When we arrive at the shopping mall, there was a wave of people as far as I could see. To the extent that it seemed like this whole place was where a large number of mankind gathered from.

This town is located relatively in the country than the town where I and Ogasawara Makoto live at. But still, it’s within the prefecture cla.s.s of development.

Alongside the prefectural capital being the town we live, it’s developed the most by prefectures. And then, this town takes the role commuter town.

For me, who hates hustle and bustle, this town is rather more livable, but because I didn’t have the authority to choose an apartment, that is the reason I settled with the present situation.

Even if I were to change homes, it would be impossible since I need a guardian’s consent.

Even for me, this is just hopeless.

It can be mentioned that the big given difference with the town we live in, is the town and farming areas are adjacent.

With a worthy reputation, the heart of the commuter town reaches to a quiet residential area, and from there, when you take one step forward, it’s a peaceful countryside. The transportation is also excellent, so it’s possible to say it’s the best town to live in.

And it is field areas, but nowadays the people running agricultural are diminished, and wastelands seems to have came to stand out. For this reason, a huge shopping mall was built.

Because this shopping mall was done, the commuter towns’ popularity has skyrocketed. Currently, land planning for new places are taking pace quickly.

I had my eyes on this shopping mall for a training place since ago. Therefore, I have came to inspect it several times, but almost all the holidays were full with people.

Moreover, rather than the majority of customers having the intention to shop, there seems to be visitors of the categories who enjoy walking around in the mall. In other words, it’s kind of an leisure facility.

The mall had various of shops gathered together, which can’t be given up even if they view and walk all day long. If you don’t even go shopping, there aren’t a lot of entertainment that don’t cost money. It is a place that wants you to drop cash for the stores by all means.

Of course if I train at such a place, I’m followed around with a risk of a person seeing. If I do the outside training, it’s safer to choose a place that’s secluded.

On the other hand, the surrounding awareness disperses if a place is crowded with people, and unless I cause an uproar, there is rarely a matter that would attracts a particular individual’s attention.

In short, when taking extreme caution, it’s possible to say it will be instead hard to be found. Moreover, just as much as the many public glances, I can give to Ogasawara Makoto great shame and disgrace in the many structure buildings’  blind spots. Indeed, an ideal training place.

‘Hide in the trees if you’re in the forest’, our predecessors’ aphorism are really on point.

“K, Kijima-san. U, Um……”

I led her in the shopping mall that was jammed with people. And then Ogasawara Makoto, who followed obediently followed from being led by my hand, repeated the same question since a little while ago.

“D, Do you like strong-willed girls? D, Do you like brown hair? I, In spite of being delinquent-like and stubborn, do you like girls who are sincerely gentle at the center? ……Would you like my hair dyed, too?

While she was led, she twiddles her glossy, black hair with the opposite one, and looks at me as she blushes.

Shut up. I am annoyed with it. How many times will she repeat same question till this fellow is satisfied? If you want to dye your hair, suit yourself. Should you so as you like, exchanging brown hair for blonde.

“I’ve said this many times. I’m currently not that interested in the opposite s.e.x. Having said that, I’m even further not interested in the same s.e.x. I just―”

“Want to become a first-cla.s.s ma.s.sage teacher, right!”

Interrupting my words, Ogasawara Makoto raises her voice with a glistening smile. She seem to have already completely forgot she wetted herself.

No, even if she didn’t forget, it looks like she cannot help but feel anxious about the juvenile delinquent, who protected her in the train.

“……If you understand, don’t ask.”


“…….Don’t cover it up with a laugh.”

Good grief, what generally goes on in this fellow’s thought circuit? I am becoming worried that her head is really empty.

But well, isn’t it simple better she didn’t suggest to go home?

Nevertheless, why was it even necessary to burn rivalry at the girl who didn’t even exchange words with me?

I had paid attention to the delinquent girl, or showed a manner that had courtesy to the delinquent girl. I can also agree she’d be jealous if I showed such a manner. But, I hadn’t planned she would’ve took this sort of att.i.tude.

Although it’s favourable she’s jealous, when considering her character, I feel the boiling point is too uneasily low.

And, as for my training in the train a.s.sumpted, I would purposely go down the station and continue the training when she didn’t do a climax in it. I planned to continue until the climax was done. Nevertheless, I estimated with if it’s the current her, simply climaxing wouldn’t be so difficult. It can probably be said that my judgment had hit superbly.  

When she didn’t wet herself doing a climax, I’d immediately moved to the shopping mall. And, I’d shift to the next training. I thought this was the most likely development.

