Leaning his head down close to mine, he kisses my lips causing my brain to short circuit as the delicious taste of Jack Daniels explodes across my tongue. I moan into his mouth as his right hand finds my hair and he fists it, wrapping my curls around his fingers.

The beat of the music thumps throughout the club, making my body move all on its own. I sway my hips side to side as I get lost in the music and the melt my panties straight off kiss Dixon is gracing me with.

Now this is a I missed you, too," kind of kiss!

Dixon"s teeth nip at my bottom lip before his lips leave mine. I pout up at him. My body is screaming to be dragged into the darkest corner and f.u.c.ked good and hard. Being away from him all day was torture enough. Then having him s.e.xting me off and on all day made it worse. I kept getting dirty texts from him, telling me all the naughty things he wanted to do to me. I for one am ready to cash in those s.e.xual favors he felt the need to go on and on about today.

"I can"t believe I"m actually saying this," as we continue to dance, he grins down at me with the s.e.xiest smirk and continues, "But I missed the h.e.l.l out of you today, too."

There goes my d.a.m.n heart again. Fluttering in my chest like the d.a.m.n wings of a hummingbird.

He missed me. Not only that-he admitted out loud he missed me!

Batting my eye lashes up at him, I tell him in my most dramatic and taken aback tone, "You...missed...me? Are you ill? Did you visit a hypnotist while out and about on the Vegas strip today? It"s the only explanation!"

His arms wrap around my waist and an array of giggles fly from my lips as he lifts my body up off of the ground and nips at my neck. "Now that you mentioned it, I think an incredibly s.e.xy woman who"s named after a bridge in the Big Apple, may have hypnotized me...magic p.u.s.s.y is my guess." My heart pitter patters in my d.a.m.n chest as his breath warms my neck and his words warm my heart. It"s by far the craziest feeling I"ve ever experienced. I"m falling in love with Dixon-and the biggest shocker of all is...I think he"s falling for me, too.

This is unchartered territory for the both of us. I find myself semi freaking out and semi being more turned on than I ever have been in my entire f.u.c.king life.

"I have a magic p.u.s.s.y?" I can"t keep a straight face no matter how hard I try. I bite back a smile as he growls playfully and gives my a.s.s another firm squeeze before spinning us and then swaying to the music again.

He lifts the corner of his mouth into a grin that screams I"m going to do all kinds of naughty things to your p.u.s.s.y tonight." I find my legs growing wobbly beneath me as his scolding hot gaze melts me straight to the core.

Leaning in closer so that our bodies are practically blended into one, he dances along to the beat with me and keeping his eyes locked onto mine he says, "You have no idea, darlin", the affect you have over me." The tingling sensation that cascades down my spine and intensifies thanks to the deep stare he"s laying on me along with the sound of his drawl as he calls me darlin" rolling off of those kiss me lips of his.

Seriously, no man has lips that can even come close to comparing to his. His lips are the kind that magazines blow up and plaster all over as the hottest lips in the world". Created simply for driving women crazy and kissing the sense straight out of them.

My brains too dazed to come back with a smart remark as I find myself grinning up at him like a love-sick idiot. He lets out the s.e.xiest laugh that travels straight into the core of my body and warms me from the inside out. Even his laugh is f.u.c.king s.e.xy and makes me want to ravish him right here on the d.a.m.n dance floor.

His head dips down near mine, and I think he"s about to kiss me again; instead he brings his mouth up to my ear. Music is thumping throughout the club so the one way to talk in this place is with our faces practically morphed together. As he brings his lips to my ear and begins to speak, I hear him loud and clear and think that I"ve officially turned into a puddle on the floor.

"After one time in that tight, hot, perfection I find myself thinking about her every second of every day. I"m afraid there"s no cure for this spell I"m under besides f.u.c.king her as many times as my d.i.c.k will allow."

His voice raspy, and his drawl like an aphrodisiac makes my girly parts explode between my thighs and beg to feel the wrath of the Dixie stick. I don"t know how much longer I"ll be able to sit around this club with him before I lose the last bit of willpower left in me and end up dragging him up to our suite for a few rounds of stick the southern sausage in the bun.

