Blood Type: Dragon

Chapter 235

In a mysterious place full of warping darkness, a weakened voice of the first Elder Guardian suddenly sounded.

"Turtle wake up."

In his shaking pale white palms was a tiny little turtle. It slowly opened its small beady eyes and looked up. The turtle was Dash.

" time?" Dash asked with a hesitant voice.

The Elder Guardian warmly smiled. The proud and emotionless eyes are already gone from the gaze of the most powerful Guardian. His entire skin was covered in black rashes as if he was slowly being peeled away.

" really sure? Are you... not afraid? Of Death?" Dash asked again. An uncertain heart plagued his current tiny heart.

The Elder Guardian heaved deeply. His eyes gazed at the warping darkness that was currently surrounding them. 

The ma.s.sive Guardian s.h.i.+p that was with them before they were swallowed was now nothing but a crumpled piece of metal the size of a tiny can. This is despite it being made from the hardest and advanced metal currently existing.

Any minute from now, the tiny can will completely disintegrate into nothing. It was the power of the dark matter acid that was naturally existing inside the gut of the G.o.dly Beast of Dimensional realms.

Yes, Dash and the First Elder Guardian are still alive and are currently inside the stomach of the G.o.dly Beast of Dimensional Realms, being slowly digested by the mysterious dark matters. 

Thanks to the Elder Guardian"s accurate calculations and ample preparation, he was able to create a protective layer in advance that will cover them from being disintegrated while staying inside the G.o.dly Beast"s body.

However, it was not enough to secure them forever. At the moment, the protective layer is slowly thinning down and should not last another hour or so. When that happens, they would finally lose their only source of protection and would instantly dissolve as if they were drowned in a compressed s.p.a.ce full of dark matter acid. 

"Let us hurry up. The time is about to come, you should also prepare yourself." said the Elder Guardian as he lifts the little turtle higher.

Now that they are face to face on each other, Dash continued to wear a hesitant look. 

"I am not really sure. You have done so much already and for you to also die..." unlike the usual energetic and Dash, the current one is like a little boy not wanting his mother to disappear. 

"Die? Who says I am gonna die? I may lose the heartbeats of my physical body but the biochemical energy of my knowledge will pa.s.s on to you. It is the same as me living in a different body. Although I might not be able to regain my original ego, to have you on my behalf is enough for me."

Hearing the Elder Guardian"s explanation, he fell into deep thought.

Dash recalled the time when they were swallowed whole by the G.o.dly Beast and the Elder Guardian explained to him his plan.


Approximately two months ago...

"Why? Why do we have to be devoured? We could have escaped instead! Or the least we can do is fight till our last breath!" Dash was panicking and angry at that time.

The Elder Guardian told him before that they must be devoured by the beast in order for all the variables to match his calculations. 

Although he did not understand what it means, Dash decided to trust the Elder Guardian. After all, thinking critically would only hurt his simple head.

Unfortunately, no matter how he thinks about it, falling under the enemy"s stomach was the same as a suicide mission.

However, the feeling and scene of being swallowed by the G.o.dly Beast were like a nightmare.

They were swallowed as if they were tiny insects. The weird teeth, the scary abyss of the black hole eyes, the sickening internal flesh paired with the depressing feeling while they are inside, were good enough to break his hopes in a flash. 

At the moment, they were being protected inside by the ma.s.sive intact Guardian s.h.i.+p. Although judging from the sound of dissolving parts from the outside, they knew that the whole s.h.i.+p will not last.

"Listen to me. First, shrink your body to the smallest version." the Elder Guardian calmly said as he pulled out a fist-size red crystal ball.

"Why?" Dash asked anxiously. He is currently at the size of a two-meter turtle. 

"The bigger your body ma.s.s, the faster you will be disintegrated by the dark matter acid that is abundant in this place. In order words, the bigger you are, the faster you will die." 

Hearing the Elder Guardian"s answer, Dash did not ask further and swiftly transformed to the smallest version of himself. 

"How convenient..." praised the Elder Guardian. He was a little envious at the elemental"s ability to freely transform his physical ma.s.s easily. And as a being who pursuit science, his hands were twitching to do some experiments.

Unfortunately, they do not have such a luxury of free time anymore. 

He swiftly crushed the red crystal ball and it exploded into a cloud of red glowing haze.



"What is this?" asked Dash who is looking at the reddish cloud that covered their body.

Sitting down and picking up the curious tiny turtle, the Elder Guardian answered,

"This will keep us alive." 

It was a protective cloud that will deter the presence of dark matter acid while inside the G.o.dly Beast"s body.

