Blood Type: Dragon

Chapter 232

Arkhoz concentrated his gaze at the direction of the door and true enough, it is there. There is a wooden door below the island.

However, one thing that made Arkhoz confused was that the door did not look exactly the same door as what Kaora showed to them on the vision. On one of the memories, the door was made of black s.h.i.+ning materials.

Also, the one showed to them was not found in the middle of a tree nor an island. The Kaora"s door they saw in the vision was standing alone in a wide white stone pedestal while beings of light surrounded it not far away.

"Perhaps an exit door out of this place?" It was Arkhoz"s guess.

In order to find out, he must go and open the door himself. However, right now is not the right time. The rest of his crew is currently battling the two white serpents just to shake him off from the power of the divine fruit"s temptation. If anything happens to them, it will be his responsibility!

Thus, Arkhoz hurriedly swam back up and resurfaced. 


Arkhoz came out at one of the further edges of the island. That water current Danna used to push him contained a force not to joke with. Luckily she was his company, or else he would have lost his head from that attack alone if the mermaid changed the shape of the current to a smaller compressed version.



A powerful wind came over and made Akhoz kneel in guard. It was an unintended wind shot by Unos who is currently battling against one of the serpents. 

"We thought you were dead. What took you so long to come out of the water?" beckoned the heavily injured golden eagle who is now almost thrice his normal size.

"What do you mean for a long time? I came out as fast as I regained my consciousness!"

"Heok~ seriously though, we were about to -hueok!~ give up, you know!~heok!" Unos added while dodging the tail swipes of the white serpent. 

Arkhoz did not understand what the bird meant. When he was thrown to the water, he was pretty sure he did not stay there for more than twenty seconds.

"Hah! You are alive?! I am happy. haa.haa." the tired little fairy Katri heigved a deep sigh. She looked as if she was looking at a dead person.

Katri used her golden golem to drag one of the white serpents out of the water and engaged it in a herculean style. In the process, she has to spend a great deal of earth elemental essence just to keep the golden golem in a single piece against the white serpent.

Danna, on the other hand, was supporting them by using her healing abilities and shouted at Arkhoz,

"We really thought you have died and felt really guilty because I might have killed you accidentally. But seeing you know, I am really glad that you are alive." A beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"Do I look like I am that easy to die? I hunted thousands of Dragons in my whole life, I won"t die because of a measly water splash." Arkhoz proudly replied. But deep inside, he knew how terrifying that water current was. 

While talking, Arkhoz a.n.a.lyzed the situation and decided what he was about to do to ease their burden. However, his eyes caught on to the remaining time before the full lunar eclipse.

"five minutes?! I thought we still have more?" Arkhoz finally realized why they thought he was dead. He himself pretty much knew that they still have about thirty minutes before the lunar eclipse.

"Could it be staying in the white river accelerates time?" Akhoz concluded. He estimated his stay back at the water was roughly twenty seconds after trying to confirm the presence of the wooden door hidden under the island. 

"Could it be..the ratio of time difference while in the white river is 1 minute of actual time every 1 second of stay underwater?" Arkhoz mumbled. He was never knocked out in the first place, he was just delayed but during all those times he spent underwater, he was fully conscious!

"We need to hurry." Arkhoz swiftly recomposed himself. Recalling their objective, he prepared this time. He did not remove the possibility the Kaora"s door might just be really hidden in one of those fruits.

After all, the Elder Guardian told them before departing to trust the beings of light due to the fact that they are a special race that never lies just like the Guardians.

"Kaora"s door should be somewhere among one of those fruits." He mumbled to himself. He remembered the first two fruits that were picked up by Unos while under the temptation of the fruits.

Arkhoz scanned the surroundings and immediately found the scattered pieces of those fruits... they were completely damaged by the water torrent Danna sent. 

He raised his head to look at the tree, this time he is much closer so he can see a better view of the fruits. True enough, not one of the colorful fruits looks and smells the same. 