And when she wetted herself while doing a climax, I’ll deceive the shocked Ogasawara Makoto with suggesting to go home, and convince her that we should continue the training. After that, I refined the set up with tempering.

However, this fellow did a climax and wetted her pants on the train, and despite this smooth transition to the next training spot, she went for an frickin’ action beyond what I expected.

Although it was an ideal development, it’s for that reason I judged such a development was too good to be true.

No, going beyond smoothly never happens , but I want to suspect there’s more than that degree. Perhaps after this fellow had seen through all my plans, I am also seized with a strange uneasiness that purposely got me into questioning the plan.

It is wrong. It is absolutely different. This person isn’t that sort of schemer. She is only just stupid. I will dig my own grave with overinterpreting it too much. Persuading myself so, and the effort to not think about unnecessary things again, my emotional and physical strength was cut down.

That added jealousy and strange rivalry towards the delinquent girl, is honestly tedious.

When she comes out with an action that’s too unexpected, I have to tear up and get rid of my elaborated plan, then exhaustively work a new plan in the short amount of time, and if that’s the cause, I’ll be tired to some extent since I have to work my thoughts at fully capacity.
By my own choice, I played with a beautiful girl to make her fall into an despair abyss as a prisoner of pleasure. It should truly be fun laughing as I bask in the joy of the view, but why do I get so tired?


We first went to the ice cream shop in the mall. I kept the if exchanged promise, and gave her candy. By feeding a dog, it’ll know I’ll give candy if it listens to what it’s told, and should become obedient.

Will it really be fine giving candy to this fellow? Even if she becomes obedient, I’m worried whether or not she’ll get into an unnecessary action.

“Wow, it is a full line~!”

When we arrived at the ice cream store, a long line was already made.

She saw the line, and far from being fed up, her whole face smiled and eyes glittered.

What is so pleasant knowing that you’ll be kept waiting? Moreover, since the long time spent is considered at best to get ice cream, I have a hard time understanding.

In addition, I also can’t understand the guys that are standing in line. In the beginning of a chilly season called November, how can they have the nerve thinking the likes of wanting to eat ice cream?  

I only understand if it’s a child, but most families also say no. There is a group of junior high school students, and similarly, a group of high school girls. Also, university students or working adults, occupy more than half of the female group. In addition, there seems to be some young couples.

Well, isn’t it necessary to understand that it can’t be understood forcibly? I’m also getting used to waiting. It isn’t a problem.

“What will I eat~? Will I have strawberry~? But, vanilla is also hard to give up~. Later, I want to try rum raisin, too~.”

She clenches my hand, leans forward through the front of the line, and stretches herself to look at the front. She seems to look quite forward to eating ice cream.

“The young me, who also was useless from back then, was in charge of always purchasing it among friends. And given that it was bought by my own pocket, there never was my own share. So, I am used to standing in line and buying it, but I’m not used to eating it myself.”

She confesses a dark past while smiling.

You were in charge of buy with your own pocket? She’s able to say that with a fine smiling face. Moreover, although she said she isn’t used to eating it, that’s probably not true.

Even if she got bullied in the group, isn’t it different when she comes with family?

“Don’t you come to these sort of places with family?”

Absolutely interested, I unconsciously raised a question.

“I rarely go. Shidzuka-san seems to go with mother and father.”

Shiduka? Who’s that? I was confused at the name that suddenly appeared.

“Who is Shiduka……san?”

“O, Oh, I’m sorry. It is my younger sister-in-law. I am an adopted child. (1)


Ogasawara Makoto, who suddenly disclosed new information again, remained calm as she smiled.

“It seems mother and father had a hard time having a child. Thus, they asked my real parents, who are relatives, and accepted me as an adopted child. But because Shizuka was born one year later since I became an adopted child, I was a child who wasn’t necessary.”

“I, Is that so……I asked an unnecessary thing. I am sorry.”

“No, no, I don’t mind.”

Thinking it was safe manner to put an apologetic appearance for the time being, I slightly lowered my head. But she really doesn’t show a manner of minding, on the contrary, she’s still smiling.

Seeing that smile, a chill ran up my back.

She spoke of the abnormal circ.u.mstance forthrightly. And her way of calling to her sister-in-law with an attached t.i.tle. That alone, is transparent to see her position in with the family.

In addition, saying that she knew herself is an adopted child, there is nothing else to say but that someone confessed the truth to her.

