-Dixon "You"ve been awful quiet tonight, Dixon? You sick or somethin"?" Braxton asks as his eyes stare across the poker table from me. We"re hanging out in the casino table hopping to pa.s.s the time.

Shrugging my shoulder"s, I take a sip of my beer and answer, "Just tired. I had a long work week with this new project. The long hours are kickin" my a.s.s. I think I"m actually going to call it a night pretty soon."

Braxton quirked his brow questionably, "You haven"t tried hookin" up with a single chick tonight-and every one that"s approached you throughout the evenin" you"ve brushed off. You must be dog tired, to be turnin" down p.u.s.s.y." His voice grows higher with every word he speaks. Shock is evident not only from him but all of our friends out with us tonight.

"I think h.e.l.l just froze over. Someone send the devil some hockey skates because, Dixon here, for the first time in his life is too tired for s.e.x!" Kayden jokes making everyone erupt in laughter.

Picking up a peanut I chuck it at Kayden"s head. "Shut up, f.u.c.ktard. Who"s to say I don"t plan on getting" laid tonight? I have an array of hook ups saved in my phone. I"ll I have to do is text any of the chicks who live in Vegas, and they"d be upstairs faster than you could say Jack Daniels, mother f.u.c.ker." I reach for the bottle of Jack sitting beside Kayden and pour myself one more shot. Tipping it back I relish in the slow burn as it slides down my throat and warms my belly.

Kayden lets out a throaty grunt, "Whatever, Jacka.s.s."

I stifle a yawn and push my seat away from the table. "Aren"t you supposed to be finding Savannah and fixing this s.h.i.t storm y"all have brewing between you two?" I ignore the glare Kayden casts my way and instead get to work collecting my winning chips off of the table and shoving them into my pockets.

"I"m giving her some s.p.a.ce to cool off. Then I"ll find and her so we can kiss and make up." He yells me matter-of-factly before taking another swig of his beer.

He looks so smug. I"d laugh if him sitting here gambling instead of groveling at her feet sends his a.s.s to the dog house for a good week or so. Then we can laugh at who won"t be getting any p.u.s.s.y tonight.

"Well, good luck to ya, cuz. I"m calling it a night. I don"t want to be all hung over tomorrow when we meet up with Chase. Having a pounding headache and driving a loud a.s.s race car doesn"t sound the least bit fun to me."

"I"m tired of losing money. What do y"all say we head down the street to that pub for some drinks?" Braxton suggests, and everyone agreeing that sounds like the perfect plan, scoop up their poker chips to cash in.

I cash in my chips and leave everyone to finish chasing theirs in. As I"m exiting the casino are, I pull my phone out to text Brooklyn. Now that I"ve gotten away from the guys it"s the perfect time to sneak in a little time with her. Especially since everyone should be out of the suite for a few more hours.

What r u up to right now?

I watch the grey circles bounce up and down indicating that she"s already replying back.

Please don"t tell me you"re out some were with Savannah because my d.i.c.k is f.u.c.king aching to be ridden. It"s been way too long since I"ve had the pleasure of f.u.c.king her until my d.i.c.k is worn out and my body is flying high from the multiple o.r.g.a.s.ms.

Her response sends an array of emotions coursing through me, I"m at The Pink Taco with Jax.

For a split second I feel jealously consume me as the thought of her being with Jax instead of with me. But hopefully it means she"s telling him they can no longer be together. Then we can stop hiding and let everyone know we"re together.

I decide to brush off my flash of jealously and lighten the mood to help her relax. I can only imagine how stressed out she is. She hates hurting anyone and I know no matter how much Jax may try to play it off that he"s okay with her being with him. A part of him will be angry at both her and me. But hopefully over time he"ll realize that we never intended to hurt anyone. He"ll find a girl who will love him like she loves me and he"ll see that everything played out like it has for a reason.

We text back and forth for a few times, me of course finding a way to be the funny jacka.s.s she loves, with a dirty mind she can"t get enough of.

Making my way through the hotel, I spot The Pink Taco as I round the corner leading to the elevators that brings you up to the Penthouse floor. Curiosity getting the better of me I find my feet walking straight toward the bar instead of the elevators.

Brooklyn says that she"s going to tell Jax about us, but I want to see it for myself. So many times since Hawaii she"s promised to talk to him about us but she kept finding excuses to put it off. I"ve been beginning to wonder if she isn"t having second thoughts about us now.

She tells me that I"m the only guy she wants, but I"ve seen her with Jax; there is something there between them. It"s nothing in comparison to what we have together but it"s still strong enough that she has found herself torn between being with him or me.

