The following day after school I signed a contract with Ogasawara Makoto, I was on the sofa in the usual warehouse with her sitting down next to me.

However, she isn’t wearing her uniform, but a swimming suit.

Her black hair was tied behind her so it wouldn’t interfere. She was wearing a blue school swimsuit. Since there was no swimming cla.s.s in high school, it’s probably something she wore during her middle school. If that’s the case, she probably doesn’t have any other swimsuits. Otherwise if she does, she chose this school swimsuit on purpose so it won’t expose much of her skin.

The swimsuit doesn’t fit her body size, it was eating into her white skin. Thus her voluptuous chest emphasised itself.

The school swimsuit fit the baby faced Ogasawara Makoto nicely, but her voluptuous and sensual figure that is brought forth by its abnormally erotic.

“Well, let’s begin.”

I said as I stood up, then she stood up also

Isn’t she rather embarra.s.sed? She isn’t making eye contact with me, and is silent. Her white skin became slightly red as she was blushing.

The bed that I installed was in the corner of the warehouse. In the apartment I don’t even use a bed but here I put a king sized bed, but even if I say that I put in one it’s nearly pointless because I usually use the sofa and hardly use the bed.

Before she comes here, I already did the preparations.

The vinyl sheet which I laid on the bed makes sure that the lotion doesn’t stain it. But then, because I don’t use the bed I don’t care if it stains, however from now on Ogasawara Makoto will be laying on this bed everyday. It’s there for that reason.

“Then, can you lie on your stomach?”

I arrive at the front of the bed, and ask Ogasawara Makoto who was standing behind me.

She nodded, approaching the bed with a state of fear, and lays onto her stomach while looking sideways at me.

“At first it will be uncomfortable, but it should start feeling good as you get used to it. At least, that’s what was written in the book…..”

I open the book with one hand, as I break my eyes from the book I start talking to her.

“Oh, yes, I understand.”

And with a bewitching smile that no man could resist, she nodded. (1)

“What’s funny?”

I turn my eyes away from the book to her and ask as I pretend to be ignorant.

“Well, you seemed really serious.”

She said with a giggle, I put out my tongue at her. I also became embarra.s.sed so I turned my face away.

“Don’t say anymore. I haven’t told anyone about my dream or aim until now.”

It’s true, but my dream and aim isn’t becoming a ma.s.seur. My present goal is to play with the prey before my eyes.

“Fufu, yes, I won’t say anymore.”

Her defensive att.i.tude completely changed, her being cornered that far yesterday seems like a lie. If she can relax that much, she must have removed her wariness of me.

She’s really a stupid woman, and is surprisingly also easy to handle.

“Hya, oh? W-what is this?”

Ogasawara gave a ridicule laugh, but when I dripped high cla.s.s lotion for s.e.xual intercourse onto her b.u.t.tock, she then raised her face in surprise at the sensation and tilted her head at me.

“Listen when someone talks to you, I told you it’s probably going to feel uncomfortable at first, no? I’m using aroma oil for the ma.s.sage.”

“A-ah, I understand.”

She felt relieved when hearing aroma oil and returned to her original position.

This isn’t cheap aroma oil. As I said it’s high quality, it excels in viscosity and lubrication, and it is supposed to feel extremely pleasant.

I also tried it several times, and the feeling surely is outstanding.(2)

But since this is more expensive than high quality aroma oil many times over, I’ll let Ogasawara Makoto thoroughly enjoy it.

“Well, excuse me.”

When I throughly bowed my head businesslike, she nodded.(3)

“Y-yes, please treat me well.”

The tone was a little tense, but she willingly accepted.  I confirmed it and stretched out both of my hands towards her.


When both hands touched the thigh, she raised her voice subtly, twisting and twitching her body.

While confirming the reaction, I gently press both hands on the left and right thighs, letting it go down slowly.

I go toward the top while practicing finger pressure treatment with my thumb, reaching the joint of the thigh, so I change course to the bottom and let my hand slide.

I pa.s.s through the thigh and calf, and when reaching the ankle, I changed course back onto the top again and aimed at the joint of the thigh.

