I find myself curling up my lips in distaste as I take in my husband"s a.s.sistant. She"s wearing a plunging cream colored silk blouse that leaves nothing to the imagination, and her leather A-line skirt looks like it"ll split in two if she has to actually bend over to pick up anything.

She doesn"t notice me at first until I move to Dixon"s side, finally then does she take her eyes off of my husband. "Oh I didn"t know you had company." She say"s a little too sweetly as she flutters her eye lashes at me before turning her attention back to Dixon.

Lacing his fingers with mine, Dixon gives my hand a gentle squeeze as he turns and smiles down at me before looking back up at her. "Jaquelin, this is my wife, Brooklyn."

Jaquelin blinks a few times as the stun of who I am sinks in. I nibble at my cheek as I try to refrain from opening my mouth and telling this b.i.t.c.h to go join the unemployment line. I can see a gold digging wh.o.r.e a mile away. This chick has my wh.o.r.edar ringing loudly above her head.

Composing herself, she pulls up her phone looking at it before bringing her attention back to Dixon. "I thought I heard something about you getting married. I thought it was just another story to sell gossip magazines. I had no idea you were even seeing anyone exclusively. I guess congratulations are in order then."

"We"ve been seeing each other for a few months now, our wedding was spur of the moment, but I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this girl and thought why wait? We were in Vegas so I figured why not elope? We"re planning a big a.s.s celebration for family and friends since they weren"t able to be at our wedding."

Bringing my hand up to Dixon"s chest I press it against his heart and beam up at him, and then turn to Jaquelin, "Ain"t he the sweetest? I don"t know how I ever got so lucky."

Gritting her teeth, she shakes her head in disbelief, "He sure is..." She looks around nervously before stammering over her words, "So...I guess I"ll go get your coffee then...don"t forget boardroom 2 in fifteen minutes." With that she quickly disappears down the hall and onto the elevator.

Stepping in front of Dixon I look from the hallway where she just was standing then back up at him. "That chick has to go. Please don"t tell me you slept with your a.s.sistant, because that girl was looking at me like I just stole her favorite freaking toy or something."

Running his fingers through his hair, he lets out a frustrated groan, "We may have hooked up a time or two, but that was a long time ago. She"s really good at her job and I didn"t want to risk things getting messy between us so I let her know things between us had to be completely professional."

I let out a sarcastic laugh. I can"t imagine that b.i.t.c.h willingly agreed to that. "You seriously think I believe she fell for that? The way she was looking at you just now, it"s very evident to me and probably everyone else around you two that she is just biding her time until she can get back into your bed again."

"She agreed with me that it was for the best. Believe me she isn"t spending her nights alone. That girl has a new man every other week. You have nothing to be worried about. But I will say you jealous over her is making me really f.u.c.kin" hard again." He lets out a s.e.xy growl and leans down sucking my bottom lip into his mouth and presses his now hard erection into my stomach.

My girly parts are tingling all over again with the need to be f.u.c.ked once again by him. But he has a meeting to get to and if we go for another round he"s never going to make it.

Bringing my hands up to his chest, I push him back breaking the electric pull that sparks between us every time our bodies touch. I have to shake away the erotic fog filling my head and get my mind to focus.

"You, Mr. Beaumont have a very important meeting to get to. If I make you late, Knox will be up here making heads roll before dragging your a.s.s down there. We"ll have plenty of time for playing once you finish dominating the board room and signing all these million dollar deals. I"m going to go now, FYI we"re not through talking about your little a.s.sistant either."

Knowing better than to argue with me, Dixon instead gives me a quick peck on the lips, "Love you, baby. I"ll see you tonight."

"Love you..." I say lovingly before blowing him a kiss and shutting the door behind me.

My entire trip down the elevator and outside while waiting for my car I find myself grinning ear to ear. The last twenty-four hours have been crazy, but it feels like things with Dixon and I are finally coming together.

Now we get to focus on this secret honeymoon Dixon has planned and planning our wedding reception with all of our friends and family to properly celebrate getting married.

