Blood Type: Dragon

Chapter 231

"heok!~ What am I doing? Why is my body moving? Help!!" 

Unos, the golden beaked eagle, is currently under the intense spell of temptation. For some reason, his body just started moving on its own after looking for a long time at the fruits of the mysterious tree found in the middle of the white river.

"Hurry! Please!" Unos beckoned as he slowly battled against his own will. At the moment, his body is moving on its own, trying to swallow the two colorful fruits as big as a fist. Fortunately, his will was stronger and managed to resist the urges of his own body.

However, the way the hungry beak is getting closer and closer to the fruits, it won"t take long before he would lose to the greed of his own body. And with that single bite, they would lose the only four chances they have to find the right fruit, not to mention going against the agreed condition by Siga that they are only to pick one for each.

Unfortunately, he picked two, and this could probably threaten the success of their mission.

"Throw me!" Arkhoz swiftly commanded the little fairy beside him. 

Understanding his intentions, Katri immediately summoned a rock golem out of nowhere. 


Upon being completely formed, the golem immediately picked up Arkhoz and threw him forcefully towards the top of the mysterious tree where the self-battling Unos is currently located.

"Hurry! I am losing myself!" cried the helpless bird before finally losing to his own urge. The golden beak is now wide open, he was about to swallow the two colorful fruits when Arkhoz finally came and immediately gave him a sweeping kick.


Arkhoz"s body has been tempered by the countless Dragon meat and blood he has hunted for a long time. At the moment, he possesses the natural strength of a hundred humans combined with amazing flexibility and reaction speed.

His combat skills are topnotch that can easily take on more than ten skilled men at the same time. His fist and kicks are as solid as steel, and getting a direct hit would feel like one has been hit by a speeding car.

This sweeping kick alone, caused Unos to dive straight to the ground while securing the two fruits safely. Arkhoz landed to the ground below the tree with amazing control. 

He glanced at the knocked bird with cold eyes and immediately betrayed,

"You stupid bird! Cant, you control your self proper- sh*t"

Before Arkhoz could even continue, his body started to feel weird and an uncontrollable hunger surged from within him. His eyes instinctively looked at the two fist-sized fruits on his hand.

One looked like a mixture of an apple and pearl. A light pinkish swirl covered the entire sparkling fruit, reminiscent of a pink fading storm inside the little fruit. Not to mention, the smell of this little fruit was incredibly tempting, causing Arkhoz to involuntarily droll like a mad dog.

The other fruit looked like a purple coconut, except for its incredibly tender sh.e.l.l. One could hear a little jiggling sound of water inside that can make one gulp out of curiosity about the water"s taste. It also possessed an extremely aromatic smell that made his own senses dull. 

The world was dark and gray, all Arkhoz could see are the two mysterious fruits in his palms. They were calling out on him.

"Eat us."

His hands were trembling and his eyes are bloodshot. Thanks to his powerful will, he managed to control himself and avoid falling on the temptation. However, judging from the increasing strength of the fruit"s allure, taking a forced bite on these delicious looking fruits won"t take long. 

TOne thing that was really making him hold on the fruits are the pleasant voices that came from these natural delicacies. 

"You want power, do you? Eat me. You will transcend everything and everyone. No one will stop you. Strength unlimited swells inside me. Bite me and become the king that tramples on everyone." An alluring voice came from one of the fruits.

"Do you want to live forever? Overcome the limitations of your life. Drink the water inside and get an undying body. Just a single sip is enough. Come on. Peel me and take a tiny little bit of me." 

It was both a pleasant, soothing and tempting voice of a woman. 


"I must resist... I can"t fool to these petty tricks!...or maybe why not? No! What am I thinking?... Power, I want power! Why find the door when the answer to our problem is right in front of me!?.. just a single bite.... just a single... NO! Wake up! This is a trap! There is a reason why we can only have one for each of us. If I take two..who cares? This is power! No No! NO!!"

Arkhoz felt like the time has stopped. He was in a constant battle of his will and desire. His judgment was being clouded and he could feel unexpected greed for power. 

Unconsciously, Arkhoz drooled intensely. Now he understands what Unos had just struggled from. 

"Arkhoz! Don"t fall for it!"

"Heok!~ Throw it! Throw it! Not to me though. Throw it to the river!"

"Let"s go! It seems he can"t hear us!"

