
Chapter 115

Chapter 5 - The G.o.dslaying Holy MaidenPart 1Uldin was riding the black pterosaur as though it were a horse.On the ground, G.o.dou gazed up at him, sitting there on the "dragon"saddle. However, G.o.dou did not feel any sense of inferiority. He shruggedand asked:"How did you figure out so easily that I am your kin?""All I needed to do was to find the most arrogant person around here apartfrom myself. The only one present who is not afraid of me, that"s you andno one else!"The term "Campione" did not exist in the ancient past.Hence, G.o.dou had not used the term. Uldin replied unceremoniously.Just as Ena had reported earlier, Uldin did resemble G.o.dou in face.However, it was not like they were two of the same mold. At most, onecould conclude they were "blood-related cousins" but that was it.More than anything else, it was their overall appearance that contributedthe most to their resemblance.Both were roughly 180cm tall. Black hair. Black irises. Furthermore, Uldinwas undoubtedly mongoloid in race. The Huns were the descendants ofthe Xiongnu tribes that had fled from the orient — G.o.dou recalled thisdescription."In that case, comrade, let me ask you a question. Why did you get in myway?""Well... If I let you do as you pleased, you"re going to destroy the town theway you wrecked the castle gates and attack the people, right?"The ancient Campione had a relatively well-proportioned face. However,compared to his face, his vigorous and forceful airs left the deepestimpression on others.G.o.dou gazed into Uldin"s sharp eyes and said:"How could I ignore such a cruel act occurring before my eyes? People willsurely die.""Well, that"s because there"s a war going on. But don"t worry, I"m not thetype to hunt down and slaughter those who flee. It"s much more profitableto sell captives as slaves."Surrendered enemies were the victor"s property. Indeed, it was a notionthat belong to ancient ways of thinking.Uldin declared "I am not a man who indulges in needless slaughter!" andproudly puffed out his chest.Despite realizing there was a fundamental difference in values betweenthem, G.o.dou still tried to persuade Uldin."Like I said, I can"t approve of that.""Why? I have no intention of entering a conflict with you. Not only that, but Ialso want to treat you like a guest. I could even hold a welcoming feast foryou."Feeling puzzled, Uldin stroked the messy beard on his chin.Very likely, he was completely unable to comprehend why G.o.dou wouldpropose a "cessation of hostilities.""It"s quite rare for me to meet another of my kin. Although I"ve no idea if wecould get along harmoniously, I really hoped we could at least toast andshare drinks before we part ways. Comrade, that"s really cold of you."Uldin ended up sounding like a cool and hearty hero.Perhaps in Uldin"s mind, using physical force to invade and plunder was nodifferent from industries like hunting and fishing.G.o.dou frowned.This man was a G.o.dslayer and a member of a warring equestrian tribe thattreated conflict and plundering as their daily life in this time period.Was it really a set of values incompatible with that of the modern pacifist,Kusanagi G.o.dou — ?"No, wait a minute. I get it now. Hahaha, I guess it"s my fault foroverlooking something."Uldin suddenly laughed."Sorry, my bad my bad. I should have realized sooner why you"re givingme such a hard time. This city has caught your fancy too, huh?""Oi.""Let"s be open with it all. You want to compete with me to see who canbecome the master of the city, right?"G.o.dou was shocked by Uldin who was speaking like a friendly olderbrother. Furthermore, Uldin was casting gentle glances at Erica and Enawho had been listening intently to their conversation."These are your women, right? Excellent taste, I"d say. Speaking of which,the one known as the "Holy Maiden" is also inside that castle. Did you knowthat she is also quite an outstanding beauty?"Uldin"s tone of voice was upfront and lacked any sense of tension.However, that did not imply laxity in battle preparedness. Were G.o.dou toattack, Uldin would surely respond in kind with a smile."Or perhaps, you"d like to make the Holy Maiden your woman as well?Hohoho, she is definitely no ordinary person for she seems to possessstrange powers."Uldin inquired in a testing manner. A shred of acuteness only flashed foran instant amidst his gentle gaze.Holy Maiden — Who on earth could she be? Was she really MadameAisha?Faced with G.o.dou"s surprise, the equestrian G.o.dslayer began to utternonsense while seated on his dragon saddle."Well, since we"re both G.o.dslayers, I think it"d be a great idea to have abattle to decide who gets the city and the woman. Very well, let me take alittle time to consider whether or not to accept your challenge. Please waitfor my reply!"Uldin patted his dragon mount on the head.The black pterosaur flapped its wings forcefully and rose through the sky,illuminated by the evening glow.Only at this moment did G.o.dou notice.The divine beast had displayed excessive wariness when approaching theCampione, Kusanagi G.o.dou, at close range.But in the scene just now, the black dragon had not shown any signs offear. This was probably the terrifying aspect of Uldin"s power to control andcommand dragons."A temporary farewell, comrade. Please tell me your name next time. I amUldin and people sometimes call me [Tyr"s Sword] or [Devil King]!"Leaving behind this hearty farewell, Uldin flew east.After watching the figure disappear into the sky, G.o.dou returned to thecarriage."What should we do next? Should we just enter the castle?"Mounting the carriage"s driver perch, Ena asked.It