However, the more that Arkhoz focused his gaze, the weaker his mind becomes. Each of those fruits has their own voices promising him different powers and abilities. They were like beautiful women calling his name and promising him an exciting and promising future.

And true enough, they were very tempting to a struggling warrior just like him. 


A water bullet smacked Arkhoz"s face and he snapped back from the slow trance of temptation.

"Thank you." Arkhoz, raised his hand and gave Danna a thumbs up. Danna nodded in response and shouted, "Be careful."

Arkhoz was about to look and started to hear the captivating voices from the fruits and his eyes were guided as if they were being held by an unseen spirit.

"Not this time." before he would fall deeper, Arkhoz closed his eyes completely and decided to focus on the voices instead. 

"This works!" Arkhoz realized that by closing his eyes, he will be safe from the temptations of the fruits. Now, the only problem is how is he gonna find the fruit of Kaora"s Door without looking at it?

"The voices!" while his teammates are stalling time for him, Arkhoz calmed himself and focused on the gentle voices of temptation from the fruits.

"I am the fruit of pure eyes. Eat me and you will gain the eyes that reveal the true nature of everyone!"

"Eat me and you will never be lonely again! Make all the women beg of your touch! I am the Gentleman"s fruit!"

"Relive your life and become a better version of yourself. Eat me and you will go back to being a child again."

"I am the fruit of Hearing Truth! Hear anyone"s thoughts and feelings just by thinking of them!"

"Overcome the world! Be the strongest among your race! Eat me and reach the pinnacle of your existence in an instant!"

Indeed they were all promising words, but Arkhoz doubted their true abilities. He remembered the story of Adam and Eve, how the apple that promises the knowledge caused the sin to come into the world.

Arkhoz did not believe it himself. As an ancient human who knows more compared to the normal, he knows what to believe. However, if one lesson has to be learned from that story, is there no such thing as free lunch.

Arkhoz ignored the promising shouts of the fruits and focused on the rest. As time goes by, the gentle calls had become shouting to the point that he was losing focus really fast. Arkhoz has the urge to open his eyes and look at the fruits that were being offered to him. 

However, he knew better that if he opens his eyes, also means their defeat.

"Focus.. focus..." he mumbled to himself while using his sensitive innate senses of the surroundings to move towards the other side of the tree. There he met another new batch of promise calling fruits. 

The tree was wide and tall, the sound of the hundreds of fruit made him feel like he was in the middle of a full packed carnival. But despite all the noises, he made sure to focus on every single promise.

It was only two minutes left before the full lunar eclipse. In the middle of the almost incomprehensible noises, Akrhoz finally found peculiar fruit that does not promise anything except chanting one word: 


Arkhoz smiled, he traced the location of the fruit and realized it was actually located at the top, just beside the position of the first two fruits Unos picked a while ago.

And without any hesitation, Arkhoz"s superhuman strength is revealed, with a quick leap, he bounced between one branch after another and reached the top of the mysterious tree in less than fifteen seconds despite it being almost a hundred-meter tall. 

At the same time, the golden golem that Katri summoned has finally reached its limit and collapsed at the furious attack of the white scaled serpent. The same thing has also happened to the golden eagle who is currently being choked by the other white serpent. The reason why Unos and Katri survived is thanks to Danna"s support on from the sides.

While they were fighting their lives out of these creatures, Arkhoz was also doing his best to reach the top as fast as possible.

Even with his eyes closed, Arkhoz had incredible sensitivity that allows him to picture the shape and position of the digital looking fruit from far away.

"gotcha!" The moment Arkhoz touched the fruit that faintly chants the word "Kaora", it suddenly burst into a stream of white light and dissapeared from his palm.

At the same time, a message from Kaora was revealed on their heads at the same time.

"Well done." 

Arkhoz instinctively looked at the remaining time on his contact lense, there were only five seconds left before the full lunar eclipse.

"Sh*t. We are too late."

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