To Ogasawara Makoto who ate calmly, I felt a strange coldness.

Isn’t this fellow, possibly already pretty broken from before?

I thought that it was indeed strange. Her being dependent on me under this situations, and Sasaki not being involved at all is unnatural.

For Sasaki not to suspect until the training is finished, I paid extreme caution. But, I didn’t feel well with things going so swimmingly.
I felt uneasy with it going beyond favorable. An urging warning was always caught in my heart. ‘Something is strange.’

The cause of the unnaturalness might be in the family structure. And, I also have a feeling the cause in that situation is inside Sasaki’s involvement. After all, Sasaki is her childhood friend. Naturally, he would know her placed position and circ.u.mstance.

Swallowing my saliva, I desperately endured my face warping in joy.

A younger sister-in-law. There is a possibility Sasaki is involved. Furthermore, from the fact that she addresses her name with a t.i.tle, it’s very likely there’s a rift between the sisters.

Of course, from the standpoint of her character, she wouldn’t ignore her younger sister-in-law in contempt. In other words, it’s the opposite. It is the possibility that the younger sister-in-law hates Ogasawara Makoto one sidedly

And then Sasaki. A famous, beautiful childhood friend. Additionally, there is a rumor that Sasaki has feelings of favor to Ogasawara Makoto. If the sister-in-law is in involved in there, what would Ogasawara Makoto do? She decided to step down.

In other words, a distorted love triangle was formed. Then with Sasaki not being able to make a pa.s.s at her, I can also grasp that he didn’t meddle in her situation.

Additionally, both her erratic thinking and being an extreme m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic may have emerged due to her younger sister.

If it’s the worse case, the bullying towards her my be deeply involved with her younger sister.

The older step-sister, who’s an adopted child, is a weak position. But, her beautiful appearance surpa.s.ses everyone else. Supposing the little sister is ordinary, naturally she will become a target of jealousy. More so, if Ogasawara Makoto’s character induced an s.a.d.i.s.ts heart. Then even further, when a beautiful childhood friends joins in.

Interesting. This is really interesting. Considering her little sister, various and necessary investigations has surfaced.

And supposing if the sister is as I expected, kuku, she will become the best toy that i’d be able to enjoy.

With her and her sister falling into h.e.l.l together, how about I make her a slave to the older sister she hates? It is truly pleasant. I bursted into laughter when I let my mind wander.

It’s really regrettable that although it’s enjoyable, I have to postpone the matter about the younger sister. I must concentrate on Ogasawara Makoto’s training for now.

After all, with leading Ogasawara Makoto to the last training, training her in this mall is the most essential and most important point.

She is an genuine idiot, but her appearance and body are first cla.s.s goods. I devoted myself to developing her physical, and obstinately came to here without making a move.

Even I have s.e.xual desires. I suppressed it and continued steadily building up the blocks.

It was long. I did nothing but continued to walk a trackless path. But even so, it will be over soon.

Because of the training in the shopping mall, her l.u.s.t and craving for pleasure will be raised to the limit.

Moreover, by the exposure training, resistance will be acquired to the shame. Then, she should further demand pleasure. If that happens, it should naturally amount to the developement I desire with leading her heart a bit.

In other words, the sufficiency of mental desire. A craving of affection to the existence named me.

Even with her body being satisfied, the a.s.sistant relationship with me, who dreams of being a first cla.s.s ma.s.seuse, is interfering her mental satisfactory

And her desires are never satisfied. After all, she sticks to the relation as the partner that I thoroughly carried out my practice ma.s.sages, since it doesn’t destroy her stance.

Even if she verbally said,”I want to hug you” she also believes it’s a very high possibility that I’d refuse. Because I suppressed my own s.e.xual desires, and carried through such a manner, she’s under that impression.

If Ogasawara Makoto plays a role for the sake of me turning around, she won’t spare ways that would tempt me. And, there is only one possible way that can tempt me.

It is an object of interest in my biggest goal. The ma.s.sage training.

In other words, the return finally starts. The s.e.xual service that took the name of ‘practice ma.s.sage.’ (He says ‘return’ in English.)

The knowledge for it, by the training I performed for her till now, has reached to a body’s nature.

How does it feel good? How can you receive pleasure? Ogasawara Makoto, who learned that by her body, will serve me using her own body.

Therefore, I must take careful attention of this training. Failure isn’t allowed.


We were kept waiting for about twenty minute, and finally arrived at the ice cream store’s counter.

“Wow, there is a lot! Everything is also adorable.”