looked like she had gotten off earlier in order to stand by in case G.o.douneeded a.s.sistance. On the other hand, Erica had not dismounted, actingliterally like a "knight." She replied:"Of course. Let"s enter the place as planned.""But is this really okay? His Majesty and Uldin-san just fought amagnificent skirmish. Those people look very wary.""Precisely because of that, things will be easy. Rather, I"d say it"s perfect."Several soldiers had returned to the top of the castle walls during this time.In lowered stances, they were peeking at G.o.dou"s group. Even from faraway, it was obvious that their attention was directed towards thisgroup — More accurately, they were staring at Kusanagi G.o.dou.While enduring the gazes of these ancient people, Erica and Enacontinued their discussion."If we wanted to, we could easily engage them in battle all at once.Besides, G.o.dou is right here, yes?""That"s very true. So, if they decide to attack, why don"t we simply take thecastle for ourselves? Then we"ll use it for the battle against Uldin-san.""That idea is under review, but I don"t think it actually matters."Erica a.s.sured them from astride her beloved horse."Even if we don"t go that far, G.o.dou can definitely stay here as a guestwithout any problems. It"s not too difficult to become the highest actualauthority here, either.""As expected of Erica-san. Your plan probably embodies the description,solid as a mountain."Before they entered the castle gates, G.o.dou listened to the two girlsengaged in a discussion about unsettling plans for conquest.Although G.o.dou was shocked by their radical ideas, he did not express hisobjections.Ena took up the reins and made the carriage move towards the castlegates. Erica also rode her horse beside them.G.o.dou was not sure what the blonde female devil was planning exactly,but he resolved to stop her if she brings calamity to the citizens... G.o.douswore secretly to himself.After several minutes, the trio finally pa.s.sed through the gates.Instead of being vertical, the castle walls sloped gently on the inner side.These walls were constructed by piling a large amount of stones overearthwork fortifications. There were steps in various places, allowing thecastle walls to be easily mounted.The rectangular stronghold occupied an area of roughly 500m by 600m.One could describe it as the size of a village. In actual fact, there were fiveor six rows of buildings resembling townhouses. G.o.dou was struck by asense of deja vu, reminded of j.a.panese residential neighborhoods andareas with singles apartments.The center of the stronghold was called a plaza.Several hundred soldiers were currently gathered at the plaza.Most of the soldiers were wearing helmets and ring mail while armed withspears and oval shields.G.o.dou, Erica and Ena walked right into this armed gathering. Normally,they should be the ones venturing in trepidation, fearful of the situation.However, the soldiers were actually the ones watching G.o.dou"s group infear instead.Just as they were about to arrive before the army, Erica suddenly spokeup:"I wish to speak to this castle"s commander. Is there any problem!?"Without dismounting her horse, she simply asked elegantly.Tossing the blonde hair that adorned her head like a crown with its reddishl.u.s.ter, Erica gazed down at the soldiers.It almost looked as though she were the superior officer in charge of thisarmy. Then the soldiers parted all at once, allowing a man whose helmetwas decorated with feathers to approach.It was the person Uldin had addressed as the commander."What business do you have, lady? Do you serve that man over there...?"After taking a glance at G.o.dou and Ena, the commander asked stiffly.During this time period, blonde hair and blue eyes were the characteristicsof most members of Germanic tribes. On the other hand, j.a.panese peoplewith their black hair and black irises would look like Huns like Uldin.The commander seemed to understand why one member of the trio was ofa different ethnicity.On the other hand, Erica still puffed out her chest despite being mistakenfor a slave, smiling with a "Hmph.""I shall explain my position in detail later. But first, please answer thisquestion. Do you have any intention of hiring my master, Kusanagi G.o.dou,as a mercenary?""Did you say mercenary?"The commander was surprised. However, the suggestion was also quiteunexpected for G.o.dou as well.G.o.dou stared at Erica intently. She continued to explain in an elegant toneof voice."This Kusanagi G.o.dou here is a man who shares the same origins with[Tyr"s Sword] Uldin.""So he really is from the barbarians...""Just as you all know, Uldin is a warrior who wields power equal to theG.o.ds. However, Kusanagi G.o.dou also possesses the same ability. Yousaw how they both shot fire descending from the heavens, yes?""Hmm...""In terms of power, they are equals. However, Kusanagi G.o.dou absolutelydoes not share Uldin"s ambitions. We now offer you the opportunity to hireKusanagi G.o.dou and his tribe as soldiers, yes?"Two hours later, Kusanagi G.o.dou had become the captain of themercenaries of Augusta Raurica"s border defense. His ident.i.ty and statuswere now guaranteed.However, one could describe the terms of employment as absolutelyabsurd.Kusanagi G.o.dou and his subordinates were given full autonomy on thebattlefield. They were open to requests but were not duty-bound to followorders. Every month, they were paid a ma.s.sive salary. Etc etc."Hey you, those are really astounding demands. Are you trying to squeezethem dry and swallow them alive...""It"s all good. Apart from you, G.o.dou, there is no one else capable