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Chapter 22: Crisis

Seeing that figure, a sense of fear developed in wolf’s heart. Wolf who reached cultivator level 7 had not felt this fear in a long time, and he unexpectedly broke out into a cold sweat.

It was it!

After locking onto the zombie horde, Wolf could recognise it’s appearance clearly. It really was the cla.s.s four zombie that led the zombie horde a year ago.

It was it, the one that led many zombies to occupy the base, almost causing the base to fall to the zombies.

It was it, the one that dealt a severe wound to Wolf. Had it not been for his recovery time, Wolf would have been able to achieve cultivator level 8.

It was it, the zombie that broke through the city wall of Zhan Lang base, causing many ordinary zombie to enter the base, infecting many people. Which caused the base to use up three months to get rid of the corpses entirely. However the number of people in Zhan Lang base had been reduced by half from the original number of 100,000 people.

The scene replayed before Wolf’s eyes, and the view of that zombie horde came clearly into view.

At that zombie horde, Zhan Lang base suffered serious losses. At the end they lost four level 6 cultivators, and Wolf also suffered a severe wound in order to repel this cla.s.s four zombie. Wolf did not think that, one year after that, that this cla.s.s four zombie would once again organise a zombie horde to attack Zhan Lang base.

Revenge? Or coincidence. Wolf did not know, he only remembered the scene of him fighting this cla.s.s four zombie, and now he had a lingering fear.

This cla.s.s four zombie was a female zombie. After turning, this cla.s.s four zombie’s arm became like that of a praying mantis, sharp and matchless. Even its speed was extremely fast, even Wolf was ashamed of his inferiority. The number of cultivators that died at the hands of this cla.s.s four zombie during the previous zombie horde was about 50-60, it was obvious that the cla.s.s four zombie was very powerful.

At this moment after the cla.s.s four zombie saw the cultivators strike down the two cla.s.s three zombies, it immediately rushed towards them at an incredible speed, and arrived in front of them in a flash.

Seeing the appearance of the cla.s.s four zombie and its two strong and sharp sickles, the cultivators that experienced the zombie horde one year ago immediately turned cold, and without a word hurriedly withdrew to the base. These cultivators ran as fast as they could, leaving behind the ten or more helpless new cultivators.

Without even waiting for the cultivators to respond, the cla.s.s four zombie moved. Its sharp sickles moved toward the necks of two people in front, and in one stroke their heads flew off, and blood spewed everywhere like a waterfall.

The zombies in the zombie horde behind this cla.s.s four zombie, saw the blood and became excited, and marched even quicker towards Zhan Lang base.

The other ten cultivators saw the cla.s.s four zombie’s speed, not knowing that they had met with a high cla.s.s zombie. After realising that they could no longer escape, they could only go all out on the cla.s.s four zombie.

However reality was cruel. This cultivators had not even gone over level 5, and had to group together to deal with a cla.s.s three zombie. When faced with a cla.s.s four zombie, it was equivalent of that to a baby to an adult, and they collapsed on the first blow.

The cultivators weapons chopped the cla.s.s four zombie’s body, however it did not even bother to dodge them. It let them chop into it, it was obvious that the cla.s.s four zombie’s was very st.u.r.dy. Even if the cultivators relied on their strength, they still could not hurt it.

The cla.s.s four zombie did not stop swinging around its sickle arms, continuously taking the lives of the cultivators. One by one the cultivators fell under the sickles of the cla.s.s four zombie.

“Prepare the magnetic energy missile, take aim at that cla.s.s four zombie. ”

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Wolf picked up the intercom and muttered this.

When the base sent out a search party around mid year, they found a medium sized weapon cache. Besides the conventional weapons, they also found a magnetic energy missile launching system, and three magnetic energy missiles.

The lethal range of the magnetic energy missile was only 60 meters, however its might was considerable. He originally wanted to keep it as a deterrent, however at this moment Wolf did not think much of it.

“But what about those several people?”

The level 6 cultivator beside Wolf heard his orders, and frowned as he asked him.

On the battlefield there were still four cultivators, all of which were level 4. Although their strength was not high, they were still considered part of the strength of the base. Zhan Lang base altogether had more than a hundred cultivators, this was its full strength. It a few dozen died, it did not do much to the base’s strength.

Tian Qi city has a population of about five million, which was distributed into more than a 100 small and large bases. Zhan Lang base had 500 thousand people, and was considered a medium to small sized base in Tian Qi city. If not for the zombie horde one year ago, the original number of one hundred thousand people in Zhan Lang base would have made it a medium base.

Between the bases during search expeditions, there is some inevitable friction, and annexation of other bases is something that often occurs. The three magnetic energy missiles were used to deter other bases from attacking, each and every one of them was part of Wolf.

