4 Everything might be better if I tried hard.

Next morning, in the cla.s.sroom where my cla.s.s is.
On my seat, I read the magazine which I bought in a convenience store on my way home yesterday.
「During the date, the man should walk along the side of the road…….I already know this. But surprisingly, I forgot」
This is a fashion magazine for teenage boys.
When I hadn’t completely become an otaku, I occasionally read this.
Of course most articles are about fashion, but it also provides useful knowledge that can help in dating, truly a riajuu item.
「Oh, good morning Ikuno-kun」
Just like yesterday, Shinonome is standing sophisticatedly in front of me while brushing her hair.
「Sariyama-kun (桐山), Tsunehiro-kun (常広), thank you for your help. Leave the rest to me」
Shinonome, with a smile, thanks the men carrying great amount of flyer.
「Shinonome, as usual, you are so skillful at manipulating men…..」
「Fufu, what are you talking about I wonder?」
Considering there are people nearby, she smiles as if to tell me to shut up.
After those two slovenly leave, I was pierced with an absolute zero glance.
「Stop getting carried away」
「Yeah yeah, I’m sorry」
She smiles as I obediently apologize.
「Leaving that aside, as someone who’s only interested in subculture, what’s wrong?」
「This? Well, I’m reflecting various thing happened yesterday….」
「Huh. Look like you’ve grown up」
「N-Not really because of you pointing it out!」
Shinonome looks down at me with happy eyes, holds her arm while waiting for me to continue.
「When we parted yesterday, Aizawa said she would partic.i.p.ate in club activities tomorrow. But her request is not settled because of me, therefore until the time she asks again, I must study for the time being」
Aizawa joined the club in exchange for me listening to her request.
Therefore it’s my duty to solve it.
「About Aizawa not stopping joining the club, I heard that from the person herself yesterday when we went home together. Well, I don’t know if i would be asked again, but for you not to neglect the effort, it’s admirable. Though you were truly hopeless yesterday, even I was at my limit」
「To say such a thing. Well, I don’t really mind….」
「Ufufu, it’s just a joke. But, at that time Aizawa looked so pathetic, as the one who will become your master, you had done well to fulfill your duty.」
「Till this time, you still want to become my master. Such readiness is praiseworthy」
Shinonome traces her juicy, light pink-colored lips with her fingertip,
「You have the strength not to yield to others. A strength not to yield even when facing multiple strong delinquents. Surely, you were terrible that time but adversely, I get a better opinion of you. So, I have to keep my eyes on you more and more….. After all, I have never met someone like you」
Being stared with gentle-looking eyes, I am embarra.s.sed and averts my eyes.
「Well…. Although I surely did confronting the delinquents, I didn’t do anything, right?」
Hesitated to help Aizawa who was frightened by the delinquents, came to help but can’t do anything, and finally being saved by Shinonome.
「I was her fake boyfriend, but such a thing like driving the delinquents away is absolutely impossible.
Even if Shinonome says so, I bet Aizawa would think of me as a fool….」
「Maa, I also think you are a fool」
「I wonder if you are going to encourage me or insult me!?」
「Well, it’s just my impression. To know how Aizawa thinks, it’s necessary to hear that from the person herself, right?」
「The person herself…..」
Last night, Aizawa said she would partic.i.p.ate in club activities.
But, recalling the terrible date, what she said is almost impossible.
Maybe it’s just my mishearing……
But, why was her face red?
When I think so, the corridor becomes noisy with cheerful voice as she comes
「Ohayo」 (good morning)
Aizawa says h.e.l.lo with a refreshing smile, thin makeup, long eyelashes and pale-complexioned, attends school with the stylish appearance.
「Un, morning, Kashiwagi-kun and Nabeta-kun.
Also, Keiko and Mutsumi, ohayo〜!」
As expected of Aizawa, only respond to other boys when being asked.
Her smile feels awkward, too
「Ah, Ibuki」
Aizawa finds Shinonome, smiles defenselessly and runs toward her   [1]
「Thank you very much yesterday! I’m sorry to have you send me home by car….」
「Don’t worry about it. It was late at night, so doing that is natural」
Are, Shinonome worried about Aizawa…..?