offighting Uldin."G.o.dou expressed his opinion, but the blonde negotiator defended herself.As a side note, they were now currently at the stronghold"s headquarters infront of the plaza just now. This building contained s.p.a.cious halls, corridorslined with columns, and even a central courtyard. The design was quitemajestic.G.o.dou"s group had gone to the empty courtyard to engage in a discussionbetween moderners."Because they know that very well, they accepted the unprecedentedterms and conditions.""But they hired His Majesty so readily despite the fact that he looks likeone of Uldin-san"s tribesmen. Why isn"t there more resentment orwariness?"Ena"s mutterings caused Erica to chuckle with a smile."It"s not a problem at all. During this time period, the Roman army wouldoften hire foreign ethnicities by the tribe as a unit to serve as mercenaries.Examples include Germanic peoples such as the Goths or the Vandals,and of course, the Huns as well.""Even Uldin"s tribe as well!?""Yes. Remember back when we were investigating the mystery of SirLancelot, the names of Sarmatians and Scythians came up? Theyfrequently served in the Roman Empire as mercenaries.""Why would they hire armies of foreign ethnicity specifically ...""During this time period, the Roman army had lost its former strength andwere weakening progressively. Furthermore, equestrian tribes were farsuperior as cavalry. Even the Germanic peoples were far more familiarwith horses than true Romans."Erica explained to alleviate G.o.dou"s shock."In the end, excessive reliance on foreign mercenaries was one of thereasons for the Western Roman Empire"s collapse. But because we are inthis sort of era, thriving is a simple matter provided you have that desire,G.o.dou.""What do you mean by that?""Ah, basically this. Seizing real military power in the countryside andestablishing yourself as a warlord."Ena began to giggle like a mischievous child."In an era when central authority has weakened, those who wield militarypower are effectively the ones in power. The rise of many feudal lordsduring j.a.pan"s Warring States Period followed the same principles.""Yeah, now that you"ve made it that explicit, even I get it now. But comeon, you two!"Hearing the two girls" unsettling conversation, G.o.dou protested with deepfeeling."Didn"t you two advise me a few days earlier? About taking care not tochange the course of history?"G.o.dou"s reminder produced a clear effect. Ena smiled in embarra.s.smentwhile Erica turned her face away as if to hide her expression. Clearly thetwo girls had forgotten their own advice."Fair enough. But given who you are, Your Majesty, it"s like having thestrongest army even alone by yourself, so Ena could not help but naturallyget excited.""In actual fact, Uldin has been doing whatever he wants by himself most ofthe time.""That"s right, that"s right. Also, displaying your valor to the world andconquering the land in unification, that would feel quite cool. If you putsome effort into it, perhaps you could become a great king whose name isrecorded in this era"s history, Your Majesty.""You could inherit the dream that Alexander III of Macedonia could notrealize.""It"d be fun if you could achieve Genghis Khan"s great conquests, sevenhundred years before he does it.""But if your territory grows too vast, it"d be difficult to administer your rule.This type of large empire always breaks down from its core. This has beenproven by history.""Wow, the ideas just keep coming once we start thinking about this."Hearing Ena and Erica chatting nonstop in excitement, G.o.dou began toponder.This team of two girls were equipped with intellect, initiative and occasionalbursts of impulse. Indeed, they were more dangerous than could beimagined. In order to prevent these two girls from going out of control,G.o.dou resolved himself to watch over them carefully.G.o.dou steeled his determination once more."Our first priority is returning to the present. Please rein in yourconspiracies — "Just as he spoke up, cheering could be heard from the plaza outside.The soldiers were apparently clamoring."The great Holy Maiden is here! We"re going to be healed by the great HolyMaiden!"These honest and unsophisticated cries were filled with admiration andfaith.Part 2Accompanied by Erica and Ena, G.o.dou exited the headquarters.There were roughly ten soldiers lying stretched out on the stronghold"splaza. Among them were people with injuries of varying severity: those withminor afflictions like bruises and broken bones, unconscious people, thosewrapped in layers of bandages due to severe burns, etc. There were evena few soldiers on the verge of death.Their painful moans made G.o.dou uncomfortable."They were apparently caught in the blast when Uldin"s dragon spewed outlightning just now."Erica had inquired about the situation from the soldiers gathered nearby.Also, there was a black-haired woman standing before a wounded soldierwho was lying on the ground. Due to the loose white robe she waswearing, her figure could not be discerned clearly.However, she possessed a beautiful face that clearly belonged to a youngmaiden.Probably seventeen or eighteen in age by appearance. Her delicate faceembodied a mixture of elegance and grace. She was a beautiful maidenwho gave off an impression of great gentleness.G.o.dou and his companions exchanged glances with one another. Theywere all quite surprised.The girl"s complexion was brown. Clearly she was not of European birth.Even so, the soldiers did not treat her as some strange sight. Instead, theirgazes offered admiration and goodwill towards her."O Holy Maiden, please grant us