6. To meet the unlucky b.i.t.c.h again and kiss her is impossible.

After school on the same day Sharte and I talked about the past.
「Ikuno, what should we do?」
Sitting on the sofa in the clubroom, I together with Aizawa who is facing me have a difficult face.
「One week has pa.s.sed since we put a poster of member recruitment, yet not a single applicant come, right? I think as it is right now, our club will be in danger……」
「U, un. Certainly. There are only 3 weeks left……」
I thought about the contents of the poster, and Aizawa was in charge of the design. She drew some pretty animals and even colored them, they looked quite real when she finished it. At this moment, a large number of those printings are put on everywhere in the school.
Honestly speaking, this poster strategy will likely announce that I, this club’s president, am an otaku, to stand out like that is originally NG, but now everyone in cla.s.s already know I’m an otaku, I don’t need to hide it anymore.
「But I’m surprised. I didn’t think Aizawa would cooperate properly like that」
「E, wait, saying thing like that. What do you meanー?」
Without hesitation, Aizawa draws her pretty face over the desk in front of me. [1]
「Iya, I don’t mean anything bad! But Aizawa, you joined this club even though you didn’t really want to, right? So it’s surprising to see you do you best like this」
「A. Perhaps, you are talking about the poster distribution?」
One week ago, I immediately made a poster, everything was good until I had trouble printing them excessively.
Then Aizawa said 「It’s wasteful though we print them with great trouble, let’s distribute it」 [2] , however 「But Ikuno is weak at something like this, let me do it instead」, in less than 30 minutes she cleared it up without unpleasant face. Aizawa is a beauty so she must be scheming something, however the fact that she helped me did not change.
「Though I already saw it at the side, Aizawa is popular and is being accepted by everyone. As expected, you are amazing」
「W, what are you saying so suddenly……being popular or not. Ikuno was in trouble, so I just wanted to help」
Being praised, Aizawa becomes embarra.s.sed, her face is reddened as she holds the short skirt on her inner thigh.
「Moreover, I asked Ikuno an unreasonable favor to have a date with me, because you fulfilled the request properly, me doing my best for your sake is natural」
「Iya, it is, well, it might be so but……」
But, a beautiful girl properly doing something to this point like this girl is not normal. [3]
Mostly, they will follow the pattern of playing dumb after numerous promises.[4]
I think it was the third year of middle school. I possessed a light novel which was slightly ecchi, and it was discovered by a ill-natured beautiful girl of the same cla.s.s. She said she would remain silent if I subst.i.tuted for her one week cleaning duty, I reluctantly did as she said. However, one week after, a rumor of me owning erotic manga was spread in the cla.s.s. Naturally, I questioned the ill-natured b.i.t.c.h But the words she returned were 「Huh? There was something like that?」. Thanks to her, I received bad feeling from my cla.s.smates, it was the same as elementary school, I ended up being alone until graduation.
I have such an experience. So a beautiful girl trying her best like Aizawa is unusual.
As expected, isn’t she a good girl?
Ha! No no, don’t be fooled Surely she is increasing her favorable impression to a good degree, I’m sure she will cause large damage at the very end.
Being cautious, I stare at the unknown b.i.t.c.h (temp) who is averting her face. Then,
「Other than that Aizawa-san, can I hear something from you?」
Shinonome who reads a book quietly next to Aizawa, calmly brushes up her hair and makes an appearance.
「A, what’s it Ibuki? I’m ready to hear whatever you say!」
「E, e, arigato」
This Shinonome, looks like she’s still not used to be called by her first name. For the first time, she understands the meaning of a true friend like Aizawa, her att.i.tude has been visibly awkward since last week.
Shinonome clears her throat and smiles gently,
「Sono, surely I understand that you joined this club because of the promise, but it was just to have a date with a boy for a day, isn’t it clearly disadvantageous for Aizawa?」
「E, in what way?」
Aizawa tilts her head as she does not understand the calculating thought of Shinonome.
But I understand what she means.
「What Shinonome said, I think I understand. That is to say, Aizawa, this club may disappear after a month, having only a 1-day date then joining this club, which is time-consuming, she means that the demerit is too big for you」
「A, such a thing like that!」
*pon* Aizawa claps her hands. (ぽん)
「Eto, but, particularly it is not……ahahaha」
「Say, what do you mean by “it’s not”?」
When I ask, Aizawa bashfully plays with her hair.
「Ikuno is a man who I can talk directly to, if I’m together with you all the time, overcoming my androphobia, I think I can do it」
「Ufufu, I see」
Shinonome, knowing there’s such a way to attack, nods in admiration. [5] This b.i.t.c.h……
「Besides, there’s something that I can only consult to a man?」
「Only to a man? Eto Aizawa, what kind of thing?」
「Eto, right now there’s something troubling me, sono」
Aizawa is biting her lips tightly, her cheeks gradually reddens.
「Please tell me everything. I’m very grateful to Aizawa for joining the club, so I want to pay this debt to the very end」
「That’s right. Aizawa should have received something in return. Besides, Ikuno-kun is the person I appointed to the student council’s consultation office, it’s his job to listen to the consultation of troubled students」
Don’t look at me. Rather, right now, I should casually listen to someone’s request by myself, right? [6]
「Souka. Then Ikuno, please help me…… Can you?」
「Of course. Please say anything you want」
「U, un. Then」
Aizawa makes up her mind and turns toward me, her ears reddens because of the tension,
「I, Ikuno! M, me……k, kiss, please kiss me!!」
E, what did Aizawa say just now……? If I’m not mistaken, kiss or something……e?