I know I don"t deserve her. I"ve f.u.c.ked up so many times over the last few months. But I want to change all of that and really give things between us a chance. There"s never been a woman like Brooklyn, ever. She has turned my world upside down but at the same time made it exciting. I find myself for the first time in my life actually thinking about the future.

I"d be lying if I said I wasn"t scared s.h.i.tless. This is a whole new ballgame for me. I have no idea how to be in a committed relationship-but I don"t think she does either. So it"s going to be a learning curve for us.

Walking up to the podium where the hostess is greeting a couple ahead of me and directing them toward their table. I glance in the direction of the bar which is visible from the doorway, and immediately I spot Brooklyn. It"s as if she has this magnetic pull built inside of her, that forces all my attention onto her whenever we"re in the same room.

She"s sitting at the bar alone talking to the bartender and I find myself wondering if she"s already told Jax? I glance around the room scanning the patrons but don"t see him anywhere.

My eyes navigate the many faces before settling back onto Brooklyn"s. She looks as beautiful as ever with her face glowing in the bars over heading lighting. Her head whips around in my direction catching my off guard, but I move just in time before she spots me. I soon discover her sudden movement is because of Jax.

He"s still here-with her.

Jax appears behind her, putting his hand onto her shoulder and I find myself clenching my fists and trying to talk myself down. The last thing she needs is for me to go all barbaric and storm across the bar over to them and cause a scene. Even though the tiny voice is screaming at me in the back of my mind to go over there and tell him myself, I know better. It"ll be less of a blow to Jax if it comes from her. This wouldn"t be so f.u.c.king hard to deal with if he wasn"t one of my best friends. Plus, he works for Kayden so he"s going to still be around Brooklyn. They need to find a way to part ways and still be friends.

I watch Jax slide onto the bar beside her and motion to the bartender for a beer.

The sound of the hostess talking to me pulls me away from my snooping.

"Good evening, Mr. Beaumont. Will you be sitting at the bar tonight? Or would you like a table?" She asks, smiling sweetly up at me.

Everyone who"s employed here pretty much knows me and Kayden by name. We frequent his hotel every few months for a guys" weekend. A lot of the employees here have worked for the hotel for years. So whenever anyone recognizes me it never catches me off guard. I"m used to it by now.

Shaking my head, no, I step off to the side getting out of the way of other"s waiting to be seated. "That"s alright. I was just checking to see if one of my friends was perhaps in here. Have a good night." I give her a polite smile back before giving Brooklyn one more glance. From the deep, creased lines of Jax"s forehead and the look of hurt on his face I think it"s safe to say Brooklyn"s finally telling him.

I feel bad for getting between them when it"s my own d.a.m.n fault she ran to him in the first place, but I can"t control how I feel about her or she about me.

No matter how much I tried to fight my attraction to her, it was simply too strong to deny. There is no greater task in the world, than nothing trying to not love someone.

It seems like the more I tried, the more I found myself needing to have her in my life. Every moment I saw her spend with him instead of with me the crazier I felt as jealous seeped into my bones. I felt this sudden feeling of frustration with myself and anger toward Jax that he didn"t deserve because he hasn"t done anything wrong.

I have.

Now it"s time for me to fix the wrongs I"ve done so I can prove to Brooklyn that I mean it when I tell her there"s no other woman for me.

The need to claim her as mine was all I thought about. It was as if a light bulb had gone off in my head when I heard she was with Jax. I had gotten exactly what I wanted. She was over me and I was free to go back to my life the way I liked it.

Brooklyn free.

That is what I thought I wanted. But then I found myself plagued with thoughts of her. She haunted my dreams every night and tormented me every time I had to be around her. I"ve never wanted someone and not wanted them so strongly in my entire life.

I"ve never been in a committed relationship and had it turn out well. The same can be said for her. So in my eyes we were like two freight trains heading toward each other and unable to hit the brakes. We were counting down the seconds before we collided causing a catastrophic explosion.

Her career is pulling her in one direction while my life has me going in another. How the h.e.l.l do we make things work between us when she"s constantly traveling for jobs?

When I saw her in Hawaii though with Jax, it felt like all my worries were suddenly not that big of a deal. Instead the need to have her felt like the most important matter at hand. I needed her to mine and mine only. Every time I watched Jax put his hands on her the more evident it became to me that I was not going to be able to do this anymore. It was an impossible task trying to my feelings for her.

No matter how crazy it sounded and I seriously thought I had lost my f.u.c.king mind while there. I knew I was falling in love with this free spirited, bigger than life woman. I didn"t want to spend another moment without her knowing how badly I needed her in my life.

That is how we ended up in Knox"s suite in Hawaii, hiding from our friends as I f.u.c.ked her and bared my heart to her. I was scared s.h.i.tless but I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders when I finally confessed my true feelings.

