
Chapter 113

Chapter 3 - A Tumultuous OpeningPart 1Florence was once known as the city of flowers.It was currently the capital of the Tuscany region. During the medievalperiod, the Medici family ruled the city and led to its development into aleading center of the Renaissance."There are quite a few tourist attractions. The must-see sights includespalaces, churches, cathedrals, the Ponte Vecchio bridge over the Arno,and the Piazzale Michelangelo square overlooking the entire city..."Watching Erica introduce the city like a tour guide, Liliana chimed in."Speaking of must-see, visiting the museums is also a good idea. You getto admire the works of great masters in history such as Leonardo da Vinciand Michelangelo.""But I basically have no chance of seeing all this. Even though it"s mysecond time here."As the two girls introduced the sights fluently, G.o.dou muttered softly tohimself.Everyone was currently sitting in the back seats of a black limousine.The plane had arrived in Florence the previous night. After spending thenight in the city, this car came to receive them in front of the hotel at noonthe next day. Everything was arranged by the hosts.The car was currently speeding its way across the Florentine countryside.The destination was supposed to be one hour east of Florence.Although G.o.dou could have chosen to find some free time to gosightseeing, he decided against it in the end. It was impossible to predictwhat would happen next, so it would be prudent to conserve his energy.He also worried whether Yuri might collapse from exhaustion.The limo"s back seats were oriented opposite each other, so everyone wassitting face to face."When it"s time to go home, I really hope to go sightseeing for a day or so.""That"s probably wishful thinking."Seishuuin Ena was the one who interrupted G.o.dou"s mutterings.After the trip to Malaysia, this was another overseas expedition.Consequently, Ena was dressed casually instead of her usual uniform. Herattire consisted of a checkered shirt, a black flounced skirt and leggings."After all, Your Majesty is going to cause another major incident on thisjourney. A trip with time to spare is definitely not gonna happen!""The future is not set, don"t go a.s.serting so strongly, Seishuuin...""Although what"s gonna happen is unknown, don"t forget that Italy"s king isover there as well. Things cannot possibly end well."Casually ignoring G.o.dou"s displeased protests, the Hime-Miko of theSword smiled as she spoke.Even Liliana and Erica nodded in agreement."Indeed. When two Campiones meet up, something will definitely happen.""Her Eminence Luo Hao and G.o.dou. Prince Alec and G.o.dou. Allencounters so far have followed the same mold. What remains are only thequestions of whether G.o.dou"s presence spells fortune or disaster and whois going to be affected.""W-Wait a minute. I came for the purpose of monitoring that guy Doni,okay!"Feeling compelled to object to the girls" preconceptions, G.o.dou interrupted.Having said nothing so far, Mariya Yuri cast him a glance as though shewanted to say something."What is it, Mariya?""Oh nothing. Of course, precautions against Sir Salvatore goes withoutsaying, but I believe that the saying, "to go for the wool and come backshorn," often applies to you, G.o.dou-san.""G-Going for the wool?""Yes. In terms of pouring fuel on the fires of conflict, your accomplishmentsare no inferior to Sir Salvatore in any way, G.o.dou-san."The graceful Hime-Miko expressed her opinion humbly."While taking up a monitoring role, G.o.dou-san, you may end up incitingnew commotions instead...""Mariya, you"re saying you believe in that possibility!?""Yes."Hearing her instantly answer in the affirmative, G.o.dou went "Gun" andcould not find words to answer.Furthermore, the other girls were nodding away vigorously in agreement!"Wait a minute! Saying that I"m equal to that guy or whatever, I definitelycannot believe that!""G.o.dou. Could you please review everything you"ve done so far and saythat again with a straight face?""Ah, uh..."He tried reviewing the past. Then G.o.dou amended part of his statement."Even so, it"s still not to the level of equals. At most maybe three quartersor so...""See, since there is 75%, it means you are confident that you have afighting chance of victory.""If you round it, the result is a similar number.""In terms of problematic behavior during everyday life, Sir Salvatore winshands down. But speaking of explosive power in the heat of the moment, Ifind Kusanagi G.o.dou to be superior instead... Hence, equals after all."Erica jumped on G.o.dou"s slip of the tongue and even Ena and Lilianafollowed suit."G.o.dou-san, please pay attention and try to prevent this from happening.We will do our best to help too..."Seeing as even Yuri, the most rational one, said this, G.o.dou could notmuster any protests.Dejectedly, he bowed his head.While they conversed, the car continued to make its way throughTuscany"s agricultural scenery.The surroundings were all endless plains and farmland with gently rollinghills scattered throughout.During springtime, the gra.s.s, leaves and budding shoots of greenery wouldbring a dash of vivid color to the lands. However, the current season waswinter. The land"s greenery was drab, mixed with the brown color of manydead leaves.Also, the peaks of the mountain range in the distance gradually enteredinto view.They had now entered the mountains. Then there was snow. The colorcovering the land switched from mottled green and brown of dead leavesto the pure whiteness of snow.After that, the car finished its hour-long journey.G.o.dou"s group had finally reached their destination, a st.u.r.dy castle builtfrom stone.This medieval castle had been converted into an old castle hotel. It wassupposedly rented to serve as the headquarters for the "divine beast hunt."In the silvery world around the hotel, a great amount of snow hadacc.u.mulated.Although the place was definitely not a land of snow, there had just beensnowfall on the day before. On the other hand, today"s weather was brightand sunny. The dazzling blue sky stretched endlessly above."Hey G.o.dou.""It"s been a while."The two Devil Kings were reunited in the lobby of the old castle hotel.However, everything that needed saying had already been covered in thephone call a few days ago.Doni laughed cheerfully while G.o.dou gave a simple greeting with a pokerface."Well, isn"t this truly delightful? If possible, I really want another duel withyou.""Yeah, keep saying that and you"ll find yourself in quite a fix."After this brief exchange, Doni headed over towards the corridor whileG.o.dou went to look for another acquaintance.The one he needed to talk to was not the "King of Swords" but theorganizer. Luckily, Andrea Rivera was present in the lobby andapproached G.o.dou as soon as he saw him."We have already sent out several knights. They are currently searchingfor the divine beast in question."Through a simple conversation, Rivera informed G.o.dou of the incident.It was said that whenever magi and knights were summoned in the nameof Salvatore Doni the leader of the Southern European world of magic, hisbutler, Rivera, managed these organizations on behalf of his irresponsiblemaster.Very likely, Rivera was the busiest person in the entire castle."Based on the reports so far, we can tell that the target is essentiallymild-mannered. However, its outbursts of violent aggression mean that