My body freezes as I listen to what she said, Shinonome smiles as if she knew it beforehand.
「Yappari, I thought you might say so」
「E, ee!? Ibuki, how did you know!?」
While I’m confused, Aizawa who becomes deep red presses Shinonome for the answer.
「This morning, didn’t you friends persistently ask you in the cla.s.sroom? What kind of feeling when you kissed your boyfriend. Aizawa-san didn’t answer the question properly and avoided it. Therefore, a friend doubted if your experience with male was abundant or not. Because the situation was exactly the same as last time, I was able to imagine it easily」
「So, souka……Ibuki, already heard it……」
Aizawa looks down, becoming redder and redder.
A friend, perhaps, it must be that brown-haired gyaru.
「Haven’t kissed anyone at this age, I’m ashamed to say that to everyone……」
Rather, in Aizawa’s case, because of androphobia, holding hand is, no doubt, impossible. Finally understand the situation, I calmly start thinking.
「E, wait a sec! So, do you really intent to kiss me!?」
「T, that……that can’t be helped. As it is right now, my lies will be exposed…… Such a thing, I can only ask Ikuno……that’s why」
「Iya, I think this is more serious than having your lies exposed……」
Aizawa is a girl who has declared she would only hold hand with her important person. Therefore, I think normally, saying such a thing like kissing is absolutely impossible……
Iya, in other words. I see now.
I finally understand one thing about Aizawa.
The same as last time, she is a girl who hates losing to show-off.
Therefore, she tried to decorate herself by telling a lie
Hmm? So, buying and changing brand items frequently, it’s related to this?
While thinking such thing, I shift my attention to the current situation.
「Eto, Aizawa……although it’s a request, as expected it’s」
Shinonome, if you call me your pet then help me. Thinking so, I glance at her.
「So Ikuno-kun, please quickly fulfill Aizawa-san’s request」
「Something strange with your head!?」
「Ufufu, but of course it’s normal?」
Uwa! Knowing that I’m unable to do it, she purposely said so, this S woman.
「Ikuno, I’m prepared, so……」
Aizawa sits next to me and leans herself close to my body, I can smell her nice, feminine scent. The gesture of her brushing the forelock to the ear make my chest throb *dokidoki*, and I become conscious of her lips
「I think, of course Ikuno won’t like it. But you are obstinately trying to save the club, then so will I. I will do my best for the literature club ……s, so……eto」
Aizawa becomes extremely red, after hesitating for a while, she looks at me.
「Please k-kiss me」
「W, wait, Aizawa……!?」
Her body leans forward, her long eyelashes conceals her eyes and her lips is coming closer.
Trying hard in difficult situations because she hates losing to show-off. To think those odd elements would intertwine and lead to this situation. I understand that she’s forcing herself as her body is trembling.
Therefore I try to stop, but strangely my body is drawn to Aizawa.
「That aside. You two, a visitor」
Smiling happily, Shinonome says so, I also turn toward to look at the clubroom’s entrance.
A tiny girl, whose face is red like an apple, is standing while looking down. [7]
Her long orange hair almost reaches the hip, her frizzy hair is divided to two horn-like bunches, which is identical to cat ears
She who trembles before the present situation appears to be a customer of the consultation office.
「Oi Shinonome, since when did you aware of this child coming?」
「When I recommended Ikuno-kun to kiss, I think」
The gentle-mode Shinonome says so and smiles.

「Mou! Ibuki no baka! If you already knew why you didn’t say it sooner!」
「I’m sorry. I thought everyone also noticed」
Shinonome stands up to gently soothe the crying Aizawa, then she goes toward the girl’s position.
「I’m sorry for not accompanying. Now then, please come in」
Shinonome says so, the girl nods lightly without raising her face.
「Greeting, I’m Takatora (高虎), first year cla.s.s D. It’s my pleasure to meet you today」
Serving tea in the tea set which is always ready in the clubroom [8], the girl greets while looking at us awkwardly.
Sitting on the sofa quietly, she’s really small. Her feet, wrapped in cute kneesocks, are unable to reach the floor.
This is the so-called loli girl (lolikko). Also the hairstyle that look like beast ears, her big and sharp eyes. Her chest is disappointing but her cute face is very attractive, reminds me of a little dog. The 2 Dimensional beauty that makes one’s heart throb!
Maa, I’m into oneesan type, therefore I’m not that excited.
「Ahaha, Takatora-san……S, sorry! Just now I was surprised. But we don’t particularly have such relationship!」
「I, I don’t really mind though. That aside, ano……」
Looking somewhat dispirited, Takatora-san glances at me, seems to wanna say something.
「E, do I have something on my face?」
*bunbun* Takatora-san shakes her head, but still looks at me, seems to want to say something. (ぶんぶん) 
「Ikuno-kun. By any chance, is she your acquaintance?」
「Iya, not at all. It’s the first time I talk to Takatora-san……」
When I say so, Takatora suddenly becomes more depressed.
Perhaps, I have talked to her somewhere?
Despite thinking so, I immediately move on to the main subject as the air is somehow heavy.