I never thought I"d see the day where I"d actually want to settle down with one girl. But that all changed when I met Brooklyn. There"s just something about her that draws me in and makes it simply impossible to look away from. The idea of anyone else having her is enough to make my blood boil and the urge to punch my fist through the closest wall overwhelming.

Deciding I"ve seen enough, I leave the bar and head up to the top floor. After making idol conversation with people in the elevator on my way up, I finally make it to our floor. Pulling my keycard from my wallet, I wave it in front of the censor on the door and push it open. I glance around the foyer for any signs of anyone being here.

I hear m.u.f.fled voices coming from Kayden"s suite as I make my way up the winding staircase leading up to the second level.

Well, I guess Kayden found Savannah soon than expected. I"m a.s.suming the rest of the guys still went out because if they hadn"t I"d expect to find them all partying in the living room or game room. But the place is dead quiet.

Pushing the door to my room open, I walk into my room and feel a sense of relief wash over me. She"s told him. Finally, the sneaking around and hiding my feelings for her are over.

I"ve had to spend the last few weeks defending my behavior and finding excuses to blow off old flings as they approached me while out with the guys here and back in Texas.

It wasn"t my place to confide in any of them about Brooklyn, because they"re not only my friends, but Jax"s too. I would never want to put them in that position to be asked to keep something from him.

Shrugging off my blazer, I toss it over the lounge chair by the door and toe off my boots. I"m undoing my belt buckle and sliding off my jeans when I hear my phone going off from inside my coat pocket.

Kicking off my jeans, I shove them to the side and reach into the pocket of my jacket retrieving my phone. It"s from Brooklyn. I find my body humming from the adrenaline coursing through me as I read the words I"ve been waiting for her to tell me, I talked with Jax. It was harder than I thought it would be but on the bright side, it actually went better than I expected it would. I"m on my way up to the suite now. R u already there?

I text her back letting her know I"m in my room waiting for her. I can"t tell Brooklyn enough how elated I am this is behind us. Now we can focus on us and where we"re going to go from here.

We text back and forth during her elevator ride up. After a few exchanged texts, I hear the sound of the door downstairs opening and shutting. I whip open the door and walk out into the hallway over to the railings overlooking the downstairs.

Brooklyn hearing my bedroom door open, looks up to the second story and instantly her eyes lock onto mine. The second our eyes meet a heart stopping smile dances across her ruby red lips.

"Anyone else here?" She asks looking around the suite before strutting slow and seductively up the stairway toward me.

My d.i.c.k is growing inside of my briefs as I my eyes roam over her body, slowly drinking every inch of her in. Her dress, short-maybe a little too short for my liking, hugs her curves perfectly. I cannot wait to get her into my room and unwrap her built for sin body. I plan on doing things to her that would make a Vegas hooker blush.

"Knox and Savannah I think are here. I heard voices coming from his room when I first got in, but it"s quieted down now. So I"m guessing they made up and now his drunk a.s.s is sleeping it off." I reply in a hushed tone and approach her closing the gap between us. The second her feet hit the top level I"m wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting her off of the ground. Hugging her to my chest she lets out a playful squeal as I crash my mouth to hers. She wraps her legs around my waist and locks her arms around my neck as I carry her into my room and kick the door shut behind me.

"I didn"t think I"d be able to wait one more second for you." I softly say against her lips as I bring her down onto my bed.

Her hands dive into my hair and her legs tighten around my waist. "It"s killed me not being able to be with you the second I landed today. But the hard part is over. Now you have my full attention for the rest of the night." Her eyes, hooded through long, sweeping lashes, are like a summer lightning storm; flickering brightly with bright colors of amber mixing with the dark depth of jade. One look into them and I"m gone.

"I plan on making good use of these next few hours. I don"t plan on letting you leave this bed until the sun"s up." I nip at her neck as I dip my head and suck on her warm, silky, skin.

The aroma of magnolias fills my nose as I breathe in her perfume. She smells like a warm, southern, summer day and I find myself completely captivated by the thoughts of her and I. Images of her naked and sunbathing on the dock of our family cabin while the warm breeze blows across the lake makes my c.o.c.k grow harder between her thighs. It"s practically tearing through the cotton fabric of my briefs.

For the first time I find myself looking into the future with someone and not being consumed with the overwhelming need to send my a.s.s running as fast as my feet can carry me.

Wiggling beneath me she shoves at me pushing my body up off of hers. "Roll over, Dixon." She demands with a s.e.xy and playful tone as she runs her hands along my bare chest.

One smile from her and she has me falling to my knees and begging her to let me worship every single inch of her.

Doing as I"m told, I roll onto my back and let my head fall to the side of the bed as I watch her every move. Kicking off her heels, she rolls onto her knees, and crawls across the bed before sliding onto my lap. Her dress is riding up her thighs revealing to me her long, toned and tanned legs. My hands find her thighs and slowly travel up them until they meet the seam of her dress.

