1.Ordering Tanks

Where am I? Who am I?

I opened my eyes I clearly wasn’t aware of my surroundings.

Looking up I saw a gorgeous ceiling with a crest featuring a lion, it gave a familiar yet strange sensation.

I lay on the bed, beside a thick book.

What is this book? I tried to open it.

“Your Majesty! His Majesty is waking up!”

“Your Highness”

I got up from the bed while looking in the direction of the voice.

And there was a young maid looking at me her face looked surprised as h.e.l.l.

Someone! – anyone come here!. His Majesty is waking up! 」

Maid dashed out of the room while calling people.

The rooms are extremely luxurious, some were large enough for sport centers.

After a while, sounds of hurried footsteps resounded.

A Female knight wearing an armor jumped in the room.

Hip long hair, a sword hanging at her waist, a nice armor with an emblem with a lion identical to the one  I was and looking up at a little while ago.

“Your Majesty!”

“ah ,Ahh”

“You  woke up! Thank goodness! I was so worried about you!“

The female knight threw her arms around me.

Even with the armor, place to place it feels soft and smells nice.

“It’s just a little painful,”

“Ha ha, Your Majesty! I was rude”

Female knight released me in a hurry.

“It’s just His Majesty woke up and I was so happy.”

“Ha. By the way,”


“You…… Who are you?”

An Awkward sound was heard.

It sounded like her frozen facial expressions were going to crack

“Please, you must be joking your Majesty. It’s not funny! “

“No it’s not a joke. In the first place, where am I? Who am I??”

As I spoke, the female knight’s expression looked more and more hardened.

“This is Bradfield Kingdom’s capital city, Royal castle of His Majesty. His Majesty is the seventh generation king, Souma Bradfield
” Ha “

“And I am the Ailey Phrase. A knight of His Majesty.

“I see”

Female knight—Ailey she tried to explain, but somehow its gets less and less convincing.

“…… You really don’t remember anything?”

“Oh, absolutely no,”

“Anything ,even a little bit”


Folding my arms I closed my eyes while trying to remember Umm~

Instantly my ears started to ring and I felt my head would split.


“Your Highness!!”

 “Pokémon GO …. train…. Getting on…., head.. “

Words whose meaning I do not know came to my mind.

“Someone! Call a doctor, hurry!!”

“It’s okay now, the headache has been subsided already”

I spoke in a weak feeble tone

 As soon as I stopped exploring my memory, headaches stopped miraculously.

“It’s all right now.”


“Yeah, really”

“Good… However, his Majesty’s memory loss”

“That is troubling”

“You just have amnesia, but I am not sure I don’t know anything.”

Well that’s not right I am not even sure what my name is

“I wish…, well for starters how did I lose my memory?”

“Answering his majesties question, his majesty brilliantly led the soldiers himself, but out of nowhere a stay stone hit his majesty on his temple.”

“I see a head shot?.. , wait led the soldiers?”


“I don’t remember anything explain it properly from scratch.”

“I understand,”

Ailey donned on a straight face, staring at me, began the explanation.

“Our nation, Bradfield Kingdom is in the center of the continent, it is the smallest country land-area wise, But five years ago, thanks to the oil that was excavated from the mines our finances increased and we are now the most prosperous country on the continent.”

“Oh “

“Aiming at us, our neighboring country Kelton  invaded our country their goal is to annex our nations land, mines that are the only producer of oil and is in our countries hands. To counter them his majesty led the soldiers to go out and… but.”{Tl note: USA! USA!)

From her face it looked difficult for her to continue

“And the stone struck my head,” I said

“Yes ……”

I rubbed my head, there was no more pain

“You have been sleeping for three days,”

Said Ailey, guessing the meaning of my action.

“I see,”

Suddenly the door in the room opened, a soldier hurriedly flew in , almost rolling.

“What is it?”

“Kelton is, Kelton has now resumed the invasion.”

“What did you say?”

“Front line is being devastated, they will soon surge towards the royal castle,”

“Ei! Those good for nothing useless mercenaries!”

“Mercenary ? “

“Yes! Since we have money but,  there no decent army in our country. We hired a large number of mercenaries is… “

“They deserted ?…

“. At this rate,  our… “


“Little by little, Under our benevolent Majesties rule, our country became the happiest county in our whole history.”

“I’m benevolent ruler?”

“Yes, we were going to  be exempt from all taxes from next year as part of next phase in the three years reform.  It was going to be the first instance of such in our nation history. And it was decided by his Majesty”(Tl note: North Korea is the best Korea)

I stared at the Ailey.

She had a look of attention and respect.

It quickly turned to disappointment.

“Regretful ……”

It is really mortified, Ailey.

I don’t know myself how to console Ailey.

I thought at that instance – sudden headache.


“Wha, what Your Majesty,”

“Headache seems …… it feels like my head is cracking,”

“Doctor, call the doctor!

A voice sounded in my head.

“1176 page? Weapons?”

See what I’m talking about what your Majesty?

“This thing?”

While holding back my headache, I opened a thick book that I noticed when I wake up.

According to the voice heard in my head, it opens the 1176 page.

In there, there was a box of iron, which was written as a “tank”.

“This is ……”

“Your Majesty, are okay your Majesty.”

Ailey was getting worried

“Ailey, do we have gold?”

“We do, ……”

“Perfect, pile it here amounting to 1 billion yen

 “Ova.., one billion?”

Three mansions could be easily brought in that amount of money

 “Yes, I, know! Hey! “

Ailey called soldier, and went out.

Between soldiers and servants piles of gold quickly heaped in the room”

“Will this do, your Majesty?

“…… Oh”

I Nodded.

The conner of the open tank page was darkened.

Taking a deep breath I press there

Then -.

“Gold -? Its disappearing!!”

Ailey exclaimed with surprise.

Stacked gold faded away and disappeared, instead in the book “Tank” has appeared.

“With this…… We can fight”

 For some reason, I could say it with confidence.

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