Friday can"t come fast enough.

Chapter 14.

-Dixon Brooklyn and I have been apart so many times since we"ve met, but I swear this has been single handedly the hardest three days apart. She was only in L.A. from Tuesday until this afternoon, but it felt more like a f.u.c.king lifetime. I barely slept last night because all I could think about was the fact that she was finally flying back to Houston today.

We texted nonstop while she was away working, but it wasn"t enough. It took everything in me to not jump in my d.a.m.n jet and fly out there and surprise her. If I did that I think my crew would"ve killed me because we have had a week from h.e.l.l. Between mix-ups with lumber deliveries, to punks vandalizing our work area. It was the worst time for me to go MIA on them.

But thankfully now everything is under control and back on track so I"m free to go away for a few days with Brooklyn. She has no idea where we"re going. I just told her to pack a bag with enough clothes for the weekend. Nothing fancy. Just lounge clothes because this is a weekend made for nothing but relaxing and lots and lots of s.e.x. So as soon as her plane landed we drove out to the beach house so she could pack her weekend bag and then get our a.s.ses on the road.

I"ve never wanted to escape this city and get away from the entire world and be alone with a girl so much in my life. Right now that"s exactly what I"m doing. Things are finally good with my parents" and her mom and dad seem to be happy for us. I"m still nervous as f.u.c.king h.e.l.l about having to fly out to Los Angeles next week and meet them officially.

I know she was just as nervous about meeting my family, but she had nothing to be worried about. My sister thankfully warmed them up before we got to the house for dinner. So once we arrived both my mom and dad were in good spirits and welcomed Brooklyn with open arms. I think a small part of it had to do with the fact that we signed the stupid postnuptial agreement, so that took the stress of things off of the table with my parents" and Brooklyn.

Now my mother is already planning a lunch date with Brooklyn at the country club once we get back from our honeymoon. My sister asked us to fly down to Dallas soon too so she can get to know Brooklyn. It feels surreal introducing my family to my wife. Everything with us has happened so fast that we skipped over that entire stage of meeting the family and dating. But I wouldn"t change this for anything.

I plan on giving Brooklyn a weekend she"ll never forget. I brainstormed all day about where to take her for a honeymoon. I thought about whisking her off in my jet to Paris but the city is too congested and I really don"t feel like sightseeing. The only thing on my agenda is spending as much time with Brooklyn alone together. Our lives are so crazy with our work schedules that it"s going to be hard for us to find that alone time together. So I thought a trip to the lake was perfect.

With my truck packed with all the essentials needed for our weekend getaway, I roll through the security gate and pull onto the long gravel road that leads to my family"s log cabin on Lake Conroe here in Montgomery, Texas. My grandfather built it in the early eighties and ever since it"s been a family tradition to come up here to fish and escape the city life. It"s only an hour drive from Houston, so on the weekends, Kayden and the guys like to hook up our boats and drive up here for a weekend of fishing, drinking, and bar-b-queing.

I"m excited to see what Brooklyn thinks of it. I know her and Savannah go to Memphis when they want to escape the L.A. lifestyle so I"m hoping that she"ll enjoy our time here. Hopefully, we can make it a tradition to come here as often as she likes to escape the stresses of our lives and just disconnect from the entire outside world.

Brooklyn rolls down her window and peers out at the lines of trees as we pa.s.s by them until the house and the lake finally come into view. "This is gorgeous, Dixon. I can"t wait to get out on the lake. It looks like gla.s.s out there right now it"s so calm."

I come to a stop in front of the garage and put the truck into park and turn off the ignition. Popping the driver"s side door open, I smile at Brooklyn over my shoulder as she follows suit and starts to climb out.

"As soon as we get the groceries inside, I"ll pull the boat out of the boat house. I gotta fill the cooler with ice and beer and you can pack some snacks that you want to bring out on the boat. Then we"ll go for a ride around the lake for a bit, maybe toss a few lines in."