Thanks to the the lotion I used, my hand wasn’t caught when I rubbed her white skin.

It’s a wonderful feeling, the thighs are plump with a firm softness.

‘I want to hurry and entangle myself with her s.e.xy body’, I need to suppress such impulses.

“How’s that?”

I ask her with a serious expression.

“Y-yes, tha…’s a little ticklish”

As she quietly muttered those words her ears were dyed in red.

The ma.s.sage feels so good she doesn’t have time to think about her situation, let alone feel embarra.s.sed. Well, she isn’t showing any resistance, so for the first time this is going quite well.

I thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of those thighs for a while and then went to her back from there. But I won’t touch her a.s.s, she must still have some reservations for having her a.s.s touched by a man.

Now to make sure she doesn’t become cautious I need to make her believe that I am actually practicing ma.s.saging. The areas that the women keep on guard, I must never touch the a.s.s and b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and with that I will make her think that I am a gentleman.

Back, arm and then on to ma.s.saging the neck, finally I ma.s.sage the palm and sole of the foot.

The ma.s.sage felt so good that she fell asleep, exposing her innocent sleeping face.

On the first day, it seems possible to progress the plan earlier than expected.

“Hey, get up, a test subject shouldn’t sleep. You still need to tell me your impressions.”


Shaking her shoulders, I call out to her. While giving a stupid voice she looked up, surveying the vicinity half asleep, then looked at me.

“I’m sworry. That fwelt soo good thwat I fwell awsleep. “

She lowered the ends of her eyebrows apologetically, her words were a slur as she apologizes to me.

“I’m not playing around, do you understand your own position? If you’re in it just for the heck of it we should just stop, this can’t be considered practice at all.”

Her silence while being ma.s.saged and the fact that she fell asleep only shows that the ma.s.sage was that good, that’s why she wasn’t completely wrong, however I still blamed her in exaggeration on purpose.

There’s two reasons. One, to remind her she is doing this as a compensation to keep Sasaki’s secret, she’s not getting ma.s.saged for fun.

Another, to make her understand that I take ma.s.saging seriously, I need to ingrain it into her.

“I-I’m sorry, I’ll be more careful next time, so I truly am sorry.”

After being told by me she completely woke up and sat straight in place, lowering her head and apologizing several times.(4)

All while having her voluptuous and erotic body covered with the slimy lotion.

“Forget it, there is a shower stall here, you should use it. However, only cold water comes out.”

“T-thank you. A-Also, I’m really sorry.”

I wipe both hands with a towel then fling it over my shoulder. Ogasawara bowed one last time and got off the bed.

“E-excuse me…..”

As I began to walk towards the sofa, her voice muttered weakly from behind me.

When I look back, she still has her brows furrowed with an apologetic face while squirming her thighs together and crossing both her hands in front of her chest.

“The shower room, where is it?”

And I was thrown with a natural question.

She doesn’t know the internal conditions of the warehouse in detail, there is no way she knows where the shower room is placed.  But I blow out a heavy sigh in an annoyed fashion, glaring at her with a bent face like I was displeased.

“You’re a person in need of lots of care.”

“I-i’m sorry….”

It’s too much of a disrespectful att.i.tude. I solved the wariness against the ma.s.sage, but the relationship needs to make sure I am superior.  With Ogasawara Makoto’s entire body covered in lotion, by all means she wants a place where she can shower. In that case I need to make sure she understands she’s inferior to me.

The reason is because it will become troublesome in the future when she gets carried away and rash. The beginning is most important.

“Follow me.”

“Y-yes, thank you for the help.”

As I began to walk towards the door entrance of the warehouse she began to walk as well.

The sun went down long ago, the ma.s.sage took 2 hours so obviously the area was already dark.

Even if I say it’s dark, there’s still light coming from the school yard. And from the fact that the light from the residential area slightly lights up the sky, it wasn’t so dark that it was not possible to walk.

I went out of the warehouse to the back of it, while Ogasawara Makoto cautiously checked the surrounding, following me while covering her chest with both hands empty handed.