your merciful blessings — "The olive-skinned girl made a troubled expression in response to apleading soldier.It looked as though she wanted to say "Oh dear, what should I do?" Thenafter a few seconds of hesitation, she made a determined expression."Although I have no idea how far my prayers may reach... I will put forth mygreatest effort to pray for you all..."The girl spoke softly as she knelt down and clasped her hands togetherbefore her chest.Quietly, she closed her eyes. Her posture was akin to that of a pious nunengaged in a sacred prayer. Then a gust of wind began to blow at thistime.This wind felt very comfortable and gentle.G.o.dou shuddered. He could vaguely feel the presence of divine power.Immediately, the ten or so wounded soldiers sat up all of a sudden. Theywere all bearing nonchalant expressions as if nothing had happened.As far as one could see, their external injuries had all disappeared. Theirbodies seemed completely fine.The change was particularly dramatic for the soldiers who had sufferedburns. Their skin had become as smooth as a baby"s, without even anyswelling remaining at all.Rather than a miracle, one would describe the recovery and resurrectionas comedic.What happened just now, was it really an authority — !?Just as G.o.dou frantically tried to run towards the girl —OhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe soldiers who had been watching this resurrection drama all yelledtogether.It was mighty yell born from joy. The thunderous noise, almost enough torupture one"s eardrums, felt as though it was shaking the ground.While the soldiers were yelling, G.o.dou suddenly noticed something."I get the feeling the temperature suddenly increased. Was it myimagination...?""Doubt it. Ena also felt wind that was rather warm."On the other hand, Erica frowned while watching the resurrection drama."I can a.s.sert with great certainty that no magi, no matter how great, canreproduce this amazing feat of healing heavily injured patients instantly likeshe did just now. It"s also different from G.o.dou"s [Ram] incarnation.""That"s right. So, let"s go over for a look."Erica nodded. G.o.dou approached the girl on his own.Although the crowded ma.s.s of soldiers were in the way, they yielded apath automatically as soon as G.o.dou pushed himself between them.They apparently regained their senses as a result of seeing the man whohad battled Uldin just earlier.Thanks to that, G.o.dou managed to make his way before the girl who wasmore slender than he had imagined.Dressed in a white overcoat, the olive-skinned beauty tilted her head as ifgoing "Ara?" as soon as she saw G.o.dou"s face.It was an elegant motion that matched her polite and graceful airs."Are you Aisha-san? My name is Kusanagi G.o.dou.""Yes, a pleasure to meet you. I"ve never been called by my real name inthis land before."The olive-skinned girl smiled faintly as she replied."I"ve also heard of your name. If my memory serves me correctly, you aremy seventh compatriot who appeared in the world of the distant future..."These words settled the truth beyond a doubt. Indeed, the beauty beforeG.o.dou"s eyes was precisely the person he sought.This was the instant of Kusanagi G.o.dou and Madame Aisha"s encounter inthe ancient land of Gaul."The great G.o.dslayer who had displayed power equal to Uldin-san — afterreceiving news that the commander had hired him, I originally intended topay a visit to offer my greetings. However, I was asked to heal the injuredsoldiers..."G.o.dou found out that Madame Aisha"s residence was a Christian churchinside the city of Raurica.In order to find a "quiet place" to talk, G.o.dou had gone to the churchtogether with the Madame. Perhaps because of the venue, there were nosignificant differences in architectural style compared to those in themodern age.Erica and Ena had also gathered in the chapel. Thus, a conversationbegan with no ancient people involved."So the power displayed just now, was that really your authority,Aisha-san?""Yes. It is the power I unintentionally usurped from Persephone, theG.o.ddess of spring. By sharing the energy of life with all living beings,wounds can be healed."The Madame was answering G.o.dou"s question with a sad tone of voice.Somehow there was a sense of dissonance that could not be dispelled,greatly puzzling G.o.dou. Not even half a day had pa.s.sed since he metAisha. But so far, the impression he got was that she seemed to be a reallygood person.Gentle and magnanimous, the type of person whose presence peoplewould describe as healing.She exuded an atmosphere that felt as gentle as the spring breeze.Displaying her graceful smile, her radiance illuminated people"s hearts —That was what G.o.dou found strange.Apart from a few special exceptions, Campiones were all heaven-sentchildren of disaster with serious personality flaws.Weren"t those the hallmarks shared by the Campiones as a group?"Madame. Would you permit Kusanagi G.o.dou"s knight, Erica Blandelli, tospeak here?""Of course you may. Hoho, you"re quite courageous for a girl."She smiled n.o.bly and gently as she granted permission to Erica.Madame Aisha possessed a face that could only be described as a"beautiful girl"s". At the same time, she was capable of behaving like abroad-minded n.o.blewoman.Erica inquired with utmost respect of this lady."Madame Aisha, may I ask why you have come to this city? Also, why areyou known as the "Holy Maiden"?""I came here only by pure chance. While traveling aimlessly in this timeperiod, I arrived at this place by chance. It happened to be just afterUldin-san had attacked the town... There were many injured people."Aisha