Her hot pink lacey Victoria Secret"s aren"t a secret anymore as I push her dress up and over her b.u.t.t. "G.o.d, you are so f.u.c.kin" beautiful, Brooklyn." Sitting up I find the zipper on the back of her dress and quickly pull it down causing the straps of her dress to fall off of her shoulders.

She doesn"t say a word. For the first time in her life, my sa.s.sy, say what pops in her head the moment she thinks of it, Brooklyn is gone. In its place is a woman with only one thing on her mind. She"s too busy talking to me with her hurricane eyes to speak a single word.

f.u.c.k me...

I curse under my breath, as she fists her dress and pulls it over her head along with my help. I toss it onto the floor before getting to work removing her bra next. The second it falls from her body, and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s come free from their confinements, I feel the air leave my lungs.

She"s all mine.

I plan on making it known to her and her body that I don"t plan on letting her go any time soon.

I cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in my hands lifting them and bringing my mouth around her hardening nipple.

She sucks in a shaky breath, and a soft moan escapes her lips as her hands find my hair once again. I feel her back arch and her p.u.s.s.y, warm and soaking wet through her panties, grinding against my c.o.c.k screaming to be let free.

"G.o.d, Dixon...I"ve missed this." She whispers with a husky tone as the need to be f.u.c.ked becomes almost too much for her as it does for me.

Her nails sc.r.a.pe at my scalp before slowly sliding their way down my neck, and to my shoulders.

My tongue swirls around her nipple, before my teeth gently bite at the hardened bud making another moan escape her lips. "These are mine." I murmur against her burning hot flesh as my tongue slides along her right breast and works its way over to her left.

Extending her body away from me suddenly I release her nipple with a loud pop. She smirks down at me as she climbs to her feet and shimmy"s out of her panties, before kicking her right leg toward the edge of the bed.

I don"t pay attention to where her panties land, because I"m too busy salivating over her delicious p.u.s.s.y on full display before me.

"Is this yours too?" She asks as her fingers travel down her stomach making their way toward my favorite place on earth.

I lick my lips, and suck on my bottom lip as I try to hold back the groan forming in my throat. I run my hands up her calves and allow them to travel up her body until they come to a stop, cupping her a.s.s in my hands.

"It is mine, baby. All f.u.c.king mine."

Slowly descending back onto her knees she slips her fingers into the elastic waist band of my briefs and tugs on them. Lifting my b.u.t.t in the air, I allow her to pull them down and release my c.o.c.k that springs free. Heavy, hard, and throbbing from the need to be touched, sucked, f.u.c.ked, it isn"t picky, it falls against my stomach.

"Is this mine?" Her voice sends a shiver down my spine, and my c.o.c.k tingles, as my b.a.l.l.s tighten, when I feel her hand wrap around my d.i.c.k. Her hand moves up and down as she jerks me off all the while never letting her eyes leave mine.

Nodding my head up and down yes, I squeeze her a.s.s in my hands as I direct her body forward. "It"s all yours, and it"s feeling rather deprived at the moment."

Pouting her full bottom lip, she shifts her body and lines the tip of me with her slick entrance. "We don"t want that now do we?"

"No...no we don"t." I stammer as I try to keep it together. My eyes roll into the back of my head and deep growl leaves my mouth and echoes around the room as I grip her hips, directing her up and down my length.

The room fills with sounds of our heavy breathing and soft moans as I flip her onto her back and find the perfect rhythm. I wrap her long, wavy, curls around my fingers and force her head to tilt up toward the ceiling and aligning her lips perfectly with mine.

Crashing my mouth down onto hers, my tongue dives into her mouth as my hand cups the back of her thigh. My body fits perfectly between hers as I pound hard, long, precise thrusts into her. The need to feel her coming around my d.i.c.k spirals out of control. Her swollen lips kissed mine back just as fiercely as we both chased the o.r.g.a.s.ms we desperately needed.

Her nails bite into my flesh as she squeezes my a.s.s urging me to go faster. My heart is hammering in my chest and our bodies are slick with sweat as I push us closer with every thrust I slam inside of her.

My body shudders and my muscles contract as I feel my d.i.c.k begin to pulsate deep inside of her. At the same time her body stills beneath mine, as her pelvis continues to rotate perfectly against me.

Her mouth parts as loud, breathy moans leave her lips and blend with my curses of ecstasy.

"f.u.c.kkk...baby...I missed you..." My throats hoa.r.s.e as I whisper against her lips before kissing them again.

As I lay there with her beneath me, glowing from her o.r.g.a.s.m and ready for round two, I know without a single doubt in my mind.

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