Translated by Amaryllideae, edited by Ahzinal

When Ren Zhouyuan heard the words of Fan Wenfeng, the back of his head began to buzz like his brain had crashed. After two seconds, he reacted to what he said.

The hand that grasped the phone was all white, but Ren Zhouyuan forced himself to calm down. Fan Wenfeng said a few more words on the other end of the phone, but Ren Zhouyuan was so shocked by the phrase “An An had an accident” that he was not able to take in any of Fan Wenfeng"s words.

He numbly ended the phone call then walked into the conference room to explain the situation to everyone. After hearing about his son"s accident, they quickly let him go. The information provided by Ren Zhouyuan was very useful. They had already found a solution to the problem and didn"t necessarily need Ren Zhouyuan to stay.

All the way during Ren Zhouyuan"s taxi ride to Vichy, he thought about Fan Wenfeng"s words. He wanted to call Fan Wenfeng to ask about the situation again, but he was afraid that it would delay things on their side, so he could only endure till he arrived.

He thought about hundreds of possibilities in his heart. Did An An get injured, or has An An"s ident.i.ty finally been discovered?

In the mind of Ren Zhouyuan, there were many horrible pictures flashing through. The more he thought about it, the more terrible it was. His brain was full of scenes where An An is falling amidst a pool of blood.

He shook his head and tried to force himself to not think too much about anything, but after a while, he started thinking about something else. This time, he thought about An An being surrounded by a group of people criticizing him. Even Leonid appeared there. The eyes looking at An An were like they were examining a different species, while poor An An was curled up in a corner. Exactly like what Ren Zhouyuan had seen when he was with the archaeological team in the past, covering his ears while shivering.

Ren Zhouyuan thought of many horrible things all along the way, cold sweating the entire trip, so, when he finally arrived at Vichy, his whole back was drenched with sweat. After getting off the car, his feet did not listen to him at all. It was as if he was wearing hot wheels on his feet aiming straight to the cla.s.sroom.

[The "hot wheels" are referencing this kid called Nezha from Chinese mythology who rode on wheels of fire I think.]

[Editor: lol I thought he meant the car toys hot wheels xD]

Today is so the cla.s.srooms were bustling as usual. Students in each room were still attending their, seeming like they were not affected by the "accident". The exhibition area in the center of the whole stadium was crowded with people due to the compet.i.tion. When Ren Zhouyuan got there, there was a hubbub with no sign of any incident having taken place.

Ren Zhouyuan walked around inside but did not see Fan Wenfeng or An An"s figure. He took his phone and dialed Fan Wenfeng. According to his instructions, he found the medical room located in the innermost part of the building.

After Ren Zhouyuan breathlessly arrived there, he did not see An An lying in a pool of blood, nor did he see An An shivering while being surrounded by a group of people. Only a doctor wearing a white coat was helping An An to apply medicine. A girl, who looked like a nurse, and Fan Wenfeng squatted next to An An to chat with him, and behind Fan Wenfeng stood four people, both foreigners and Chinese, all watching the doctor give medicine.

“Dad!” An An was the first to see Ren Zhouyuan and shouted at him. Then the eight people in the small medical room, sixteen pairs of eyes in total, looked over.

Ren Zhouyuan was experiencing this kind of attention for the second time today, yet it was quite a bit strange for him. He went to Fan Wenfeng"s side and also kneeled like him. He saw that a big part of An An"s arm was burned; his heart was immediately seized by pain.

“What happened?” Ren Zhouyuan asked with a frown.

“Sorry, I did not watch An An properly,” Fan Wenfeng said guiltily: “When they went to the third segment of the compet.i.tion, they needed to use the 3D printing pens to draw the specified things. This task was originally supposed to be completed under parent supervision, but I wasn"t careful enough and An An was burnt.”

“h.e.l.lo, are you the parent of An An?” A Chinese man standing behind said suddenly: “I am the course director of Vichy, my surname is Xie.”

Notes: Omg noooooooo poor An An ;-;

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