
Chapter 114

Chapter 4 - Devil Kings in Yonder LandsPart 1They were sucked into a hole leading to somewhere not of this world.By the time they came to their senses, G.o.dou and company were floatingamidst darkness. This was not night time. Neither was there a starry skyoverhead. Only infinite darkness stretched endlessly beyond. However,there was a single light source.In the distance ahead was a white dot of light that kept flashing like a brightstar in the sky at night.Relying on this light, G.o.dou was able to find his companions using hisexcellent night vision."Is everyone okay?""Yeah, no problems. No injuries whatsoever.""Me too. It"s really quite fortunate that we didn"t get separated."Ena and Erica"s voices replied. They were roughly two or three metersaway.However, the silver-haired knight did not seem to be present."It looked like Liliana-san flew away elsewhere.""I don"t know if it"s a blessing or a curse, but it looks like she wasn"t suckedinto here. Oh well, I believe she shouldn"t have any trouble reaching safety,being Liliana after all. So there"s no need to worry."Erica immediately answered Ena.In the next instant, G.o.dou and the two girls found their bodies beginning tomove, drawn by the distant light ahead.The trio was approaching the light at a rate similar to jogging speed.They were floating in a manner akin to weightlessness in s.p.a.ce.With nothing to grab or step onto, it was impossible to resist even if theywanted to."Could this be one of those "corridors" that Saint Raffaello mentioned...?""A corridor to another world, left behind by Madame Aisha. I never wouldhave expected to experience it for myself.""Eh? You two know what this is? Please tell Ena in detail, come on?""Let"s save talking about her until later, okay? Besides, I"m not really in themood to be chatting in this kind of place, let"s just wait obediently for us tobe delivered over there."After handling Ena"s question, G.o.dou sighed.They arrived at a sphere of light, roughly 6-7m in diameter. The trio werethen devoured by the sphere of light.In the following instant, what entered their view was a scene they hadnever encountered before."Is this a forest?""And there"s even a river."G.o.dou and Erica murmured to each other.That was indeed the most direct description of the terrain before their eyes.However, this was definitely not the Casentino forest they were at earlier.The river flowing before them was a grand and majestic river rather than astream.Both of the river were covered with numerous trees — Beech, oakand other trees in abundance.G.o.dou and his companions were currently beside a river that flowedthrough a forested area.The sound of birds chirping could be heard. There was warm sunlight anddancing b.u.t.terflies.It was spring. Definitely not Tuscany in midwinter.The water of the great river was quite pure and clean, displaying a sky bluehue, so beautiful its very sight was incomparably touching."What on earth is going on...?"Even Ena was confounded, innocent as she was, feeling quite troubled.Just as G.o.dou was about to explain, a giant shadow flew over themoverhead.Two reptiles were flying high up in the sky. Furthermore, these were blackpterosaurs, the same as the one sighted at the old castle hotel in Tuscany.The black pterosaurs were spreading their wings casually, gliding throughthe air."G.o.dou, hurry and look at that one!"Erica pointed somewhere with her finger. On the same side of the river astheir location, there was a castle.The two pterosaurs landed within the confines of the castle. That wasapparently their destination.The castle was surrounded with walls on all four sides. Above the castlegates was a lookout.Looking from a distance, maybe three or four buildings could be seenwithin the confines of the castle."The master of those divine beasts is there, right? Maybe a G.o.d orsomething.""Or perhaps, a certain person"s kin?"Ena"s comment prompted Erica to shrug and answer. Then they heard thesound of splashing.On closer examination, a black dinosaur was swimming in the river beforethem.Sticking out its neck, it gazed at G.o.dou"s group as they stood on the riverbank. This was indeed the Deinonychus that was lurking in Casentino."This forest, could it be the lair of these beasts!?""To think it would be a [Lost World]. Let"s retreat over there for now, how"sthat!?""I think it"s a good idea. Let"s all head over there!"The trio reached an unanimous decision. With fleet-footed Ena in the lead,G.o.dou and Erica swiftly departed from the riverside."So basically, King Salvatore made Madame Aisha"s authority go berserk.""Yes. Through the [Fairy"s Corridor] Madame Aisha created, apparently"somewhere in another world" akin to the Astral Plane was reached."While walking through the forest, Erica discussed the unbelievable methodof transport they had taken.However, Ena made an incomprehensible expression."However, Ena can"t sense any difference between this and the[Netherworld Crossing] spell Liliana-san used before. If it"s an authority ofHis Majesty"s kin, shouldn"t it be capable of more amazing things?""Besides, this isn"t the Netherworld, is it? It totally doesn"t smell like thatplace at all.""Your instincts are sharp as ever, Ena-san. Let me reserve my opinion onthis matter for now. Before we clear up what kind of place we have arrivedat, I don"t want to say anything imprudent."Faced with Ena"s questioning, Erica tabled the matter in a rare move.However, G.o.dou could understand how she felt. Before the worstpredicament could be confirmed, Erica most likely did not want to disclosebad news casually."I believe we are currently facing quite a difficult situation. Your pointincluded, I will explain everything properly in sequence.""Got it. This is probably a lot more complicated that visiting theNetherworld.""Although it can"t be helped, that"s indeed the case. Under the currentcirc.u.mstances, what we should do is gather intelligence. Let"s handle thisproblem first.""So we need to find human settlement after all. But let"s try divination toseek our next destination, how about it?""Suddenly so unscientific, huh...""Nothing of that sort, G.o.dou. Don"t you remember me using this to findyour location from time to time? But this time, instead of a particularperson, we"ll try searching for faint presences of humans."Ignoring G.o.dou"s snide comment, Erica took out a pocket watch.This tool used the principle of dowsing to determine which direction tofollow. Dangling the pocket watch from her hand by its chain, Erica waitedfor a brief moment. Then the pocket watch began to swing slightly like apendulum."I don"t know if this works or not, but it"s better than having no direction atall. Let"s check it out."Erica started walking in the direction of the pocket watch"s swing.G.o.dou and Ena followed. Soon after, they pa.s.sed through the forest andreached a plain.Indeed, a plain — An endless flat field stretched all the way to the horizon.This was a type of terrain seldom found in cramped little j.a.pan.There was a road paved over this vast plain.Although the road was not especially wide, it was major route paved with agreat amount of gravel. It was quite well designed, with gutters on bothsides for water to drain.If one were to follow this road, the chances of reaching human settlementwas quite high.Naturally, the trio quickened their pace and arrived at the road."Walking here on foot took roughly thirty minutes. Looks like