Confused after being scolded by me, furthermore with the present situation of wearing a school swimsuit outside, it seems she completely forgot a change of clothes. I didn’t think being this stupid was possible.

The shower room is in the back of the warehouse, but even if I say shower room it’s more like a temporary convenience.

The water supply is installed within the ground at the back of the warehouse and from it there’s a hose.

The hose is connected in the middle and it has a handle installed on it, It also has a shower head on the tip of the hose, it really is only a temporary shower.

And the problem with the shower room is that mold formed in the wood, which is just covered in cloudy transparent vinyl. If I seriously wanted to make a shower room I could have made it properly from good materials. But there’s no need to, since this was made for Ogasawara Makoto.

“H-here, is it?

She was staring at the shower room vacantly, clearly surprised at its appearance.

The transparent vinyl which I used for the walls may be transparent, but it is still cloudy enough that you can’t see inside properly. If someone is inside you can confirm it. since on the surface of it you can see a silhouette in flesh color.

“You’re being rude, I didn’t make this for your sake, I made it this to bathe in the hot summertime. Don’t use it if you don’t want to, so annoying.”

I pretend to be still upset because she went to sleep, by raising my voice in order to appear irritated and go to take my leave immediately.

I don’t care if she takes the shower or not. But, if she takes the shower I’ll just have one more thing to enjoy, that’s all.


I started walking towards the entrance of the warehouse but heard a fl.u.s.tered voice from behind.

“I-I didn’t mean to make you seem like a fool! But, I mean, I was just a little surprised……”

Yeah, obviously you would be surprised. If I heard that there was a shower room and I came to find this crude subst.i.tute which is covered in transparent but somewhat cloudy vinyl, I would be too. Plus it’s outside, if a woman took a shower in such a place it would appear as though she’s a pervert with a fetish for exhibitionism.

“E-excuse me… people come over here?”

And this is how Ogasawara Makoto became a perverted exhibiotionist.

Although even if her whole body is in slippery lotion, it isn’t a decent place to take a shower. But she is now stunned by the anger I showed in reaction to her, and probably lost her calm judgement. Besides, by using the shower room she might brighten my mood.

In any case, I can only say that she is a fool.

“I don’t know. However people rarely come by, even you yesterday, you pa.s.sed through the forest over there? There is always someone who uses a shortcut, so I can’t say no one will come for certain. However…….”

I turn back towards her and declared so when looking at her.

“If someone would use this shortcut it would be in the morning. Even for someone with too much time on his hands, he probably wouldn’t bother to go through such an unpopular place. But since I haven’t checked I can’t be certain.”

As I began to walk I said something over my shoulder.

“Besides, in this amount of darkness I think people couldn’t tell there’s a person in the shower.”

The last push, after that it will be left to her judgment.

I sat down on the sofa within the warehouse and 20 minutes have pa.s.sed.

Ogasawara Makoto definitely took a shower, this is evident because she left baggage in the warehouse. She would return home with her baggage even without taking a shower.

But 20 minutes is too slow. Even if it’s a shower, it only has cold water, it would be impossible to take a bath for that long.

What a hilarious person, seeing as she didn’t return she probably realized by now that she didn’t take a towel to dry herself or clothes to change into, or something like that.

However if that’s the case she would come to take her change of clothes, perhaps she have fallen into a panic.

Her falling asleep during the ma.s.sage angered me and angered me again by making me look like a fool with my homemade shower, and furthermore forgetting her change of clothes, I can’t image how much anger she must think that I feel.

“Really, she’s being such a burden.“(「ほんと、カモがネギを背負ってるようなヤツだな」)

I won’t deny her sweetness and elegance, and I acknowledge her wholeheartedness. But it comes with the bonus of her foolishness and idiocy.

I stood up from the sofa and left the warehouse with a bath towel I prepared beforehand.

When I arrive at the front of the shower room, the sound of water splashing echoed. There’s no water outside of the shower, that means the person inside it hasn’t come out yet.

When I listen carefully, I hear m.u.f.fled but heavy breathing. Are you afraid after sensing a person?


