Blood Type: Dragon

Chapter 236


The wide mouth of the G.o.dly Beast opened due to the intense pain coming from below. He looked down and saw the scorching gaping hole in his stomach.

As a mighty beast that reigned over all other creatures for a long time, the taste of pain was an incredibly unfamiliar feeling to him. Not to mention, the damaged pride made the pain worst for him as a G.o.dly beast.



A tiny glowing turtle suddenly came out of his gaping wound. It was Dash who is currently trying to a.s.similate with the power of the Elementa G.o.d.

"No... this power... is that an Elemental G.o.d?"

For a moment, the G.o.dly beast was scared because of the pain caused by the Holy Providence. But now that he came to think of it, he remembered the previous Elemental Lord was incredibly weak despite having the power to command all the elements.

The last Elemental Lord brutally died at the hands of the Emperor of Dark Realm. It was a one-sided ma.s.sacre despite the latter summoning all his powerful clones to defend against the invaders. 

He remembered the cowardly face of the so-called most powerful being of the elemental realm; before the G.o.dly Beast, he was like a tiny little insect not daring to move a single wing. 

And now, facing before him is the same power but with a different body.

"I see." the G.o.dly Beast"s voice regained its original confidence as he stared down at the tiny glowing turtle condescendingly. 

"New package, same products. Loser..."

The glowing tiny turtle suddenly raised its head and made an eye to eye contact with the G.o.dly Beast.



The tiny turtle charged towards the ma.s.sive G.o.dly beast without any warning. The sheer speed was enough for the G.o.dly Beast to got caught in off guard. Surprisingly, the tiny turtle was aiming at his black hole like eyes!

" did you.." 

The G.o.dly Beast swiftly backed away and watched the tiny turtle with horror.

One of his guarded secrets, his only weakness that could bring him down - the black hole eyes. While it is true that it is capable of absorbing everything according to his will, there was a major drawback for and that is that he is not allowed to absorb beings with divine property in them. 

And at the moment, Dash is the perfect counter who is currently wrapped at the overwhelming presence of divine energy from the Holy Providence.

While it is true that the G.o.dly Beast is a naturally immortal existence at the moment, it doesn"t mean he doesn"t die. With enough divine energy and a single charge to the G.o.dly Beast"s black hole eyes were enough to break his core hidden deeply in his eyes.

And once that core is broken, his body would swiftly break like crumbling sand, giving an end to his proud immortal life.

"I was right."

Dash smirked wickedly after his first move. He had just finished a calculation to find out the weakness of the G.o.dly Beast before him. His result states that the highest probable weakness is found in its eyes.

Dash trusted the Guardian"s talents and did not hesitate to charge towards the eye of the G.o.dly beast.

And true enough, just when Dash was about to made contact with the black hole eyes, the beast swiftly avoided him and got hit in his neck instead. 

"That was close..." the G.o.dly beast mumbled to himself. A fearful tone came with it. 

Thanks to the new knowledge and wisdom Dash got from the First Elder"s Sacrifice, he has no access to a vast amount of knowledge and experience. He has also gained an ability to do incredibly complex calculations in a blink of an eye, giving him an edge to antic.i.p.ate his enemy"s next move. 

It"s glowing body due was caused by the Elemental G.o.d"s power slowly a.s.similating in him. The tiny beady eyes are currently burning with intense golden light and a fearless aura poured out from its tiny body.

"Where do you think you are going?" Dash asked with a mocking tone. His little figure was also moving forward not letting the best escape.

Surprisingly, the G.o.dly Beast was slowly backing away from him, the intention of fleeing was obvious in its body. 

"What... do you think I am afraid of you?!" Hahaha! I am just biding my time until you run out of your divine presence." the G.o.dly Beast replied honestly. It is no use now that the enemy seems to have figured out his weakness. 

It doesn"t take a genius to understand how the supposedly annoying and ignorant water elemental lord suddenly becomes incredibly courageous and wise. It was obviously thanks to the help of the Elder Guardian that was with him.

After all, the beast knew that they are beings that are capable of transferring their knowledge and wills. Thus, he wasn"t shocked at the sudden changes to the turtle. What made him really surprised though was how did he survive almost two months in his stomach?


