Parochial inquisitions, 178

Parsons at Gretna Green, 229-232

Peebles bells, 38

Perth bells, 39, 43

Pews, introduction of, 140

Pilgrimages to saints" wells, 60-62

Pillory, 116, 124, 125

Poor travellers" hospital, 54

Prayer-book, introduction of the, 100 ---- objection to, 255

Precentor, 88, 104

Press guarded, 122

Priest pelted at the Cross, 13

Private baptism, 198-202

Proclamations published at crosses, 12

Psalmody, 100, 101, 102

Public Penance, 111

Public worship in olden times, 86-97

Ransoms for sailors, 156

Reader, 87

Rees, Rev. R. Wilkins. Curiosities of Church Finance, 130-161 ---- Witchcraft and the kirk, 162-193

Reformation, 1

Registers of baptisms, 201, 206, 208

Registers of deaths, 249

Riddle-turning, 124

Riding the marches, 16

Repentance stool, 111, 158

Roslin, Lord, funeral of, 253

Royal edicts proclaimed from crosses, 16

Ruthwell Cross, 26

Sabbath-breaking, 136

Saints and holy wells, 46-63

Scandals and marriage, 217-218

Schoolmasters, 152

Scots money, 133

Scotchmen warned not to follow James VI. to England, 17

Sculptured tombstones, 23

Seal of Holyrood Abbey, 32

Sharp, Archbishop,, 173

Silver in bells, 41

Singing hymns, objections to, 92

Slanderers punished, 125

Solemn League of the Covenant, 261

Spurious money at collections, 146

Stirling, penance at, 196

Story of a stool, 255-259

St. Andrew"s Cathedral, 66

St. Andrew"s Well, 56

St. Bernard"s Well, 53

St. Catherine"s Well, 52

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