we haven"tcompletely exhausted our luck."Using the pocket watch to calculate the time taken, Erica chuckled andsmile.As a side note, the clock indicated it was after 7pm at night. Afterconfirming the time on the watch, Ena looked up at the sky and made adeduction very much in the style of a child of nature"s."According to the sun"s position, it"s roughly eleven in the morning.""The time really doesn"t match huh..."Just as G.o.dou muttered to himself —A cart drawn by two horses moved leisurely along the road, approachingG.o.dou"s group. Two Caucasian men were sitting on the driver"s perch.Their clothing was very simple, one could even call it crude withoutobjections.In short, each man was clad in a long-sleeved shirt with long hems,secured tightly with a belt, with baggy pants.Inauspiciously, they both drew their longswords from atop the driver"sperch.They looked like ruffians in appearance. It was possible that they did notearn their living through legitimate means. Ena went "Hmm?" inpuzzlement.Did she feel suspicious to find these people on a horse-drawn cart,dressed in this manner?That said, they finally managed to find people who could provideinformation. Erica immediately sprang into action."Hey, good sirs hurrying along your way! May I trouble you for a moment?"Standing before the cart as if blocking their way, she asked in Italian.She probably chose her most familiar language because she had no ideawhat the other side spoke. However, they did not seem to understandErica"s words.This was apparent from their ignoring Erica, choosing to stare at G.o.doubeside her instead."x.x.xX, x.x.xx.x.xX! x.x.xXX, x.x.x!""XX, x.x.xx.x.xX, x.x.x! x.x.xXX, x.x.x, x.x.xXX!"Pointing their fingers at G.o.dou, they were yelling somethingincomprehensible.An unknown language. However, the linguistic nuance resembled Germansomewhat."Erica, do you know what they"re saying?"Tm not too sure myself..."Erica was fully fluent in English, German and French and even languageslike Spanish, Greek etc did not pose a challenge to her.For her to be stumped in translation, this place must be truly unusual.As G.o.dou nodded, Erica continued."However, they are extremely afraid of you. It feels like they are saying,"You"ve finally arrived, black-haired devil!" "Please spare my life!""G.o.dou was shocked by this excessively unexpected explanation.In addition, the men were glaring at Ena and shouting something. Themeaning was still unknown. However, one could easily imagine from theway they cried out in fear with their twitching faces.The straightforward child of nature felt displeased as a result and frownedheavily."Completely no idea what they"re saying, but Ena feels very hurt."Ena"s displeased voice seemed to provoke the two men on the cart. Theyjumped off the driver"s perch and began to unload the cargo from the cartonto the ground.Carpentry tools, gray jars, pickaxes, heavy-looking sacks and dozens ofcoins.G.o.dou stared at the coins that were the last to be taken out.They were all crooked in shape. Due to primitive metallurgy, they could notcreate perfect circles. Although the coins were mostly copper, there were afew gold coins mixed among them."x.x.xXX, x.x.x, x.x.xx.x.xx.x.xX!"Then the pair ran as fast as they could, fleeing in the direction from wherethey had come.They had abandoned their horses, cart and cargo. G.o.dou spoke inwide-eyed shock:"Say, those people were saying just now..."""Here"s all our profit, spare us!" Something like that.""Hey. In that case, Ena can translate it just as well."Everything was so unexpected. The trio was dumbfounded at the sametime.Feeling baffled, G.o.dou crouched down and tried to open one of the sacks.This size would be the same as j.a.panese standard sacks for packaging5kg of rice. The sack was filled with a large amount of white powder."Seems to be wheat flour... What should we do with this?""Yeah. Given the circ.u.mstances, it"s best that we just keep it forourselves.""Hey hey.""No G.o.dou, we are currently in an emergency. There is no reason not tomake the most of useful supplies."Despite his objections to Erica"s statement, G.o.dou did not voice them.Indeed, considering the current situation, giving up on these supplieswould be quite a shame. Hence, he decided to turn a blind eye and loadedthe cargo back onto the cart.Then the three of them mounted the cart and continued along the road.They traveled opposite to the direction the men had fled. Erica sat on thedriver"s perch to control the horses. Along the way, she examined thevarious cargo, nodding her head frequently.What particularly caught her attention were the patterns on the pottery jarsas well as the words and faces carved on the gold coins.In this manner, they traveled roughly three hours along the road.Finally, the cart reached a small village. Brick houses were scatteredeverywhere in isolation.Naturally, there were also people: young men resembling shepherds,guiding flocks of sheep; old men leading donkeys leisurely along the road;people carrying farming tools and pa.s.sing through herds of cattle.Houses, people"s attire, their possessions, farming tools, everything wasquite simple without exception.Furthermore, Erica suddenly went to investigate a shrine. The building wasconstructed by the side of the main road. There were also quite a few thickpillars made of white marble. It seemed like a miniature version of theParthenon.Then Erica announced:"So, Ena-san, I shall now disclose my speculations. This is most likelyancient Europe. The time period is roughly between the fourth and fifthcenturies. The location is a province in the Roman Empire, probably Gaul.""...Eh!?"Usually the one shocking others with her bold behavior, this time it wasSeishuuin Ena"s turn to be surprised instead. Ena stared blankly indumbfounded amazement."In any case, Madame Aisha"s corridors connect the Netherworld to pastages. We have been exiled to the world of the past.""Ehhhhhh!?"Had Saint Raffaello not explained to him earlier, surely G.o.dou would havereacted in the same manner.G.o.dou recalled the female Paladino"s words with deep feeling. "More thananyone else, Aisha-neesan is the most troublesome Campione." Now heagreed from the bottom of his heart."Then what are we going to do from now on...?"As G.o.dou muttered, he also realized that a group of what appeared to bevillagers were approaching them.In the center of the group was an old man dressed in a stately toga. Wasn"tthis how people dressed back in the Roman Empire? Beside the old manwere several well-built young men.On further thought, G.o.dou and his companions" manner of dress reallystood out in this environment.It was only natural that they caught people"s attention. There were alsosome people who began stirring trouble like the two Caucasians fromearlier.The situation was getting more and more tumultuous — However, G.o.dourealized something. The gazes of the people were clearly filled with fearand reverence.While staring at G.o.dou, they whispered to one another in subdued tones.But among the many things they said, G.o.dou could pick out repeatedinstances of the words "Uldin" [1 J and "Tyr." [2]Part 2Four days had pa.s.sed since the sudden journey through time.However, language barriers and lack of supporting personnel were onlyproblems in the beginning. Currently, G.o.dou, Erica and Ena were livingquite comfortably."This is the Falernus-produced wine that we obtained by a stroke of goodfortune a few