explained with a slightly troubled expression."After helping various people heal their wounds all over the city, somehow Ibecame known as the Holy Maiden before I knew it... Then they asked meto stay. As it so happens, the bishop of this church was absent as well.""Was he killed by that Uldin guy?""Oh no, not at all. From what I"ve heard, the bishop had left the city in orderto avoid Uldin-san. Being a n.o.bleman of Roman blood, he returned to hishomeland.""Speaking of people like monks, many of them turn out to be selfishpeople."Prompted by G.o.dou"s question of what happened to the bishop, theMadame smiled wryly while Ena commented with giggle.The Yamato Nadeshiko could have chosen her words with more tact andgrace if she wanted to, but perhaps influenced by contact with MadameAisha"s temperament, Ena made a forthright statement very much like achild of nature.In fact, the Madame simply smiled lightly and did not seem inclined toreprimand her.Completely devoid of a Campione"s ferocity, was she really a goodperson?Feeling quite intrigued, G.o.dou decided to clear up the most fundamentalquestion."So, please answer another question. What"s your goal in visiting this timeperiod?""Goal... huh?""Yes. Your goal, Aisha-san. This is something I couldn"t figure out all thistime."Traveling from the Italian countryside to ancient Gaul.One could not discern any logic or reason. Why did she create this kind ofpa.s.sageway? G.o.dou"s questioning gaze caused the Madame to bow herhead in embarra.s.sment."Umm, actually... That corridor-creating authority, I can"t control it verywell.""Eh?""When I actually want them, I can"t make them at all. But when I forget allabout it and go on a stroll or a trip somewhere, a hole is naturally createdonce every few years.""N-Naturally?""Yes, even if I don"t have any intention of going anywhere, the holes willrandomly connect to some era in the past or the Boundary of Life andImmortality. Furthermore, because a terrifying power sucks me into thehole, I end up being forced to go on a journey."Hence, the reason why G.o.dou"s group was "sucked into" the corridor inTuscany was not entirely due to the rampaging effects of Doni"s authority.It also stemmed from another Campione who possessed a troublemakingauthority.But then again, Madame Aisha was actually the one who made trouble forherself, was she not...?"By the way, it apparently doesn"t connect to the future. After all, it hasnever connected to the future before.""So basically, the destination is completely random...""Yes, you are right. Ah yes, however, it seems like most of the places I visitoften have people in trouble. For example, there were large numbers ofwounded people such as what happened here with invaders or citizensoppressed under tyrannical rule."Madame Aisha frowned for the first time and clenched her fist tightly.She was probably recalling the anger she had felt during her past travels.However, she still looked adorable when making this sort of expressionand gesture. This woman was very likely the determined variant of thehealing type.However, G.o.dou was beginning to understand her true nature.Unaware of the thoughts going through G.o.dou"s mind, Madame Aishaa.s.serted seriously with a stern yet adorable expression."Perhaps — it is the will of the heavens that I should bring salvation to thepeople in desperation. All of my authorities exist for this very purpose!""W-Wait a sec, Aisha-san. You must be mistaken somewhere."G.o.dou tried to correct her as calmly as possible.Well, perhaps it was not coincidence that she encounters people in need ather travel destinations. However, even if that were the case, it did notmean Madame Aisha should unconditionally become a savior."The Astral Plane aside, there"s a great risk of changing the course ofhistory when you visit the past. If you act on whim to help people, therebysowing seeds for changes in history — Doesn"t that mess up the futureinstead?"Events not happening as they were supposed to. People not being born asthey were supposed to. People not dying as they were supposed to.Creation of things that were not supposed to be created. Even the face ofthe world could go so far as to be altered dramatically.Imagining such tumult in his mind, G.o.dou continued to offer his frankadvice with a dispa.s.sionate tone of voice."Our powers are quite absurd and unnatural already...""l-lndeed, what you say is possible. But I think it"s definitely fine. After all,I"ve already survived a good many times...""A good many times?""Yes. Even that time with what happened to Frederick the Great, I wasalready mentally prepared for the consequences, but in the end, there wasnothing strange when I returned to modern times...""...Umm, could you explain that clearly in greater detail?"G.o.dou"s attempt to probe deeper into her unintentional slip of the tongueprompted the Madame to go "!?" in realization.She turned her face away as though she were avoiding eye contact withG.o.dou and desperately tried to cover up."N-No, I didn"t say anything! K-Kusanagi-san, you must have made amistake in what you wanted to ask about!""There is no mistake here. What I want to ask about is the seeminglycrucial matter you just mentioned!"So this really is the case? G.o.dou was struck by a heartfelt revelation as heretorted.Even a benevolent and gentle "good person" was perfectly capable ofbecoming a child of disaster with personality flaws. Furthermore, only justnow did G.o.dou realize that Madame Aisha"s personality was to bouts of self-absorption.And a person like this was regularly traversing s.p.a.ce and time..."...That Frederick guy, I remember he was an emperor roughly threehundred years ago?""