I feel someone come up behind me and hear Savannah"s voice, "We"re heading back up to the suite. I"ll see you later."

Turning my head, I look at her over my shoulder with an impish grin. ""Night, girly. Now, go get yourself some much needed hot, kinky, makeup s.e.x."

Savannah"s face turns redder than the strobe lights dancing over our heads as Kayden tugs on her hand. "I plan on it," is all she says before giggling as she turns back to Kayden and they disappear into the crowd of people.

"Where are they going?" Dixon shouts down at me over the music.

"To have hot make up s.e.x." I laugh as I lace my fingers with his and pull him in the direction of the bar.

Snaking our entwined hands around my waist, Dixon pulls me into his side as we squeeze through the crowded dance floor. "Good for them. Let"s hope moody Kayden will do a disappearing act. He was starting to turn into a f.u.c.kin" chick talking about his feelings and s.h.i.t. I don"t know what it is about you girls that makes us suddenly forget that we have a pair of b.a.l.l.s between our f.u.c.kin" legs. Because the way he was moping around it was as if his d.i.c.k fell off and in its place was a f.u.c.kin" v.a.g.i.n.a."

I can"t stop the snort before it comes out as I try to cover my mouth and contain the laughter threatening to spill out.

"Did you just snort?" he asks, shooting an eye brow up toward the ceiling.

"Maybe. But come on. That was funny!"

His tongue darts out and slowly slides along his full bottom lip, before dipping his head and kissing my smiling lips. It"s a short, quick peck, but no matter if he gives me a short, sweet kiss, or an all-consuming, soul shattering, tongues entwining together kind of kiss. He always manages to light my body up like a raging bonfire and knock the breath straight out of my lungs.

"What was that for?" I ask as we finally make it up to the bar and slide onto adjacent bar stools.

"What are you doing to me?" he asks instead of answering my question.

I"m slightly taken aback.

It"s a loaded question teetering us into unchartered territory. What the h.e.l.l are we doing to each other is a better question?

When I met him three months ago, I never imagined he"d turn my life upside down. Or that we"d somehow make each other want things we never imagined wanting in our entire lives.

But now here we are.

I went from believing love just wasn"t for me to now feeling like loving Dixon comes as naturally as breathing.

It"s f.u.c.king insane!

Now that Jax knows about us and Dixon seems to finally be coming to terms with the fact that he wants me just as much as I do him, I can"t see my life being any other way.

There"s no doubt about it, I"m addicted to this man. I need him just as badly as I need my Starbucks every single morning.

That is pretty f.u.c.king bad!

I signal to the bartender but keep my eyes locked onto Dixon"s "The real question is what the h.e.l.l are we doing to each other? Two people who swore off relationships, and now look at us." I wave my hand between us and Dixon reaches up s.n.a.t.c.hing my hand in his in midair.

"It"s crazy and unexplainable. But I wouldn"t trade how you make me feel for anything in the f.u.c.king world, Brooklyn. You"re everything I didn"t want and everything I need. I feel like I"m losing my f.u.c.king mind whenever I"m not with you."

I sway slightly as the intensity of his words. .h.i.t me. Thankfully the bartender appears right in time because I am in serious need of something strong.

"Evening, you two. What can I get ya?" he asks, tossing his bar towel over his shoulder and leaning his forearms against the bar.

The song Shots by l.m.f.a.o and Lil" Jon comes on and instantly Dixon and I look at each other. "We"ll take six shots of Jack," Dixon answers for the both of us but never taking his eyes off of mine. I feel his hand suddenly come to rest on my thigh that is exposed thanks to my dress riding up my legs as I situate myself on the bar stool.

"Alright, six shots coming right up." He slaps the bar and then gets to work lining up the shot gla.s.ses. Reaching onto the shelf behind him, the bartender grabs a bottle of Jack Daniels and begins filling each shot gla.s.s.

Dixon reaches out grabbing handfuls of three. "Thanks, man," he says to the bartender before sliding three gla.s.ses in front of me and the other three in front of him. His other hand never leaves my thigh and the heat radiating through his palm onto my thigh travels throughout my body with a slow burn. My body is aching for him, the more time we spend fighting the need to tear each other"s clothes off the more worked up I"m becoming.