I called her name pretending to not know whether she’s there or not, and in response I got the sound of a surprised gasp coming from her.

“W-what a relief, it was Kijima-kun (5). I thought it was someone I didn’t know and got scared…..”

Her weak voice trembled but yet she seemed to be relieved from the bottom of her heart, in addition I hear dim sounds of the water vibrating, perhaps she’s shaking. It’s either from being frightened or simply because of the cold water.

The season is October, it’s already quite cold. Moreover it suddenly became colder because the day fell. She was obviously freezing as she was bathing herself in icy water in this weather.

“Hey you, if I don’t prepare it myself you can’t do anything on your own? I practice messaging on you, you aren’t a visitor. If you become to much of a handful, I will cancel this agreement.”

While declaring coldly, I put my hand through the gap of the vinyl sheet offering her a bath towel.

“I-I’m truly sorry, I have no other word to respond with. By tomorrow, that is, I’ll definitely think over it myself.”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses. If you say you’ll change your att.i.tude, then show it in your behaviour.”

“Yes….. I’m very sorry.”

She takes the bath towel that I handed to her and answered me in a nasal voice, is it because she’s about to cry or because she’s cold?

“Thank you, the towel, it’s warm…..”

And she apologised, she’s simple minded and dumb beyond belief. The more you blame her she will blame herself even harder, it’s like she has a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic habit.

After a while, she wraps a bath towel around her body and comes out from the gap of vinyl.

Because she isn’t holding her swimsuit in hand, I guess she’s wearing the swimsuit. Of course, she isn’t that much of a fool to be naked in this location. (6)

“You may return once you finish changing. See you tomorrow, I look forward to working with you.”

I declare as I turn my back to her and begin walking. Just before I turned around to walk away I saw a happy smile float on her face, and without thinking a sneer crept to my face.

“T-thank you! I will seriously do my best tomorrow!”

She was kept being scolded by me so she was depressed, she probably thought that I forgave her so she became happy.

To make her fall into sin in an amusing way, that’s my goal. At this rate I’ll reach the final stage within a month.


One week has pa.s.sed since then. Ogasawara Makoto displayed her words in her behavior and diligently went to the warehouse every day. Hher behaviour from before is clearly different.


Opening the door of the warehouse, Ogasawara Makoto said h.e.l.lo and entered with a lively smile and began taking off her uniform without my instructions. She already wore her swimsuit under her uniform, but taking off a uniform in front of a man with no concern, it’s evidence she’s getting extremely used to this.

I ma.s.sage her with nothing but earnest, I completely ingrained this into Ogasawara Makoto, so her feelings of wariness have completely disappeared. Furthermore she enjoys being ma.s.saged, so she throws herself onto the bed on her own accord.

“These days, I’ve been told my skin shines. Previously I had trouble with my stiff shoulders as well but now the feeling lessened, even more so, my entire body feels lighter”

And she says such a thing.

If Sasaki knew Ogasawara’s present state, what kind of expression he would make? Your partner who you had wholehearted feelings for since childhood is now having her soft fair skin being toyed with by an unknown man. Just thinking about it wells unbearable laughter.

She has on the form fit blue school swimsuit that she usually wears, plops herself down on her stomach in the bed where vinyl is spread and waits for my ma.s.sage to begin.

I stood up from the sofa and took the high cla.s.s lotion that I always use, then went towards the bed.

“Ogasawara, will you lie on your back today?”


I ask her as I stand next to the bed, she then raised her face showing a somewhat wary expression and behavior.

Facing upwards, I sense she’s showing a different form of shyness and being disturbed unlike when she was scared. Although she’s wearing a swimsuit, I can see between her crotch and chest. Furthermore, if she thinks this is where I’ll ma.s.sage, naturally it’s something she’ll be wary of.

But here I can say it without reserve, because If I show reserve here I’ll never enter the next stage. And so I declared this without reserve in a businesslike tone.