She flashes me the sweetest smirk that makes it hard to breathe. She knocks the air straight out of my lungs with every little thing she does. Brooklyn jogs around the front of the truck to me and wraps her arms around my neck, crushing me against the driver"s side door. I cup her a.s.s in my hands pulling her into my chest as she flashes another earth shaking smile up at me.

"I can"t wait. I"ve been looking forward to this all week. It"s the only thing that helped this d.a.m.n week fly by." Bending my head down, I nuzzle my face into the crook of her neck causing her to giggle as my three-day-old beard scratches her skin. I press a kiss to her neck before nipping at it with my teeth making a squeal escape her lips and my d.i.c.k to jump in my jeans.

Every second I"m around her, I swear my d.i.c.k is f.u.c.king hard. Now, knowing she"s my wife and I"m the only guy that will ever f.u.c.k her only makes me want to bend her over the hood of my truck and f.u.c.k her even more-right now, in the middle of these f.u.c.king woods.

But I don"t think Brooklyn would appreciate me f.u.c.king her for old Mr. Coleman, to see while out fishin" on the lake. So instead I push the thoughts of banging my wife into the back of my mind and get to work hauling all of our groceries and luggage into the cabin.

As soon as we finish getting the groceries put away and the luggage upstairs to the master bedroom, I take Brooklyn on a tour of the house. My grandfather built it in 1985 and it quickly became a home away from home for the entire family. It"s six bedrooms and has three and a half bathrooms. My grandfather wanted a place where his children could escape the fast paced city life. The house is filled with pictures of my mom and dad when they were in college here with Kayden"s mother and his dad along with all their friends. Weekends out on the boat, or barbequing, playing horse shoes or just lounging around the yard soaking up the sun.

Pointing toward the wall beside the fireplace that is filled with an a.s.sortment of photographs, Brooklyn asks, "Is that you, Kayden and your sister?" My eyes immediately go to the rustic wooden 8x10 picture frame with a small ba.s.s on the edge of it hanging from a fishing pole. It"s of Kayden, Lila and I sitting on the edge of the dock with our little fishing poles in our hands. I"m smiling with a toothless grin; I think I was about seven or eight at the time.

I snake my arm around her waist and pull her into my side, and gaze up at the wall filled with memories. "Yup, judging by the missing teeth, I think I was about seven or eight then. We spent an entire month up here every summer, before going off to summer camp. I think right after this picture was taken, Kayden threw a frog at Lila that he caught hopping along the dock. It wasn"t two seconds later his a.s.s was flying into the lake. My sister can out fish anyone, but put a frog near her and she"s screaming and running for the hills." I laugh at the memory, "We had some good times up here."

Brooklyn smiles softly, before continuing to take in the array of photographs filling the living room. I watch her as she slips out of my grasp and walks slowly, with her head tipped up, and her eyes looking wide eyed, as the same smile she just flashes me, now lays permanently spread across her lips. She stops beside by grandfather"s old recliner and picks up a photograph of my grandfather driving his boat with me and Kayden, maybe around the ages of three and five sitting on his lap. We have on little fishing hats and are wearing the biggest smiles across our faces.

"Ohh, my gosh. You two were freaking adorable. I bet you two were lady killers when you started pre-school." She sets the frame back down, she turns back toward me, taking small, quick strides, quickly closing the s.p.a.ce between us. Within seconds she"s back in front of me and lacing her fingers around my neck. Tilting her head back, she twirls her fingers around the hair peeking out of the back of my ball cap. "I so would"ve been stealing a kiss or two from you under the slide on the playground."

Sliding my hands into the back pockets of her jean shorts, I give her a.s.s a squeeze and lean down to press my lips against hers. I let out a low grown as she nips at my bottom lip and slowly slides her tongue along it. She knows it drives me f.u.c.king crazy. It takes every ounce of willpower inside of me to give her one kiss, before stepping away from her and walking over to the cooler sitting beside the refrigerator.

After packing up the cooler with everything we need, we head upstairs to change into jeans and grab hoodies. It"s warm now, but soon enough the sun will begin to set and it"ll get cool out on the boat.