「Takatora-san, right? Although I’m just the president of the literature club, I have been entrusted with the work of the student council consultation office for a week. Therefore would you tell if there is something you want to consult?」
「Un. Eto」
After Takatora-san paused for a while,
「T-The uniform for my club activities, was hidden by someone. Therefore, to search for it, I want you guys to help」
「A, for club activities isn’t it! By the way, what club? Basketball or track and field club?」
*bunbun* Takatora-san shakes her head, feeling nervous before 3 of us, she becomes red.
「Ch, cheer……I’m in cheer club」
Then Shinonome begins to talk with a I-know-it-all face (訳知り顔 = wakeshirigao) 
「Although Takatora-san is a first-year student, she’s the ace of the cheer club. She enrolled in our school by sport recommended enrollment method. Her physical ability is considerably high, I heard she’s an outstandingly talented person who received many offers from other schools」
「Shinonome, how do you know such detailed information?」
「Ufufu, I’m the one who will become the manager of this school. Which student receives the school expenses exemption and which measures are being taken, from now on, I must have a grasp of them」
Shinonome, except when she’s with me, acts like a gentle ojou-sama to the very end.
That reminds me, she will become the next head because her parents pa.s.sed away. Shinonome is a troublesome b.i.t.c.h but that girl always does her best in various jobs. I admire that.
「Sorry, Takatora-san, just now the talk was deviated. You said someone hid your uniform for club activities, can I hear a little more detail about that?」
「Un……eto, I put it in my bag in the cla.s.sroom, but after school, it disappeared」
「Then, you realized your uniform was lost after school, right?」
Takatora-san nods lightly and continues.
「In school, I occasionally put all textbooks in the drawer, so I didn’t leave the bag except when I went out to eat my bento at noon, the clothes were still there at that time. So perhaps, I think someone stole it during the time from lunch break to when I returned from homeroom……」
「Such thing like stealing from others……」
Although Aizawa looks like she’s in those gaudy gyaru groups, she’s truly pure so her heart feels painful even though it’s not related.
「Takatora-san, recently are there anyone who bears a grudge against you? Or something changed in your personal life?」
「Not particularly. School and club activities are as usual, I think」
Takatora-san remains dispirited. Maa, she feels down because she has something stolen……
「So. By the way, where did you go during lunch break?」
「Eto, I went to play basketball with the girls of my cla.s.s in the gymnasium……」
Shinonome thinks carefully, gently and skillfully performs the investigation just like dealing with a lost child.
「Then someone must did the crime during the time from when you went to the gymnasium to after school」
「Oi Shinonome, doesn’t that mean……」
「Yes, that’s right」
Shutting her hair and letting her smooth raven-black hair flutters like a curtain, Shinonome calmly open her eyes.
「All the people who were in this school today are the suspects of this case」
Takatora-san withers as she is overwhelmed by the absurd number.
Certainly, there will be a shiny remark instead if this is a mystery drama. But this is reality.
「Wait. Certainly, your theory is good, but no matter how you look at it, isn’t it just improbable?」
In front of those two, Shinonome smiles at me gently.
「I simply talk about the possibility. At present, we can’t find out the answer so at first, we should grasp the big scene and remove unnecessary information from there. If so, we will surely find the criminal. Maa, in other words, Occam’s razor I think?」
「Whose razor?」
「Occam’s razor. A theory of thought saving by shaving the futility off the essential hypothesis. [9] Originally it is a word derived from philosophy」
My head hurts. But on the contrary, Aizawa looks with sparkling eyes.
「As expected of Ibuki who is the first in our grade, you are so knowledgeable! So amazing〜♪」
Aizawa is the second in our grade. I think it’s not a sarcasm because of the natural aura emitted from Aizawa’s body. As expected, maybe she’s not a b.i.t.c.h……un.
「It’s not particularly a big deal, But, surely as Ikuno-kun said, in this case there are indeed too many suspects. Therefore we should reduce the range」
「Reduce? What do you mean? Such a thing is possible?」
「Incident is not born unless by all means there’s a contact point. Locard’s exchange principle, an established theory which is also the basic of criminology. So with that a.s.sumption, the range would be reduced, I a.s.sume?」
Waa……again with the complicated words.
Then Aizawa seems to realize something.
「A, then by any chance! Someone in Takatora-san’s cla.s.s or cheer club is the criminal!?」
「Yes, I think it is reasonable」
Smiling sophisticatedly, Shinonome elegantly lifts the black tea I prepared to her lips.
But I just could not be satisfied with that opinion.
「Ano, though it’s hard to say……There is a possibility that someone without any contact point stole it. Cheer costumes have high exposure degree, besides Takatora-san is small……sono, very cute I think? Therefore I think it is very popular among some groups of boy」
Look like my opinion can’t reach the serious Shinonome, her eyes wide open as she stares at me.
「T-to have such idea……as expected of Ikuno-kun」
Then Aizawa, who was next to me, immediately leans in close to Shinonome as if afraid of me.
「I-Ikuno……is a lolicon. So gross……」 [10]
Hahahaha, the direction of the talk suddenly became funny.
「Ufufu, after all it’s normal for an otaku like Ikuno-kun to love small and cute girls like Takatora-san. Furthermore, you must have special feeling when embracing her clothes」
「Oi, it’s not about me. The story is related to the case!」
「So? But, I don’t think she heard something like that?」
I’m surprised and look at Takatora-san.
Bashfully rubbing her thighs together, she is worry about my gaze as her cheeks dyed red.