I squeeze my thighs together to try and ease the throbbing between them, and I don"t miss the devilish smirk playing on Dixon"s lips as his hand slides further up my leg as he picks up his first shot.

"Cheers," he says, holding the gla.s.s in the air in front of me.

Picking up my shot gla.s.s I hold it up. "Cheers."

I don"t miss the shift in Dixon"s eyes as I tip the gla.s.s back and with one swallow down the whiskey.

"Whoa!" I yell out as I gasp for air and breathe through the burn as the whiskey slides down my throat and warms my belly.

Eyes, dark and dangerous take in every inch of me before bringing the next shot gla.s.s into the air. "To Vegas and magic p.u.s.s.y"s." I choke on a laugh as Dixon wiggles his eyebrows at me before tipping back his next shot. His fingers find their way to my panties which if they were dissolvable they"d be non-existent at the moment. He has me so freaking worked up.

"To Vegas and hot, irresistible, a.s.sholes," I counter before tipping back my next shot.

I stomp my heels on the bar stool and shake my head as I pucker up my lips and blow out a long breath.

The feeling of a hand cupping my cheek catches me off guard as Dixon grabs my face, turning it toward him and colliding his mouth with mine. "f.u.c.k, the gla.s.ses. I want to drink my whiskey straight from your lips," he murmurs against my mouth before devouring my lips that are tingling from the whiskey and the fire burning between our kiss.

His kiss travels from my lips straight between my legs as I moan into his mouth. I bring my hands to his hair as I pull his mouth harder into mine. His fingers tease my c.l.i.t as his tongue slips into my mouth and tangles together with mine.

My body feels as if it"s been set on fire as my skin burns red hot and my head begins to spin.

A few cat calls erupt around us, and I find myself bursting into a fit of giggles against his mouth. He breaks our kiss and leans back on his bar stool, running his fingers through his hair before grabbing his last shot and tossing it back.

G.o.d, he is too much.

His eyes drink me in as I pick up my last shot and bring it to my lips. I smile against the gla.s.s before tilting my head and letting the contains spill down the back of my throat. My head feels foggy and my body numb as the beat of the music vibrates straight to my bones. I sway slowly to the music as I hook my ankle around Dixon"s. He leans onto his elbow on the bar and reaches out with his other hand to twirl his finger around one of my curls lying against my shoulder.

"I"m falling in love with you." Blue eyes get lost in my amber, and I feel the world freeze around us as time stands still.

The sudden sensation of a brick smashing me in the chest, knocking the air straight out of my body stuns me. My mouth falls open, and I blink a few times at the man sitting across from me.

Feeling it and hearing it are two totally different things. I could feel for a few weeks, Dixon falling in love with me right along with me falling in love with him. But to hear the words spoken to me is something completely different.

Many times I"ve been told by a guy that he loves me. Every time I felt absolutely nothing.

But as these three words leave Dixon"s mouth, I feel something inside of me shift.

For the first time in my life I"m about to repeat these words back to a man and actually mean them.

With everything in me, I mean them.

"I love you, too, Dixon." I slide off of the bar stool and step between his legs, throwing my arms around his neck.

I"m not one to ever get emotional. I blame it on the whiskey for my eyes tearing up right now.

There"s a spark of indefinable emotion that flickers inside his dark, magnetic cobalt eyes as they stare back into mine. His hands find the small of my back as he pulls me into his chest and his lips kiss my forehead. "I have no idea what the h.e.l.l I"m doing. h.e.l.l, I don"t even know what love is. But I do know that whatever it is I feel with you, it has to be pretty f.u.c.king close to it."

I lean back and peer up at him as I blink away tears threatening to leave my eyes. "So does this mean I get to update my status on Facebook as in a relationship" with you, Dixon Beaumont?" I tease, trying to lighten the mood before I get way to f.u.c.king girly and cry over my feelings.

A white, dazzling all teeth devilish grin magnetically charged, stretches across his face. The magnetic charge between us only intensifies with every pa.s.sing moment, pulled me in, and captivating me.