「Then Ibuki, let’s have lunch together as we decided yesterday! Also Ikuno, good morning」
「A…..Un, morning」
I thinks it would be difficult to talk because of yesterday but surprisingly Aizawa approaches me naturally.
Then, she
returns to her seat and talks to her friends as usual.
Still, I wonder if Aizawa is really not angry at me? Yesterday, it was certain that Aizawa was a generous person, but it must have a limit…..
「Leaving that aside……Shinonome, can I ask you one more thing?」
「What is it?」
「You dislike Aizawa, but what’s with that having lunch together? Moreover, you didn’t call her 『That woman』 even during our conversation…..」
Shinonome twines her hair around fingertip while looking outside and says
「No particular reason. But if there was one, it would be because she called me by my first name…..I think」
「Your first name?」
That reminds me, Shinonome surely has many friends, but I think no one in our cla.s.s has called her by her first name.
More precisely, in Shinonome’s case, people gather around her because of admiration.
So someone who can be called her friend are, in fact, not exist.
「Hahaha, Shinonome, even a b.i.t.c.h like you has an unexpected cute side.
In other words, you are happy because someone think of you as her friend, right?」
「Ufufu, What kind of delusion are you having? It’s totally different.
I’m the next head of the Shinonome conglomerate. Something like friends are unnecessary」
Shinonome stares at me with cold eyes that are impossible to read.
Then Shinonome, while looking at what behind me, smiles mysteriously.
「Other than that, Aizawa-san is going to talk about you」
Upon hearing that, I glance at Aizawa’s place which is on the right side behind me.
「Hee〜. Manamana (マナマナ) finally decides to tell Ami (亜海)ー. And〜, about a date with boyfriend, what kind of feeling do you have?」
Three girls sitting on the tables nearby, the gyaru with loose brown hair asks Aizawa with a doubtful tone.
Sitting at her seat, Aizawa strokes her hair while feeling embarra.s.sed.
「A-ano…..Then, I will talk about my first date because it’s special」
「Oh, that’s good〜.So what happened?」
「Ano. Well, about the boyfriend on the date, it was also his first date. Therefore, he wasn’t able to escort me well…. To be honest, it was terrible from the beginning to the end….A, ahaha」
Well, it’s true…..
Shinonome pointed out various things and with them, saying something like 「was escorted properly」 is impossible……
「Huh? What, what do you mean? Tell us more details」
The brown-haired gyaru, in an instant, seemed to think it’s just fabrication, possible to see through, but upon hearing unexpected contents, she was drawn into it.
「Un, to be specific,  when walking, he walked quickly on his own pace; in the restaurant, he dropped the parfait on my clothes, to make things worse he knocked the water gla.s.s and made my skirt and underwear wet……Then we ended up buying my underwear together…..Finally, I bought what he recommended, though I liked something else….」
Uoooooooo! Hearing their conversation, I just want to hit myself!
Aizawa recalls what happened while talking, she seems to feel sad as her face becomes gloomy.
「And in the end, the worst thing is…..While i was changing in the dressing room, he entered….and suddenly touched m-my b.r.e.a.s.t.s….」
「B-b-b-b.r.e.a.s.t.s……!? W-Who is that guy? He’s the worst!」
「U, un…..he was really the worst」
Upon hearing the words, I realize.
As expected, there is no way those last words she said yesterday were true.
With this, my literature club’s situation remains hopeless, I must start looking for 2 members soon.
When I am about to give up on the survival of the club,
Aizawa’s white cheeks turns bright red.
It is the same expression she showed when we parted yesterday.
「Although he was a clumsy and extremely insensible person, when I was in danger, he wholeheartedly came to help…..eto, at that time, he was very cool」
Her words, I understand it’s not a lie by intuition.
Because, just when she finishes talking, her face becomes redder than before, she doesn’t seem to be acting.
「What? Such a loser, but just because of that…..you fall in love?」
Surprised, the brown-haired gyaru asks.
