5. My childhood friend and my sister, whatever you think about, are not normal.

I had a nightmare.
It was something I had experienced during my kindergarten days.
「Kousuke must play with me! I won’t hand you to anyone!」
「Eeeh, no way! I’m not Ten-nee’s!」
During the free time in kindergarten, I said so and was going to play with other children.
Ten-nee’s full name is 『Tenko』 (天虎), she was my same-age childhood friend who lived next door.
Called 『Nee』 because she was outstandingly tall compared to other kids in the kindergarten.
Ten-nee had short, mandarin-colored blond hair and a cute face but she was brave and manly.
「Nahahaha! Because you said you would marry me the other day, so you are already mine! Therefore you are prohibited to get along well with other boys and girls! Now, let’s play together!」
But, at that time, several boys and girls approached us.
「Aー, Ten-chan is unfair」
「That’s right, Ten! Let us play with Kousuke too!」
During kindergarten, I was lively and got along well with anyone so I had numerous friends.
「Urusaiiiiii. Kousuke is my fiancé」 (annoying/shut up!)
Tennee made a knifehand and rapidly *pokapoka* chopped everyone while moving quickly (ボヵボヵ = pokapoka = the sound of hitting someone lightly)
「A, everyone, wait!」
Receiving Ten-nee’s judgement, everyone cried and ran away.
「Na-ha-ha-ha-ha! If you put your hand on my Kousuke, this will happen! If you understand, do not approach my Kousuke!」
「Oi Ten-nee! If you do something like that, the number of friends approaching me will decrease again!」
「Now now, don’t be angry.
Certainly, you will lose friends, but I will look after you, leave it to me!」
At that time, I childishly said I would marry Ten-nee, and then everyday became painful.
Probably because of the effect of that discretion, Ten-nee, who had a strong desire for exclusive possession, has begun to monopolize me.
And, everyone who came to have fear towards Ten-nee, separated from me little by little.
「What to do, Ten-nee……At this rate, my friends will really disappear」
「What? It’s fine to play with me, isn’t it?
Besides, if you promise to only play with me, I will show you the panties you like. Hora〜!」
Tennee lifted her skirt with both hands.
A strawberry field spreading out on the white panties, it was really cute.
At that time, I understood how ecchi a girl’s panties is, occasionally, when Ten-nee shown me, I started to get in the mood. [1]
「Kousuke’s face is red. Nahahaha! Once we get married, I will show you everyday. Until then, I will show you occasionally when I feel good」
Ten-nee’s prided canine can be seen as she laughed merrily.
In the end, on that day I reluctantly played with Ten-nee.
Then, while climbing the stairs of the playground slide, my foot suddenly slipped.
「What are you doing, Kousuke? It’s dangerous!」
「A, Ten-nee……A, arigato」
Standing under the stairs, Ten-nee saved me by princess carrying me.
「Really, Kousuke without me is no good. But because we will get married, I will protect you. We will never be separated〜♪」
「Uwa, lemme go Tennee! Stop hugging me…..u〜uuu」
It is my childhood memories.
Perhaps, Ten-nee is the first b.i.t.c.h I met in my life.
After finishing kindergarten, she moved, but the time when I had no friends still continued.

「S-Stop, Ten-nee……painful……ku, uuu…..are?」
I wake up on the bed in my room.
Seem like I had a dream, moreover, a nightmare.
「Ha, to dream about the first b.i.t.c.h who traumatized me」
Looking at the clock, it’s still before 7:00 am.
The gentle sunlight shine through the windows and wrap up the bed.
Waking up in a bad mood, I try to get up to wash my face.
「A, are? My body, can’t move……」
My body lying down on my back, as if a weight is placed on, is unable to move.
Then, feeling something abnormal, I quietly turn the futon over.
「Aa, Nii-san〜n♪」
I pull the futon back quietly.
It’s surely a mistake in my vision.
I think so and turn the futon over again.
