of darkness, I call upon you to appear before me..."

Nothing happened... she shocks the scroll and left it on the table not bothering with it anymore and went to sleep. She is still a six-year-old child and she should try to put on the act of a six-year-old child even if it"s a girl or boy.

Coco the little blue slime who hasn"t been mentioned slide through the creek door that Drizella left open. It bounces up into the comfy bed and sneaks into the quilt, not forgetting to sink into Drizella"s arms. It smoothes Drizella"s cheek as it went to sleep too.


One day pa.s.s by and Drizella hasn"t figure any new information about the scroll. She searches the Tremaine"s library for any information about the scroll but all the information she got aren"t really useful or they are just the same information she got from the adventurer.

She knows that Francis is testing her intelligent by making her figure out what the scroll is by herself without any help...but he should think about her age!

Drizella slumps down on the chair in the library as she tilts her head up staring into the ceiling. Her thoughts?... As blink as the white ceiling, hovering above her.

Then she finally remembers a very important element in male or female fantasy novels... [BLOOD]! Using blood as the median and connection to break through barriers on ancient types of equipment. She should"ve thought about this first!

For the Awakening Ceremony, they use their blood to form a contract... more like create an egg so maybe for the scrolls, there might be blood involved.

Drizella quickly rushed towards the bedroom prepared for her and took out the scroll from under the desk. After unfolding the scroll, she quickly made the resolve to bit her thumb as hard as she could, so that there be a cut and blood would drip.

The process of bitting her thumb was a very long process for her. Her mind kept hesitating, like all human, she doesn"t want to hurt herself or feel pain... only those that are an extreme m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t like pain.

With a sigh, she gives up the idea of bitting herself and tries to find a new way to be able to read the scroll.

She really is a coward when it comes to things like this. Drizella can"t do anything but keep sighing at herself.


The black carriage stop in front of the castle gate. When the two guards saw who was inside, they opened the gate to let the person in.

The man has a wonderful appearance, with golden blond hair and blue eyes, adding to everything, a dominating aura that would make anyone think he"s a prince or even the king.

Francis steps foot into the king"s audience room, he knelt down saying, "Francis Tremaine at your service, your Majesty."

"Stand up. Stand up. Marquess Tremaine doesn"t have to be so courteous." The king smilingly said.

Francis stood up and attention to what the king has to say next for calling him for an audience.

The king didn"t beat around the bushes but he was straightforward honest with Francis as to why he called for him: "My first son, Lucas told me that he"s already engaged to a girl. And that girl just happens to be one of your newest daughters. Do you have anything to say, Francis."

"No. Nothing. It"s a promise made between two youngsters and I don"t plan to break their promise myself. Even if they married, Prince Lucas don"t have the right the inherit the throne, so there wouldn"t be any problem for the Queen"s sons," Francis made his judgment to the king.

The king nodded as he understand but there will always be an unforeseen event in the future. So he made another proposal to Francis that Francis couldn"t really oppose.


Drizella stomp right into Francis room with a frown on her face. She doesn"t have the patience to put the act of a young girl right now. With one deep breath, she told him, "I WON"T MARRY the prince!"

Francis looks up at her and to the side of her, seeing Camilla and a maid. He directed his gaze at Drizella again, "Why? Give me a specific reason."

"You already know my reasoning and it will not change," she gives a final glare at Francis and walks out of the door.

Francis gives a laugh, "Your daughter is interesting."

"Enough talking. Why does Daisy have the mark and Cindy doesn"t when she suppose to," Camilla stated with frustration.

"What mark?"

"She is only supposed to have the marking for Unhappiness, not the mark for Loveless too."

Hearing this Francis thought for a moment, trying to figure out the meaning. He suddenly remembers as he walks towards the bookshelf, but instead of pulling one of the books out, he went to the side. Feeling the uneven marking, he knocks on it and a light flash as the light forms a square. Inside the square is old ma.n.u.scripts. Francis grabs the ma.n.u.scripts, scanning through each piece until he reaches what he was searching for.

Francis was a bit surprised at what he read. He mumbles to himself as he pa.s.ses the ma.n.u.script to Camilla.

Seeing him not acting like his normal self, Camilla read the ma.n.u.script to herself. She was shocked beyond belief.

Camilla slammed the ma.n.u.script on the desk and proceeds towards Francis. She raise her hand ready to give him a slap but he caught her arm tightly with his hand.

Camilla tries to move her hand but her hand wouldn"t budge at all in his grip. Her tears started flowing down as she bit her lip.