wecannot leave it alone.""Violent aggression huh? That thing I fought last time seemed quite timid.""I have heard of it too. Perhaps because it became used to it — The feartowards a Campione, already carved deeply in the core of its being."In response to Rivera"s ominous news, G.o.dou posed a question."By the way, Doni seems to have some kind of motive behind this hunt, doyou happen to know about it?""It"s very unfortunate, but I do not know what that idi — my lord is thinking.He seems to be hiding something from me and secretly making plans... Butjust for the sake of caution, I already have surveillance arranged."Irreverence and insolence was packaged into serious and sincere words.Having displayed this amazing skill, Rivera took a light bow."Food and drinks have been prepared in the hall over there. Please makeyour way there and relax for now."He really must be quite busy. Rivera left as soon as he finished speaking.Nodding to his four companions, G.o.dou headed towards the locationindicated.The s.p.a.ce was once the castle"s great hall. A buffet was already prepared.Even though it was not even two in the afternoon, the tables were linedwith wine and beer.In any case, it was a buffet party.As the chair of the event, "the highest ranking person" was currentlystanding on stage."Uh, everyone. Thank you all for answering my summons here (rustling) I,Salvatore Doni, express my sincere thanks to everyone"s courage andspirit of sacrifice... (rustling)."On stage, Doni was openly reading out the contents of a piece of notebookpaper.He was still dressed casually in a long-sleeved, unb.u.t.toned shirt andcotton pants.The paper"s rustling was being amplified by the microphone."Although there are still many thanks I"d like to express... Let"s end themright here."Doni suddenly threw away the piece of paper and ended his speech."Etc etc. I hope everyone can enjoy their brief time here. That"s it!"Swiftly, he went off the stage and retreated into the depths.G.o.dou was marveling at the discovery that Doni was capable of deliveringspeeches, but seeing this, he understood. "Ah I see.""To think he dared do that so openly.""For the people present, I"m sure everyone is already used to this type ofbehavior from Sir Salvatore."G.o.dou turned his gaze towards "the people present" that Erica mentioned.Roughly twenty people were gathered in the great hall. Their age rangewas quite broad, covering people in the twenties up to their forties. All menwithout exception. These were reportedly the Great Knights who hadresponded to Doni"s summons.Most of them were wearing suits but a few were dressed casually injackets over t-shirts."Since this is a gathering of Italian knights, Ena originally expected peoplewith getups like matadors or that phantom of the op-something or other.How disappointing.""Do not confuse this with the Carnival of Venice, Seishuuin Ena. Besides,there is probably no need to get dressed up here.""Indeed... We are not much better ourselves."Looking at the attire of their own group, Yuri nodded.Yuri was wearing a black, silken one-piece dress, stylistically much moremature than her usual daily wear. Erica and Liliana were wearing blackleather pants along with the usual capes they used in battle.Ena had not changed. G.o.dou was also dressed in an ordinary shirt withjeans."Then I shall take my leave, G.o.dou, for I have preparations to make.""Yeah, thanks."G.o.dou nodded and Erica went through the crowd in the party.She was making her way to the great hall"s exit. However, she suddenlystopped because along the way, she ran into someone she knew. After abrief amiable exchange, she continued on her way."Her social circles really are quite broad."G.o.dou felt impressed but he also left his seat to call on an acquaintance.He was the magic a.s.sociation [Capital of Liliesj"s premier knight whomG.o.dou had met at the Roman Colosseum last time. G.o.dou had beengreeted by him earlier during their reunion in the great hall.This prompted the successive arrival of Great Knights greeting G.o.dou intheir first encounter.Naturally, this was not because of the name of Kusanagi G.o.dou but hisCampione t.i.tle. Once this wave of greetings subsided, someone not in asuit, a hotel attendant, came to G.o.dou"s side.His whispers informed G.o.dou that his companion was calling for him.Erica"s preparations were apparently ready.Taking his leave from the other girls, G.o.dou followed the attendant.He was led to a room inside the ancient castle.As soon as he entered the room, G.o.dou was welcomed by someone heknew."It has truly been quite a while, G.o.dou. I am very happy to see you again."For G.o.dou, this was the first greeting he received in this hotel that wasfilled with cordial affection.Reuniting after nine months, the man instantly walked over as soon as hesaw G.o.dou"s face and patted him on the shoulder."Or perhaps, in light of your recent leaps and bounds in growth, you mayfind this familiar tone of voice disrespectful? Should that be the case,please allow me to correct myself instantly.""No, this is good. More accurately, it"d be a great help if you keep thingsthis way."The one who elicited a wry smile from G.o.dou with a friendly teasing jokewas Paolo Blandelli, dressed in an impeccable suit. Being the busy man hewas, Paolo had made his late arrival only just now.Naturally, his niece Erica was present as well.This was the room she had reserved beforehand for G.o.dou and Paolo tohold a detailed discussion.There was also another person in the room, a woman whom G.o.dou did notrecognize. Her long black hair tied in a ponytail, she was a beautifulwoman with a lightly tanned complexion.She was apparently of Latin birth with a strong-minded spirit visible in hercountenance."A pleasure to meet you, Your Highness the seventh Campione."The Latin beauty spoke with a slightly husky voice and smiled fearlessly."My t.i.tle is much more famous than my real name. Everyone always callsme with that whatever "Raffaello" name. Let"s get along from now on.""This is the esteemed Saint Raffaello. She is one of the Templar Knightsholding the rank of Paladino."Erica added as a supplementary explanation."Sir Salvatore trained in swordsmanship under her in the past — She is hismaster.""Eh? That guy actually has a master?"G.o.dou was dumbfounded by this unexpected revelation.Part 2"Master whatever, it only lasted a month actually. The brat simplydisappeared on his own afterwards. He was already an incredible moronback then, but he"s risen to new heights now."Criticizing Doni harshly without reserve, Saint Raffaello conversed withG.o.dou with much bravado.She seemed to be a woman who was the polar opposite of serious.Saint Raffaello, Paolo, Erica and G.o.dou took seats around a table andbegan to discuss."I am the one who presumptuously invited Saint Raffaello here."Presumably planning on leading the conversation, Paolo opened thediscussion."This is because, excluding Sir Salvatore, she is Europe"s strongest knight.At the same time, she is also one of the rare few who knows MadameAisha.""Aisha? I recall something about her being one of my peers?""Yes. The Alexandrian G.o.dslayer. The Mysterious Queen of Caves.Renowned as the Eternal Beauty, Madame Aisha. Indeed, that"s the one."Erica swiftly explained to dispel G.o.dou"s confusion.Despite her eloquence, the Diavolo Rosso seemed to be taking only asupport role in this discussion. That was probably in