“I want to begin ma.s.sing the lymphatic gland and mammary gland today. Lymphatic ma.s.sage improves the blood circulation throughout the body and works general stiffness. And then the mammary gland to improve the production of breast milk, this seems to be popular with woman immediately after or before childbirth.”(7)

When I spoke in a serene tone, her expression was clouded even more.

“Even so, the lymphatic gland and mammary gland are erogenous zones. A lot of female s.e.x hormones are produced when the erogenous zone is stimulated, it also seems to have an effect for beauty as well. Don’t they say a woman who is in love is beautiful? That’s because female hormones are secreted aplenty when she is in love.”

I hold a book in one hand while looking down on a open page, and talk as though I read the sentence that’s written out loud. Actually that sort of thing is not written, all the words are something that I made up.


As one would expect she doesn’t accept, as it is she’ll try to move onto her stomach.

The words that I said slightly engulf her, in the end ma.s.saging her b.r.e.a.s.t.s is not possible, and to stimulate the root of her thigh near the genitals, is what I told her. She may not easily approve it.(ED: f.u.c.k this line, f.u.c.k it into all eternity 俺が言った言葉は、ほんのりとオブラートに包んでいるが、結局は乳房を揉みしだき、太ももの付け根にして女性器のそばを刺激する、と言っているのだ。そう簡単に了承などできないだろう。)

“That, I know what you’re thinking about. But, if you’re going to think about indecent things, I said it many times in the beginning. I’m doing this seriously, I’m not that indecent guy you think inside your head.”


She raised a groan as I poke a sore spot,  closing her eyes and squinting, she seems to be troubled.

I was able to properly catch it.

When she first came she expected me to actualize the word when I first said I’d make her into a meat toilet.

An existence that exists only to handle the s.e.xual desires of men, I told her to become one such thing, but I laughed it off as a joke afterwards.

Ogasawara Makoto had certainly prepared herself mentally for such a thing, but now she had her resolve coming apart. And then began the serious ma.s.sage practice, which won her trust in me.

In other words, if I say I won’t do indecent things, she will think I will never do it. Moreover, even if the act is just a little indecent, no matter how indecent it is I will deny it, and she’ll probably accept it.

“I-I understand. Please treat me well.”

She says as she slowly reverses her body with the right hand on the chest, and while putting her left hand between her crotch she turned over on her back.

This is magnificent. Because she’s covering a important place with a flushed face, it looks even more obscene.

“Looking at this is probably embarra.s.sing for you, I’ll put a towel over your eyes.”

“Y-yes, that would help….”

I pour piping hot water into a water bottle which was brought in a bucket, soaked it into the hand towel, then took it out and squeezed it. This hot towel feels exquisitely relaxing.

“Haa, it feels good…..”

When I gently put a towel to her eyes she closed them, leaking out a sweet sigh and muttered in a low voice.

Other than the additional effect of her feeling relaxed, it also has the effect to of stopping her embarra.s.sment by blocking her field of vision.

Moreover she can freely move her limbs, so If she ever decides to resist she can do so at any time, that thought creates a breach in her mind. I can take advantage of said breach.

“You can hide it with your hand at the beginning, I understand the shame you feel. But I would like you to get accustomed to stop hiding it.”

“T-thank you, for keeping me in mind…..”

I intended to put off the b.r.e.a.s.t.s from the beginning. Originally I would start with the lymph node of the root of the thigh, but I intend to focus on carrying out the ma.s.sage on the lymph nodes in the armpit.

“Then lets begin.”


I drip a large quant.i.ty of the high quality lotion that I was holding onto her lymph nodes, which made her raise a surprised voice, but her behavior doesn’t show she’ll run away.

While observing her state I stretched out both my hands and put them on the surface of the right and left thighs gently.


With a twitch her knee began trembling and she tightened her thighs against each other. It’s a very innocent reaction. Because she recently have gotten quite used to ma.s.saging, it’s been awhile since I saw such a shy reaction.

While putting finger pressure with my thumb on the surface of her white thigh, I let my palm slide slowly.

At first I won’t go to the root of the thigh until the very last minute, so I’ll go towards the bottom and change course just before I reach the crotch. Then pa.s.s through the lower leg from the thigh, and change course when I arrive at the ankle, then go to the top.