...Although there are many figures bearing the same name, the onlyFrederick renowned as "the Great" would be the Prussian king, Frederick II.Not only was he a cultured man with excellent upbringing, he was also agreat diplomat and a military genius. Obtaining many victories where theenemy forces outnumbered his army by at least two to one, he was a greatand indomitable king."Ena and Erica whispered quietly to each other as they stood beside thecompletely terrified G.o.dou.What kind of incident had Madame Aisha actually caused? As G.o.douwatched, the problematic character coughed dryly and spoke up:"H- However, Kusanagi-san. Based on my past experience with dozens ofrepeated travels, this is what I"ve come to believe. History very likely has a"corrective force" at work!""C-Corrective force?""Yes. Unlike the future, the past is like a story where the plot is alreadydecided. If anything happened to alter the plot, I believe the correctiveforce will do its utmost to rectify logic."Story, plot, rectify logic.Madame Aisha uttered words which seemed quite inappropriate in adiscussion about the problem of altering history."For example, if the king ruling from a country"s zenith happens to die, theclose aides and people pulling strings from behind the scenes woulddesperately try their utmost to cover up the king"s death. If people whowere supposed to die were saved, they would die suddenly a few yearslater by accident or illness...""In other words, what you"re asking us to consider has happened manytimes already?""N-No. The examples just come from my imagination, rather, I should call ita hypothesis!""Well, hypothesizing is fine... Anyway, I have another issue I want tounderstand."Despite Madame Aisha"s attempts to cover up using clumsy acting skills,G.o.dou tried asking another question."Despite this corrective force, which could very well cancel out all of yourefforts, Aisha-san, why do you still continue to save people? Isn"t it clearlyfutile?""If the people I save are unrelated to the basic outline of history, it probablydoesn"t always get corrected."Madame Aisha smiled and replied."And despite everything, I can"t stand back and watch without doinganything. What follows, follows. Isn"t it fine for me to help people in needwithout hesitation and I"ll just worry about the details later?"Although he disagreed with the appropriateness of her actions, KusanagiG.o.dou himself had gone and hindered Uldin from destroying the town.Hence, G.o.dou really could not bring himself to reprimand her. Silently, henodded for now.Then Ena suddenly spoke up."Actually, it totally slipped my mind until now. Where did King Salvatorego? There"s no sign of him and no rumors either?"Salvatore Doni. The man who should have arrived in ancient Gaul beforeG.o.dou.Hearing that name after so long, G.o.dou and Erica exchanged glances."Now that you mention it... I"ve completely forgotten him thanks to all thehectic stuff these past few days.""I still remembered but just didn"t have the leisure to search for him.""Oh my, I"ve heard of that name a little. Apart from you Kusanagi-san, haveother G.o.dslayers crossed over from the modern world?""Yeah. He should have pa.s.sed through that "corridor" a few minutes beforeus."G.o.dou and his group had first arrived at the Rhine"s sh.o.r.e.Was that guy hiding somewhere in the thickets in that vicinity? Seeing apuzzled expression on G.o.dou"s face, Madame Aisha smiled gently."If that were the case, it cannot be helped that you were separated.""How does that work?""Although the "corridors" opened by my authority do send people to thesame place, there are subtle differences in the destination time. In thisaspect, one could call it a little sloppy."Sloppy. What an unsettling word. Then the Madame continued:"For example, suppose a "corridor" manages to send people to the year,500 CE. However, there would be no way of deciding which month or dayis the destination. Whether you arrive in spring, summer, autumn or winter,it"s entirely up to luck.""Luck!?""As a side note, the time I arrived here was two months ago, duringmidwinter.""So that guy Doni could have been sent to several months earlier?""Or conversely, he could have arrived several months later from now.""What sort of unreliable time machine is this..."G.o.dou could not help but grumble. Oh well, the "corridor" turned out to bejust a simple pa.s.sageway.Expecting to adjust time with precision on the scale of minutes wasprobably impossible. However, G.o.dou could strongly feel a connectionbetween this matter and other troublesome things.Part 3It was said that Dejanstahl Voban was born in the earlier half of theeighteenth century.His rival, Her Eminence Luo Hao had once mentioned herself that she"became a Devil King some two hundred odd years ago." According to thetestimony of her direct disciple, she was apparently born in a prestigiousfamily involved in the martial arts realm, originating from a clan of outlaws.Together with Madame Aisha, these two were known as the Campiones ofthe older generation.However, Madame Aisha"s era of birth was unknown.According to Erica, "There was a legend that somewhere in the mid tolatter part of the nineteenth century, a certain person, who grew up in aBritish colony, managed to slay her first G.o.d."She called herself by the single name of "Aisha."No family name was given. "Madame" was simply a courtesy t.i.tle peopleoffered in respect to n.o.ble ladies. Presumably, she did not have a husbandor children either.She still had a house in her home base of Alexandria.That was the mansion where she lived in seclusion for