I tell Brooklyn to grab the throw blanket off of the couch and bring it with us in case she gets chilled and wants to cover up with it, and then follow her outside with the cooler rolling behind me.

A feeling of contentment settles over me as I follow behind Brooklyn down toward the docks and watch as she jogs down the gra.s.sy hill, every so often glancing back at me as the blanket flies in the wind behind her.

She"s so f.u.c.king beautiful. I have no idea why it took me so long to see exactly what I had in front of me. Thank G.o.d she gave me another chance, because G.o.d knows I didn"t f.u.c.king deserve one. But I sure as h.e.l.l am grateful she did.

"Hurry up slow poke, Rodriguez." She shouts up to me as she runs onto the wooden dock that leads out over the water and to the boat house.

I shake my head and laugh at her as she runs her fingers through her long, wavy locks and flashes that s.e.xy little smirk that makes me lose all train of thought. "You"re carrying a f.u.c.kin" blanket, I on the other hand am dragging a cooler you stuffed full of beer and snacks. So stop bustin" my b.a.l.l.s woman."

Rolling her eyes at me, she slips her Ray Bans off of her head and over her eyes and marches up the hill back at me grabbing the cooler handle from my hand before slapping me on the a.s.s. "Get your a.s.s moving, Beaumont. That boat ain"t gonna dock itself."

c.o.c.king my hand back I connect with her twitching a.s.s as she begins stomping back down the hill with the cooler rolling behind her, causing a loud shriek to leave her lips and echo over the calm waters. My hand stings, so I know I got her good, but she walks it off all the while shaking that tight a.s.s of hers the entire way down.

I swear, this woman is insatiable. She"s a f.u.c.kin" hurricane; strong and fierce, and a f.u.c.kin" force to be reckoned with. Never doubt the power she has, because the second you do, that is when you find yourself on your knees, f.u.c.kin" begging her to take mercy on you.

She blew into my life when I least expected her to...I was a fool to think that I could be with her once and then walk away. I doubted the power in that smile and the strength in her kiss. The destruction she caused to my life and my f.u.c.king heart when she decided to blow back out of my life without so much as second glance. That is when I knew that I was in love with her. I fell for the girl that is lightening in a Texas summer sky, beautiful yet destructive.

She managed to shake up my entire world and make me realize that every moment I spent without her in it, no matter how chaotic and treacherous our love affair was, she was made for me and I for her. There"s no other person on this planet that can make each of us as happy as we do each other.

These last few months have been a wild ride, but I can"t help but feel like this is just the beginning to a crazy, amazing adventure with my wild child of a wife.

Yesterday went better than I ever could"ve imagined. Brooklyn had a blast out on the boat with me. She tried to out fish me and lost. But the look on her face when she reeled in a three-pound ba.s.s-that put up one h.e.l.l of a fight, was priceless. We threw all the other fish back, but kept that one and fried it up as soon as we"re docked back at the cabin.

She, of course, had to tweet a dozen pictures of her with that f.u.c.king fish, but G.o.d, she took my breath away when she beamed up at me with her hair tied back, and my ball cap on her head-which she stole off of my head the second the boat started bouncing across the lake; holding that fish up in the air like it was a f.u.c.king Oscar.

I thought she was gorgeous before, but there"s something so d.a.m.n s.e.xy about her in jeans, a hoodie, and my ball cap, riding shotgun in my boat and fishing the afternoon away. Now that picture of her and that fish are my lock screen so I get to relive that moment every time I turn my phone on.

Today has been a pretty chill day and I wouldn"t have it any other way. We slept in and then spent the early afternoon christening every inch of the cabin. I can"t wait to bring the guys up here and laugh my a.s.s off as they sit at the kitchen island drinking beer and bulls.h.i.tting with me. All I"ll be thinking about is Brooklyn"s bare a.s.s pressed against the granite countertop as I pounded my c.o.c.k into her hot little c.u.n.t until she creamed all over my f.u.c.king d.i.c.k.