「No, it’s not! I’m not a lolicon」
「Let’s catch the first candidate of the suspect, Ikuno-kun」
「I give up!!」
Surely a false accusation would be born. Now I understand such experience! [11]
「Joking aside. Takatora-san, do you have any idea about grudges, especially something recently, or any idea about unusual suspect?」
「U, un……nothing」
As if Takatora-san still think I’m a lolicon, in perplexed state she repeatedly glances at me *chirachira* (ちらちら = glance repeatedly) 
Perhaps, she’s being cautious……
「I understand. First of all, I think you should hear this much. By narrowing the suspects, we can discover the criminal holding the uniform and where it’s hidden at once. But this time, in the end our purpose is to find the uniform and not to search for the criminal, we should move immediately」 [12]
「E, Shinonome, where exactly should we go?」
「Her cla.s.sroom and clubroom. Although Takatora-san might already search there once, first of all, 4 of us should cooperate and search again. Then little by little, we can surely shave to the possible place」 [13]
Just now did she just talk about razor way of thinking or something?
「Yosh, I understand. If searching at those places a second time is still no good, we will think about different methods!」
Frankly, it’s regrettable not to be able to do club activities. For a week, I, together with Aizawa, have been looking for methods about member recruitment, and haven’t been able to do the activities. But, I can’t neglect the person who is in trouble, I must do the job of the consultation office for the sake of maintaining the club.
「Right! Taking other people’s thing is intolerable, I will do my best for Takatora-san’s sake!」
Having the same thought as me, Aizawa stands up and grasps her fist like a man.
「It’s decided. Then let’s go」
Four of us leave he clubroom, across the connecting bridge toward Takatora-san’s cla.s.sroom.

「Oi, oi……You, listen!」 (she said in a boyish/manly tone)
Takatora-san runs toward and walks next to me.
「E, me? Do you need something?」
「Iya, nothing much but……eto, your name……」
「A, aa. I’m Ikuno Kousuke, cla.s.s C. Nice to meet you」
「Ikuno, Kousuke, can I call you K-Kousuke?」
「E? Un, no problem but……」
Suddenly using first name. I mean, this friendliness will cause carelessness. [14]Furthermore, she’s a beautiful girl. That means this is……
「Leaving that aside, sono……sono……looking at me, do you think of something?」
Walking next to me, for some reason Takatora-san looks up at me, seems to be uneasy.
Is she worry because of my remark about her being small earlier? I feel guilty.
「Iya, I don’t think of anything particularly」
Takatora-san suddenly looks down and moved to tears, tightly holding the hem of her skirt with both hands.
「E, go…go…gomen! Did I say something bad!?」
*bunbun* Shaking her head and wiping the tears with her small hand, Takatora-san looks up at me and smiles feebly.
「Iya, it’s nothing. Eto, however……the story just now, it is……」
The words come out as her voice becomes smaller, she looks downward and her cheeks reddens.
「I-if I’m not mistaken, you like small girls, right? Certainly in the past, I thought you said that you loved tall and slender oneesan……」
Though I can’t hear all the words because of her low voice, as expected it seems to be a misunderstanding.
「Takatora-san, I’m not a lolicon. If I have to say then, I still like tall oneesan just like in the past」
「Uu……yappari, it’s so」
E, why do she feel down? Somehow her cat ears-like hair bunches seem to droop.
Looking at Takatora-san, I feel like having to encourage her, and open my mouth.
「A, aーーbut, small girls are not bad. Can’t say they have charms like oneesan, nonetheless small girls are really cute! U, un! They are nice, I love them!」
「Of course it is, little girls are super cute! Just looking at them is irresistible!」
Surrounded by a happy aura, Takatora-san smiles happily, revealing her canine. Looking at her reaction, I feel relieved.
But why did she ask me such a thing?
While thinking so, I feel something from behind and look back.
「Fufufu, as expected Ikuno-kun is a lolicon. I become worried a little」
「Ikuno, are you alright? Which reminds me, lolicon is a congenital disease isn’t it?……If you are ashamed to go alone, should I accompany you to the hospital」(先天的な = congenital/hereditary/inherent….) 
I understand that Shinonome is joking but Aizawa is pure so she seems to actually believe it. Moreover, she misunderstands and thinks lolicon as a serious disease and stares at me anxiously.
「Aizawa, don’t worry about it that much. Rather, I’m not a lolicon!!」
A, shimatta. Again, I make Takatora-san feel down, isn’t it……
But because of the explanation to Aizawa’s misunderstanding earlier, without change I just go towards the first-year’s cla.s.srooms on the first floor.
Meanwhile, Takatora-san, who is down energetically, comes to ask me. [15]
「Kousuke……recently you often talk with those two. What kind of relationships do you guys have?」
「E, recently? Takatora-san, are you watching me everyday?」
「!? W-W-Wrong! Iya, eto……therefore sono……A, anyway! I want to hear what kind of relationships you have. Uuu〜!」
For some reason, her sharp and big pupils glare at me. It is like this since a while ago, I think? Though I don’t understand, I must not oppose beautiful girls, especially the fragile one. I answer unwillingly.
「Those two, e, eto……maa, it’s a special, or perhaps, complicated relationship」
「Complicated, relationship? Muu〜〜」
Takatora-san’s face becomes firm (固まり?), soon her cheeks puff out as she pouts.
While thinking of seeing her questionable reaction, I feel someone’s gaze and look back. Shinonome is staring at the two of us with a thought face.
Moving from the second-floor hallway to the first-floor, we arrive at Takatora-san’s cla.s.sroom. It is next to our cla.s.s.
