She, Drizella has never been this lost in her life. which way she went always lead to more aimlessly walking. She always thought she has a very good sense of direction but is her good sense not working in this world (universe). Maybe it"s not her but Xuehau that has a very bad sense of direction.

Just as she thought she would become a ghost wondering aimlessly; she heard a voice.

"Young miss, where are you?" the voice kept calling out.

Drizella perk up her dejected face as she familiarized herself with this voice before. It was Xiao Lizi"s voice. Even if she hasn"t familiarized Xiao Lizi"s voice, she still know that it is her. Since Xiao Lizi was the first person and voice she heard when she first came here (universe).

"I"m here!" Drizella stretch her hand in a wave.

Xiao Lizi heard the voice and saw that it belong to her young miss. What she didn"t know is why her own young miss is in such a mess.

Her hair is disheveled, her robe has tears and marks. Most of all, she is all wet, from her body to her robe.

Before the young miss didn"t allow her and Xiao Mimi to follow her as she follow the other young n.o.ble ladies. Yet, now her young miss has become a complete mess. To add, why is her young miss smiling so cheerfully when she has never done such.

Xiao Lizi: "Are you okay young miss? Why are you all wet? Did someone bully you again? Didn"t Xiao Mimi and I kept reminding you to fight back against those sort of people..."

Xiao Lizi speech was continuing to go own forever. It"s like she"s her (Drizella) mother.

Drizella: "I know already Lizi...Xiao Lizi. Let"s go. Let"s go. You won"t want to wear wet clothes forever, would you?"

Xiao Lizi has more to say but she quieted down when she thought about her young miss"s health.

"Yes, let me take the young miss back to get change. Xiao Mimi should still be looking for the young miss. Let me sent her a message and let her wait at the young miss"s resting place. Young miss might have avoid answering me but not Xiao Mimi."

.....What does she mean?


The wind breeze through the air as night quietly seep through the horizon. She who was drough in water can feel the coldness of night better than anyone. Each step she takes; makes her wants to quaver and sneeze but remembering Xuehau"s image, she endure going overbroad with her actions.

They quickly arrived where Xuehau reside for the party.

The party is for the Crown Prince"s twentieth birthday. It was a celebration that the whole heaven knows about and have been preparing for. Every man wants to impress the crown prince and get on his good side. Every woman wants to be like by the crown prince and be his lover.

Xuehau was no exception to the later. From the scattered memories of Xuehau, she knows that Xuehau was practicing a dance for the party. Only that the dance never went her way. Even if her movements are right, she was still unsatisfied. What she want was too fantasy-like with flowers scattering and blooming. Instead of a dance, Drizella would call it a magic trick.

"Young miss!" Xiao Mimi rush out of the residence with a warm blanket. There were tears in her eyes as she rushes out.

Drizella finally know that these two really love Xuehau. They have protected her from young and did everything they could to make her wish come true.

Even though they are very royal to Xuehau, Xuehau never treat them as human; she treated them more like animal. Each time she"s in a bad mood, Xiao Mimi and Xiao Lizi always have to bear her wrath.

Piecing those memories together was very painful to her mentally. There were curse words and physical torture, to the point that Xiao Mimi"s own eye went blind.

Xuehau... Xuehau... you let other bully you but never return pickback instead you vent those frustration on your three servants. What sort of master are you? Why are they still willing to follow you? By now they should have betrayed you?

Xuehau has three personal servants and they are all girls. They are Xiao Lizi, Xiao Mimi, and Xiao Cici. Each of them have their own special skills and have started serving her when she was a baby. They were still children than too. They all grew up together.

Xiao Cici is back at her (Xuehau) own place still recovering from her own injuries. If the memories serve her right Xiao Cici fractured her right hand when Xuehua kicked her.

Drizella let Xiao Mimi wrap the blanket around her. she extend her hand and touch Xiao Mimi"s face on the left side. She reach to Xiao Mimi"s left eye and caress it.

"Sorry, Xiao Mimi," Drizella said.

She knows that Xuehau regretted all the actions she has done towards her maids but she can"t control her anger and frustration towards her own life.

Xiao Mimi look at her in shock then shook her head: "Young miss don"t have to worried about this little maid. This little maid got what she deserved."

Drizella smile weakly: "Don"t say such thing about youself. You, Xiao Lizi, and Xiao Cici are family to me. I promise you will see the world whole again."

Xiao Mimi touched Drizella"s forehead, "Young miss, you don"t have a fever. Why are you saying such strange thing."

"It"s not strange..."

"Alright. That"s enough young miss need to change and head back to the party before people notice that the young miss disappeared."

Drizella walked into the lit square room. It was a simple room unlike Xuehau"s room, where she knock her forehead. She look into the mirror and was petrified, her face has makeup marks all over. Black circles around her eyes that look like it"s raining tears like a clown. White powder raising to her silky black hair, making her look like a grandma.

It almost make her wanted to scream. She was scared to death. She glance at the two maids who were hurrying to prepare a set of clothing for her and a bath. At the back of her head, she was remembering all her acts with this sort of face. It made her so embarra.s.sed, she wants to dig a grave for herself. She really wants to know how those two was able to interact with her.

Was.h.i.+ng her whole body and removing the awful stains on her face makes her feel better. She allows them to doll her up. Even if she want to cloth herself she has the slightest clue to. Drizella was so embarra.s.sed through the whole process.

After they doll her up, she look up at the mirror. Her reflection made her crack a wry smile. The red robe with silky flowers and hairstyle is very good but the face make her want to puke. There was way too much makeup, she look like a ghost slash zombie.

Drizella: "Do you have something against me?"

They both tilt their head, not having the slightest clue: "This is how young miss always want her makeup. Is there something wrong?"

You ask if there is something wrong. There is something wrong with Xuehau"s makeup senses. No wonder the prince never look her way and others called her a lunatic. From her behavior to her appearance, if no one suspected she was weird or even a lunatic that would be weird itself.

Drizella watches as Xiao Lizi fish out a silky red veil to cover her nose to her chin.

...YEP! Xuehau is a lunatic no matter were you look.
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Shooing the two of them out of the room, Drizella removed the veil and makeup. She lightly powder her face and brow. With Xuehau"s own natural beauty, she didn"t need to cover complicated anything. She highlighted her eyes in red (like red eyeliner), paint her glossy lip in pale red, and flower petals between her brows. The final touch was the veil. She don"t know why but she just put the veil on. In every party Xuehau went she always cover her face with something.

Drizella know that Xuehau is a beauty but she didn"t need to go over the top with hiding it. She than walk out of the room naturally.

When Xiao Lizi and Xiao Mimi saw her they thought they saw a G.o.ddess descending to heaven. She was a real beauty even though half of her face is covered up. They didn"t have any thoughts or speak as they lead the way.

What they didn"t know was that under her robe in her hand and arm a snake was hiding.

Drizella found the snake in the room and remember before she left she yelled out snake. Xuehau must have been keeping it. Even though they both aren"t snake fan, Drizella decided to let it tag along. Even more, it"s very friendly so there shouldn"t be a problem.

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