days earlier. We have brought it here specifically to urgeYour Highness, Uldin, to savor and enjoy."The old man in the toga was speaking with reverence.He was the owner of the plantation that G.o.dou and company had visitedfour days ago. Named Furius, he was even some kind of n.o.ble of Romandescent^ ^Reportedly, he used to be a "senator" in a nearby city.Perhaps due to these past experiences, his behavior remained quitedignified despite his humble posture."I"m sorry, although I"ve said this many times already, I"m not that man."G.o.dou spoke with embarra.s.sment.Behind Old Man Furius, a servant girl was carrying a one-armed jar.It contained what was apparently "the gift offered to His Highness Uldin.""My name is Kusanagi G.o.dou. I"m the one who should be thanking you foryour kind hospitality. Please, you don"t really have to be so generous.""I see... So that was what you were talking about earlier."Hearing G.o.dou"s explanation, the old man nodded profoundly."My utmost apologies. I was mistaken because your appearanceresembles the rumored [Tyr"s Sword], His Highness Uldin, coupled with thefact that you are accompanied by beautiful maidens, one blonde and oneblack-haired."Old Man Furius glanced behind G.o.dou. Standing on watch were Erica andEna.Blonde and black-haired, a combo comprised of two beautiful youngladies. Indeed that was true.Was this the reason why people were mistaken? G.o.dou felt intrigued."Still, I would like to offer these gifts to you as a token of apology. Linde,please make preparations.""Very well, master."Obeying Old Man Furius" orders, the servant girl retreated inside.As a side note, everyone was currently at the mansion that was Furius"residence, which was also serving as temporary accommodations forG.o.dou"s group. The old man"s family originally lived in the mansion withhim but had now gone off to live elsewhere.In short, he had "offered" his own home for G.o.dou"s group to stay."Your Highness Kusanagi. Even though you are not His Highness Uldin,[Tyr"s Sword] who rules over dragons, this does not change the fact thatyou are his kin. Please enjoy yourself without reservation.""So the castle by the river is where that Uldin guy lives?""Yes, indeed. It is the castle captured by you — or rather, the dragon rider ofthe terrible Huns, His Highness Uldin."The old man seemed to be speaking as though he were accommodatingG.o.dou"s denials of being Uldin simply for convenience."Speaking of His Highness Uldin, he is not only valiant but also resourcefuland broad-minded. In preparation for the new battles ahead, he must havemade certain considerations."The man named Uldin was apparently the unlawful invader who hadattacked this place unchecked. Furthermore, he was the master of thosepterosaurs.Four days earlier, Old Man Furius had said:"We will try to make your stay here as comfortable as possible. Also,please feel free to engage in any activities of your liking — "Subsequently, G.o.dou and the two girls were offered food and the houseand they started staying at this plantation.Even during today"s "greeting," the old man continued to speak to G.o.douin reverence and retreated without staying for too long.However, he made the following request upon his departure:"If possible... I implore you, as well as your kin, His Highness Uldin, toshow special mercy on the city of Raurica and the Holy Maiden."He offered utmost reverence in this and other ways."Various things have been cleared up over the past four days."Erica suddenly spoke up after the old man left.She had carried out investigations in the plantation and the surroundingareas. She had also visited the old n.o.ble Furius and chatted for longperiods of time to gather information without distractions. Furthermore,regarding the local language, Erica had said something like "I believe this isone of the dialects that developed into prototypical High German used insouthern Germany..."Campiones and high level magi were able to learn unknown languagesexceptionally quickly.Thanks to this blessing, G.o.dou and his group finally managed to havedialogue with the villagers. However, the j.a.panese Hime-Miko apparentlyhad not devoted her efforts to hone this linguistic ability. She explained thatwas because she seldom engaged in activities outside the country.Nevertheless, it was an emergency this time.As the premier Hime-MIko, Ena also learned the ancient language withundivided attention."Our current location really turns out to be the Roman province of Gaul, onits eastern outskirts. The great river we sighted on the first day was surelythe Rhine.""Speaking of the Rhine, I haven"t even visited it in the modern world..."G.o.dou felt a little complicated, torn whether this visit counted as a gain or aloss. Then Erica continued:"Although I didn"t notice in the beginning, this place is actually within theterritory of modern Switzerland. Near the city of Basel. If one were to followthe Rhine downstream, Strasbourg is also quite close.""Isn"t that on the French and German border?"Hearing these place names, Ena asked."Gaul is ancient France, right? Then we"re really on its very edge.""Yeah. We are currently on the sh.o.r.e of the Rhine that separates Gaulfrom Germania. During this part of history, the Rhine also serves aboundary for Roman civilization.""In other words, the lands beyond the river are undeveloped?"G.o.dou tried to draw out his knowledge of world history."I recall that the Germanic tribes lived in Germania. Goths or whateverthey"re called, right?""That would have been the case in a slightly earlier time period. But now,the situation is already changing. If one were to dwell upon these matters,we have really arrived in quite a troublesome age.""How so?""Based on the gold coin I saw on our first day here, I surmised we hadarrived in the Roman Empire after it splintered into eastern and westernhalves."Narrowing down the time period simply from seeing the design of a coin totell when it was used.G.o.dou was thoroughly impressed with Erica"s abundant knowledge.However, the Diavolo Rosso made a worried expression despite her feats."After hearing about current affairs, I know that the current emperor isnamed FlaviusJ 4 ^ Fearing the Goths who had invaded the Italianpeninsula, he is currently confined in his capital, Ravenna."Erica"s expression remained displeased as she murmured indifferently."Concluding from all this, I believe we are currently at the beginning of thefifth century — Between 400 and 410 CE. This officially marks the beginningof the Western Roman Empire"s collapse.""Is that where the problem lies?""The current situation will exacerbate rapidly very soon. The empirealready has no power to save itself. The Germanic kingdoms will becomethe new rulers of the empire"s territory. As a side note, Gaul will be invadedby savage equestrian tribes a few decades later. They will cross theRhine."Erica detailed what was going to happen in the future."In this time period, the other side of the Rhine — Germania — is under theequestrian Huns" sphere of influence. They are the greatest threat to theRoman Empire and the Gauls. Germanic tribes were driven across theRhine to settle inside Roman territory, thereby sowing the seeds of manyconflicts.""The Huns... I remember reading about them in a World History textbook."The mysterious man, Uldin, mentioned earlier was also a member of theHuns.Prompted by the mentioning of this tribe, G.o.dou recalled certain