2. Ordering Machine Guns

Standing atop of the walls we saw the tank move out.

Tank rolled out of  the castle, going towards the large army approaching from the other side of the horizon.

“Will it be Okay?”


“But I’m taking about the advance party’s report that states that  enemy forces are 2,000 men strong. Will it really be all right? “

Ailey standing beside me spoke anxiously

We have roughly counted the number of enemy forces approaching.

On the other hand there is just one tank.

It’s 2000vs1.

Soldiers aboard the tank begin their attack.

The tank comes together with an instruction manual on how to a.s.semble and operate it.

“Oh, they are shooting arrows!”

Ailey raised her voice.

The enemy forces and the tank faced each other, and arrow rained down from above.

“Repel them”

“Amazing… look that box of iron is completely impervious to the arrows”


ROoaaAR!!!, I involuntary blocked my ears.

The barrel of the tank was spewing out fire.

The artillery fire launched by the tank exploded right in the middles of enemy soldiers.

“Sugoi!! .Just one shot and  the ma.s.s of iron flew so far,”

Ailey said excitedly.

The tank begins to shoot one after another at every nuisance in its line of sight.

Booom!! ka-boom!!. Blows landed blowing up the enemy’s men.

Tank was ploughing through the enemy, it was matchless.

“Awesome, awesome your majesty”

“Wait, the enemy has begun to retaliate.”

“That’s true. Their siege is split into two groups.”


The Tank is strong.

Be it moving through the enemy like an arrow or blowing up dozens and dozens of people.

However there is only one tank while the Enemy forces are slightly decreased, but it’s still close to 2000.

“Ah! Dammit! 」


“What should we do now your Majesty?”


“Wait a minute”

I was thinking a little while ago, It’s a thick book I should find and open  the catalog.

Opening the tank’s page, flipping pages, I checked various types of weapons that on the nearing pages.

Among them, every one of them is strikingly attractive.

“Ailey, bring 200 million worth’s gold,”

“200 million…..its one-fifth of the earlier!  Understand! 」

Ailey panicked and ran away, after a while servants came carrying the gold.

“Your Majesty!”

“Wait a second”

I pressed the shiny part of the catalog.

The same phenomenon as a little while ago occurred again.

200 million worth’s gold quickly disappeared, instead something appeared there.

Lumps of shiny black iron.

“What is this your Majesty? 」

“It’s a machine gun, after fiddling with it for little bit  ……….maybe this”

Taking a machine gun, I pointed its muzzle forward and pressed the trigger.

“Wo! oh oh”

I involuntarily screamed.

Terrible ROAR and tremendous recoil followed.

And, it discharged a tremendous number of bullets.

All the bullet were driven into the walls.

With an intensive force block of stone were blown away.

“Wow! It is like a bow and arrow.

“And it can be used on and flesh and blood. Ailey, I am entrusting this to you. So go and destroy the enemy.”


Ailey nodded.

“The royal guards have arrived!”

Shortly after, women wearing the same armor as Ailey appeared.

Apparently all the guards have deep respect for Ailey.

Ailey gets a pair of machine guns and started shooting just like I showed her before.

Lead bullets in large quant.i.ties blew up the corner of the wall.

“” “Oh!!!!! ”””

Everyone cheered.


Every royal guard got a machine gun, and then they begin their sortie.

Standing on top of the wall, I saw them off.

The guards came in contact with the enemy soldiers, and unilaterally shot them from afar, mowing them down

They first rescued the tank, and began marching along the tank.

100 guard equipped with machine guns along with a tank, overran the enemy forces 20 times their size.

Seeing the remaining enemy soldiers run, servants atop the wall cheered with joy.

Everything?…. I wish to have everything here.

I flipped thought the catalog to see if there was anything I could really buy.

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