“A li-little…’s tickle….ish”

I rub together the thighs that are close together, making her body slightly twist and mutter in a small voice that shook while enduring a small laugh. It didn’t seem like she felt any unpleasant feelings, it’s the result of all the trust I’ve built up with her until now.

Ignoring her, I continue to earnestly and diligently ma.s.sage. Gradually changing the movement of my hand while at the last minute slide the thumb in near her crotch.

I continued this for an hour, completely removing the stiffness from her body.


She is covered in lotion, with her red colored skin, and I realize sweat begins to pour out.


She raised a faint coquettish voice together with a sigh, her cheeks die red with her rough breathing.

The hand that is covering her chest and groin fell onto the bed.

I slide both my hands onto the surface of the thigh, and focus on ma.s.saging the lymph nodes at the base of the thigh.

Riding my palm on the thigh, I ma.s.sage the root with my thumb while using finger pressure. Because the lymph nodes is between both sides of the crotch, naturally I put my thumb on the entrance.  And then unnoticeable, my thumb invaids inside the swimsuit which covers the groin.

I feel something slightly tangled in front of my thumb, it seems like pubic hair. I immediately put finger pressure on the side of her female genitals and ma.s.sage it. However I absolutely must not go any further. While maintaining the line of nearly touching her genitals, I devote myself to this last ma.s.sage.

“Sorry, for today lets cancel the mammary gland ma.s.sage. I can’t go on with my stamina.”

I separate both hands from the crotch, while wiping the lotion off both of them with a towel, I spoke to Ogasawara Makoto.

Since I started the ma.s.sage three hours have already pa.s.sed, and because I didn’t use too much strength, I can in fact afford to do some more. But if I pretend to be considerate to her, I can appeal to her and wear down her mind.

“I-is that so. Thank you.”

Raising her right hand, she took the towel which hung over her eyes, raising her breaths and blushing, and said in a voice that seemed a little disappointed. It seems like it felt really good.

If it’s like this, then after the armpit and lymph nodes ma.s.sage I can include b.r.e.a.s.t.s into it.

I am close, the final stage can begin soon.  Furthermore it came faster than expected.

I take out a big bucket I prepared beforehand and put five water bottles in it, and after I confirmed she got out from the bed and is glancing sideways, I stood up with the bucket in hand.

“What, is it?”

Ogasawara who dropped down on the ground barefoot, approached me with curious look.

“Does it matter what is it? Come on, hurry and go take a shower.”

“Eh?  Are we going together today?”

She raised her voice with curiosity still, while following me who began to walk.

When I leave the warehouse, I walk around the warehouse on the dark road and put the bucket beside the shower room.

“Hot water is in the water bottles, you should use them after you bathe, and I also left you a hand towel and a bath towel.”

I said as I look back and then began to quickly walk away, in order to seem embarra.s.sed.

“Hot water….t-thank you!”

The tone I heard from behind included a clear joy and bounce.

This sort of trivial kindness slowly eroded her mind. That is one purpose of it, but it also has another, greater, purpose. It’s in order to suppress a sense of shame for exposure.

Ogasawara Makoto takes a shower with her swimsuit on. In which case the lotion that I put in the gap into the swimsuit is almost impossible to completely wash away.

The luke warm water in the bucket that I put the towel in, ‘If possible I’d like to wash my whole body with it’. If she thinks that it would be the best.

Although we’re surrounded by the dark and the inside of the shower room is enclosed by half-transparent vinyl, if she does the act of taking off her swimsuit and becomes naked, no matter how you look at it it is a weird thing to do.

One can get used to scary things. She was previously against me touching her, but now she grew accustomed to my touch, and even more so, I was allowed to put my thumb inside her swimsuit and near the crotch, she didn’t voice a single complaint against that.

‘Because it’s for the lymph gland ma.s.sage’, she was completely convinced this was seriously training for a ma.s.sage beside the female genitals.
Although, when there is no hot water she may not go naked. But while continuing this, the possibility becomes higher everyday. I’ll wait for it.

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