things."There was this king guy called Attila who brought great tumult to Europe,right?""Yes. He is the great king who united the Hunnic tribes that had beenlacking in solidarity and battled the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.Renowned as a king of kings. His rise occurs roughly thirty years fromnow?""So a warring states era is going to begin soon.""I guess we"d better get back to our original time as quickly as possible..."After listening to Erica"s explanation of the world situation, Ena and G.o.douremarked with deep feeling."But Your Majesty, how are we going to get back?""I guess once we find Aisha-san and ask her to open a "corridor" to connectto the modern age, it"ll be fine. But finding her might not be that easy.""The chances of success are quite low if you search aimlessly."G.o.dou sighed and Erica remarked with a shrug.He recalled what Saint Raffaello had told them before their journey throughtime."That Nee-san"s "corridors" are really a whole lot of trouble... It createsopenings similar to caves, connecting to "another world that does not existin the current one." The Astral Plane and past ages included."Saint Raffaello was frowning severely when she said this."Once Aisha-neesan goes on a journey, the corridor will temporarilydisappear. But it apparently reappears in the same place... several times ayear. Pa.s.sing through it will take you to the same world whereAisha-neesan had gone.""So, supposing someone was unfortunate enough to enter it...""Then they"ll fly over to the other side, obviously.""If dinosaur-like divine beasts really are traveling through that "corridor"...""Oh, then that means things can also come from the other side, of course.This authority of Aisha-neesan"s seems to have been usurped from thefairies of Tir na n6g from Celtic mythology."^As G.o.dou tried to fish for answers, Saint Raffaello proceeded to giveominous replies one after another.Hence, Erica had inquired of her great senior who was showing a bitterexpression."Speaking of Madame Aisha, she is most famous for her long period ofliving in seclusion..."That"s only an illusion. There never was any living in seclusion to beginwith. Aisha-neesan often uses her corridors authority to travel all over theplace. Consequently, she spends very little time in the contemporary world,which results in rumors of her living in seclusion."Recalling the conversation, G.o.dou became quite depressed. Then herealized something."However, by the time we came to our senses, we were already at theriverside. I didn"t see anything resembling the entrance to a cave in thatvicinity.""It probably still exists somewhere around there...""But it only reappears a few times a year?"Ena and Erica"s successive comments caused G.o.dou to sigh again."That means even if we go back there, we can"t return home any time...""Besides, G.o.dou, there"s an even more troublesome problem. This is theplace the man named Uldin has made his base of operations. Furthermore,he also managed to maintain a herd of divine beasts through certainmeans."Erica brought up the greatest problem."He is very likely a Campione from this time period, right? It is possible fora great mage to summon a single divine beast with great difficulty. But tokeep a whole herd, only a G.o.d or a Campione is capable of that.""Yeah, that"s right...""Simply going on what people said, that guy doesn"t feel like a G.o.d.""In that case, we must be cautious when approaching that place.Whenever two Campiones meet, something always happens. We havealready experienced plenty of that in our contemporary age."G.o.dou nodded, Ena murmured while Erica summed up the main point.Truly feeling the gravity of the troublesome situation, the trio fell silent incontemplation. Just at that moment, there was a crash.Turning their gaze, they found the servant that the plantation owner hadbrought earlier — the young girl named Linde had dropped a clay cup onthe floor, breaking it.She was intending to pour out cups of the wine that was meant as an"offering," apparently on her way to serve G.o.dou and company."I-I"m very sorry! I can"t believe I"m so clumsy!"Linde apologized profuse with an expression as though the world wasabout to end.She was a blonde girl roughly thirteen or fourteen in age, similar toG.o.dou"s younger sister Shizuka. She was a girl with an exceptionally cuteface and extraordinarily pale skin.She was dressed in what resembled a knee-length t-shirt with a belt tightlyaround her waist.Simple and crude attire. She had been the one who stayed in the mansionto serve G.o.dou"s group during the past four days. How could anyone eventhink of scolding such a girl?"Don"t mind it. You can clean up slowly once we go out."If G.o.dou were to propose helping out with the cleanup, Linde would haveflown into a panic instead.G.o.dou gestured to his two companions with his eyes. Swiftly, he stood upand left the room. Naturally, Erica and Ena followed him.The corridor was lined with many pillars while the s.p.a.cious garden evenhad a little pond.The house, built in Roman architectural style, had a few dozen rooms.From the perspective of a modern j.a.panese, it was quite extravagant. Thispoint was driven further home by the fact that G.o.dou had heard that thehomes of commoners only had one room."Oh right. Teach me how to ride a horse."G.o.dou recalled this matter as he walked through the corridor.The mansion had stables and G.o.dou had been informed that they coulduse them at will."Considering this time period, it would probably be a useful skill.""Oh, great idea. Ena is not skilled in this area either and hopes thatsomeone could instruct properly.""No problem at all. But well, from the standards of this time period, I"mdefinitely no expert.""Does the standard change with the times?""Yes. This is the era when true equestrian tribes spend most of their liveson horseback. However, I am confident that my horse riding skills aresuperior to a typical Roman"s, so don"t worry."While listening to Erica"s strangely proud claims, they arrived outside.This area was Old Man Furius" plantation, a different place from the villagewhere they had first met.However, it apparently covered a vast area five or six times that of theTokyo Dome (five hectares). G.o.dou"s first impression had mistaken theplantation for natural scenery...Bringing out horses and riding equipment from the mansion"s stables, theystarted practicing on a suitable plot of empty land.Also, stirrups did not exist in ancient Rome. This was a type of ridingequipment that dangled from the two sides of the saddle, allowing the riderto step on them for support. Without stirrups, the difficulty of riding wasgreatly increased."During this time period, the only people in Europe who used stirrups wereequestrian tribes like the Huns. But given their ability, they were evencapable of riding bareback horses calmly and shoot arrows whilemounted.""That"s amazing. Even in j.a.panese mounted archery compet.i.tions, it"d bequite difficult without stirrups."Listening to Erica"s trivia, Ena expressed her admiration while strugglingwith her own unskilled horse riding. Compared to G.o.dou who was acomplete novice, she was doing much better.As a side note, they did not have any riding equipment that could serve asstirrups.This type of saddle, used by Roman cavalry, had horn-like protrusions ontheir four corners which the rider used to stabilize themselves from theunsteady rocking of their horses.As expected, using spears, bows and arrows during horse riding wasinvented out of necessity.On this day, they ended up practicing until sunset.Part 3Then night arrived. Just when G.o.dou was about to go to bed...Very unused to horse riding training, G.o.dou had to employ many muscleshe normally would not have used, resulting in a comfortable sense offatigue.The way to eliminate fatigue was a good dip in a boiling hot open-air bath."I feel so lucky to be enjoying something like this..."G.o.dou muttered softly, enjoying the unexpected sense of bliss.Reportedly in cities built by Roman hands, great baths in the empire"s stylewere nothing rare. However, they were rare luxuries on a farm like this.Due to the lack of aqueducts, simply the transportation of water alreadytook monumental effort.However, there was a flowing hot spring in the back of the mansion.