Four of us cooperate and search the whole cla.s.sroom throughout. But the uniform can’t be found.
「Waa……yappari it doesn’t seem to be in the cla.s.sroom. Then, next is the clubroom?」
Aizawa, who was full of energy and tried her best to distribute the poster, seems to be slightly fatigued.
「No, wait Aizawa-san. There is an audiovisual room next to this. To think about it, that could be the place the criminal hid it」
Seems to know it was not here from the beginning, Shinonome coolly says so. [16]
「Audiovisual room? I think there is certainly a possibility. Then, should we go?」
「A, wait Ikuno!!」
When I’m about to leave the cla.s.sroom, Aizawa suddenly grasps the hem of my uniform.
「E……What’s it Aizawa, is something wrong?」
「E? Iya, it’s just……」
Aizawa releases her hand, her thighs are squirming as she feels nervous a little.
「Audiovisual room, currently the electrical system is damaged and disabled, isn’t it? The whole room is always dark when closed……Besides, didn’t you hear about its appearance?」
「I heard about the disabled electrical system, but what appearance?」
「S, so……It’s that, that……」 (da, dakara……are yo, are……)
Iya, I can’t understand even if you blushed.
「Fufu, in other words, Aizawa-san is worry whether the ghost would appear, isn’t it?」
「E, ghost!? Aizawa, by any chance, is weak in such a thing?」
「It’s, it can’t be helped. S-Scary things are scary……」
Aizawa seems to be really scared as she hugs her slender body, *gyuu* making her b.r.e.a.s.t.s swell. [17]
Hee, despite having a frank character, she has such a weakness. Truly, she doesn’t betray my recent expectation. Because, perhaps a b.i.t.c.h would appeal like a feeble girl in this case. 「……by the way, what rumor? I haven’t heard anything at all」
「Souka, Ikuno didn’t know……although it’s quite famous」
Because I don’t have many friends.
Although I hate standing out and have less friends than acquaintances to protect myself, somehow it’s empty…… [18]
「After all, it’s just a rumor. In the past, it seemed like there was a schoolgirl who committed suicide by jumping off there. So, rising from the window of the audiovisual room after school, that girl tried to take somebody along with her by pushing that person’s back……with a strong force just like from a man, it’s like that!!」
「W-What is it? Suddenly become quite serious……」
Getting goose b.u.mps, I’m rubbing both shoulders then suddenly, next to my ear,
A lukewarm gentle breath is blowing, I jump up in surprise.
「Ara, by any chance Ikuno-kun, you are scared?」
The criminal Shinonome stares at me closely, provokingly looking with her happy eyes.
「Ba, baka! I’m a man. I’m scared of such!」
「Isn’t it? Last time, you protected Aizawa from those scary delinquents. So this time, can you protect me from the ghost instead?」
「Protect……G-ghost do not exist in the first place, isn’t it! But first, hora, let’s go」
「Understood. Then Takatora-san and Aizawa-san, please wait here. The audiovisual room is dark so it can cause serious injury, therefore let me and Ikuno-kun, who are from consultation office, examine it」
Such a smooth talk, although I have a bad feeling, maybe it’s just my imagination……?
「Un, got it……then Ibuki, Ikuno-kun, be careful」
Holding her body in the form that puts her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on the arm, Aizawa waves her hand lightly, looking anxious.
「A, sorry but I have to go to the toilet! You guys, be careful!」
Takatora-san, who has been silent as if thinking about something up to now, runs out of the cla.s.sroom. Subsequently, we leave the cla.s.sroom but surprisingly, we couldn’t see her figure anymore. Perhaps, her feet are considerably fast.
I and Shinonome enter the audiovisual room which is not locked. This is the cla.s.sroom used for visual learning so there are projectors, all windows have curtains and are closed.
I dislike being made a fool by Shinonome so with the light from the smartphone, I advance to the center of the room.
「Probably because lately n.o.body enters, this room feels quite dusty」
Thinking of ventilation, I go towards the windows. Then, suddenly on my back……*puni*. (sfx for squishy) 
「……Oi, what are you doing?」
「Ara, talking about what a man and woman do in the darkness behind the closed door, there should not be many, I think?」
*pishari* the room’s door was closed when I looked back, and Shinonome was hugging me from the back. (sfx for suddenly slamming/whacking things) 
The tips of her modest swellings are pressing moderately.
「As expected, your purpose is to isolate two of us together…….W-What are you scheming?」
「Though you already know」
Standing on tiptoe and stretching herself, she whisper the alluring words next to my ears. Feeling the slender, soft body of a girl, my heart starts making unpleasant sound *bakubaku* (ばくばく sfx for heart thumping, stronger than *dokidoki*) 
「I have to say, Ikuno Kousuke. The training is to make you never be separated from me. In short, it’s important to instill my good points in you. So I can’t choose other means」
Her fingertip is rubbing and making circles on my chest with indecent movements.
Th-this girl, she’s seriously willing to do anything to make me her pet……
「O, oi. What if someone is coming……」
Tracing through my navel from my chest, without change the fingertip moves downward, tenderly rubbing my whole thighs along with the inner thighs. My ticklish voice almost comes out.