「A, it’s good. Nii-san’s chest, is more st.u.r.dy than before……mou, I can’t bear it anymore♪」
A silver-haired girl whose body is wrapped in a thin white shirt is rubbing her cheek on my chest.
Always expressionless like ice, she closes her eyes and looks happy [2]
「Oi Sharte, what are you doing?」 (シャルテ = sharute = Sharte)
Then, my imouto finally notices me and slowly sits up.
Keeping up her usual expressionless face, her vacant, lifeless eyes twinkle [3]
「Nii-san. Please don’t look slovenly just because your little sister comes to wake you up in the morning,」
「HahahaーーI don’t want to hear that from you!!」
「Nii-san, to yell in the morning means you are very lively」
The small and slender Sharte looks at me with quiet eyes.
She is a third-year student in Hoto (宝刀) middle school, a diligence honor student with a weak body.
She works as the student council’s president of her school, a pure, proper, serious girl……that’s what she should be.
「To be that lively, it should be fine, right?」
Standing on her knees, Sharte reveals her dazzling thighs [4]
Then, I don’t know what she was thinking but Sharte puts her hand in the hem of the shirt and takes something off [5]
「O, oi, what are your doing……?」
「Hmm, it’s preparation, nii-san. Today, I will become Nii-san’s possession, first, I should remove this」 [6]
Sharte takes off the shirt [7]. She twists her lower body, revealing the black underwear and takes it off. [8]
Sharte, with that appearance, gently straddle my lower half.
「Nee, so what are you doing?」
「Nii-san. Can we continue doing what should be done on my dangerous day a week ago?」
I see. To think one week has pa.s.sed since my date with Aizawa.
「Hai, please wait a sec, nii-san!!」
I who has completely woken up look at my imouto and talk uninterestedly with a monotonous voice.
「Oi Sharte, we are brother and sister! Do you understand what you are saying!?」
「Hai. But Nii-san and I are not related by blood. There should be no problem」
「No, certainly we are not related by blood, but」
I look back on those days, a long time ago when my parents recalled the story.
Both my father and mother are doctors who go to the conflict areas in various parts of the world to help the patients, they are busy people who run around the world without going home.
Sharte who was a war orphan was taken to my house by my parents when I was small.
At that time, my young parents had met Sharte’s lost family, her family was painfully aware of their powerlessness, unable to think of anything else so my parents brought her back to j.a.pan.
Then, Sharte also recalls the state when we first met.
「Nii-san, at that time you received the closed me like your real younger sister. But I didn’t open my heart at all, troubled you…… But, nevertheless Nii-san didn’t give up」
At first, Sharte did not accept her new family.
Not talking a single word, having eyes of a dead fish, her memories were broken, tattered.
But I didn’t leave Sharte as she was, didn’t abandon her.
Even now, at those days, look like the scars still remain, Sharte almost never shows her up and down feelings.
However, probably because of the effect of me being by her side all the time, the number of conversations has increased considerably from old days.
「I, even now, am still grateful to Nii-san. I who lost everything was wrapped in gentleness, and was able to become a true family member」
Having the Russian blood, Sharte looks at me with her blue eyes reminiscent of calm water’s surface.
「Moreover, at that time in elementary school, Nii-san had sacrificed for me. Because of it……」
「Sharte, don’t worry about it. I just did what I liked」
I try to rea.s.sure by smiling.
Although Sharte does not change her expression and her feelings are hard to read, because we have been together for many years, somehow I can understand what she thinks
Sharte examines my words closely, and eventually she nods meekly.
In the silent atmosphere, the *gishigishi* sound from the bed can be heard. (ぎしぎし = gishi gishi = creaking sound)
「Are, this strange feeling……What’s it?」
Sharte puts both hands on my abdomen, rubs her lower half on my most important part as a man.
She is expressionless as ever, but her white cheeks gradually show a reaction.