(According Erica, this current plantation here was located quite close to theborder between modern Switzerland and Germany. This place wassupposed a land of hot springs since ancient times and even the Romanarmy would use it as spas for recuperation.)Thanks to these natural amenities, they were able to enjoy this simplepleasure.However, G.o.dou suddenly recalled something while he was soakingleisurely in the bath.Come to think of it, didn"t that servant girl mention something about howthe people at the plantation would use steam baths for sweat therapy?"It sounds quite interesting. Maybe I should try it out later."G.o.dou leaned back against the bath"s edge as he muttered.At this moment, G.o.dou heard the whispering voices of his two companionswho were not supposed to be present."Jeez, this G.o.dou, even though he keeps saying "it"s better to go backsooner," he"s already fully adjusted to this time period.""Well, he is His Majesty after all. His Majesty is someone who alwayssurvives no matter where."" !?"G.o.dou looked back frantically to find Erica and Ena before him.The two girls were wearing nothing with only white cloth covering theirchest to serve as bath towels — There was not even a sc.r.a.p of sheer fabricover the rest of their bodies. In other words, they were fully naked."W-W-W-Why are you two here...!?"G.o.dou asked in a trembling voice.Just like him, they had sweated a lot during horse riding. However,because they said they needed to do something, G.o.dou had entered thebath first by himself.Under G.o.dou"s stares, Erica and Ena stiffened their bodies fromembarra.s.sment.Probably due to embarra.s.sment and nervous tension? Their expressionswere quite stiff and they were inexplicably avoiding eye contact withG.o.dou.However, the two girls nodded at each other as if they had resolvedthemselves and entered the bath together. Then Erica approachedG.o.dou"s right side while Ena took the left!They were very close. G.o.dou"s separation with Erica was 20cm while Enawas roughly 10cm away.Then the blonde beauty frowned with severe displeasure.As if competing with her rival on the other side, she shrunk her separationfrom G.o.dou by 5cm.Seeing her behavior, the black-haired child of nature hesitated for amoment before drawing herself closer with a rare, timid expression as shewatched G.o.dou"s face.They were extremely close to each other, their bare skin almost touching."Hey, Ena-san..."Murmuring with displeasure, Erica also took action.Naturally, she also approached so closely that their skin was about tomake mutual contact. Sandwiched between the blonde and black-hairedbeauties, G.o.dou began to tense up severely."C-Can you explain clearly why are you two doing this...?"G.o.dou managed to mutter his question.He was mobilizing all of his self-restraint, dispelling all notions of wanting tomake more intimate contact with these two girls. Even so, the currentsituation remained rather troubling.Regardless, Erica and Ena were completely naked apart for the piece ofwhite cloth each had over their chest respectively.Of course, before G.o.dou"s eyes were the two girls" silky-white and tenderskin as well as the attractive bodies he was already quite familiar with —G.o.dou froze his head and line of sight, only staring straight ahead.Absolutely do not gaze left or right. Absolutely do not look. He repeatedstrongly to himself over and over again."G.o.dou. From hereon I wish to negotiate with Ena-san to reach an"agreement prohibiting stealing ahead."""W-What stealing ahead?""To prohibit stealing ahead regarding Your Majesty. Ena has alreadydiscussed many things with Erica-san over the past four days.""So we intend to decide on the specifics with you as the witness, G.o.dou.""What the heck, that"s..."An unexpected conversation was taking place between the trio in theopen-air bath.However, G.o.dou finally managed to recover from his panic. Hiscompanions consisted of the combination of Erica and Ena who wereespecially to unprecedented, unconventional behavior. However, solong as he kept his cool and approached them with strong rationality andcritical thinking, G.o.dou should be able to resist them.G.o.dou warned himself to remain resolute in the face of all occurrences ashe tensed his expression."I knew it. Umm... I must cross that line with His Majesty and become evenmore intimate...""This place is different from contemporary times and is quite a dangeroussituation, yes? ...Taking into account the suspension bridge effect, Ibelieve it is quite likely for that type of situation to develop between G.o.douand either of us...""Guah!"As Ena murmured shyly, Erica whispered softly with a slightly worriedexpression in response.Watching them like that, G.o.dou"s calm was instantly blown away."Particularly me, I have not opposed the idea of having children withG.o.dou, starting a very long time ago...""Oh what are you saying, Erica-san? Even me, Ena, has alreadyconsidered the prospects of doing that with His Majesty all the way back inthe beginning.""But Ena-san, don"t you find that type of undertaking quite daunting insome ways?"Erica spoke with the tone of a salon mistress who was worrying about afemale friend.Rather than trying to make difficulties for a rival, her tone of voice was verybroad-minded and accepting; very much in Erica"s style, one should say."Regarding this point, I believe we must venture into this unknown domainwith as positive an outlook as possible... For the sake of sharing that joywith G.o.dou...""E-Ena definitely has no problem too."Although it felt a little like she was forcing herself, Ena continued to a.s.sert."One will always manage when the time comes to try this sort of thing forreal. Nothing comes out of it unless you actually try, that"s what my grannysaid.""W-W-W-What the heck are you two discussing in front of me..."G.o.dou finally managed to get a word in, prompting embarra.s.sedexpressions on the two girls" faces.As if to conceal her embarra.s.sment, Erica coughed dryly."In any case, we must avoid escalating that type of compet.i.tion. We arealready facing a difficult crisis, so we shouldn"t waste unnecessary effortand energy.""That"s why we need to make a detailed agreement."Erica and Ena joined forces."Before we return to the modern era, neither of us will try to forestall eachother. Then there"s no problem, right?""Yes, no problem. Ena has no objections.""But if G.o.dou were to be consumed with desire under some sort of impetusand he demands on his own initiative...""It"ll be treated as an exception. Ena thinks there"s no grounds