deference to thestatus of her seniors, Saint Raffaello and her uncle."Regarding this incident, we of the [Copper Black Cross] have alsoundertaken investigations in many directions. For example, why is SirSalvatore so obsessed with this particular land?"Paolo resumed."In the end, one thing was made clear. During spring of last year, threemonths before you visited Tuscany, a woman resembling Madame Aishawas allegedly sighted in these lands.""So basically, the woman Doni is looking for is — ""Yes. He should be looking for Madame Aisha, no mistake about it."Hearing Paolo"s answer, G.o.dou tried to imagine.He tried to imagine what might be going through the mind of SalvatoreDoni."So basically, that idiot is hoping for the seeds of conflict to break out in aland where a divine beast and a Campione are lurking?""Fair enough. Perhaps the trick may have been discovered already."After making some kind of reference, Saint Raffaello turned to Erica:"Do you know what kinds of authorities Aisha-neesan possesses?""No, like Her Eminence Luo Hao, Madame Aisha is a very mysteriousCampione. I do not have any details of her appearance or powers.However, she seems to have the kind of authority that preserves eternalyouth and beauty...?""It"s an authority nowhere near as simple as eternal youth."Saint Raffaello remarked with a sigh."Hers is an authority for creating holes. To create "holes" in the groundwhich connect to "another world." However, the holes are left intact untilNee-san returns.""By another world — you mean the Astral Plane?"This was the name of the otherworld G.o.dou had visited a number of times.Hearing G.o.dou bringing up that name, Saint Raffaello smiled wryly."It"d be wonderful if it were limited to that. But no, in addition to that place,even more worlds can be reached. More than anyone else, Aisha-neesanis the most troublesome Campione among the seven.""She is number one among us?""Yes. Although Voban-niisan and Luo Hao-neesan are very talented atcausing trouble for others, Aisha-neesan is still top cla.s.s. She is the onlyone I absolutely do not wish to hang around."Saint Raffaello spoke as if reminiscing past memories with deep feeling.Come to think of it, Lu Yinghua had given a similar description once. AsG.o.dou recalled Lu Yinghua"s words, Paolo nodded at him and spoke:"Regarding the Madame, I have only heard rumors and never spoke to her,which is why I invited Saint Raffaello over specifically.""However, I really don"t want to reveal too much about her.""Why is that?"Saint Raffaello answered G.o.dou"s question with a depressed expression."Most people would have trouble sleeping peacefully at night ever again ifthey heard the full story. This is a dangerous matter that could change theworld completely. In actual fact, it has already started."Change the world completely.Even if these words were an exaggeration, it was still a troublingdescription."Here"s my opinion on the current situation. One of Aisha-neesan"s holesmust have opened up somewhere in this land. My guess is that the divinebeast came through from there."G.o.dou was dumbstruck by Saint Raffaello"s speculation."Oh, it"s just you girls? G.o.dou"s not here.""Sir Salvatore!"Yuri jumped with surprise at the sudden voice.Inside the great hall being used as the venue of the impromptu party, Yuriwas in a corner with Liliana and Ena. Salvatore Doni had walked over witha gla.s.s of beer in his hand."G.o.dou-san and Erica-san as well as her uncle are currently talking inanother room..."Yuri replied in terror.She had first met Doni on the island of Sardinia. Last time, he had tied herup on sight with a straw rope. Having exchanged few words, they could notbe described as familiar."You still seem quite insistent on Kusanagi G.o.dou as your opponent, SirSalvatore."Liliana interjected. Among the girls here, she was the one who had had themost contact with Doni.Not to the level of rudeness, but with subtle sarcasm, Liliana remarked:"The Salvatore Doni I know is not someone I would expect to engage inidle chitchat on this type of occasion.""Hey hey, even someone like me would still say hi to people I know."As Doni smiled, a lively melody was heard from his pants. A cellphoneringtone.Going "Excuse me for a sec," he took out the cellphone and took the call."Yes... Yes. Eh, that"s really huge news. How unexpectedly early. Ah, sorrysorry. Of course, I"m absolutely serious. Make preparations immediately."Salvatore Doni grinned as he conversed happily.For some reason, Yuri felt uncomfortable and hunched herself tightly.From the blonde Campione, she could feel something akin to fireworksabout to be fired off.Meanwhile, Doni hastily ended the call and declared with a wide grin:"Well then, I"ll be off. Say hi to G.o.dou for me!"The pace of his departure was unusually swift.Once Doni was completely out of view, Ena suddenly asked:"What"s the matter, Yuri?""Ah yes. For some reason, I felt an ominous aura from Sir Salvatore"s bodyjust now..."Hearing this reply, the Hime-Miko of the Sword went "Hmm" and began toponder."The person on the other side in that phone call sounded like the mancalled Rivera who was talking to His Majesty earlier."Seishuuin Ena"s five senses, including hearing, were as sharp as a wildbeast"s.She was indeed capable of hearing the other speaker"s voice. Yuri noddedwithout hesitation."So, Rivera-san reported that something was approaching the hotel so becareful, and something about needing increased security...""From the way he looked, Sir Salvatore seemed completelyunconcerned..."Ena and Yuri murmured. Liliana hugged her shoulders and began tocontemplate."Could it be that Sir Salvatore already has some sort of nefarious plan inmotion? Intending to enjoy a chaotic situation once everyone arrived...""Does Sir Salvatore play pranks of that level?"Yuri"s question was answered by Liliana nodding with a seriousexpression."He probably did not think up a plan ahead of time. However, he wouldadapt to the situation and flexibly use whatever is available. Sir Salvatoreis a very cunning man.""Is that really so? It is a little surprising...""I understand how you feel. In fact, I occasionally feel like calling him anidiot directly.""L-Liliana-san, you cannot use that kind of word...""However, he does resemble a slow-witted person.""Not you as well, Ena-san, this is unacceptable!""No no, because Ena is about the same, so it feels like kinship.""On the other hand, Seishuuin Ena, you were inexplicably quiet when SirSalvatore approached just now. It felt as though you were avoiding him..."Liliana wondered incredulously. In fact, Yuri had also felt the same.The normally fearless premier Hime-Miko had acted as if she wereavoiding Salvatore Doni"s gaze, as if she were trying to hide behind Yuri."Ah... Actually, Ena is not very good at dealing with that kind of"enlightened" person."""Enlightened"!?""Speaking of which, King Salvatore has disappeared again."This description did not resemble something the carefree child of naturewould say. It was completely shocking to hear her using the word"enlightened."Ignoring Yuri and Liliana"s surprise, Ena surveyed the party venue andreported."He probably left already.""Although what he is planning is unclear, we cannot leave him be... Let usgo on a brief search. Come with me, Seishuuin Ena."Liliana spoke thoughtfully. Taking over as the leader in times like these,this was a role reserved for none other but her as Kusanagi