Varieties of ice cream formed in a line behind the refrigerated rooms’ gla.s.s. She stares at them with a finger at her mouth. However, she never tired to separate the only hand that joined with me.

Incidentally, I have a problem with her saying the food is adorable. If anything, say the food seems delicious.

“One of these, yeah? This is hard.”

While looking over the cold room gla.s.s, she’s unable to decide on which one.
Because a long line was still formed behind us, I wanted her to decide quickly. Besides, nothing changes that much, only the ice cream color is different. (2)

“If you’re sure you’ll eat it all, be it a double, triple, I don’t mind.”


When I speak to her, who was frantically troubled while knitting her eyebrows, she shouted with eyes wide open while the surroundings had noticed at the same time.

Noisy. Do you intend to tears my eardrum?

“D, Do, Dwoubl―Th, Th, Thriwple!? Awhhw, awhwhw”

Is it necessary to be so shaken up about what ice cream? To Ogasawara Makoto, who was scattered about as if she heard that the world is ending tomorrow, I instinctively threw a grand sigh.

Taking the training into consideration, I wanted to avoid being conspicuous, but this fellow is the most difficult of company.

Not only the sales clerk, but the visitors who were lined behind us, also smiled as much as Ogasawara Makoto. 

“Doub, Doub, tribpleow! Whaaa!”

“Calm down. First, calm down. Will you take a deep breath? Yah? Look, breathe in slowly, and exhale slowly.”

“Hiyaa, hiyaa! Hyaa, Hyaa, haa, haa! Hyaa, Hyaa, haaaaaaaaa!”

She nodded to my words many times, and tries the thing to give birth. What on earth do you intend to give birth to?

Ah, this is useless. Those in the back row are also laughing now, but before long they will begin to bear antipathy with waiting too long.

I will have no choice but to give up the training if a worse uproar happens today. I’d like to avoid just that.

“Ogasawara, you stand there. I’ll order.”

Signing again watching her bow, I stood in front of the sales clerk, who was desperately enduring laugher.

“Um, with a triple, strawberry cheesecake and vanilla, and then a rum raisin, please.”

“Y, Yess. PuPu. Excuse mee. She’s just so adorablee.”

When the saleswoman was enduring laughter, she glanced at the upright immobile Ogasawara Makoto at my back, and bursted into laughter from exceeding her limit.

No, well, yeah. You aren’t at fault. It can’t be helped.

“Um, do you have hot coffee?” 

“Th, Tere ish. Ex, Excuse me.”

“Ah,  please don’t worry about it. Hhm, then that one.”

The salesclerk forcibly held down her burst of laughter. Tere ish…it seems the sales clerk had caught the Ogasawara Makoto disease. Poor thing.

Idioticness is a viral epidemic.


When I take the coffee and ice cream cup, I place it on the tray with holding it with one hand. And then, taking Ogasawara Makoto by the hand, who obeyed my order and was standing upright waiting, I went to a certain table seat in front of the shop.

“That girl, seems to be disappointing despite being an amazingly beautiful girl, yeah? That, and she’s h.e.l.la adorable.”

Furthermore, the chill boyfriend seems to be the exact opposite, right? Far from being upset about her eccentric behavior, his eyebrows haven’t once moved, along with having laughed.”

“He’s probably used to it, you think?”

“I get a certain meaning of perfect balance, that couple.”

Towards the middle tables, I heard conversations from many place that were generally about us.

That would be so. It’s only natural if we’re being that obtrusive. Why is it this complete idiot, so good at going through my slanted a.s.sumptions? I feel like it’s a kind of talent.

Found an available seat, I pulled the sliding installed chair and made her sit down. And then, I placed the ice cream cup in front of her eyes, and was about to sit in front of her.

“Oi, let go of my hand.”

“UU, I don’t want to.”

Grasping my hand tightly by both hands, she stared at me with a bright red face. The tears gathering in her eyes seemed likely to overflow at any moment.

“I am embarra.s.sed from the time when I wetted myself at the train.”

“…..Don’t calmly say you p.i.s.sed yourself, along with other stuff, at a place like this. I am begging you.”

When I consider what she said, she spoke something outrageous.

While breaking into a sweat, I observed the surrounding state by only moving my line of sight, but thank G.o.d for her remark to have disappeared into the clatter, it wasn’t heard in the area.

Heaving a sigh of relief, I looked at Ogasawara Makoto with scornful eyes.

“Please seat with me. I absolutely don’t want to separate hands.”