Arkhoz could not even hear the warning cries of his company. And true enough, his mouth has started to slowly open up, saliva flowing without stop and his eyes are bloodshot due from his internal battle.

Both his hands are trembling as it struggled against himself, unfortunately no matter how hard he tried, his own body wanted it so much. His veins popped bulged out from too much resistance. 


As Danna and the rest were getting closer, the fruits were just inches away from Arkhoz"s mouth. 



Suddenly, two serpents that are covered in pure white scales and with eyes that glowed like the morning sun emerged out behind Arkhoz. These ma.s.sive snakes of light were about a hundred meters long and completely coiled from the edges of the entire island.

They are the Light Guardian Serpents of the island.

They have no teeth nor mouth, it was just a white serpent with two glowing eyes. Both their gazes are locked at the trembling Arkhoz who still doesn"t seem to notice the two white-scaled beasts behind him.

"eat me!" 

"Taste it! Taste the power!"

"Undying body! Undying potential!"

"Take everything! Take it!"

The tempting voices kept urging Arkhoz and only a sliver of his will was just keeping him from taking the bite. The fruits were already in his mouth, but he refused to bite it. 


slowly his mouth is closing.

He knew that the moment he took a bite also means they have lost.

"Arkhoz! No!"

"Heok! NO fool!"

"Golem go!"

Katri"s summoned golem was about to jump over the river when the white serpent suddenly flicked its tail.


A ma.s.sive white diamond sword was revealed at the end of the mysterious snake, which quickly sliced the rock golem effortlessly. 


Katri summoned more golems to fight against the white serpents guarding the island, only to end up into cut into two.

Unos took the opportunity to cross the river only to see another sword coming his way!


"Heok! That was close!" 

"We do not have much time! Arkhoz is about to bite!" Danna shouted to everyone and their eyes suddenly s.h.i.+fted from fear to serious.

The world is currently at stake and the only way for them to save it is by summoning Kaora"s door. And right now, their chance of finding the door is slowly disappearing thanks to the temptation of the fruits.

"Heehlgh~" the faint and struggling voice of Arkhoz which means "help".

Danna, Katri, and Unos heard it and immediately realized Arkhoz"s wish and hope for them. 

It is time to get serious.

"He is still there! We still have a chance!" Danna declared. She tried to use the white water of the river a while ago only to fail. It"s like all the elements in this realm are not under the control of their elemental abilities. 

"Any plans?" Unos asked trying to find a gap where he can pa.s.s through. There is an obvious cut in his tail feathers.

Unfortunately, the white serpent"s tail is high enough to cover the range of the entire tree. The moment he comes inside their range, the swordtail was prepared to accurately welcome him with a quick slash.

"At the moment, getting inside the island is considered suicide thanks to those guardian serpents. My magical water has a healing and cleansing ability so I should be able to send him back to his senses. What I need is for you guys to attract the white serpent"s attention."

Danna explained briefly her plans and the team immediately went to action. Arkhoz is doing a good job resisting himself, however, it should not take more than ten seconds before he finally gave in.


The body of Unos suddenly started to expand. From a two-meter eagle to a ten-meter one. His entire feather has turned to a golden hue while his speed increased significantly. He left a blurry image behind wherever he goes.

Then, he started flapping his wings, sending a focused steady stream of powerful wind towards the island aiming for the serpent"s body that was surrounding it. Of course, he made sure to control the wind not daring to hit the tree itself.

Katri on the other hand, by using almost all her earth elemental power, summoned another bigger golem.

This time with a body made of pure diamond. Upon completion, it immediately threw itself towards the island. The serpents replied with a harsh slash as greetings. Fortunately, the golem was strong and hard enough to grab the bladed tail and grabbed one of the serpents by its tail away from the island.

"My turn," Danna mumbled as her red royal hair started to raise as if gravity has been switched. The conch sh.e.l.l necklace hanging on her neck suddenly spews a stream of cold blue water. Her hands raised and fingers danced elegantly as she focused on controlling her water elemental ability.


She formed the surrounding blue water into a single horizontal water current and sent it forward.

And like a guided water snake, it crossed the river, pa.s.sed through the gaps in between the serpent"s body before accurately hitting Arkhoz"s body and pus.h.i.+ng him away from the tree.

Arkhoz landed on the white river with a renewed mind. 

His eyes widened upon seeing a fuzzy door that was hidden deep under the mysterious tree. 

"Is that Kaora"s door? I thought it was hidden in one of those fruits?"

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