「It can’t be helped. There is Aizawa-san in the clubroom, so chances for me to show you my good points like this do not exist. By the way, in this situation about how to get a boy of the same age, I wonder what kind of method should I choose?」 [19]
「E? T, that’s, what you always do when you want to push the boys in the cla.s.s around, just smile and show your gentle smiling face like that,
I think?」
「Certainly, doing that to those trivial people is fine. But you are a special one. Nevertheless, you’ve come to ignore such a cute girl like me. Then, what does it take to make you mine, I think only you can teach me that. In other words, Ikuno Kousuke……」
The finger staying on my thigh rewinds, through the inner thigh it comes back to my navel,
「……T-th-that, don’t tell me you are going to do that」
Her slender finger moves along my abdomen, when I think about that, it soon reaches my pants and begins to take down the zipper. Seems like Shinonome is also tense, I have a feeling that her body becomes stiff slightly.
「tte, cut it out!」
I turn over at once and shake off Shinonome to the window. My whole body becomes very hot.
「Waa, waa……As expected, everything a b.i.t.c.h do is terrible. But let me tell you, I will never yield to such things like that!」
「So. You become more and more interesting. Then. what should I do to succeed, I wonder?」
Although Shinonome calmly brushes her hair, I feels like her face becomes red a little.
「Who know? But the one thing I can say is, I don’t have the slightest interest in you」
At that time, my back was pushed with a great force by somebody. Thanks to that, I vigorously plunge into Shinonome, who is in front of me.
*gashi* I hear an unpleasant sound, my vision becomes hazy. Shinonome was squared off at that moment so immediately, her elbow hit my nose hard. (sfx for grabbing)
「Ku……uuu, are?」
My cheeks feel the lukewarm, silkiness of fabric. *punipuni* I touch something small and extremely soft with both hands.
「Fufu, fufufufufu you, what are you doing to another person’s leg I wonder?」
「E? Iya.…..this……haha」
I hugged and buried my face on Shinonome’s leg, which is wrapped in black stockings. My smartphone is dropped but I get used to the darkness and see Shinonome’s face. *niconico* she is scared to the extend of smiling, immediately *gyuu* held her skirt down to stop me from looking at the flower garden before my eyes.
「No, it’s not, Shinonome! As for this, just now someone pushed me from behind, it just happened!」
「Dogeza. Do it now. Or be killed」
The concise words with bloodthirsty expression. I tremble before the serious anger of a beautiful girl, immediately do what she said.
「First of all, there is something you need to say I wonder?」

*gashi* Of all things, Shinonome tramples down my head. As expected, she’s angry, but there is no room for excuses because when I looked back just now to confirm, strangely there was n.o.body.
「Su, sumimasen des.h.i.ta」 (it means sorry) 
Usually, I would do as she told and apologize when I’m in a good mood, but it’s different today. In a cold voice, she continues.
「Despite saying that you don’t have any interest, you are a man who is faithful to his l.u.s.t. Someone with the status of a livestock touching its master’s body without permission, do you even know how little your place is? Though I already said this, I do not have any love feelings towards you. After all, all I wish for is a pet. Being the next head of the Shinonome household, I must be strong. Therefore, a partner is unnecessary」 (she uses hanryo, which means companion/partner/spouse) 
Despite touching me as you please, you are getting angry when I do it? As expected, beautiful girls are selfish creatures who live for themselves. Maa, although I understand that she’s angry because I touched a girl’s body.
「There is only one reason why I desire Ikuno Kousuke. From the moment I was born until now, the only one who do not obey me is you. And I appreciate your spirituality. Just how much such a precious jewel worth」
「Ku……I can never understand. In the first place, making a person your pet or whatever. Are you an idiot. (baka ja nai.) What are you, a hentai politician of some country……u, guuu〜」 [20]
To shut up my impudent talk, she strongly steps on me, just like stubbing out the fire of a cigarette.
It’s greatly different from Aizawa who do not use violence even if I see her pantsu or touch her chest. Maa, Aizawa is a good girl. Perhaps, I have a feeling that even if I do whatever ecchi things, Aizawa would permit it.
「Looking at the charm of the preciousness is my liking. For this reason, I cannot permit the act just now. Jewel is something for its owner to appreciate, to put on and to handle with love. However, such a thing like it touching the owner without permission is impossible, isn’t it? This is identical. Therefore the reason why I’m angry, do the feeble-minded you understand I wonder?」
「T, thank you for your thoroughly explanation……」
Froze because of the downpour of her cold voice, I try to oppose by forcing back her foot.
In brief, Shinonome seems to look at me only as a thing, not a human being. Though the jewel exists to make its owner shine, unfortunately I do not have a slightest thought about wanting to make this woman shine either.
「So. It’s good that you understand」
Then Shinonome immediately moves her foot. Crouching in front of me, as if losing her mind she starts patting me with a gentle smile.
「As one would expect from the man I antic.i.p.ated. Really good at understanding」
With a mother-like atmosphere floating around, I am patted gently, softly by a extremely tender way of using hands (the word fuwari = gently/softly is used twice here)
「Oi, what are your planning. Kicking a person’s head then patting it」
「Scolding a pet doing bad things is natural. But, I believe it’s important to give it a praise occasionally
when it listens to the owner. Because carrot and the stick is the basic of training」
What is this, understanding that she’s a b.i.t.c.h but I know when she patted my head, I instinctively feel delighted…...Ku, kuso, I feel like having lost.
「Ara? Other than that Ikuno Kousuke, your nosebleed has come out」
「E? Are……really?」
Touching my nostril, there is a lukewarm, iron-smelling liquid sticking to
「Surely it’s because of my elbow. Livestock, I’m sorry. Because I’ll stop your bleeding now, stay still for a bit」
「E, Shinonome is doing such a thing to me?」
Furthermore, Shinonome takes out from her pocket an obviously high-cla.s.s handkerchief with white laces. Wiping blood with such a thing, it will get dirty and the dirt won’t come off.