G.o.dou"sadjutant."Even if I carelessly release the [Witch"s Eye], Sir Salvatore would probablydispel it. Let us first find his location then tail him.""Sounds very fun. Of course, Ena will come along."The witchcraft of projecting sight through the air did not work againstSalvatore Doni apparently.However, Liliana and Ena were both highly agile with keen sight. Giventhese two, they should be able to investigate through tracking and tailing."Take care, you two!"Naturally, given her lack of athleticism, Yuri could only see them off.After Liliana and Ena left the venue, Yuri waited alone for her friends toreturn. She was surrounded by lively people engaged in the party but therewas not a single person she knew.Taking a break from the party and leaving the great hall, Yuri came to thecorridor.As soon as she sat down on a sofa against the wall and exhaled —"Sir Andrea"s report has arrived. A divine beast seems to be approaching.""A knight sent out to scout ended up discovered by the divine beastinstead, which is now attacking. The other scouts are currently fleeing backas fast as they can. Get ready to rescue them and counterattack!"A number of knights were running along the old castle hotel"s corridor,yelling reports at the people around them.Yuri jumped in surprise. In any case, this place was going to turn into abattlefield soon. This was the report Salvatore Doni had received over thephone!Furthermore, was the crisis situation of the divine beast"s arrival going tobe the impetus that sparks things off?A clear image suddenly surfaced in Yuri"s mind. Naturally, this was anoracle brought by spirit vision.However, what it showed was —"How could this be!? Where did you go, G.o.dou-san!?"Stunned, Yuri could not help but scream.Part 3In the lobby of the old castle hotel, Seishuuin Ena put on a white jacket.Liliana also put on her usual blue and black cape. Since there was no timeto waste, they limited their winter gear to that and exited the hotel.Outside, the view was dominated by a world of silver —Stepping on this thickly piled up snow, one would instantly sink deep into it.However, Ena was the child of nature capable of running around in thedeep mountains during harsh winters. Furthermore, she had also masteredthe art of Monkey Flight which conferred extraordinary agility in martialarts.Using this spell allowed her to walk over snow with great ease, leaving onlya trail of light footprints."You"re not one to fear snow, are you, Liliana-san?""I am neither used to nor challenged by snow. Never mind me, just hurry."Born and raised in Milan, Liliana was not a heaven-favored child of naturelike Ena.On the other hand, she was a witch whose lightness of body allowed her toreach the domain of flight. As expected, she only left behind a faint trail offootprints over the snow as she ran quickly to follow Ena."Sir Salvatore doesn"t seem to be in the hotel...""He really did go outside, right?"Ena and Liliana looked out into the distance together.The hotel was built on a hill at a slightly higher elevation. It offered anexpansive, panoramic view of the surroundings.If one had to mention man-made structures, there seemed to be a littletown ten-odd kilometers ahead. The spa.r.s.e vegetation in the surroundingsconsisted mainly of scattered cypress trees. Visibility was excellent fromthe vantage point of the hotel.The pure white plain of snow extended all the way to the horizon.The current time was well into the afternoon, although dusk was still quitesome time away. There was a sunny winter sky without a cloud visible formiles. Under this clear and bright sky, Ena used the [Eagle Eyes] spell toenhance her vision.Although Ena"s eyesight was already excellent, using this wizardry allowedher to literally see on the level of [Eagle Eyes].Using a bird of prey"s eyesight, capable of seeking prey from severalkilometers away, Ena carefully searched the snowy plain with its lack ofobstructions — Finally, a figure was found."It"d be great if that"s really King Salvatore...""Rare is the busybody who likes venturing out in this land of snow. Ibelieve the chances are more than hopeful."Nodding to each other, Ena and Liliana began to run towards the figure"sdirection.Due to the excellent visibility, it should be quite easy for the target todiscover them as well. For the sake of caution, Liliana invoked thewitchcraft of [Concealment] to hide their figures.This was a spell for concealing a person like camouflage."Come to think of it, you called Sir Salvatore an "enlightened" person justnow?"While racing over the snow as if flying, Liliana asked."I believe that description does not match Sir Salvatore"s personality.""It"s like this. That king looks as though he completely lacks desires andworldly thoughts. Like a baby, his mind feels empty.""An empty mind. Is that what you meant by enlightened?""That"s right. Enlightenment is attaining the level where one is releasedfrom all doubt and anxiety. The state where great wisdom is masqueradedas great foolishness. An empty mind without thoughts, as serene and clearas a polished mirror or still water. Getting rid of all thoughts from the mind,to be able to live leisurely in any situation. "Sticks and stones may breakmy bones, but words will never hurt me."""I feel like I sort of get it but not completely..."Chatting as they sprinted across the snow, the pair suddenly stoppedtalking. Voices could be heard, carried by the wind. The two girls haltedsimultaneously and listened."What on earth are you thinking, Sir!?" "What"s-your-face, hurry back to thevenue! Report to Sir Andrea— Oof." "Guh." "Mhah.""Sorry, guys. I"ve sent you all to sleep painlessly. Forgive me, yo."Then there were no more voices. All Liliana and Ena could hear was thesound of the wind."...What"s your take on this, Liliana-san?""...Sir Salvatore eliminated the surveillance team using physical force."Reaching the same conclusion, the two girls nodded at each other.Instead of running, the two girls walked towards the direction of the voices.They did so quietly and cautiously, as if holding their breath. After a briefwalk, they were met with the scene amidst some cypress trees.Three men lay face down on the snow while Salvatore Doni was standingaround casually.He was wearing a black coat with leather boots. Slung on his shoulder wasthe cylindrical case."Well then, I think it"s almost time it arrived. What"s gonna happen?"Muttering to himself, Doni turned his gaze towards the girls" direction.Ena immediately ducked and lay on the snow. Slender enough, Liliana hidbehind a cypress tree.However, this was worrying for nothing. Rather than looking at the twogirls, Doni was gazing towards the old castle hotel. Then he smiled withjoy. Following his gaze, Ena was surprised by the sight.A "dinosaur" had appeared before the hotel, roughly seven meters in bodylength.Its body seemed slender and agile. Ma.s.sive, hooked claw, tough hind legs.Just as G.o.dou and Erica had described, it was a black, carnivorousdinosaur.Recent research had given rise to theories that this type of dinosaur wasactually covered in feathers.However, the divine beast before them was only covered in st.u.r.dy skin.Pitch-black like a raven, it stood in stark contrast against the background ofpure white snow."Goody goody. While Rivera and the others have their hands full, one taskis done."Doni smiled with satisfaction and began running over the snow withmovements as agile