Now that they are settled inside the slowly shrinking s.h.i.+p, Dash inquired,

"So what"s next? Can you please explain to me your plan?"

The Elder Guardian"s eyes slowly s.h.i.+fted from calm to mournful and slowly opened his mouth.

"A month or so from now, the Elemental Realm will be taken over by the Emperor of the Dark Realm. Including the water realm, almost everything will be taken over by the Shadows he governs. Even the Elemental G.o.d will not survive."

"What!? Why!? How.. Let me go! Right now!"

Dash"s sleepy beady eyes quickly regained his energy. His tiny turtle body shook and he beckoned angrily towards the Elder Guardian.

Dash tried to transform to his biggest size and force his way out of the beast"s stomach but to no avail. The presence of the red hazy cloud seems to disrupt his magical energy and suck out all of his physical strength. He was very tired and sleepy!

"It is of no use. Even if you transform and fight, once you are inside the G.o.dly Beast"s body, you will never be able to get out. At least, not now with your current power." the Elder Guardian was not bothered at the furious gaze of the turtle.

"How could you do this to me? I trusted you! I thought you are a friend just like Elric!"

"I am honest and I will tell you I am a friend. The reason why I took you with me inside this horrible place is simply to confine you from going to the elemental realm where a "one hundred percent death probability" is waiting for you." 

"I don"t care! Let me go! I am the Lord of the Water Elemental Realm! The Divine Providence has chosen me to protect the water elementals! Even if I will die along the way, it doesn"t matter! I beg you! Help me to get out of here."

"Calm down and think clearly. Even if you can go out and fight, do you think the G.o.dly Beast who is capable of going inside and out of any realms will just let you off easily? Not to mention, all the Elemental Lords are hostile to you."

"I will fight them! All of them! G.o.dly snake or Elemental dudes, I do not care! I will crush all who dares to destroy the water realm and my people!" 

Dash cried out angrily despite his small beady eyes slowly weakening due to the sedative effects of the red haze surrounding him.

As Dash was slowly falling to slumber, he heard the Elder"s last explanation.

"When you wake up, I will be transferred to you all my wisdom and knowledge. Until then, you should be able to break out of this place together with another source of power coming your way. My only wish is that you will fulfill your duty and protect Kaora"s door."

"What do you me..." before Dash could even finish his sentence, his consciousness has already fallen to a slumber.



The touch of the cold shaking fingers of the Elder Guardian snapped Dash"s awareness back at the present.

The five long pale fingers of the Elder Guardian are currently pressed on his head. He knew it is time for the so-called knowledge and wisdom transfer. 

Dash was about to resist when a sudden surge of information and overwhelming wisdom flowed inside his head like a ma.s.sive dam let loose into him. 


And just like that, Dash was able to obtain the thousand years of knowledge from the Elder Guardian. His tiny head was in shock at the overwhelming weight of the new knowledge and before he knew it, his consciousness was knocked out again.

An hour later, Dash woke up with a renewed vigor and overflowing wisdom in his gaze.

His tiny head turned in a certain spot and saw the scattered tiny white fibers beside him. 

It was the last traces of the disintegrated Elder Guardian"s white clothes that was left behind.

"So all those times, you were protecting me." Dash had just figured out, the red haze was only focused on him in order to protect him from the dark matter acid in the air.

"Do not worry. Your will shall be done." 

Dash was like a new person. Like a child that has suddenly matured and has gone to countless challenges and hards.h.i.+p. The overflowing wisdom currently glowing in his beady eyes were incredibly charming. 

"It is coming." Dash suddenly turned on a certain direction. He might not be able to see it but he could feel it. 

"I humbly accept," Dash mumbled to himself while he closed his eyes.


A minute before the full lunar eclipse, the attentive gaze of the G.o.dly Beast of Dimensional Realms suddenly caught a tiny trace of unique energy from Kaora"s realm.

"Kaora"s realm! Finally!" the G.o.dly beast smiled wickedly. The most elusive realm and man that he failed to catch is finally starting to reveal itself.

"Two months for me to live!? What a joke! Hahaha," he recalled the prophecy from the Elder Guardian and could not help but mock the latter.

His body started to s.h.i.+ne and was about to summon a dimensional portal when a fast approaching Holy Providence suddenly emerged out of nowhere and went inside his gut, leaving behind a tiny gaping hole that revealed his weird dark insides.

"Wait whats the meaning of this!?"

Large sweats as big as fist appeared on the G.o.dly Beast"s face. He could feel something is not right.

A terrifying warmth was slowly brewing inside his stomach. In a human"s context, it feels as if he had accidentally eaten a ma.s.sive chunk of burning charcoal. 

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