forreprimand in that case.""Indeed. Precisely because he"s G.o.dou, I am quite confident that thepossibility exists for him to behave that way.""Then it"ll be impossible to refuse..."Hearing shocking words, G.o.dou frantically interrupted:"W-Wait a sec! That"s kind of person you two take me for!?""Indeed. In that area, you"ll surely toy with us thoroughly for sure.""However, when His Majesty acts in that manner... Ena doesn"t dislike it.How about you, Erica-san?""I, on the other hand, hope that he could control that bold and unrestrainedside of his somewhat. Of course, it"s quite refreshing to be treated that wayon occasion. I can"t deny that it doesn"t feel bad at all.""Oh, Erica-san doesn"t hate it either. Sure enough...""Ena-san, this is quite unladylike. Please choose your words carefullybefore you speak!""Uh... How should I say this? I"m very sorry in various ways."Stuck in this girl talk, G.o.dou could no longer bear staying any longer. Ofcourse, he deserved all this for what he had done in the past so there wereno grounds for him to complain.Just as the discussion was getting underway, a fourth person arrived."S-Sorry to disturb everyone in your enjoyment..."G.o.dou did not expect the new arrival to be Linde.Furthermore, she was wearing nothing apart from a loincloth. A youngmaiden"s smooth skin and delicate body was displayed in full view.Fortunately, she was carrying a small jar in her arms, thus barely obscuringthe front view of her upper torso."W-Why have you come to this place!?""1-1 was thinking of serving you all in the bath... Oh, here is the perfume themaster ordered me to bring to you. He said it was for the two princesses touse..."Linde bowed her head as she spoke as though avoiding eye contact withG.o.dou.Her body kept trembling. It was clearly fear. G.o.dou could not help butreprimand."Entering the bath the way you"re dressed is unacceptable! Men andwomen should bathe separately in a place like this!""G.o.dou... Even if you say that now, it"s completely unconvincing.""The way it looks now, you"re just having Ena and Erica-san serve youwhile you enjoy the pleasure.""Th-That"s because you two suddenly intruded. Uh, no matter what, if I"movercome with impure thoughts and end up doing something wrong, it"d bebad, right?""No, not at all. Should that situation actually arise... I have alreadyprepared myself.""Eh?"Watching this ancient girl declare as she bowed her head down dejectedly,G.o.dou was rendered speechless.He stared at Linde in dumbstruck shock. Quick on the uptake, Erica spokeon G.o.dou"s behalf."Your duties are done here. Please go prepare dinner next.""V-Very well. I understand. Princess!"Given instructions by Erica, Linde swiftly disappeared from the bath like apuff of smoke."What on earth was that child thinking...""G.o.dou, please understand your current situation. Now is a goodopportunity to explain things for you."Erica explained to G.o.dou as he went limp in exasperation."Listen well, G.o.dou? You have been mistaken for Uldin who is no simpleinvader. He is the military leader with the greatest power and influence inthese lands. His position is that of a king and a chieftain"s.""A king, you say?""Yes. Furthermore, this isn"t modern society. Given a tyrant of the ancientworld, illegal and immoral acts are condoned for the most part.Presumably, violating that child is also not a problem.""What!?""Although it"s quite unpleasant, it does occur frequently...""However, I must make one thing clear to you. Should that type of situationarise, you must suppress yourself absolutely. You must limit your l.u.s.t onlytowards me or Ena-san.""Erica, how could you say something like that as an unmarried maiden!?"G.o.dou scolded the Diavolo Rosso loudly for what she proposed with ablush.However, Erica continued with a face full of embarra.s.sment."But it"s very important. Although it also includes disallowing your affectionsto stray, the main worry is that you might leave descendants behind in thisera, you know?"G.o.dou stared wide-eyed at the sudden mention of "descendants."Then Ena commented with deep feeling as if explaining things further."It was the same with my grandfather. Great men with illegitimate children.If Your Majesty were to sire children in this era, it could end up doingsomething like changing history.""When saving someone, there is also the terrifying possibility you areconsigning someone else to death."Erica sighed listlessly."How about a better description? The effects occurring a century or amillennium later cannot be predicted at all. Stemming from one incident,people who were supposed to be born may end up not existing. Peoplewho should have played great historical roles becoming nonexistent,ultimately causing changes to both history and the future...""Ah, you mean the b.u.t.terfly effect?"Realizing what his companions were getting at, G.o.dou nodded."A tiny b.u.t.terfly flapping its wings could end up causing a hurricane to formelsewhere faraway. It has been mentioned in movies about transcendingtime and s.p.a.ce. However, is it really that easy to change history?"G.o.dou could understand Erica"s suggestions. However, he was still onlyhalf-convinced.Compared to this issue, he considered male and female sharing anopen-air bath, conversing while essentially nude to be a greater problem.As if suggesting to himself as he endeavored not to look towards the sides,G.o.dou spoke:"There are limits to what a human can do.""If you really were a normal person, then you wouldn"t need to be soneurotic.""A person capable of even slaying G.o.ds. Even alone, most wars couldprobably be won single-handedly. With a little more effort, establishing theboundaries of one or two kingdoms should probably be a piece of cake."Faced with the girls" successive accusations, G.o.dou went renderedspeechless. Come to think of it, Saint Raffaello had mentioned before:"Most people would have trouble sleeping peacefully at night ever again ifthey heard the full story.""This is a dangerous matter that could change the world completely. Inactual fact, it has already started."What if humans who had traveled through the corridors or Madame Aishaherself, more than anyone else, were to change past history?Stemming from that, momentous changes could occur in the future world —Indeed such a possibility existed. If penicillin had been invented back in theEdo period, there would be great changes in history and medicine fromthen on."Was Saint Raffaello referring to this when describing Madame Aisha asthe most troublesome...?"Clearly a cut above the other six Campiones, the troublemaker whotraversed time and s.p.a.ce.Realizing this meaning, G.o.dou sighed."There are far too many unknowns. Avoid doing anything rash, G.o.dou,okay?""Yeah, that"s really true... I will remember that carefully."G.o.dou nodded deeply to acknowledge Erica"s advice.Just at that moment, a giant shadow flew overhead in the night sky. It wasone of the pterosaur-type divine beasts in Uldin"s service. Only a singlepterosaur was flying swiftly."Is it returning to the castle?""Perhaps it"s scouting. According to rumors, [Tyr"s Sword] Uldin has set hiseyes on Augusta Raurica as his next prey.""What"s that Augusta whatever you just mentioned?""It"s the Roman colonial city closest to here. Uldin has already visited thatplace many times over the past month, ordering those dinosaurs to attackin a half-playful manner. All of the city"s elites have already