as a fox.Towards the old castle — Not. He was going in the completely oppositedirection."To think he ignored the divine beast"s arrival. Where is Sir Salvatore goingactually?""Let"s pursue him. After all, His Majesty and Erica-san can handle thingsthere.""Indeed. Furthermore, Erica"s uncle and Saint Raffaello are there too."Ena quickly suggested and Liliana immediately nodded in agreement."That black thing appeared again!?""Yes. Pursuing the knights who were out scouting, it"s currentlyapproaching this place!"G.o.dou and Erica exited the old castle hotel together.Just when they were listening to Saint Raffaello"s exposition on MadameAisha"s authority that allowed travel to "somewhere in another world,"Paolo"s cellphone suddenly rang.It was Andrea"s report of the "approaching divine beast."Also present, Saint Raffaello and Paolo Blandelli exchanged whispers withsolemn expressions."Well, what did the idiot"s chaperone say?""He can"t contact the personnel in charge of monitoring Sir Salvatore.Since he is going to track down Sir Salvatore, he is pa.s.sing all commandover to me.""Tsk. One after another, troublesome things arrive!"Just as the quartet arrived at the hotel garden, they heard a strange roar.SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!Looking in the direction of the sound, G.o.dou saw the black dinosaur hehad not seen for nine months — Another face off against the agileseven-meter-long divine beast.Its hind legs and hooked claws were ma.s.sive as ever, bearing theappearance of Deinonychus.This Deinonychus seemed to be more keen and nimble than itsappearance suggested.Climbing over the wall surrounding the old castle, it looked down at thehotel"s confines.Apparently, it had not yet noticed Kusanagi G.o.dou"s arrival and did notshow any intent to flee. G.o.dou was puzzled. Thanks to the vast amount ofcombat experience he had acc.u.mulated over the past nine months, hewas able to notice a certain detail."That should be the divine beast... But it seems a bit small.""Perhaps its true form is still hidden. Maybe it can suddenly enlarge insize."Speaking of acc.u.mulating experience, the same went for Erica. The twonodded at each other.Apart from G.o.dou"s group, there were also seven or eight Great Knightsgathered in the garden.They were the elite troops gathered by Doni"s summons. Nevertheless,their eyes, gazing at the divine beast, were filled with fear and nervoustension.G.o.dou recalled what Erica"s colleague had said.Even for magi of Great Knight cla.s.s, a battle against a divine beast wasstill a life-risking endeavor. Furthermore, their preparations in the currentsituation were far too insufficient. G.o.dou immediately commanded."Tell them to stand down. I"ll be that thing"s opponent!""No. Before we elucidate Sir Salvatore"s intentions, it would be best toavoid using Verethragna"s incarnations. I"m present here, and so is myuncle and Saint Raffaello!"The instant Erica answered, the lower hem of her cape began to flutter.Next to her, the two Paladino also put on their battle attire as Italianknights — They summoned the capes known as the bandiera.Saint Raffaello"s cape was violet. On the other hand, Paolo Blandelli"s capein the rossonero colors of red and black, naturally.The hems of their capes reached down much lower than Erica and□liana"s.Then the violet knight summoned a one-meter-long claymore. The redPaladino conjured an oval shield on his left hand while a barbed lanceappeared in his right."Although I have no intention of stealing the spotlight, standing back doingnothing hurts my pride!""Then let us take on the opening scene. G.o.dou, since you"re the mainprotagonist, wait until the climactic scene before entering the stage!"Saint Raffaello glared fearlessly at the Deinonychus.Delivering elaborate words, Paolo fully displayed his befitting qualities asErica"s uncle.Meanwhile, the dinosaur-shaped divine beast opened its jaws wide androared again.SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!Completely unfazed, the two Paladino leapt lightly and landed on thecastle wall. They intended to intercept the "Deinonychus there."So, G.o.dou, I"m off too!"Erica also summoned the slender longsword, Cuore di Leone. Followingher uncle, she jumped onto the castle wall.G.o.dou watched the knights" battle for now —While he was staring at the trio"s figures, someone suddenly tugged hisarm. Looking back, G.o.dou found the Hime-Miko standing right before himin a black dress. Mariya Yuri."G.o.dou-san. I have something urgent to tell you...!"While bearing quite a hesitant expression, Yuri made her appeal to him.Part 4The Deinonychus opened its jaws and spewed out multiple beams oflightning.Standing on the castle wall, Saint Raffaello was in the direct line of fire.Normally, one would expect her to be blown away by the impact, dyinginstantly with burns covering a high proportion of her total body surfacearea.Nevertheless, Saint Raffaello was protected by the violet light envelopedaround her."Gaaaaah! O Saint John, I beseech you to grant me your protection!"The female Paladino gritted her teeth and chanted spell words with all hermight.The violet light proceeded to brighten. Under this protection, SaintRaffaello managed to withstand the lightning attack without receiving anyharm.The violet light was the force field produced by Saint Raffaello invoking thesecret ritual of [Smiting].Erica and Liliana were also capable of using it — No, at their current level,they could only use the sacred privilege of extermination for shortdurations.Next, the Deinonychus suddenly stopped spewing lightning.Without warning, its deadly jaws aimed a bite at the female Paladino.However, the instant Saint Raffaello was about to be devoured —The Deinonychus was struck in the face by a beam of red light.Armed with his shield and lance, Paolo Blandelli had charged valiantly.The sacred exterminator was flying at full speed, enveloped in red light.Protecting himself with the shield in his left hand, he charged straight at theDeinonychus" face —This sudden attack sent the Deinonychus flying as if it had been struck bya giant"s right straight punch.Moreover, that was not the end of Paolo"s attack. Aiming at the pitch-blackhead of the blown away Deinonychus — at its temples — he flew again toperform another charge.This time, a red cross-shaped spell crest appeared on his lance tip asthough poison had been applied onto it."O red cross... Turn into a wedge and pierce the enemy!"Charging at the Deinonychus" head, Paolo made a thrust with his lance,accompanied by the chanting of spell words.The instant the sharp tip of the lance and the red pentagram pierced itsskin, the Deinonychus screamed.G AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !In that instant, sparks shot out from the Deinonychus" eyes, striking Paolomid-charge. The beast was apparently using divine powers."Guu!"Struck down onto the ground, Paolo promptly stood right back up.The sacred exterminator"s light remained a vivid crimson hue. His standingposture was a powerful sight. As a human, he also exuded a hero"s mettleat the same time.Saint Raffaello ran over to the valiant Paolo"s side. The violet knightreadied her claymore in a stance.Reportedly, these two were top cla.s.s masters in all of Europe, not justItaly.Watching how the two fought, G.o.dou noticed. Indeed, the stability theydisplayed in their usage of [Smiting] was different from that of