At the overwhelming annoyance of her grasping my hand tightly with both hers, I unconsciously clicked my tongue.

I thought I didn’t have to worry about the stomach anymore, but I was correct to bright the stomach medicine just to be sure.

I’m getting irritated! I am seriously getting irritated with this fellow! Why did I choose this sort of b.i.t.c.h as pray? I was completely tricked with her appearance.

“This is a table for two. The chair is also installed for face-to-face. Look around, are everyone diligently sitting down at opposite ends? Besides, aren’t the chairs directly installed on the floor that you can’t move them? So, how do you intend to sit down together?”

“Isn’t fine if you do it at a halfsies? You are dumb.”(3)


Ogasawara Makoto, who shifted her b.u.t.t gently from the seat  she sat on, and opened half of the chairs’ surface, urging me to sit down. That is fine. That is fine, but.

Didn’t this fellow, just now say something like I was dumb? Did I mishear? Am I mishearing? No, it’s not that. I am certain she said it.

Only from you, I don’t want to hear that only from you.

Ah, on it’s own my body is shaking with my overwhelming rage!

“Moreover, you broke your promise. Although you said we would eat together, you ordered a coffee. Even thought you said you’ll do a mutual exchange. Liar! You are a liar! Eveerrryyyoneee! Kijima-san is a liar!”


Puffed her cheeks and she glared at me, she raised her voice unnaturally and started an uproar.

How did this happen. I soon had no choice but to laugh.

“Hey, hey, that disappointing beautiful girl of a little while ago is making noise again.”

“She adorable with her cheeks puffed out.”

“Even the boyfriend is standing upright. I wonder how he’ll manages that?”

“Let’s see what he has.”

Due to her having started an uproar, she once again was being obtrusive. But then again, we appear to be observed by the surroundings.

Ogasawara Makoto, didn’t just do that. I don’t know whether she’s a natural airhead or it was intentional, no, she’s certainly an airhead, but she used the eyes of the public to block my path of retreat.

Her mental desire isn’t satisfied. An earnest desire that wants to receive affection from me. I a.s.sumed that after this training was over she’d reach at the breaking point, but again, that slanted a.s.sumption was pierced through.

Her mind became unstable urinating in the train, and the juvenile delinquent of uncertainty incited her jealous.

In addition to those, she was scattered about in front of the ice cream shop, and having disgraced herself in front of public, she may be out of the shackles that pinned down her desires.

When it comes to this abnormality of confident att.i.tude, and behaving like a spoiled child towards me, it may be temporary.

Whether I give her candy or a whipping, it’s a very delicate point.

If I give her too much candy, there is a possibility that she will misunderstand and push a frontage of love for me. If that’s the case, the said relationship of my aim to be an ma.s.seur and the a.s.sistant collapses, causing a delay in the training.

Still, if I wield too much lash, there is a very high possibility with her m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic character, that she will brood and be the under the impression that she’s hated by me. If that happens, the training will no longer occur.

Hahaaa, what a incredibly troublesome behavior this person has.

It is foolish thing to think about giving up. I will most likely be sorry later. But, this indeed is too tiresome.

Of the chair which she sat down on, half of the seat’s surface was open. I sat down there, took the ice cream cup by the hand, and casually scooped the ice cream with a spoon.

“Open your mouth.”


And then giving an order to her, I threw the spoon in her opened mouth.

“It’s cold. But delicious.”

“Noisy. Since it’s good, eat in silence. Eat all of it. Eat everything. Eat it immediately.”

When it comes to this, I have no choice but to quickly feed her ice cream.

“Hey, hey, look at that. The disappointing beautiful girl seems to have won. Those two are sitting side by side in one chair.”

“Ahaha, the boyfriend seems to have given in. Moreover, he raise it up with feeding her ice cream.”

“It is interesting to watch, but that disappointing beautiful girl is hard to look after, you think?”

“It is fine. I also want to to eat from that sort of cool intellectual. It benefits being adorable~!”

To the voices that I heard, I was seized with the impulse that wants to throw the ice cream and go home at once.


The idiot who has no way of knowing the likes of my real intentions, exposed a foolish face and opened her mouth.

Can I throw the cup’s contents in at once?

Endure it, me. I am currently seen as charming by the area, but if I go berserk and she cries, I will in the worse case be reported. When that happens, everything is ruined.

She held the spoon that I threw with her mouth, and laughs happily while mumbling.


Even hearing the idiot face mutter, I want to praise myself who didn’t go berserk.

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