fled. Thedefending soldiers have lost all their morale.""That"s only natural. No matter how you put it, summoning dinosaurs in theancient world is cheating."G.o.dou remarked emphatically, prompting Erica to smile wryly."Who knows if it"s a blessing or a curse, but there are no authorities onbiology in this time period. The dinosaurs have all been categorized as"dragons." Ah, however."Erica smiled mischievously as she spoke."There was one piece of notable news. There is someone in Raurica whomthe people call the "Holy Maiden" and she has bestowed her protectionupon the city — That is how it managed to barely pull through.""They defended against the attacks of divine beasts?"Ena was shocked by the news Erica revealed."If it"s true, then that"s really amazing. The only ones capable of that areG.o.ds or G.o.dslaying kings — "Ena stopped midway. G.o.dou also remembered a certain fact."Since the "corridor" is connected to this place from the very start, thechances of Madame Aisha being in the area are quite high."Erica smiled at G.o.dou"s mutterings. The Diavolo Rosso must have realizedit a long time ago.G.o.dou nodded hard, clear where they needed to go next.Part 4It was the night they decided to head towards the city of Augusta Raurica.G.o.dou, Erica and Ena paid Old Man Furius a visit and exchanged partingpleasantries. Then they set off from the plantation during morning the nextday, after receiving several "gifts.""Rather than gifts, it feels more like robbery...""Oh my. All I said to them was how wonderful it"d be to have these items.Very kindly, they prepared them for us before we set off..."Erica responded to G.o.dou"s grumbles in a sleepy voice.The blonde girl, always vulnerable during early mornings, had not wakenedcompletely. Nevertheless, she still mounted her chestnut horse in onegallant motion and started riding with complete stability.Erica"s horse, saddle and the full set of riding equipment were part of thegifts.G.o.dou and Ena were sitting on a four-wheeled, roofed, wooden carriagethat was drawn by two horses. Over their modern clothing, the trio had acape draped over each of them.As a side note, they had also received some clothing native to this timeperiod.In terms of comfort and ease of movement, they all preferred their originalclothing, however."Well, it shouldn"t matter, right? It"s not like we robbed the poor."Holding the reins as she sat on the driver"s perch of the four-wheeledcarriage, Ena remarked nonchalantly.Riding the chestnut horse, Erica also nodded in agreement.Seeing the two girls acting like this, G.o.dou was impressed instead. In acertain sense, they were exhibiting a dependable and flourishing ability tosurvive.Were the combination of Yuri and Liliana present instead, they definitelywould not have accepted things so easily.In any case, the horse and the carriage began their idyllic journey.Horses would tire and collapse rapidly if they galloped at horse racingspeeds. Hence, it was common sense to have horses trot at a sustainablerate. Naturally, this speed was quite slow. Compared to modern travel,there was no contest at all.However, it did allow one to admire the scenery along the journey in greatdetail.G.o.dou and company were traveling along roads built by the RomanEmpire"s army. The empire"s road network covered all of Gaul and allowedfor efficient travel."If we wanted to travel quickly along this route, there is also the option ofriding a boat along the Rhine.""So that city called Raurica really is located along the river?""The of the Rhine have been home to many cities since antiquity.Strasbourg, Mainz, Bonn, Cologne... All the cities in that region wereoriginally Roman colonies. However, they had different names during thistime period."With Erica as their travel guide to recount the past(?), the trio continued ontheir way.Along the way, G.o.dou and the girls had to spend one night outdoors.Using the roofed carriage to serve as a tent, they took turns keeping watchas they spent the night.Thanks to Old Man Furius" care, they had ample stores of food. SinceErica and Ena were able to conjure large amounts of water through magic,drinking water was not an issue.If G.o.dou really had to complain, there was the carriage"s shaking that hisbody was unaccustomed to, which caused fatigue in his back and variousjoints. That was all.Then the second day of their leisurely journey arrived.Just as the sun began to set, G.o.dou and his entourage could see the cityjust ahead of them.They reached the city of Augusta Raurica. However, it was merely the sizeof a small town by modern standards.Thousands of homes were lined in rows along the Rhine"s sh.o.r.e.Naturally, the road G.o.dou"s group followed led towards that direction. Butcompared to the town, the stronghold two kilometers ahead was far moreimportant. The stronghold was surrounded by walls roughly five meters tall.In terms of structure, this greatly resembled Uldin"s castle.Furthermore, G.o.dou and the girls saw it. A creature circling the skiesabove the castle, the same type they had seen before. The blackpterosaur. The Deinonychus-form divine beast that could suddenly growwings.However, this pterosaur had a rider.A black-haired young man was mounted on a saddle on the pterosaur"sback."So he"s that Uldin person of rumor?""It"s very likely. Just as the old man at the plantation said, he"s very similarto His Majesty!"As Erica wondered, Ena also made a surprising report using her excellentvision.Very similar to him — Kusanagi G.o.dou the j.a.panese?As Far Easterners, G.o.dou and Ena should be quite conspicuousexistences in ancient Gaul whose population was virtually pure Caucasian.Feeling intrigued, G.o.dou"s group spurred their horses to go faster.However, before they could reach their destination, the pterosaur"s ridermade a move first. He tossed several small, white objects towards theground.They were seven teeth from some carnivore.As soon as they landed, the teeth changed in shape. They transformedinto forms shaped like the Deinonychus, except with bodies measuringroughly four meters in length.The mini-Deinonychuses were equipped with well-developed hind legs andvicious, hooked claws.They started running on their two hind legs, leaning forward such that theirhead, back and tail were in a straight line parallel to the ground. Theirspeed was akin to a steed"s.Born from teeth, the army of mini-dinosaurs instantly reached the castlegates ahead.The few soldiers on standby in the lookout above the gates began to looknervous."Those things intend to attack the town!?"The seven mini-Deinonychuses kept crashing into the castle gates thatremained tightly shut.On every impact, the wooden door would shake intensely. While thisintense clash continued without pause, the heavy timber creaked noisily.About to break, the castle gates managed to hold.Just as G.o.dou was thinking a breach was only a matter of time if thiscontinued —Ten odd defending soldiers appeared on the castle walls.Apparently, the walls were quite easy to mount from the inside of thestronghold.They swiftly drew their "weapons" and prepared to attack. There wereseveral ma.s.sive crossbows mounted at regular intervals on top of thecastle walls."W-What are those?""Ballistae — siege crossbows!"As expected of a knight, Erica answered immediately.The soldiers used roughly ten ballistae to fire without pause. They targetedthe seven miniature dinosaurs. It was a sight akin to watching