Erica andLiliana.G.o.dou felt that with regard to instantaneous power output, there was anextremely wide gap in difference.However, Paolo and Saint Raffaello"s powerful presence and composurecoupled with unshakable stability were things that G.o.dou"s knightcompanions did not possess. Although the current situation looked dire, inactual fact it was not.Furthermore, Erica was on standby as the third combatant, ready to enterthe fray any moment."Judging from the situation, I guess things are okay even if I don"t join in...""Yes. For some reason, I feel that there will not be a problem even if youleft this situation for those two to handle. Putting that aside, G.o.dou-san, Ireally must hurry and inform you — ""Oh sorry, Mariya. Please go on and tell me."The old castle hotel was built using a medieval fortress as a base.Although G.o.dou had brought Yuri to a corner of the hotel garden to speak,he could not help but cast his attention towards the knights" battle with thedivine beast."Very well. Before you and I part ways, G.o.dou-san, I have things I mustinform you no matter what."G.o.dou went "Eh?" and was rendered speechless by Yuri"s words.Parting ways with Yuri? There was no such plan at the moment. The onlypossibility G.o.dou could think of was if Yuri was having health problems.Back when Erica heard about the Hime-Miko"s fainting collapse, this waswhat she said:"...Extraordinary spirit vision and apt.i.tude for psychic sensing. Yuri andPrincess Alice are very similar users of spirit powers. Furthermore, thePrincess" health is exceptionally frail because her body has troublewithstanding those astounding spirit powers."Erica had used London"s bedridden Princess as an example to ill.u.s.trate."Fortunately, Yuri"s health problems are not that severe. Nevertheless, thatonly describes the current situation. I"d like to observe her condition a whilelonger, but without allowing her to overstrain herself in the mean time.""Speaking of the Princess, indeed they are quite similar."Liliana had also nodded in agreement with her longtime friend and rival."Strangely enough, Mariya Yuri has a similar lack of physical stamina.Perhaps it is a sign of a person"s strong affinity to the blood of the divineancestors they have inherited..."Although there was no evidence, this theory sounded quite plausible.In actual fact, before coming to Italy, G.o.dou had agonized over whether toleave Yuri in j.a.pan."Could it be, Mariya, you"re not feeling well...!?""N-No. Nothing of that sort."G.o.dou could not help but raise his voice, causing Yuri to be taken abackwith surprise.Since Yuri seemed to be telling the truth, G.o.dou was relieved. In that case,what did she mean by "parting ways"?"Actually... I saw it a while earlier. We will be parting ways — G.o.dou-san,you will be going to a faraway place to start a journey.""I will start a journey? Where exactly?"Yuri had apparently experienced a spirit vision.Of course, G.o.dou believed her completely but he was still quite baffled."I do not know. All I know is that it is a place where one cannot easilyreturn from... Hence, before you set off, G.o.dou-san, I would like to informyou first. Regarding the new power you have received, G.o.dou-san.""Power?""Yes. Recently, I keep getting the feeling that... A power residing in yourbody, G.o.dou-san, shall sublime and take on a new form.""I originally intended to keep silent until it was absolutely necessary toreveal it... However, G.o.dou-san, you may come across danger during yourjourney. In order to prepare in advance, let me remove the seal here rightnow."Troubling advice was being offered by Yuri, a prudent member of thecommon sense faction.Surprised, G.o.dou wanted to adhere to pa.s.sivity and reject the proposal."That sounds like something dangerous. I"m fine even if I don"t obtain it.""No. I implore you to prepare yourself. In order to take my place because Ican no longer watch over you by your side, I do wish to provide somea.s.sistance to you now at least.""Mariya...""H-Hence. In order to unseal it, I must cast a spell on you."Yuri lowered her gaze and bowed her head, whispering shyly.However, despite the trouble the Hime-Miko was having in finding the rightwords, she still continued to speak in a stuttering manner."W-We will be parting ways very soon. If you say "maybe next time" like youdid to Ena-san in the past, you will very likely forget, G.o.dou-san..."Hearing her bring up the promise between Ena and himself, G.o.dougroaned in anguish.But with this, what the Hime-Miko was seeking had become perfectly clear."S-So. If you do not mind, it is imperative that we — ""Mari— Yuri!"G.o.dou decided he would never live it down if she was forced to finish hersentence.Furthermore, her bold words incited excitement in G.o.dou"s heart.He immediately embraced Yuri and took her forcefully by the lips."G.o.dou-san...!""I did say I have no wish for that kind of strange power, however, I — ""V-Very well. Let us begin together."Gazing into each other"s eyes, exchanging pa.s.sionate words, the two ofthem kissed again.This time, they both extended their tongues simultaneously and kissed likea string instrument"s bow and string. Two sets of lips tightly pressedtogether, tongues caressing each other, saliva mixing together.Then in G.o.dou"s mind, the image of a certain G.o.ddess surfaced."As expected of Uncle Paolo and Saint Raffaello. It looks like there"s noneed for me to enter the stage."Erica murmured as she watched the two Paladinos fighting the divinebeast valiantly.In order to intervene at any opportunity, she had cast magic on Cuore diLeone, the magic sword of the lion, turning it into a pilum.But judging from the current state of affairs, her a.s.sistance did not seemnecessary.Taking advantage of the moment when Saint Raffaello held the enemy"sattention, exterminator Paolo charged, blasting the Deinonychus awayfrom the old castle hotel where ordinary staff were still present.Having secured the safety of the other personnel, the two Paladinosresumed the battle.Paolo and Saint Raffaello did not attack over aggressively, insteadchoosing to dodge the divine beast"s attacks again and again.However, their blades would stab into the Deinonychus" vitals as soon asan opening appeared.Consequently, the divine beast gradually weakened. Paolo and SaintRaffaello"s position of advantage was unshakable.However, they were not simply aiming for the enemy"s defeat but alsoinformation concerning its nature. In case a battle against a similar divinebeast was encountered again, they considered such a possibility —"Lily, Ena-san and I, none of us are able to fight in this manner... Granted,these two hold the rank of Paladino, but their difference in level relative tous is all too clear to see."If Erica and the girls were the ones fighting, they would surely be launchingattacks nonstop instead.In a fight against a divine beast, a single blunder could prove fatal. The riskof making such mistakes in a protracted battle increased as time draggedon.Given that was the case, the best approach was to begin the battle with afull-out offensive to end things as quickly as possible.However, such tactics were only possible with the support of hercompanions and Kusanagi G.o.dou.Erica and Liliana had only just grasped the basics of [Smiting]. They werestill in training and could not be said to have truly attained the Paladinorank.In any case, Erica observed the two Paladinos