long periods oftime — Although this rumor about her existed, in actual fact, she was atraveler who did not walk the modern Earth."Because I have the kind of personality that cannot bear to live in oneplace for too long, in that sense, this corridors authority can be said to be avaluable treasure.""In other words, you love to move house frequently?"In response to Madame Aisha"s admission that ran counter to a shut-in"spersonality, G.o.dou remarked to concur.The current location was the general"s quarters inside Augusta Raurica"sstronghold.This was the residence a.s.signed to G.o.dou who had been hired as amercenary captain. Unlike the rectangular homes inhabited by ordinarysoldiers which resembled apartments, G.o.dou"s was a detached house.In the reception hall of the house, the two modern Campiones wereengaged in a conversation.Two days had pa.s.sed since G.o.dou"s arrival.Although G.o.dou was nominally the leader of a mercenary team called the"allied division," his only subordinates were Erica and Ena.Most soldiers and even the commander were fearful of the "man who wasable to fight Uldin equally."His days here were still short.Having returned to his quarters, G.o.dou had been pondering how toimprove his relations with the soldiers when Aisha made a sudden visit.Knowing that each other had nothing to do, they started to chat."Although I don"t move house, I need to take a long journey once in awhile, lasting for years. Otherwise, I feel so confined it"s like suffocating.""Where have you visited during these long journeys?""Let me think. For example, when I was sent to nineteenth century London,I took a steamboat for a return trip to India. If my starting point was ninthcentury Samarkand^, I would cross the Pamir Mountains and the TianShan mountain ranges by camel to head towards Chang"an^ via the SilkRoad—""Even if you can make trips to the past, could you stop indulging yourself inadventures!?"Unlike her contemporary Devil Kings, Madame Aisha"s personality andeccentricities were quite different.However, G.o.dou would always find ridiculous things that compelled him toretort during the various topics they conversed on. In particular, whenevershe talked about her own personal experiences, G.o.dou would notice achange that ran counter to her appearance of a graceful beauty"s.As a side note, Madame Aisha had currently taken off her white overcoat.She was wearing a female tunic beneath. An outfit resembling a t-shirtsecured with a belt, reaching down to her knees.Because she was so lightly dressed, G.o.dou could clearly see that theMadame"s slender figure was quite voluptuous in all the right places."But isn"t it kind of tough to be wandering around everywhere? Don"t youoften meet xenophobic people who"ll reject foreigners?"G.o.dou recalled what his grandfather, Kusanagi Ichirou, had mentionedbefore.His grandfather was a folkloristics scholar whose research themes focusedon traditional culture and arts in Eastern Asia. G.o.dou had heard stories ofIchirou"s youth when he had visited towns and villages all over variousAsian countries to conduct interviews and research without pause.It was quite common for foreign strangers to be ostracized by the locals,although Ichirou had overcome this challenge as easily as though he werea master of deception.On the other hand, Madame Aisha"s appearance was even more strikingthan G.o.dou"s grandfather. And she was also a woman as well. That wouldhave caused more troublesome experiences, right? Despite G.o.dou"sworries, she replied calmly."Oh, that"s not a problem. Because I have an authority that causeseveryone to like me."I see."It"s the authority that I was forced to usurp from a certain Catholic saint inthe Catholic religion. Thanks to its blessings, no one troubles me no matterwhat time period I visit. I consider it one of my important treasures.""So that"s how you blended harmoniously into this town so easily. By theway..."As Madame Aisha gratefully counted her blessings, G.o.dou askedphilosophically."Since it"s a deity"s authority, it should be capable of something moredangerous than "making others like me." That"s quite a subdued way ofusing it."G.o.dou recalled what Ena had mentioned back when they had first arrivedin Gaul.In actual fact, hypnosis magic was capable of similar manipulation ofpeople"s impressions.Madame Aisha looked troubled in response to what G.o.dou had pointedout."O-Of course, naturally. This power can easily create a cult of fanatics whowould lay down their lives for me without hesitation. But of course, suchunruliness must be prevented at all costs...""Why does it have to be these kinds of powers!?"Random creation of gates, leading to the past or the otherworld.Miraculous powers of recovery, capable of healing many heavily injuredpeople in an instant. Charisma resembling a devil"s charm.The person possessing these powers also had an altruistic personality andliked to help others. Furthermore, she was a person with the initiative tokeep embarking on adventures even in eras without cars or planes.G.o.dou could now understand clearly why Saint Raffaello wanted to avoidMadame Aisha like the plague.For such a character to be wandering the past world incessantly, onewould not be surprised by any changes in history at all."Upon further thought, it really was quite incredible... When Uldin visitedearlier, the soldiers were fighting fearlessly against the monsters.""Oh, because everyone was in a complete state of panic, I did a little..."Most likely, she had offered encouragement to the soldiers directly.G.o.dou knew quite well the charisma displayed by heroic G.o.ds. Just as henodded in