"Tha... that can"t be... just because Daisy"s older than Cindy by a couple of months... she has to suffer a fate that isn"t mint to be hers." Her eyes were filled with anguish and frustration as she voices out in a trembling voice.

Francis pulled her into his embrace as he stroked her back. He looks down at her crying face and licks the flowing tears near her eye.

Camilla was already shocked by him hugging her and rubbing her back but she was more startled and embarra.s.sed by him now.

She pushes him away and landed a slap across his face. Her face was clearly bright red and there was surprise mixed with wonder in her eyes.

She has forgotten what she was crying about as she exited the room breathing unrhythmically.

Francis touches the place he was slapped and smile remembering her embarra.s.sed appearance as she runs away.


Camilla just walks out of Francis"s office to see Lia waiting with a nervous and fidgeting appearance.

She took a few deep breaths to calm her racing heart before allowing Lia to speak.

Lia and Anna tagged along with them when they moved into the Marquess house. Drizella was hoping they wouldn"t and be happy with their loved ones but they insisted to come instead.

Camilla and Drizella know that Lia is in love with a guy but didn"t know the guy that will. He did come to birthday parties and is a likable guy. Who would"ve known that he"s a servant at Marquess Tremaine"s house. So that"s the reason why Lia was against staying and wanted to come instead... the world really is a small place where people can run into anyone they know.

Anna still hasn"t found anyone she like, however, there are many men pursuing her which she ignores all of them.

Lia said, "Miss, the first young miss is outside knelling unwilling to stand up until the Master announce that she doesn"t have to marry the Second Prince... and the little young miss is following her lead."

Camilla felt a headache coming; she just left his office and now she has to go back in there again. Just thinking about what just happened already make her feel ashamed and embarra.s.s to death.

She covers her face as she mumbles, "Albert was a pa.s.sionate man but not to that instant."

She braces herself for what is to come as she enters Francis"s office again.


Drizella"s posture was shaking yet she refuses to fall. She turns her head to glimpse at Anastasia"s sleeping face. She was kneeling down with Drizella but feel fast asleep on top of Coco after a few hours.

Anna who went to see how Lia was doing, came back to see Anastasia fast asleep on top of a slim creature. She picks Anastasia up from the squeezy slim creature and carries her in her bosom. Anna glimpse at Drizella debating whether she should leave or not. In the end, she decided it"s better to let the little young miss sleep on a bed so she left.

A little drip of water came from the sky as the sky turns from clear to cloudy. The little drips of water came rus.h.i.+ng turning into raindrops as it falls.

Drizella"s dress was draughting wet the more rain there is. She really is feeling like she has the worst luck on this planet.

Back on Earth, her luck was already bad and now in this world, her luck is also this bad.

An umbrella covers the top, backing away the rain. She heard a small whisper, "Why don"t you want to be the second prince"s fiancee?"

"My life is more important than anything else... Besides with just a glance, I know that you"re in love with him," She answers honestly but the person didn"t understand.

Drizella"s thought is "The rightful prince who would be the next king doesn"t belong to a villain girl like me. I don"t want to die an early death and troubles involving almost everything. He belongs to you Cinderella. You are a damsel in distress and he"s your prince charming who will rescue you from everything."

"Cindy, why are you calling yourself Cinderella when your real name is Cindy?" Drizella asks the question that has been stuck on her head.

"It... a long story which you don"t want to know," her eyes hold sadness as she said her sentence.

"Anyway, you"re allowed to call me Ella and an exchange allow me to call you Daisy. We are sisters from now on." Cinderella put on a lovely smile.

Drizella nodded not wanting to poke where it hurt.

As they stay there in the rain, Camilla came out of the door holding onto an umbrella. She sighed, "Go take a bath so you both don"t catch a cold and Daisy if you follow through with what you"re supposed to, you won"t have the engagement."


Drizella has no way out now. The only solution she has, she has to use it even if it meant losing a bit of blood... and hurting herself.

Since she doesn"t want to hurt herself, she uses a small pocket knife to cut the skin of her index finger. Blood slowly pour out filling the line of the cut.

She places her index finger on the black marking making the blood follow the marking. Black turn into red as light words appear on the scroll.

Drizella was going to place her b.l.o.o.d.y finger into her lip but Coco was faster as it gulps her hand.

She quickly pulled out to see all the blood and the cut gone like there was nothing there, to begin with.

Drizella was very confused but she has more important things to do.

The last days of the three days, Drizella spent working on the transformation skill.

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