But cultivators were too, the most formidable in the base were the cultivators, the quant.i.ty of cultivators and levels decided the strength of a base. Therefore a base simply could not lose cultivators, even if they were low leveled cultivators.

“They…I’m afraid the missile still has to be launched. Fire the missile!”

Looking at the four level 4 cultivators on the battlefield, Wolf let out a sigh. Seeing those few cultivators escaping back to the base gates, Wolf’s heart was somewhat eased.

But could they live even if they tried to escape? Wolf was not sure.


At this time, another base from 50 kilometers away was brightly illuminated. The most center of the base was a giant courtyard, and in the courtyard there were numerous fully-armed guards on duty. In the courtyard there were a splendid villa, and the crystal windows and doors displayed the wealth of the owner.

“We have received good news, the zombie horde has appeared outside Zhan Lang base. It is said there is a large number of zombies, and possibly a cla.s.s four zombie. ”

On the sofa in the villa hall, there were five people sitting in a circle. In the middle the tea table was made of crystal, it was very clear and attractive. On one side of the tea table, a 40 year old man wearing a black coat said this.

“What elder brother said is true. Our people there had spread the news to us through the apocalypse watch. This zombie horde is bigger than the one Zhan Lang base faced one year ago, it is said that there is about 100 thousand zombies. Now my people there had withdrawn from there, and on the way back. Brother, do we want to take this opportunity to completely swallow Zhan Lang base?”

At the other side of the table, a 30 year old man listened to his words, and replied.

“I agree with fourth brother, my five mistresses detest the disgusting deeds of Wolf, if we take advantage of this opportunity and take him down, it would be good. ”

Speaking was a 30 year old man. His appearance was delicate, his looks charming and his words were light. Being a male yet claiming to be five mistresses, seeing him dressed in a blue Chinese-style gown with small broken flowers, he gently put down the orchid, and used his slender figures to pick up a tea cup, and took a sip.

That movement met with grins from the other four people on the sofa, however it was not with good intentions, as they tried to suppress the overwhelming disgust that rose up in their stomach.

“I have not thought about annexing Zhan Lang base, however I have wanted to do so from a long time ago. ”

The one who they referred to as elder brother was 50 years old, his stature was generous. However the look in his eyes was very sharp, one look and it was obvious that he was not a simple person.

“Our base had about 100 thousand people. In Tian Qi city we are considered a medium base. In accordance with the zombie horde last year, Zhan Lang base is now nothing but a thin camel, and can no longer be regarded as a medium base. However we are not the only ones looking at him as a piece of fat. The other surrounding bases are also eyeing him. ”

“Although we are far away from Zhan Lang base, we have the superiority in geography, moreover we have 300 cultivators. Whether or not there are more people of if they’re higher leveled, it should still be easy for them. ”

“However I got news half a year ago, that Zhan Lang base had discovered a medium sized weapon cache. ”

Saying to here, the middle-aged man looked around at the several other people, and continued speaking.

“Other weapons are not important, the ordinary weapons are not much of a threat to our level 7 cultivators. However they found three magnetic energy missiles inside. This is something that threatens our safety. This is why I am reluctant to use force against Zhan Lang base. Furthermore, since we are on the topic, I have decided to tell you this. ”

The several people listened to the middle-aged man, and kept silent. When a cultivator achieves a certain level, the st.u.r.diness of their body is also elevated, greater than that of an ordinary person’s. The lethality of common firearms to cultivators were limited, however some formidable weapons were still quite a threat to a cultivator.

“This time the zombie horde that Zhan Lang base has encountered is extremely formidable. ”

Seeing how no one opened their mouth, the handsome man claiming to be five mistresses put down his cup, and said this.

“So many zombies, Zhan Lang base would definitely have to use many arms and ammunition. Furthermore the cultivators in Zhan Lang base should also be dealt a heavy blow.

Moreover it is also said that this zombie horde may have cla.s.s four zombies. If they encountered a cla.s.s four zombie, Zhan Lang base would definitely have trouble fighting.

Previously Zhan Lang base almost fell to the cla.s.s four zombie in the previous zombie horde, it is also said that Wolf was severely injured, and had only just recovered.

This time they encountered a cla.s.s four zombie again, Wolf would definitely not be recklessly, and perhaps may use several missiles. That is why we should not act rashly first. We should first send scouts, if Zhan Lang base is really using those missiles to threaten us, we will make the final conclusion. ”

After the five mistresses said that in such a relaxed manner, the people on the sofa gave charming smiles, however they were very afraid.


The explosive radius of the missile was only a few dozen meters, and was not a threat to the people on the wall.

At the order of Wolf, after several seconds, a flame erupted from the base center.

The missile rapidly flew toward the base gates, directly at the four cultivators who were just killed, and the cla.s.s four zombie which was 100 meters from the gates of Zhan Lang base.

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