「Yes, why you ask? I have you as a pet by my side, the master taking care of the pet in various ways is natural, isn’t it?」
Shinonome is indifferent to the handkerchief getting dirty, she stares at me curiously.
Apparently, I seem to have misunderstood Shinonome.
A while ago, Shinonome said Aizawa was at a disadvantage, I see. Shinonome, who stands above others, respects to the point of treasuring fairness. Even though she one-sidedly treats me a pet, she would keep me by her side to watch and cherish. [21]
Hmm? Wait. Keeping by one’s side, taking care and cherishing, aren’t they what lovers do? In the first place, persistently chasing a man, approaching him and wanting to monopolize him for oneself, it’s the same as what a girl do to the boy she’s in love with……
「Hora, staying still. I can’t wipe the blood. Because taking care of you is my, the master’s, job」
Shinonome smiles slightly and draws her hand to my cheek, holding the unfolded handkerchief.
But at that moment, someone timidly open the room’s door, light flow into the dark room. Becoming worried because we are slow in returning, Aizawa looks inside the room with a frightened expression.
「E……Ikuno? What happened!?」
Still in dogeza posture, I turn back, Aizawa sees my face and rush towards.
「It’s serious! Your blood is coming out! Ibuki, what happened!?」
「It’s just, the room was dark, Ikuno-kun suddenly fell……」
「So that’s why……eto, I’ll lend you my shoulder, let’s move to somewhere brighter」
「A, un. Sorry, Aizawa……」
While thinking it was Shinonome’s fault, I move to the corridor with Aizawa and sit down. Aizawa takes out the pocket tissue she carried, twisting it and plugging up my nostril without saying anything.
「Ikuno, you should better looking down. It’s not good to look up. Then, pinch your nose with your thumb and index finger. It’s called pressure hemostasis, then stop after a while」
「Un, I know……I mean, Aizawa, you are so skillful and knowledgeable」
It is the same as the last time, Aizawa misunderstood me having a cold and quickly responded. I think a real b.i.t.c.h wouldn’t do such a thing for other’s sake……
Aizawa squats next to me, somehow her smile seems awkward.
「eto……In the past, I suffered the same from otousan‘s violence. Okaasan treated me every time and I came to memorize it. Ahaha」
Look like I make her recall some unpleasant memories…… When I think so and feel uneasy, Shinonome comes out of the room.
「A, come to think of it, Shinonome, a while ago, it was my bad. Arigato」
「No, don’t worry about it」
Are? Turning that blunt face away, is she angry? What a way to waste my goodwill even though certainly I was bad. [22] But, keeping that unfavorable “reverse side mode” in front of Aizawa is unusual…… (裏モード – 『ura modo』, which means reverse side/undersurface/behind/…..) 
Then suddenly, Aizawa starts being restless as if worrying about something, her voice seems to vanish,
「I-Ikuno……your……zipper is opened……」
I turn downward to look at the zipper of the pants. It was fully opened.
That’s right, a while ago Shinonome took it down before I shook her off!
「Gogogo, gomen Aizawa!!」
I hurriedly close it and apologize to Aizawa who is blushing and averting her face.
Although Shinonome seems to want to say something, it will be bad if Aizawa hears it so she doesn’t say anything.
「Are……I mean, Takatora-san already returned?」
When she was there, Takatora-san is standing near the entrance of the audiovisual room.
She looks at me awkwardly and averts her gaze, as if feeling depressed she looks downward like a ghost.
「Takatora-san, as for this, particularly I made a blunder of my own. Don’t worry about it just because it is your request」 [23] 「Uu……arigatou」
At that moment, suddenly I feel the gaze of somebody from the depths of the corridor and look at that direction.
……No one there. I surely feel like having been seen by someone. Is it just my imagination?
After that we, with the scared Aizawa, search the audiovisual room. But nothing is found, we head to the clubroom next. However, Shinonome said that before searching the clubroom it would be better to get the permission from the advisor first, we stopped at the staffroom before going to the cheer club. Though Shinonome was cold to me on the way, at the time we reach the clubroom department next to the gymnasium,
she turns back to gentle mode.
「Then, because we received advisor-sensei’s permission, let’s search using this just cause」
The clubroom department is a two-storied building, there is a flower bed in the center of the first floor and the clubroom of the cheer club is nearby.
「Ibuki, arigatou! As expected, searching the lockers without permission is unpleasant」
「I also agree with it. Maa, anyhow there is a possibility it is here, also sensei said that we had not to open or search the inside of student’s bags」 [24]
I say so while worrying about my nose which is plugged by the tissue, meanwhile Takatora-san uses the key to open the clubroom’s door.
「It’s opened. Then, I together with you guys will start searching, yoroshiku……」(please take care of me) 
「Un, leave it to us. We will work very hard to find it! Right, Ibuki?」
Enthusiastically, Aizawa hugs Shinonome’s arm tightly.
「E, ee……rather, Aizawa-san, we have to separate to be able to search」
「A, gomen gomen. That’s true. Ehehe……」
「Fufu. Truly, your character is like that of a child」
「E. is that so? But I think of myself as a splendid adult……」
「What people said about themselves is normally not true. Well, other than that, let’s begin」
「Ahaha, okey!」
These two have been like this for a week. Although Shinonome’s pace is disturbed as this is the first time she had such a friendly friend like Aizawa, it’s not like she dislikes Aizawa.