"It is really coming..." the G.o.dly beast was agitated yet fearful at the same time. He could feel the slowly emerging ripples coming from the ever-elusive realm of Kaora. 

One of the greatest purposes of his life is to hunt Kaora who had been hiding in a realm that he could never find. It was the human who made him looked like a fool despite being a G.o.dly Beast that rules the dimensional realms. 

Pride and anger, it was his motivation to hunt Kaora"s realm and to prove his fearful existence. Unfortunately, a tiny turtle is currently standing on his way. Not to mention, he seems to have grasp his weakness as well.

Quickly, the G.o.dly beast has reached a decision.

"I will deal with you later." he decided to escape from the turtle who is currently a sore to his eyes and existence.

"Until then, the power of the Holy Providence should have completely settled and the divine attribute will dissipate as part of its process." the G.o.dly beast thought as he swiftly backed away with overwhelming speed.

His mouth opened and a dimensional door to the human realm opened in a blink of an eye. As a G.o.dly beast of Dimensional Realms, freely creating a dimensional portal is one of his privileges.

He was confident that he could leave the tiny turtle in this vast starry s.p.a.ce and quickly dived into the dimensional portal.


Before he could even get his head inside the portal, the G.o.dly beast felt a sudden pull from his tail.

"I said where are you going?" 

The G.o.dly beast turned around and was surprised to see the tiny turtle now twice as big as him. The ma.s.sive turtle"s beak managed to grab his tail before the G.o.dly Beast could even escape.

Upon contact with the latter"s beak, his tail suddenly started to burn due to the lingering presence of divine energy coating the turtle"s body.

The divine turtle felt an unexpected chill running down his snake spine.


Without hesitation, he controlled his long body muscle and forcibly cut off his tail like a lizard escaping away from its prey.

Dash was caught off guard as he never expected the G.o.dly Beast to quickly abandon his pride and escape by cutting ties with its tail. Before Dash could even catch him, the coward G.o.dly Beast has already fled using the dimensional portal.

However, Dash was not worried. He might be left behind but as a newly appointed Elemental G.o.d, creating a dimensional portal back to the elemental realm and human realm is as easy as one two three.

"You think I will let you?" Dash confidently smiled. He quickly summoned a dimensional crack and left the vast starry s.p.a.ce.


"I should be safe here!" The Dimensional Beast appeared at a certain spot in the earth"s sky where he felt the last unique energy ripple from Kaora"s realm. 

He instinctively gazed at the night sky where he could see the moon about to get covered by the earth"s shadow. For a lunar eclipse to occur, the Sun, Earth, and Moon must be roughly aligned in a line. Otherwise, the Earth cannot cast a shadow on the Moon"s surface and an eclipse cannot take place.

There were only a few seconds before the total lunar eclipse to occur and the gate to the Realm of Darkness will finally be opened. At the same time, the dimensional door of Kaora was starting to reveal its hidden energies, and the G.o.dly Beast could not help but feel excited.

Once he found Kaora"s realm, he would forcefully barge inside and devour that elusive human once and for all. The moment he does, he would absorb that man"s overwhelming knowledge and wisdom that is known to be a hundred times better than all the Guardian"s combined.

Until then, getting rid of his weakness and taking care of that turtle should be a walk in the park. 


A sudden spark of light suddenly exploded in front of him, the G.o.dly beast traced the triggering energy and realized that it was from the center of the earth!

"So that"s where you hid the last door...the land of Tunga is one of the holy places and the reason I cannot destroy this wretched human realm. Truly a smart man. Too bad your legend ends here. mwahahaha!" 

Ziiong!~ Ziong~ Ziong~

As the total lunar eclipse was happening on the background, a mysterious door made of glowing particle was also slowly emerging in front of him.

"Found you!" the G.o.dly beast rejoiced as his aura exploded in agitation. He swiftly charged at the barely formed dimensional door to Kaora"s realm when the turtle"s voice suddenly came from behind.

"I wouldn"t do that if I were you."



A golden flame has suddenly surged out of the Kaora"s realm, and before the G.o.dly Beast knew it, half of his body has already disappeared from the golden fire.



Hearing this roar, the G.o.dly beast unexpectedly s.h.i.+t itself. 

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