At this moment, I"d agree to scale the f.u.c.king Pyramid Hotel if he asked me to. That"s how tightly wrapped around his finger this man has me.

His eyes narrow as he stares down at me with a slightly drunken glossiness to them, he answers, "How about we change it to married to Dixon Beaumont"."

My legs wobble beneath me and my hands fly to his muscular shoulders as I try to brace myself. The last thing I need is to fall flat on my a.s.s in a packed club thanks to Dixon, who I think has officially lost his G.o.dd.a.m.n mind!

"Come again?" I choke out my words as shock rocks me to the very core.

I can"t feel anything and the room has now begun to spin like a merry-go-round.

"Marry. Me," he says a little slower this time as his leaves my sides and come up to my face. "Marry me, tonight." Smiling against my lips he whispers again, "Let"s find Elvis and make it official. What do ya say?"

I have no idea what the h.e.l.l is happening right now, but thankfully I"m drunk enough to not really care at the moment. "Sure, why the h.e.l.l not?" I laugh against his lips yelling, "Ohhh my gosh!" with laughter and surprise as he stands suddenly and sets me down long enough to hook his arm around my waist and leads me toward the exit.

I think it"s safe to say we"ve lost our minds, but like they say, it"s better to live a life filled with spontaneity and lessons learned than a life filled with regret and what ifs?

We only live once. So, we mind as well do as many crazy, off the wall and spontaneous things while we can. Right?


So, here"s to getting hitched in Viva Las Vegas!

Chapter 9.

-Brooklyn As soon as we exited the club we headed straight for the doors leading outside the Knox hotel. Dixon asked the doorman to have a limo pulled around for us, and within three minutes there was one ready and waiting.

The second we were inside, Dixon was popping a top on a bottle of champagne and filling up two gla.s.ses. We barely finished our gla.s.ses before the limo was coming to a stop out front of Viva Las Vegas wedding chapel.

Even though Dixon is pretty much three sheets to the wind, he managed to smooth talk the staff and get us the outdoor gazebo at the chapel. It"s the most sought after spot to get married I guess after we talked with the staff about the wedding options they offered.

We stopped by a jewelry store on the strip and hurriedly picked out our wedding bands. Dixon felt bad he didn"t propose to me with a proper engagement ring. You know, being the perfect southern gentleman. But I told him none of that matters to me. Dixon chose my wedding band, and I chose his, both without letting the other see them. At least something will be a surprise during our vows.

When I envisioned my wedding did it consist of myself, my future husband, and an Elvis impersonator? h.e.l.l no! But the way I look at it, Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos eloped during their days together on All my Children. Look how that turned out for them. They"ve been married for like ever! And have three beautiful kids and amazing careers.

So there"s a good chance we could be another Vegas quickie wedding success story. I"m on As the Days go By, and we"re eloping in Las Vegas; who knows maybe the good luck will follow for my career and our relationship?

I"m forever grateful I decided on this dress tonight, because our wedding package comes with a free website to share with friends and a disc of our wedding photos. They even give me a bouquet of white roses! So we"re all set and ready to get this wedding started.

Right now Dixon is outside with the Elvis impersonator as I stand at the doorway waiting for the music to start.

When we went over the music options, I immediately jumped on the idea of walking down the aisle to Elvis Presley"s "Can"t Help Falling in Love". I"m obsessed with the movie Overboard and Goldie Hawn. So I knew it was perfect. The meaning behind the song is perfect. We never intended on falling in love with one another, but here we are. It was inevitable I believe the second I met him. I knew there was something different about Dixon compared to every other man I"ve ever been with.

The wedding coordinator hands me my bouquet and pushes open the door leading outside to the illuminated patio. Our Elvis impersonator"s voice bellows slow and seductively along with the music playing through the sound system outside.

As I step out the door, I see a small courtyard lined with vintage style lamp posts, adorable antique looking park benches, and twinkling lights illuminating the Gazebo where Dixon is standing with our singing Elvis who"s jutting his hips left and right as he sings his heart out.

I can"t stop smiling as I walk down the stone aisle toward Dixon. Thankfully, I"m drunk but not so drunk that I can"t manage to walk the few steps it takes to reach Dixon in these sky high stilettoes.

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