Aizawa is the first one to enter the clubroom. Followed by Shinonome, but she looks back.
「Takatora-san. We will search properly until it’s found, you don’t need to worry」
「E? Un, that would save me」
「It will be found today. Absolutely」
「U, un」
This Shinonome, what a happy face, look like she’s having fun. Takatora-san is having trouble responding, isn’t she?
Despite wanting to say something to me, Shinonome flutters her black hair and disappears into the clubroom. Really, you seem to enjoy seeing a person in trouble. That detestable woman, surely is a b.i.t.c.h.
「Takatora-san, you don’t need to mind that girl」
「U, un」
「……Yoshi, I’m tense because this is a girl clubroom, sorry for intruding」
「Wait, Kousuke」
Takatora-san looks up at me anxiously, pulling my uniform’s sleeve.
「E, do you need something again……?」
That reminds me, didn’t Takatora-san still believe that I am interested in cheer clothes? Perhaps, she’s worry if I was thinking of sniffing the clothes of her club members?
「Sono……Is it true that Kousuke, like girls with huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s, like Aizawa Manaha?」
Good. It doesn’t seem like she’s thinking of me like a pervert who loves cheer clothes.
「A, that’s true. Maa, I love oneesans, and after all, that place of Aizawa is big enough to sandwich anything……What am I saying!」
「As expected, it’s so. Muu〜〜」
Again, Takatora-san sulks while puffing out her cheeks. Because she’s small in various ways, she’s jealous of girls who have huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s, thin waist, big b.u.t.t like Aizawa?
While thinking about such things, I enter Takatora-san’s clubroom.
Inside, there are rectangular and oblong lockers lining up on both sides, on the wall there are testimonials. As expected, there are good smells of deodorants and perfumes the girls usually use.
「Ikuno-kun, what’s with that ecchi face you have?」
「E, it-it’s different! I do not have such a face. Seriously, let’s search!」
「Then, let’s do that. ……I will kill you if you repeat the s.e.xual hara.s.sment like a while ago」
Hearing a cold whisper close to the ear suddenly, a chill runs through my back. She is a cunning neat-type b.i.t.c.h who would never be careless. You will never understand what kind of hand she would use for revenge if she’s seriously angry.
Together with everyone, I thoroughly check inside of the clubroom while being careful not to touch Shinonome. Because many private properties of the girls are in the lockers where the name of each member are written on, I leave them to Aizawa and the others, I mainly look inside of the cardboard boxes containing the equipments.
「Fuu, not in here too. Everyone, how was it?」
「I’ve seen nothing」
This Shinonome, again seems to know it’s not here from the beginning. She looks cool, as if knowing how to cut corners. [25]
「Nothing on my side, too……」
「Wait for me a bit, this is the last locker so……u, u〜n」
Aizawa is working in front of my eyes, slouching her upper body towards the locker, making her b.u.t.ts shake *furifuri*  As if they are inviting me, I’m startled.(ふりふり = swing swing)
「I will wait outside」
Shinonome goes outside.
No longer being monitored, my eyes are attracted to Aizawa’s b.u.t.ts even more.
「U〜n, it’s not here too Because it’s the last one……a little more carefully〜……nn」
Her b.u.t.ts are surely sticking out, the texture truly symbolize the easy delivery type of Aizawa [26]
I understand that I must not look and yet I’m absorbed and my eyes are unable to look away……and then,

Don!! (Bang/boom/crashing sound) 

Are? When I thought, it was too late. Similar to that time in the audiovisual room, somebody strongly pushed my back and I fell forward with such force. Slowly approaching that *furifuri* swaying and voluptuous b.u.t.ts, my face
plunged into the soft meat protected by the skirt.
Zuii!! [27]
「E? Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?」

I held onto something at once to avoid crashing my face into the floor. Both hands are holding something like a thin cloth to support my bodyweight, I slowly look up to confirm what it is.
「I, Iku……Ikuno!?Aaaa, anta, what are you doing!!!」 (anta = you) 
「E, this is?」
Before my eyes there are the white, dazzling b.u.t.tocks shining like a peach. Because of me, the underwear was taken down halfway so half of her b.u.t.ts is exposed, at that moment she caught it with both hands so somehow she has escaped from being fully exposed.
「Ba, ba, baka baka! Release it, fast!!」
「U, uaaaaa!? Gogogogo, gomen Aizawa!!」
I release my hand, Aizawa immediately puts up her underwear, turning around blushing to hide her b.u.t.ts.
「Ikuno no bakaaa!! What in the world are you doing to a girl!!」
As if feeling dizzy from a long bath, Aizawa is bright red, although her eyes are teary she glares at me, look like an oni.
「Iya, just now it’s……so, just now someone pushed me from behind! I-I’m not lying!」
I look back, there is Takatora-san scratching her head and laughing “ehe”. (えへ) 
「Na, nahaha. Gomen gomen. I tripped……」
「Ho, hora! It’s not like I was trying to see Aizawa’s splendid b.u.t.ts or anything!」
Hearing my words, in a flash Aizawa covers her b.u.t.ts with both hands and shivers *buruburu* (ぶるぶる = trembling/shivering) 
「Whose b.u.t.ts are splendid! I, mind them very much!!」 [28]
Uwa, what a dreadful glare.

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