I had to do it before Knox beat me to it and brought Savannah up here. Its officially now mine and Brooklyn"s special place. That f.u.c.ker loves trying to one up me. Has our entire life. We"re a very compet.i.tive family, but Knox and I take it to a whole new level. Once we both have kids, it"ll only get worse.

Speaking of kids, I probably should talk to Brooklyn about when she feels we should start a family. I"m new to this whole family thing and marriage. My sister and Mike started trying as soon as they got married. I know Kayden"s said him and Savannah want to start trying as soon as they get married this August. But with Brooklyn"s job, I imagine having a baby right now wouldn"t be the best option.

We spent the afternoon grilling up a late lunch, and then lounged in the hammock while Brooklyn read one of her s.m.u.tty romance novels. This has been one of the most relaxing weekends of my life. After dinner we went for a hike along the property and spent the hour just talking to each other. It feels like we"ve spent all this time together over the last few months, but over that course of time, we"ve never really had a real conversation. We talked about our childhoods and crazy college days. It"s crazy that I"m spending the day with my wife finally learning what her favorite movie is, and what her favorite food is.

It"s like we did this all backwards, but I wouldn"t have it any other way.

Right now she"s sitting on the floor beside the coffee table, while a small fire burns in the fireplace and candles are lit around the room. She"s wearing tiny animal print cotton shorts and a light pink tank top, pink fuzzy cabin socks, and her hair up in a messy bun. while she works on dealing the cards for our game of Texas Hold Em.

Carrying two solo cups in my hand and a bottle of wine, I exit the kitchen and join her on the living room floor. "Ready to get your a.s.s whooped, Mrs. Beaumont?" I ask as I push her plastic cup in front of her and begin filling it.

"Hey, you may be the King of Texas Hold Em, but I"m the Queen. So prepare to lose all of your clothes, Mr. Beaumont." She smiles at me over the brim of her cup, as she brings it up to her lips, and takes a long sip.

I"m wearing a pair of pajama pants, briefs-because I needed to dress in layers so I don"t lose this game, a cotton t-shirt and socks. This game will end with Brooklyn wearing nothing but her killer smile while I devour every inch of her naked body to celebrate my victorious win at strip poker.

Picking up my cards I look them over before watching Brooklyn. She gives nothing away as she glances at her cards before bringing her gaze back up to mine.

"Hmmm, should I fold or should I bet?" She asks, slyly as she fingers the chips before her.

I let out a chuckle as I grab two chips and toss them into the center of the coffee table.

She raises an eyebrow at me before grabbing two chips and tossing them in with mine.

"You ready to start losing your clothes?" I ask, as I drop two more chips into the pile.

Taking a sip of her wine, Brooklyn glances at her cards again, before grabbing four chips, "I raise your bet...the only one who"ll be losing clothes after this hand is you."

She"s c.o.c.ky as h.e.l.l right now and it"s turning me the f.u.c.k on. I can"t stop wondering what her skin will look like naked and sprawled out beside the fireplace as I f.u.c.k her gorgeous body until the sun comes up.

I drop two more chips into the pot before Brooklyn finally lays out the first three dealer cards. I get a little nervous as I look from my hand to the three cards on the table, but I can bluff my way out of this and get Brooklyn to fold. She"s a rookie compared to me.

The next few minutes go the same, Brooklyn raising my bets and me matching them. Finally, after the last two dealers cards are laid out, I decide to up the anti and see if I can"t get her to fold by pushing in a handful of chips.

She looks nervous as she studies her cards and continually picks up her chips before letting them fall back down on top of one another. The room is silent besides the sound of Little Big Town softly playing in the background. "I"m going to match you." She finally says, pushing the chips into the pile and laying her cards down on the table.

The second I see she has a G.o.dd.a.m.n full house and I only have three of a kind, my stomach flops.

She played me, played me really f.u.c.king good. She had the whole nervous, and unsure thing down pact.

"f.u.c.k, me." I curse under my breath as I lay down my cards and watch as she reaches with both hands and pulls her chips in. After organizing her pile she leans back onto the palms of her hands and slides her gaze slowly over my body.