infantryfighting against tanks."Amazing. They look completely unafraid!""Rather than courageous, it"s probably better to describe them asfoolhardy. It won"t be that easy for them to escape."As Ena expressed her amazement, Erica was also surprised.If they were the ones launching the attacks, the two girls would probablyinflict fatal blows to the enemy with single strikes.However, the Roman defenders also displayed great battle prowess. Usingthe ballistae — siege crossbows — they kept firing ma.s.sive arrows thatpierced the skin of the mini-Deinonychuses.Accompanied by the splattering of blood, the dinosaur army groaned inpain.Also, one of the arrows skewered a mini-Deinonychus" eyeball!G AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !Its eyeball destroyed, the dinosaur roared. It shook its head violently as ifthe pain were unbearable and rolled away from the castle gates along theground due to the suffering.YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAH!Seeing this, the soldiers on the castle walls cheered with full fighting spirit.Their morale was astounding, despite clearly having such monsters asopponents."I keep getting the feeling that it isn"t actually courage. It looks more liketheir sense of fear has been numbed."As G.o.dou muttered, the situation took a new turn.A man in his prime mounted the lookout over the castle gates.He was wearing metal armor with a helmet decorated with strikingfeathers. It appeared to be equipment that expressed exalted status."Barbarian Uldin! Stop these barbaric acts that threaten our cities andtowns, right this instant!"He yelled across the glowing evening sky with his deep voice.As a result, the black pterosaur landed near the lookout. It was Uldin. Untiljust now, he had been watching from the sky as the soldiers foughtvaliantly."Don"t say such inconsequential things, commander. It"s been quite a whilesince I last found prey of value, I"m just about to enjoy this joyful feeling."A young man"s voice. However, it was unbelievably filled with imposingsolemnity.Without being shouted loudly, it was still transmitted clearly to one"s earsnaturally. This was the mysterious man commanding the flyingdragons — Uldin.G.o.dou could not help but listen intently to the man who spoke as heordered his pterosaur to glide away."An easily defended castle that is difficult to besiege. Soldiers who remainfearless in the face of dragons. Furthermore, a valiant general to lead thesoldiers — An apt description, wouldn"t you agree? How fares the beautifulHoly Maiden, may I ask?""Shut up, barbarian! Stop subjecting this town to your violence and scram!Back to your dog"s lair!""Hey hey. I am absolutely not a man who is difficult to communicate with,you know?"In the face of the angry commander, Uldin replied with a regretfulexpression."By all means, if you"ll swear loyalty, I don"t mind being your king for now.All you need to do is fight courageously for two years and you"ll surelyacc.u.mulate sufficient wealth and victories.""By that you mean you will take away the empire"s citizens!?""Mmm hmm. Although it"s a little much for me to say this myself, I amalready quite used to this type of job. I"m actually quite good when pushcomes to shove, you know? I also want that Holy Maiden as my woman.""Vile creature! You unreasonable, lecherous villain!"While listening to their conversation, G.o.dou nodded.He was getting an idea of what kind of man Uldin was. He was very likely aman who commanded the and ordered others around as if it weresecond nature.Hence, his words and actions naturally displayed authoritative solemnity.On the other hand, G.o.dou"s two companions had different impressions."Indeed. This man is quite similar to His Majesty, right?""Making use of one"s own authority as the G.o.dslaying conqueror, living alife surrounded by beautiful maidens. However, the man over there is quitecandid about his desires.""S-Stop lumping me with that kind of man..."G.o.dou could not help but grumble. Uldin took new action.He suddenly whistled loudly, causing the rampaging mini-Deinonychusarmy to disappear like a puff of smoke."Very well, partner, I"ll rely on you to go wild for a bit."Uldin called to his pterosaur.In that very instant, a commotion erupted in the lookout. Despite thecommander"s yells of "Engage!", the surrounding soliders forcibly draggedhim down from the lookout.The soldiers manning the ballistae on the castle walls also fled.These soldiers had been fearless even against the Deinonychuses. Theyprobably reacted differently now because they were familiar with Uldin"sterrifying ways.The soliders scattered like spiders, leaving no defenders to protect thegates."Smash it!"The pterosaur"s master, Uldin, gave simple instructions.As his mount, the pterosaur opened its jaws wide and spewed outscorching lighting. The wooden door of the castle was instantly destroyed,blown away by the violent impact.Although this was indeed terrifying power, G.o.dou simply watched witheyes of appraisal.Uldin should be capable of easily destroying this sort of stronghold.G.o.dou clenched his fist tightly. He should avoid changing history as muchas possible. However, he could not accept leaving that man unchecked —Should he act? He deliberated. However, it was only a moment"shesitation.By the time he realized, G.o.dou had already jumped down from the driver"sperch of the carriage.With that, he was able to move his body freely. Then G.o.dou chanted spellwords:"For victory, hasten forth before me... O immortal sun, I beseech thee togrant radiance to the stallion!"G.o.dou had long realized the man was the people"s enemy.Hence, he was a suitable target for Verethragna"s third incarnation, the[White Stallion]. The time was currently dusk. Sinking in the westernhorizon, the orange sun gave off radiant light.This was the spear of fire and light released by Verethragna as theheavenly child of the sun G.o.d Mithra."Hmm...?"However, the instant the setting sun quivered in response to the spellwords, Uldin also took action.Frowning in surprise, he picked up a small-sized bow from his saddle withhis left hand while an arrow with a golden arrowhead suddenly manifestedin his right hand —The instant Verethragna"s [White Stallion] was released, the ancientCampione called out:"O arrow of Rudra^, grant unto me the radiance of the sun"s halo!"These were spell words to control a sacred authority. Next, the arrow ofgold was fired towards the setting sun.At the same time, a second sun appeared in the eastern sky.It was the sun that was supposed to rise with the morning glow. However,the glow of dawn was currently coloring the brilliant red of the dusk sky intoa rosy shade.Then a sword of fire and light was released from the second sun."G.o.dou, be careful! Like the [White Stallion], that"s an authority forcontrolling the sun!"Erica"s warning made G.o.dou understand completely.Uldin was also a Campione who used the sun as a weapon. As a user ofthe same power, his instincts had alerted him to danger, prompting him tostrike in response!The sun G.o.d"s flames flew from the east while the [White Stallion]"s flamesapproached from the west.G.o.dou"s group watched as the two fiery clashed violentlyoverhead, colliding with each other and mutually annihilatingsimultaneously."Oh, I knew it..."Uldin muttered as he watched the battle of flames.He looked down from atop the pterosaur, obtaining a

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