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Xiahou Xuan firmly held Wei Yang who was giggling in his arms while walking into the special lounge of the horse yard. He placed her on a soft sofa and asked, “Well? Why are you giggling? And why does my Yang Yang seem so happy? C"mon, tell your brother.”

“Nothing!” Wei Yang grinned and smiled. After she finished giggling, she continued, “He is very cute, isn"t he?"  Then she turned around and she looked like a fool. Suddenly, she frowned again, worried, and said, “Mo has a back injury. How is the skill of the nurse in the horse farm clinic? What is her technique of dealing with wounds? I am afraid she will hurt him.”

Xiahou Xuan can"t help but feel sad and a little bit hurt with what Wei Yang just said and thought, "Why should she be afraid when Mo feel pain?"

He tried not to let his brow tie and he seemed to carelessly ask, "Yang Yang, do you like Mo?”

“Yeah!” She said it almost without hesitation and nodded her head.

Xiahou Xuan took a deep breath. The handsome face of Xiahou Xuan suddenly turned a bit pale with coldness. He clenched his fists but he did not let anger and jealousy take over him so that Wei Yang won"t find out how he felt that moment. Xiahou Xuan also had a sudden mood swing that he could not laugh at her at that moment and also could not continue to speak with her.

Xiahou Xuan was a leader of a gangster, a cold-blooded one but not ruthless. He hated his father and everyone in the Xiahou family in Beijing, but he still believed in family because his grandfather and mother gave him the love that he lacked of.

Of course, he also believed in friendship. Just like Wei Yang, Mo, and Chu Dong Tang, their friendship was indeed sincere. It"s just that he didn"t believe in love. Only his mother"s love and all kinds of good deeds in the world made him believe about love, but the thing called romantic love between two people, he never believed on that. Sometimes he even laughed at such feeling and thought that it"s all just the humanity"s dream – an unforgettable, eternal love.

But since he met Wei Yang, he began to gradually believe in such emotion, the thing called love. Since then, he seemed to be enlightened and suddenly understood that love can really be engraved on his mind. At least, he felt some pain on his heart for the first time when Wei Yang said that she liked Mo. His heart seemed to be dug up, incomplete, and half-dead.

“Brother?” Wei Yang felt that there was something wrong with his brother and suddenly, she jumped to Xiahou Xuan, hugged him, and laughed, and then sweetly said, "But of course, Yang Yang still likes his brother better!"

Wei Yang"s words were like magic that shifted Xiahou Xuan"s mood making him feel surprised! He was anxiously trying to confirm what it was like, so he held her waist with both of his hands, faced Wei Yang, and asked her seriously, “Really? Does my Yang Yang like his brother?”

“Of course! My brother is the most important person for Yang Yang! You are the most favorite brother of Yang Yang!” Wei Yang gave Xiahou Xuan a mouthful on the cheek, and then laughed a bit on his nose, shaved his cheek with her forefinger, and laughed, “My brother is so cute when he is jealous! Hahaha! Don"t be shy, Yang Yang likes it!”

Xiahou Xuan"s face was stiff. Then he deliberately frowned and looked at Wei Yang. His hands suddenly fell on the sensitive spot of Wei Yang"s waist which began to tickle her.

“Ah – -!” Wei Yang shouted and laughed. She laughed and begged, “No! Please! Brother, do not tickle me! Hahaha! My mistake! Yang Yang is wrong! Hahahaha! Noooo, please! Noo hahahaha!"

Xiahou Xuan snorted with laughter and then hugged her. He carried Wei Yang and put her on the large sofa, kissed the tears on her face, gently patted her, and then said, “You might be tired now. Go and sleep for a while, ok?”

Wei Yang nodded her head and rubbed her lips. She pushed Xiahou Xuan and said, “Okay brother, you can go out now, Yang Yang wants to sleep alone.”

“Hmmmm?” Xiahou Xuan wondered, but he kissed her forehead and said, “I will only go out when Yang Yang is already asleep.”

Wei Yang thought, but nodded like saying, “All right.” So, she closed her eyes and let Xiahou Xuan feel confused and pick out his eyebrows.

A few minutes later, Xiahou Xuan walked out of the room, paused at his feet, looked back at the door, took a deep breath, and then smiled and went to the clinic. He knew that Wei Yang might have something to hide from him but it didn"t matter because for as long as he knew that Wei Yang loved him, that"s enough.

When Xiahou Xuan went away, Wei Yang immediately opened her eyes and sat up from the sofa. She touched her whole body and whispered, “Long-life lock? Small snake? Are you still there?”

As soon as Wei Yang"s voice was heard, the silver-white snake climbed out again in Wei Yang"s long hair and twisted into her palm. It became like a three-dimensional mosquito coil. The small head was gently and softly swaying. It shyly dared not to look at Wei Yang.

Wei Yang was confused at first, but soon, she understood what the snake meant by its actions. It said that it didn"t mean to let Wei Yang fall off the horse.

After guessing, Wei Yang laughed. She brought the little snake in front and said, “Oh it"s okay, I don"t blame you. Don"t worry, don"t be afraid. What a wonderful thing, I never knew that a dead thing could be turned into a living thing. Well, magic!”

After that, the little snake looked at Wei Yang like a puzzled head and then rubbed snake"s head into Wei Yang"s finger and listened to her obediently.

“I think that I have to give you a name.” Wei Yang touched the head of the snake and said, “Mu Yuehua said that you were mine. Then, I should give you a name.”

She thought that maybe the small snake had a name but she can"t remember anything because she lost her memory. Of course, the small snake could not talk itself to tell its name, so it was necessary to have a new name!

The little snake nodded and its smooth head slipped through the light.

Wei Yang was thinking about the snake"s name seriously when she suddenly giggled and looked at the snake, and then said, "Hmm? Mo Mao? Is it good? Hahaha!" (*Mo Mao - without hair)

As soon as the snake heard it, the snake shook its head, dangling, trying to make itself cry out. It seemed like the snake didn"t like the name Wei Yang gave it.

“Hahaha! You are so cute! I"m just joking with you!” Yang Yang laughed with shed of tears. After a while, she stopped and said, “Ah! Mao! I want to call you, Mao Mao! Isn"t it cute?" (*Mao -hairy / Mao mao- pet name)

The little snake"s head swallowed a few times then finally nodded as if this name promised to be very difficult.

Seeing this, Wei Yang"s mouth pumped and finally decided to ignore it. She began to communicate with the silver lock.


When Xiahou Xuan went inside the clinic, he saw that Mo"s wound was handled well and his shirt was replaced by a new one already. Chu Dong Tang and Xiahou Linglong were also inside the clinic.

“How are you, Mo? Are you okay now?” Xiahou Xuan knew that he should have a different feeling for Mo about Wei Yang"s feelings for him. But after all, Mo was his own good friend. He could not use other men to suppress it, although he could not say that was not a fair compet.i.tion. He would not exclude him. This was true friendship.

Mo looked up and saw Xiahou Xuan"s clear eyes, then he smiled very heartily, stood up, and patted his friend"s shoulder, and said, “Haha! This injury is just small! You don"t need to ask and come to see me!"

“Oh? That"s a pity.” Xiahou Xuan naturally evoked his lips, laughing lazily, and owing.

Both of them have their own thoughts but they were also both unaware. Of course, for them, they will not destroy their friendship just because of their love for Wei Yang. Also, they will not give up their love for Wei Yang. They didn"t even know what the final outcome will be. Come what may.

Xiahou Linglong and Chu Dong Tang looked at the two confusingly, and then looked at each other again, and began to laugh.

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