Blood Type: Dragon

Chapter 237

The black ma.s.sive snake in the sky had a terrified look. The sound of the mysterious Dragon from the other end of the dimensional door was powerful enough to shake him to the core. 

No, hearing its roar was even strong enough to almost break his core. His cowardly look was unfitting to his t.i.tle as the G.o.dly Beast of the Dimensional Realms.

The G.o.dly Beast wanted to cry. 

First, a turtle was bullying him in his own s.p.a.ce. Now, a terrifying Dragon was about to emerge with a sheer cry that was strong enough to s.h.i.+t itself.

"I need to calm down..." 

The G.o.dly Beast may have lost half of its body. However, he was never called a G.o.dly beast for nothing.


In as fast as five seconds, his long dark snake body swiftly recovered by simply absorbing the dark matters present on the s.p.a.ce. 

"You can"t kill me that easily!"

He cried mockingly as he gazed at the newly emerged door and saw a man coming out from it. Long and wide red Dragon wings were flapping gracefully at his back.

Upon closer look, he immediately recognized the person as Elric, the Dragon who mocked him before escaping to the human realm two months ago.

Although the new Elric looked incredibly matured, he could never forget the only human-Dragon to mock him without any hesitation.

Elric"s previous dark brown hair has changed to a mix of royal red and green. His previous cold and almost emotionless eyes have now a clear and enlightened gaze reminiscent of a humble temple monk.

His height has grown taller while his muscles bulged to a perfect proportion. Even his voice itself has changed to that of a forty years old man.

Elric turned on the side and smiled at the teary turtle currently on the size of a human. Upon closer look, Elric noticed the powerful energy of the Elemental G.o.d swelling at the turtle"s body. It made him smile brightly.

"Missed me, buddy?"

"What took you so long?!" Dash replied in a grumbling manner. But the subtle happy smile betrayed his expression.

"I can"t do anything but to wait for the door to appear you know. And besides, didn"t the Elder Guardian told you?" Elric said while he floated closer to the 

Remembering the Elder Guardian"s death, Dash"s expression slightly changed to a somber one. Elric quickly realized what happened and touched the turtle"s head.

Dash may have become smarter but his usual kind and loyal nature still remain.

Watching the two having a break time drama, the G.o.dly Beast could not help itself anymore.


The G.o.dly Beast used his innate ability to control gravity and tried to send the Dragon human and turtle down to the earth and make them kneel. Unfortunately, it didn"t work on them.

"Don"t ignore me! Where is that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Kaora?!" the G.o.dly Beast swiftly masked his uneasiness and asked with a threatening tone.

"Why don"t you go in and find out yourself?" Elric, with a serious gaze, replied.

"You are inviting me thinking you can stop me? I dare you!" And like a flash, the ma.s.sive snake rushed towards the Kaora"s door behind Elric. He was planning to force himself in with brute force.








Lazer-like golden flames suddenly came out from the Kaora"s door. 

"More Dragons inside? And that roar before wasn"t his?" the G.o.dly beast was taken aback at his realization. Seeing the incoming golden fire, he swiftly understood that it was not Elric who destroyed half of his body before, it was someone else behind that door.

For some reason, he has an incredibly uneasy feeling going forward but the G.o.dly Beast decided to ignore it anyway thinking of the immeasurable benefits once he got his hand on Kaora"s body.

The incoming golden fire was coming in a speed of light. Unfortuantely, he was now prepared, by freely transforming and controlling his muscles, he evaded the golden fire at a hair"s breadth and was just meters away when more Dragon roar came welcomed him.

Roooar!~Rooooar!~ Roooarr!~

Roooar! Roooar! Roooar! Roooar!

Roooar! Roooarr!~ Roooarr!~



Without hesitation, he created a dimensional portal and went in just in time before thousands of lazer like golden flame flashed from the Kaora"s door, they were aiming over where his head was located.

His body? It was instantly destroyed like a thin sheet of paper getting ripped by a machinegun.



The ma.s.sive black snake body of the G.o.dly Beast was riddled in golden holes caused by the lazer like golden flames. Fortunately, his core was located inside his ma.s.sive snakehead and was able to safely get inside the dimensional portal to avoided the untimely death.

"d.a.m.n you Kaora!" who cares about Kaora when he can"t even get inside the door?"


The G.o.dly Beast reappeared from a distance. His body swiftly recovered just like before but this time, his confident smile is gone. Looking at the door and Elric who calmly let him approach, a chilling fear spread in his back. 