At that time, Aizawa’s face has returned to normal [2]
「Ahaha, yeah.But, my heart kept throbbing until the date was over, I couldn’t calm down until the next day」
I see.
I think I understand why Aizawa remained silent until we parted yesterday.
It’s good.
At least, she somehow recognized my acting as her fake boyfriend.
「Hmm, to think Manamana dated such a guy, surely unexpectedーBut〜, though it’s a real story, something is bugging me」
「M-Maa! You guys asked me! So at least have some trust toward me!」
「Hahaha. I’m kidding〜. I believe, so don’t get angry, Manamana〜」
After their conversation ended, I breathe a sigh of relief.
「Ufufufu. With the development, normally the request is considered a failure, but because the other party is Aizawa, the result is somewhat sufficient. You should be thankful」
「Your point is true, no objection」
But then, I remember who gave me the resolution to face the delinquents, and stare at the black-haired beauty standing in front of me.
「Shinonome, thank you for yesterday. If it had not been for your words, I would have failed. Therefore, just once, thank you」
Shinonome might be a b.i.t.c.h, but this time she gave me appropriate advices, also helped Aizawa without mixing public and private matters.
Therefore I respect her and thanks with a smile.
「……Training part 1, completed」
「Hai? Come again?」
「The first part of your training is completed, you livestock」
Somehow, Shinonome’s cheeks become bright red, she smiles like a tactician and her beautiful raven-black hair flutter.
「My ultimate goal is to make you mine. So accompany to the request is simply a pretense, in order to make you become obedient, I just give you food. The result is, I understand enough just from looking at your smiling face just now. Ufufu」
Who? Who said that this one didn’t mix public and private matters!?
Rather, she’s full of desire, isn’t it!?
「Ha…..believe in a b.i.t.c.h even just for a bit, kuso!」
But, if her true intention is to give me food, it will be pointless if I don’t eat, right…..?
「I can become your supporter anytime. At least, until I success in making you mine, I will treat you kindly」
「Shinonome, you are truly a troublesome woman, you know…..」
As expected, beautiful girls are just a bunch of b.i.t.c.hes.
Also, she’s the neat-type b.i.t.c.h, holding the position as one of the two great b.i.t.c.hes.
My current situation is the worst, having no choice but to survive the remaining high school life in anxiety.
Moreover, in this cla.s.s, there is the l.u.s.tful b.i.t.c.h, who is the other wing of two great b.i.t.c.hes.
Wait, my suspicions about Aizawa being a l.u.s.tful woman was cleared.
…..Hmm? Wait.
Aizawa family is a fatherless one, and the finances is tight.
So, about the brand-name products she wears and replaces frequently, how can she explain it?

After school, I leave the cla.s.sroom and head toward the clubroom.
After homeroom, I ran to the toilet and when I returned, Aizawa had already left.
Did she go home, by any chance?
Walking on the bridge connecting the school buildings, I suddenly become anxious.
Shinonome said that regular members must partic.i.p.ate in club activities frequently.
Today, surely she will come to monitor, so I will feel slightly uneasy if Aizawa is not there.
But, strangely I’m not worried.
Yesterday, I realized that Aizawa is not the kind of girl who would betray my expectation.
And, she isn’t like any beautiful girls I have met so far.
When asking for another person’s favor, she didn’t look with upturned eyes but instead, lowered her head and asked properly.
Being smart despite her appearance, being unexpectedly caring in spite of the extravagant image, when i fell down she nursed me devotedly.
As for her being an amorous woman, it doesn’t look so, being a prost.i.tution is even more unlikely.

I stop in front of the clubroom door.
A prost.i.tution, is she really not……?
What am I suspecting?
Aizawa is a pure and nice girl, she won’t lie.
Her eyes became teary when I touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in the dressing room, she wasn’t angry even when I did terrible things like splashing water on her.
A b.i.t.c.h would absolutely show her true personality there.
Moreover, Aizawa is an angel who joined the club for my sake.
So I should, at least, believe her.
However, the matter of those brand-name products disturb me…..
