Drizella carefully examines at the scroll in her hand. More than a scroll with words and nothing else, its concept is similar to a blueprint. There are drawings, words, designs, incantations, and et cetera imprinted in the scroll. Drizella was really fascinated, she thought she wouldn"t understand anything from the stroll but to her surprise, she is able to.

With her somewhat knowledge from attending college for half a year before her death in the field of medication and technology, she is able to make sense of the blueprint in the scroll.

Making a lifeless puppet out of woods is an easy feast but making a living puppet with looks from the exterior to the interior is harder than anyone can imagine. It even has to be able to think of its own and have emotions of its own. She also doesn"t have a lot of time left now. She spent two days to break the seal on the scroll and now this. She has to crave everything out from the smallest details to the biggest details! She definitely won"t finish in one day or even one year! Why does Francis have to give her something so hard? And if she doesn"t do it, its marriage and marriage mean DEATH!!!

"Huuhaa!! I should stop criticizing and procrastinating. Let"s see if there"s a short cut," sighing Drizella focus on the scroll in hope for a short cut.

Reading pa.s.sages one by one and gathering everything into clues, she decided to try something anew from what the scroll instructed. In her opinion its worth having trails and errors than spending how many years it would take to make a living puppet exactly like a human.

"Coco, Mommy is going to give you a very important task. Gather some woods for mommy," Drizella bent down and smile lovely at the blue slime as she instructed it.

Coco was very happy that Drizella can see sparkling stars dancing around Coco as it hurried to carry out its task.

Ahh! Coco is too sweet! But is Coco a boy or a girl. She should really check it out later or maybe just ask. Coco understands her so asking is better than checking... right?

Drizella hasn"t realized that she is treating Coco as a person and as a child more than her contracted spirited.


Poof!... Poof!... Och! Och! Ahh! Ahh! Noooo! Ack! Nooo! POOF!... Where many of the sounds that came out of Drizella"s room. The servants want to go inside and check if something was wrong but they were too scared. They heard rumors within each other that their new eldest miss is crazy and very haughty even though they haven"t even seen her before.

Meaning they didn"t care to check if their eldest miss is in good condition. They turn a blind eye on that door and kept on doing whatever they were doing.

Drizella didn"t have the time or need to consider whatever is happening outside of her door. She is already busy with whatever she was doing.

On the floor has more than one magic circle and to the side, there was a pile of burned woods, sticking up almost reaching her ceiling. The magic circles on the floor weren"t like a normal one it"s more like two magic circles blinding and combining into one.

Drizella has heard that if your knowledge and apt.i.tude for magic get higher or is great, there is no need for a magic circle. However, considering her small size, her level in the ranking and of how little knowledge she has, there is no way that is possible for her. Even if she is a reincarnator/transmigrator, doesn"t mean she is one of those all-powerful people in novel or books and has every bit of knowledge.

She can"t help but sigh as she once again places six pieces of wood in the magic circle forming a stick person. She studies the notes she has taken from all her failed experiments and consider what is leaking. Sometimes she was so close but other times she was so far away. She even takes into account the type of wood used, how big the wood has to be, how many woods she should use, even the drawing of the magic circle but what is it that she is leaking.

Ahh! How she hopes this is like a manga where unexpected things can lead to a clue or an ending like those mystery and factional manga. The most successful would be about the kid wearing gla.s.ses and goes by the name Conan.

Drizella turns her stare at Coco with a weary smile. How about helping your mommy more or make something unexpected happen for mommy. Mommy"s begged you!

Ahhhhhh! She"s going crazy! Talking about crazy sh*t!

Composing herself down, she once again went back to work.

As the sun begins to fall, she hasn"t even left her room once or eaten any food. The only thing leaving her room and coming back is Coco. No one knows what is going on inside the room since even with the blue slime leaving or coming back in, its always through the crook at the bottom of the door.

There was one very pitiful girl though. Wanting to find out what her sister is doing inside the room all day she quietly turns the doork.n.o.b and peeks inside. When the pitiful girl saw her sister"s craziness and having the delusion that her sister look like a demon, the pitiful girl quietly and quickly retreated. Never stepping foot close to that door ever again. It was a trauma she can never forget.

"What if... just what if..." Drizella gasps her breath as she began to draw six newly magic circle next to each other and divide the burned woods equally for the six circles. Coco can"t go out to get more woods since its dark, and even if those woods are burned and sc.r.a.p, they still maintain a bit of magic power from the failing experiments. She traces the magic circles with one wood from every six circles and drunk more than three bottles of mana recovery potion.

Chanting under her breath, the magic circles started to lit up one by one. However, she still has to consume more mana recovery potion to make all the six magic circle light up. As they light up, the woods in each circle started to rattle; binding, shaping and stretching together to form a human-like shape.

There appears a screen in front of her, which to her surprise only she can see. Coco didn"t notice the screen, it was happy jumping around at the master"s great success. The screen shows a manikin and other stuff like in a dress-up game or when creating an avatar for a game. It gets Drizella pump up with energy for its something she"s very familiar with. All her time trying to escape from men by doing different activities and club paid off.

"Hmm. I should make this puppet into a handsome boy. The most handsome person I"ve seen is... I can"t think of anyone but Francis," Drizella drip her head when she came to the realization.

However, thinking about it again... this puppet is going to be his stepson so... works?!

"If I only think of Francis"s face well it appears in the puppet... oh! So it really does! I should change some of the physical features... he"s still young, the face can"t look like someone old. The hair color, eyes..." Drizella touches the screen as she continues on with her creativity.


"Fran... Papa. Look. Look. Isn"t Leon handsome," his eldest daughter told him as she steps inside his room with another person coat in black.

She pulled the hood down and what was staring at him was a person nearly resembling him. With blue eyes and white platinum hair, a small different version of him.

"I tried to make him as human as possible. With around 206 bones... maybe more since he"s still growing and hasn"t reached adulthood. Muscle tissue that connects with the bones, red blood cells flowing through his body..." Drizella peers at Francis"s face. "Is papa listening?"

He snaps out of his daze and nodded.

Drizella continued, "The only problem is that he and I have to share physic. More like I"m connected to him. So I might be him or not?"

Francis nodded.

Drizella puzzled: "You understand?"

Francis explained with a sentence, "Your consciousness might transfer into the doll."

Drizella nodded amazed that Francis can understand her from her incoherent wording.


"After that, I told her not to tell anyone about this. For a child to succeed so quickly is abnormal," Francis finish as he took a drink of water. He"s not used to talking for so long, his throat is dry.

The grandmother agreed with Francis decision but she is a little upset that he left her out of everything. She swings the paper crane out of her pocket. "You never uses something so fancy. Why the sudden change? Is it also because of the child? I have so much to..."



Both voices symmetrically sounded at the same time, interrupting the grandmother"s jabbing words.

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