"Escape!" like a scared dog with tails in between his legs, the G.o.dly Beast completely lost its confidence and decided to leave the place for good. He needs a backup and he knows just who to go.


The G.o.dly Beast left the place using another Dimensional Portal.

"He"s gone..." Dash wanted to chase the b.a.s.t.a.r.d beast who was one of the responsible culprits of the current destruction. However, there is a new priority right now. It is to a.s.sess Elric.

Not bothering about chasing the G.o.dly Beast, Elric suddenly closed his eyes and used his advanced spiritual senses to scan the land and the lives nearby and even to the farther places.


"It was just as Kaora has predicted. The world has fallen to the hands of the Shadow hybrids and the Emperor..." Elric thought to himself upon witnessing the ugly situation of the entire world.

The entire city, villages, and even the remote places below him are currently being trampled by the Shadow Elemental hybrids. Blood and destruction painted the entire country. It was an apocalyptic scene.

Elric"s eyes turned to face a certain direction and confirmed the faint cross-shaped Guardian s.h.i.+ps that contains the last remaining human and animal survivors. 

His happy Dragon eyes suddenly revealed a cold gaze. 

"It is time." 


The entire land was suddenly covered in dark red light, the night sky has lost its light support from the moon as the Total lunar eclipse finally came.


A circle ma.s.sive gate that stretches as far as ten kilometers and made of dark clouds suddenly appeared in the direction of the blood moon. 







The real threat has arrived.

In a flash, ma.s.sive Shadow creatures counting at millions swiftly surged out from the ma.s.sive gates from the Dark Realm. These Dark creatures have an average size of a fifteen-story building.

Their faces and body varied from flying worms, winged demons, ten-headed hydra, undead giants and even the local mythical beasts of the night such as Manananggal and Kapre are present.

Unlike the first batch of the shadows that invaded the Elemental Realm, the current shadows are the real "ma.s.sive" deal.

Upon landing, these gigantic creatures trampled on the already collapsed building, not minding their own fellow shadows getting splattered below. They swiftly grabbed on the smaller hybrid shadows and munched on them unhesitantly.

As a result, these shadows gained the elemental attributes and instantly transformed into a gigantic hybrid.

In less than a minute, the world was shaken at the emergence of these shadow goliaths.

At the same time, from the opposite side of the globe, in a certain place called Mato Grosso in Brazil, the Emperor raised his hand to the air.

He breathed deeply as his three red eyes closed concentrated to the maximum. He channeled his powers from within and a sudden burst of dark light flew out to the sky.


He trembled for a while before finally smiling victoriously, his three red eyes reopened and looked up.

"Welcome to our new home."

The sun that was supposed to be glowing brightly on the noon sky is now blocked by a pitch dark planet - it was his home planet, the Realm of Darkness. 

And with his new-found strength, the Emperor controlled the pitch dark planet with a single purpose of covering the entire earth with darkness...if possible forever.

At the same time, more flying gigantic creatures of Darkness started to fly out of the pitch dark planet and started migrating the earth. With excited and hungry faces, they raced towards the bluish planet.

It was a hundred times better compared to their miserable planet of Dark Realm. 

Along the way, the giant creatures saw the cross-shaped s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p of the Guardians that holds the last human and animal survivors. Without anymore thinking, they changed their direction to these creatures.

zzzz-peeeew! Peeew! Peeew!

The Guardians.h.i.+ps swiftly responded with a barrage of light beams, killing countless Shadow giants every second while moving away, hoping to get in range of the sun"s brightness and regain their natural protection. The Second Elder took command and was busy sending instructions while protecting each other"s s.h.i.+ps from the approaching Shadow giants coming from both directions.

Unfortuantely this time, the Emperor of Dark Realm is after them.

"You are all mine!" the Emperor said as he started drolling at the thought of his new victims. He very much wanted the meat of the finest creatures inside those cross-shaped Guardian s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps.

He was about to fly towards the cross-shaped Guardian s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps when a dimensional portal suddenly appeared behind him. It was the G.o.dly Beast of the dimensional realm.

"The Alpha Dragon has come! Help me destroy him now!" the G.o.dly Beast demanded without hesitation.

"Good...perfect. Just perfect. hahahaha!" the Emperor excitedly laughed before a sinister smile followed.

"Why are you laughing like a maniac?! Have you lost your mind!? I said come with me and let"s destroy that Dragon and-"


Before the G.o.dly Beast cold even react, thin blackthorn suddenly sprouted from the finger of the Emperor and accurately pierced the tiny black core hidden deep inside the G.o.dly Beast"s head. 

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