「……Look like I have no choice but to ask the person herself」
*gokuri* I make up my mind and open the door (gulping)
「A, you are late, Ikuno!」
Looking at the scene outside from a window, Aizawa looks back with a cheerful smile.
「A, Aizawa…..You came」
「Ha? It’s obvious. I did tell you yesterday, didn’t I?……ara, what’s wrong?」
Aizawa comes before my eyes and looks at my face while asking. [3]
I can smell Aizawa’s girlish fragrant, today her chest opens as the b.u.t.ton is not fastened and the valley which seems to be shaking is in full view.
「N-No, nothing is wrong particularly…..eto, I want to hear something from you」
「Eh, hear something from me? You seem to be bothered, what’s it?」
Aizawa becomes excited.
I look at the small, elaborate accessory on her arm.
According to the remarks of the girls in the cla.s.s yesterday, it seems to be a famous brand.
「Aizawa, are you really not a prost.i.tution?」
Being asked such a straight question, Aizawa’s face immediately reddens and her eyebrows raise.
「I-It’s obvious! Such a thing like using your body to get money…….How can I do that to the body given by mother.」
Declaring so, Aizawa continues talking.
「Besides, prost.i.tuting and such, I was overstretching myself in front of my friends…..」
「Un, I’m sure that you will say so. I want to believe you…..But those brand goods, you frequently change them, don’t you? Aizawa is in a fatherless family, I don’t understand how can you get money for them」
「I-It is….」
Aizawa says so, and falls silent for a while.
「I, work part-time」
「Part-time? Ano, what kind of job?」
「It is……eto, saying it is embarra.s.sing……」
Looking really embarra.s.sed, Aizawa blushes while fidgeting.
Hmm, this is obviously suspicious…….
But, it seems to be surely impossible for Aizawa to get money using her body.
However, she should be able to say if it’s not an ashamed job……..
Then, the blushing Aizawa suddenly glares at me.
「I-Ikuno-kun! You don’t trust me, do you!?」
A, this scene.
Normally, a b.i.t.c.h will always use their teary, upturned eyes in this scene.
But, Aizawa stares at me with a strong gaze.
That’s why, I don’t think she’s a l.u.s.tful b.i.t.c.h.
「Ha……Understand, I understand.
Don’t stare at me with such scary eyes」
Being overwhelmed, I steps back slightly.
It’s natural to get angry.
After all, yesterday everything was clear after the conversation with her.
So I should leave this behind. [4]
Suddenly Aizawa bursts into laughter, leans forward unpleasantly as her slim arms are holding her stomach.
Thanks to that, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are shaking even more.
「Are…..D-Did I say something funny?」
「B-Because! Yesterday, Ikuno protected me from the strong delinquents…..but you become nervous in front of a weak person like me.
It is really funny」
Aizawa continues to laugh for a while, wipes her tears and turns toward me.
「Fuu, gomen gomen. But, truly, thank you for yesterday. At that time, Ikuno was really cool」
Being praised, my face immediately becomes hot.
「L-Leaving that aside, Aizawa, I’m sorry. Sorry for doubting you….」
「About that, I don’t mind. After all, It was because of my lies」
…..After all, Aizawa is not someone who would betray my expectation.
I don’t know what kind of part-time job Aizawa did.
But I can say with confidence that she’s not a l.u.s.tful b.i.t.c.h.
「Starting from today, please treat me well, Ikuno! A, are you this club’s president?」
「Don’t worry about minor details. Me too, thank you for joining the club, Aizawa」
Nevertheless, she’s a beautiful girl.
Her personality is good, she’s extremely pure and hard-working, it’s simply perfect.
I can say she’s the extraordinary b.i.t.c.h, the superior b.i.t.c.h in Two great b.i.t.c.hes….[5]
I think she would be referred as 『The blond beautiful girl who is actually pure』, but such girls don’t exist in reality.
Besides, I have never seen such a beautiful girl like Aizawa up to now.
Therefore, I decide to call the girl who is laughing brightly: Unknown b.i.t.c.h (temporary).

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