「W-Wait! What on earth are you doing Sharte!?」
「Ni, Nii-san, in the past and even now, always treats me kindly like that, being a normal younger sister is impossible……n……n……」
Waitwaitwaitwait! Just now Sharte has removed her panties, right? [9]
Then the lukewarm, soft part touching that place just now, in other words……!
「I, want to become Nii-san’s……n……So, first of all, by the most simple method, please make me Nii-san’s possession……tsu」
I sit up, shake both Sharte’s shoulders to stop her.
「Ba, baka! I already told you that we are brother and sister, right? We are not strangers, such a thing like that is absolutely no good.」
In the morning sunlight, I strongly persuade the white and slender body in front of me [10]. Then Sharte, whose attractive snow-like skin is further emphasized by the dazzling light, smiles thinly.
「As expected, Nii-san is my Nii-san」
「Of course. Because Sharte will always be my imouto」

*yare yare*, I get up and heads to my room’s entrance.
Then, suddenly my left arm is wrapped in a soft texture.
「Nii-san, what do you want for today’s breakfast?」
Ku, Sharte, her chest grows bigger, again……
The swellings which are tightly squeezing my arm are too big, considering her small body.
My arm is being embraced like this everyday so I can realize its volume is increasing day by day.
「A, asa gohan ka……the usual is good enough」 (asa gohan = breakfast)
Leaving the room, I say so while walking on the second-floor corridor.
「Leaving that aside Sharte, I want to go to the restroom, can we part?」
「I understand. Then me too, together」
With a nonchalant look, Sharte is going to go to the restroom with me.
「Iya, so, I want to go the the restroom therefore I want you to stay outside……」
「I understand what Nii-san wants to say. But, it’s morning, isn’t it troublesome to deal with your daily necessity without me beside?」
「Dealing with what? Where are you looking at while saying that? Never mind, just wait outside」
I try to close the door.
But, Sharte pulls the doork.n.o.b and persistently resists.
「Nii-san, am I going to be alone?」
I look at her unchanging eyes, and eventually give up with a sigh.
「Ha, Sharte is the same as ever, never leave me when we are in the house」
This is a habit from the time when Sharte has begun to talk to me.
Because while I leave her side, she feels like she has lost her family [11], so, other than the time during school which can’t be helped, Sharte, as a member of my family, never separates from me.
Though Sharte does all the housework, I am always beside her [12]
We enter the bath together even at this age, at night I’m in Sharte’s room until she sleeps, in the morning she always enter my futon to sleep together and embrace me.
Sharte sticks to me every time we are together, her influence is the reason why I can’t wholly enjoy the subculture in my house.
Maa, unable to enjoy my hobby is truly painful, but honestly it can’t be helped.
Because at that time when I tried to make Sharte open her heart, I said to her.
I will always be by your side, believe me and become my family!
Sharte listened to my words, gradually opened her heart and became my family.
Even now, I want to protect our promise, that’s why I am by her side all the time.
「Yoshi, so Sharte, I will certainly return after one minute as usual. That’s why, can you wait?」
「One minute. I understand, Nii-san. If that’s the case I will do my best somehow」
Sharte nods, leans her back on the wall beside the door and sits while grasping her knees
Yokatta. She obediently listens to what I said, I’m saved.(good)
I stare at Sharte, who I do not know if I may call a b.i.t.c.h, but when I’m going to close the door.
「A, so Sharte. Do you remember Ten-nee, who used to live next door?」
「Ten-neesan. Hai, I remember. What wrong with that person?」 (she uses あの人)
「Iya, today I suddenly wonder how she is」
After Sharte fixedly stares at me,
「Maybe she’s working as a cheerleader?」
「E, cheerleader? Hahaha, that boyish Ten-nee?」
「Nii-san, do you remember? In childhood, when I was taken in by father, together with Ten-neesan, we went to see the school festival of a high school nearby?」
「E, there was such a thing?」
I don’t feel like having gone even if she says that. [13]
「You do not remember……
By the way Nii-san, only 30 seconds left?」
「You already start counting?」 [14]
And, I hurrily rush into the restroom.

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