battling calmly."Eh!?"Erica was shocked by the sudden transformation of the Deinonychus.Its front limbs were originally much shorter and more slender than its toughhind legs. However, these small front limbs suddenly transformed into apair of wings.Covered with a thin membrane, a pair of wings similar to a bat"s —The Deinonychus had transformed into a black pterosaur. The size andlength of its body remained the same. The beast still seemed rather agile."I can"t believe it transformed!?""To think it was concealing this sort of power!"As Saint Raffaello and Paolo watched in surprise, the pterosaur swept itstail at them.Due to the protection conferred by the privilege of extermination, the twodid not receive any significant injuries. However, the black pterosaur tookthis opportunity to flap its wings, taking to the skies.Steadily rising in alt.i.tude, it flew towards the distant sky. It was trying toflee."Cuore di Leone!"The instant she realized the enemy was escaping, Erica threw the magicsword she had already transformed into a pilum.The pilum was already enchanted with magic for enhancing flight rangeand infused with the "spell words of resentment and despair."Launched from the ground, the pilum turned into a flash of light, piercingthe pterosaur"s throat.It worked. Suffering this fatal blow, the already wounded divine beastcrashed back down into the ground.The fallen black pterosaur turned into a carca.s.s lying on the snow.But as a supernatural creature, it was probably going to lose its form anddissipate before long."A divine beast capable of transforming between two forms... Indeed, it isno ordinary dinosaur after all."Erica murmured as she looked down at the fallen divine beast.Not only her but also Paolo and Saint Raffaello, and even Yuri and G.o.douwere running over. The entire group was watching the divine beast"sdemise."If G.o.dou fought it like last time, we probably never would have realized.Most likely, he would have defeated it immediately.""That which was born from bitter waters... The beast following its motherthe serpent — "Yuri suddenly whispered.Judging from the blank tone of her voice, she must have received a spiritvision."Did you see something related to this divine beast? Is it really connectedto a mother earth G.o.ddess from somewhere?""Impossible to know clearly. Really, I only saw a few things..."Hearing Erica and Yuri"s exchange, Saint Raffaello shrugged."Oh well, G.o.ds are not the only ones who can summon divine beastsanyway. Venerable divine artifacts, hidden sanctuaries, forbiddenhigh-level magic, and the Campiones themselves are all possiblecandidates.""Speaking of Campiones, where did Sir Salvatore run off to?""— Hmm?"While listening to Paolo"s wondering, G.o.dou also heard other voices.They were cries of Kusanagi G.o.dou! Your Majesty!" Cries for help, carriedby the wind from far away, calling for the protector. G.o.dou listened intently.Mixed with snowflakes, a gust of powerful wind was sweeping across theclear and sunny sky.The voices in the wind was an incantation invoked by those seekingrescue from a desperate crisis."Wind... I can use the the [Wind] incarnation...?""Could it be Liliana-san and Ena-san!? They were supposed to be trackingdown Sir Salvatore!""Let"s head there immediately, G.o.dou!"Yuri and Erica were amazing.As soon as they heard G.o.dou muttering softly to himself, they immediatelyunderstood the situation.However, Yuri only expended a slight amount of energy for psychicsensing in the ritual earlier. Was she tired? Her face did not look well.G.o.dou did not want her to suffer too much strain. He immediately calledout:"Mariya, go and rest. Let"s go, Erica!"Picking up Erica in his arms, he invoked Verethragna"s first incarnation.The air underfoot began to stir, forming a vortex of wind, turning into awhirlwind. The power of instantaneous travel was manifesting.Leaving behind Paolo and Saint Raffaello in their amazement, G.o.dou andErica flew away, riding upon the wind."Please be careful, G.o.dou-san! I shall wait for you all to return safe andsound!"The voice of Yuri praying for Kusanagi G.o.dou"s safe return could be heard."Should you not come back, I shall go find you! Absolutely without adoubt!"Part 5The forest in Casentino was covered by deep snow.Since this had always been a mountainous area, the terrain wasundulating with mountains and valleys everywhere.Running across the snow, weaving through the treacherous terrain,Salvatore Doni"s movements were as swift and agile as a fox or a snowleopard.Apart from swordsmanship, he had also attained extraordinary mastery inother martial arts and physical techniques.Given the case, if only his personality could be slightly more normal — Thatwas a dream that all European magi shared."By the way, where is Sir Salvatore going, really?""For now, we"ve already pa.s.sed over two mountains."□liana"s fellow partner in pursuit, Seishuuin Ena, answered.While maintaining a distance so that Doni would not discover them, the twogirls pursued him as he ran swiftly.This would have been impossible for ordinary people, but Liliana and Enabarely managed through the use of spells and agile movements. Butactually, there was probably no problem even if they lost sight of Doni.This was because he himself was following "some kind of trail."The divine beast that was just sighted outside the old castle hotel —The Deinonychus had apparently arrived by pa.s.sing through these snowymountains, leaving footprints on the snow. This trail was what Doni wascurrently following."He wants to find the divine beast"s lair...?""Speaking of which, he does indeed look as though he is searching forsomething."The dinosaur"s footprints soon led Doni to a ravine.Although the stream at the bottom of the ravine was tiny, this was actuallythe Arno river. Not too far downstream, it would widen into a large river asit flowed across the vast plains of Tuscany.Taking a spring or summer stroll here by the side of a beautiful river wasprobably one of the greatest pleasures in life.Doni"s eyes began to shine when he arrived at this place. Lilianaunderstood the reason behind his reaction, for she too could feel the divineaura distributed throughout this land, more abundant than most otherplaces."The air here feels like it came from a venerable sacred mountain.Anyway."Ena spoke up. The Hime-Miko who had been calm and composed wasnow getting nervous. She watched their target of pursuit with greatwariness."There"s an annoying feeling. The king over there looks as though he"s upto mischief.""You are most probably right. Whenever Sir Salvatore makes that kind offace, he almost always does something absurd."Salvatore Doni"s eyes were shining like a child"s.Ever since Liliana first encountered him when she was twelve, she hadwitnessed this look many times.Starting with his duel against the heroic G.o.d Siegfried and continuing untilthe time when he sliced apart a mother earth G.o.ddess" stone pillar, eachand every occasion was a troublesome incident without exception."We must find a way to stop him."Steeling her determination, Liliana began to take action. Until now, she hadbeen monitoring Doni from above without descending down the ravine. Butnow, she jumped down into the ravine with agility like a fairy"s. Enafollowed suit.Standing face to face with Doni, Liliana spoke up:"Sir Salvatore! What on earth are you planning to do?""Eh? You are Liliana Kranjcar