"I plan on it." Her laughter fills the air as she finds herself being so d.a.m.n funny. She"s even more gorgeous when she"s gloating, but I won"t let her know that. "Now, strip." She says nodding her head at me.

Fisting my shirt, I pull it over my head and toss it at her. It lands on her lap, and she picks it up, pressing it to her nose and inhales deeply. Instantly my c.o.c.k hardens in my pants as I watch her lashes flutter as she breathes in the cologne on my shirt. She hugs it to her chest before letting it fall onto her lap and turning her attention back to the cards on the table.

She helps collect all the cards before sliding the deck over to me to shuffle and deal. "Ready for round two?" I grab the cards and shuffle them before dealing her cards and then my own.

"You ready to lose more clothes?"

I blow out a puff of air, "Poushh, I was just going easy on ya, warmin" ya up, baby. Now I"m not gonna hold back, so get ready, because you"re about to witness the master at work."

Six rounds later and a lot of very close wins and loses", Brooklyn"s sitting in front of me in nothing but her leopard print and black lace g-string, and I"m lounging beside her in my f.u.c.king birthday suit. She f.u.c.king hustled the h.e.l.l outta me tonight. I swear she was cheating somehow because there"s no way in h.e.l.l that this game should"ve ended with me naked first.

Tossing the cards onto the table, I fold my hand and pounce on her, knocking her back onto the rug beneath her. "f.u.c.k, this game. If I sit here one more minute and don"t stick my d.i.c.k inside of you, I may rip the f.u.c.ker off." I growl down at her as I slide between her legs and press the head of my d.i.c.k against her panties.

Biting her bottom lip, she blinks up at me with her big whiskey eyes filled with l.u.s.t as she runs her nails along my back. "I was wondering how much longer you were going to make me wait. I was five seconds away from tossing your cards in the fire, and straddling you. I"ve never been more turned on in my life than I am right now." Her voice is low and laced with s.e.x as she grinds her mound against my d.i.c.k.

Leaning down I suck her left breast into my mouth and swirl my tongue around her nipple, feeling the bud harden against my tongue. She lets out a soft moan as I clamp it between my teeth and tug gentle on it before releasing it and blowing softly making it harden even more.

"G.o.d, Dixon. Are you going to make me resort to begging." She reaches down fisting my c.o.c.k in her hand and begins jerking it. Her hand moves slowly from base to tip, causing my eyes to practically roll into the back of my head.

Cupping her face in my hands I smirk down at her with a c.o.c.ky grin, "I think you begging for my c.o.c.k would be the hottest thing I"ve ever seen in my life."

Her eyes narrow at me with a sparkle of mischief glowing in them. Bringing her hands to my chest, she pushes me off of her, rolling me onto my back. "When I"m through with you, you"ll be begging me to let you f.u.c.k me." Climbing between my legs, she fists my d.i.c.k and begins stroking it firmly, as her tongue teases the head, licking up the pre-c.u.m that"s trickled out onto the head of my d.i.c.k.

"f.u.c.k, baby. You know how to drive me f.u.c.kin" crazy..." I fist her bun on top of her head and begin moving her head up and down my length as she hollows out her cheeks and begins sliding her mouth up and down, taking as much of me as she can fit into her mouth.

My toes curl and my heart rate picks up as she begins sucking me like there is no f.u.c.king tomorrow. My b.a.l.l.s tighten against my body, and every inch of my skin begins to tingle as she picks up speed. Her tongue continues to swirl around the head of my d.i.c.k every time she brings her mouth up to the tip, before slamming my c.o.c.k back down her throat.

Getting lost in the moment I begin thrusting my hips into her mouth, and squeezing her bun harder as I direct her head up and down. I"m so close to blowing my load down her f.u.c.king throat. A part of me wants to and watch her swallow every last drop, but the other part of me that wants to watch her ride my d.i.c.k until it fills her with my c.u.m overpowers the other.

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