and... Uh, that girl G.o.dou brought along withthe whatever name. You both followed me, huh."Seeing Liliana and Ena, Doni began to grin."However, this happens to be perfect timing, yes? Could you help deliver amessage to him? Tell him This is the game"s starting point, so come herelater if you want to play."""This is omitting too much. Please explain clearly in proper sequence!"Directed towards a Devil King, these words were rather rude.However, Liliana was already quite used to dealing with Doni. It wasimperative to avoid getting caught up in his ridiculous pace by makingdemands resolutely.As expected, the frivolous Devil King went "sorry my bad" in response."Oh dear. The divine beast roaming this area looks like it came through ahole that leads somewhere.""Hole — in other words, it is a corridor leading to another world.""Yes, well said. I intend to go through that hole. Perhaps the world on theother side has many divine beasts and G.o.ds as their masters. I"d like to goon a bit of an adventure."So this turned out to be the truth? Grinning to himself, Doni revealed hisincredibly ludicrous intentions."This is going to be like playing an RPG, very cool, right? But playing bymyself would be no fun at all, so I want G.o.dou to play along with me.""Which is why you followed the divine beast"s footprints to this place... Andyou say a hole should exist somewhere.""Excuse me, Your Majesty. May I interrupt a bit?"As Liliana summed up in exasperation, Ena interjected from beside her."That hole probably isn"t open to pa.s.sage all the time. It should open onlywhen certain conditions are met, right? Like on a full moon or at a certaintime. Otherwise, the surrounding area would be filled with divine beasts."Even though she was a carefree child of nature, Seishuuin Ena was also atalented girl well-versed in cultural and martial arts.Finding her reasoning compelling, Liliana nodded in agreement.This type of "journey to another world" should only be possible underspecific conditions. This principle could be called common sense in theworld of magic.However, unfettered by the limitations of common sense, the blondeCampione laughed with joy."This is not a problem. I hold a trump card prepared just for this occasion.""Trump card..."Immediately, powerful divine energy surged out of Doni"s body.Realizing he was planning on using his authority, Liliana felt her bodyshake suddenly. She was informed by an oracle which had descendedthrough spirit vision.Perhaps this authority originated from a secret cult in ancient Greece?"The G.o.d of wine and harvests... The G.o.d ruling over secret rituals ofmadness. Could it be Dionysus!?"^"Hen. To think you would know this, how expected of you, Kranjcar."Doni"s smile changed in nature.From the frivolous smile of a cheerful Latin man, it transformed into thesmile of a Devil King intent on fulfilling his G.o.dslaying arrogance to the veryend —"Precisely because it"s you, I entrust the message to you without worry.Help me give Andrea a shout as well. If you screw up, then G.o.dou willreally be in trouble.""Seriously, what the heck is wrong with you — !"Liliana sighed and looked up resolutely.Even though he was an astoundingly irresponsible man, nothing couldchange the fact of his being a G.o.dslayer. The only ones capable ofopposing him were G.o.ds or other G.o.dslayers. In that case — Lilianacommunicated to her companion with a glance."Ama no! Please lend your power to Ena!"Ena swiftly understood Liliana"s message and immediately summoned thedivine sword Ama no no Tsurugi to her right hand.Liliana also called forth the magic sword II Maestro in its saber form andreadied her combat stance."Hohohoho. I am not offended by you girls, recklessly drawing your swordsagainst me here."Just as expected, Doni set the cylindrical case down from his shoulder.Opening it, he took out a steel longsword. He held it with his dangling righthand, entering an undisciplined but incomparably dangerous stance."Don"t worry. I"ll try my best not to hurt you."In the instant they faced off against the bragging Campione, Liliana andEna cried out:"Kusanagi G.o.dou! Here is an enemy that only you can handle. Pleasecome here immediately!""Your Majesty! Hurry over and help Ena and Liliana-san!"In response to their cries, the wind began to stir, strengthening to becomea whirlwind, forming a tornado in no time.With Erica Blandelli held in his embrace, her arms around his neck,Kusanagi G.o.dou appeared in the eye of the rampaging storm.In this manner, Kusanagi G.o.dou and Erica were teleportedinstantaneously.They had arrived at a ravine somewhere. A narrow stream was surroundedby precipitous cliffs on both sides. Standing at the bottom of the ravinewere the trio, Doni, Liliana and Ena, wielding their swords respectively.As soon as she saw G.o.dou arrive, the silver-haired knight spoke:"Kusanagi G.o.dou. As always, Sir Salvatore is the culprit behind the wholeincident. You must stop him as quickly as possible!""Yes. Well, it"s already quite clear from this sight. Seriously."For an instant, G.o.dou smiled wryly in response to Liliana"s concise report.Then he tensed his expression and glared at Salvatore Doni.The handsome man was displaying an acute expression in a rare moment.This was evidence that the frivolous fool was about to get serious."You"re finally doing something stupid again, aren"t you? Salvatore Doni!""Your sudden arrival is quite unexpected, G.o.dou. But it"s already too late."Powerful divine energy was pouring out of Doni"s body as he stood therenonchalantly.He was preparing to use some kind of authority. Was it really going to bethat of the magic sword? — Just as G.o.dou readied his stance, Ericasuddenly cried out in alarm from beside him."G.o.dou, look at that!"The blonde maiden pointed at a precipitous cliff.On the opposite sh.o.r.e of the Arno river, roughly 40m away from theircurrent position, a cave had opened up at some indiscernible timeearlier — No.More accurately, it was an opening that resembled a "cave." Its interiorwas filled with complete darkness."I see. This is the "hole leading to another realm that is not the currentworld."""Leading to another realm...? Could it be one of those things made by thatAisha person!?""Oh, you were investigating the Madame too? Well then, this is perfect. Ifyou don"t mind, why don"t we set off to the world on the other sidetogether?"As G.o.dou watched in horror, Doni winked at him casually."I originally intended to leave you a message, asking you to catch up to meafterwards. Let"s set off together on an adventure, to engage in wars toconquer kingdoms.""Enough with the jokes, as if anyone would want to do that! Seishuuin, lendme a hand!"Why would Madame Aisha"s lingering authority suddenly activate?Casting this question aside for now, G.o.dou called out to the one whoshared ownership of his "partner."As expected of Ena, she quickly nodded in understanding and raised Amano no Tsurugi up high in her hand.G.o.dou immediately issued orders."Ama no, go absorb that hole"s energy! Hurry!"The jet-black divine sword possessed the trait of absorbing magical powerand divine authorities. This was what G.o.dou commanded.Although he had no idea how much of an effect it would produce, the morethe hole"s power weakened the better. Hence, G.o.dou poured magicalpower into his partner the divine sword. Next, provided Ena kept it

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