acknowledgement of this surprising skill, he went "Hmm?"because he realized something.Among all the authorities the Madame had talked about so far, none ofthem were related to combat.Then how did she fight G.o.ds and her kin, the Campiones? Just as G.o.douwas about to ask, he stopped himself in the middle of the process. Hecould not imagine a future where he would have to fight Madame Aisha.Instead, he asked:"By the way, how can we get back to the modern age? Could you pleasetell me?""There are two methods."The Madame answered immediately. Perhaps she felt apologetic aboutgetting G.o.dou and the girls caught up in this incident."First of all, you can wait for the existing entrance to open up in this timeperiod. The cave naturally opens during nights of the full moon when thesky is clear.""In other words, there"s a chance every month, but it"s affected by theweather as well?""The second way is to gather a group of accomplished magi to open it. Ifyou gather a sufficient number of excellent witches and peopleknowledgeable in the ways of fairies, using their knowledge and magic, itcan probably be prepared in half or maybe a full month"s time."Madame Aisha explained what she had done in the past. However, G.o.dousighed in response."This can"t be done immediately. Simply gathering all the people would bea challenge already."In that case, he would have to fall back on the first choice —Then how should he deal with G.o.dslayer of this time period, Uldin?Just as G.o.dou pondered the problem that had remained unsolvedthroughout these past few days, Madame Aisha suddenly leaned her facenear."W-What"s the matter?""I came to visit you today for a reason. Actually, I wanted to ask you,regarding whether those rumors circulating among the soldiers are true...""There are rumors about me?""They say that you"ve prepared a house outside the stronghold,Kusanagi-san, for two girls to wait on you there and live together under thesame roof. These two girls are said to be your wives and concubines,Kusanagi-san.""Wives and concubines!?"The armies of ancient Rome did not permit soldiers to marry during theirtime in service. Marriage and having children had to wait until a soldier wasdischarged — Such a rule existed. At least, nominally.In practice, the rule was already long dead. Soldiers would cohabit withunregistered wives and children near where they were stationed and wouldeven have "secondary residences" in nearby villages at the same time.In order to live and share meals together, G.o.dou"s trio had also arranged asecondary residence."Although I guessed that you share quite close relationships with those twogirls you keep by your side, Kusanagi-san, I never thought you wouldindulge in the pleasure of romancing both of them simultaneously...""W-Wait a minute. Those rumors are wrong in all sorts of ways!""But it"s true that you have the two girls serve you in that home, right?""Of course not. We"re just "living together" in the same place, that"s all!"Madame Aisha gazed intently at G.o.dou"s panic.Then her eyes looked as though she were a nun listening to a sinner"scontrition as she spoke slowly:"Kusanagi-san, please do not find excuses for yourself. You were lying justnow. As soon as I saw the darkness in your pupils, it was obvious."Indeed, G.o.dou did have many memories he was ashamed of. Hence, hewent "!?" and panicked."Despite how I may look, I am a woman who has visited all countries,ancient and modern, oriental and occidental. I do have some confidence inmy ability to judge people. Why don"t you come clean and confesseverything honestly?""Aisha-san, what good would listening to all that do for you!?""No. Excuse me but let me offer a little simple insight."Like a female sage who had acquired total wisdom, the Madame explainedin a sharp tone of voice:"Universally, no matter the time period or location, all women enjoy certaintopics of conversation. Namely, other people"s scandals, love-hatedisputes, love triangles... Of course, I am no exception!""Doesn"t that just mean you love gossiping!?"Seeing the Madame gradually leaning in closer and closer, G.o.douretreated the same distance.While this conversation was occurring, one of the girls in question enteredthe reception hall."So you"re here, Your Majesty. And Aisha-san"s here too."Ena smiled candidly as always. Madame Aisha smiled back gracefully inher usual manner, displaying great cordiality.Meanwhile, G.o.dou noticed the object in Ena"s hand. She was holding ascroll.Since they were in ancient Gaul, the scroll was probably made of papyrusor parchment."Erica-san wanted to show this to Your Majesty. Uldin-san was flyingabove the town on his dragon just now. This was the invitation letter hethrew down.""Invitation letter, you say?""Yes, to be handed over to Your Majesty. The words seem to be sayingthat Uldin-san is holding a welcoming banquet at his castle and that hehopes Your Majesty would grace him with your presence."Taking the letter, G.o.dou found the texture a little smooth.The letter was written in a horizontal script with the Latin alphabet.Probably ancient Latin? How should he handle this troublesomeopponent?While staring at the invitation letter, G.o.dou began to come up with a plan.Part 4The historic ruins of Augusta Raurica apparently survived to modern times.These were the biggest ancient Roman ruins existing in Switzerland,according to Erica. In fact, the city of Raurica was so well-developed thatone would not expect it to be an ancient border city.The population was estimated at twenty thousand. With many stone-builthomes, there was a network of paved roads that weaved back and forththroughout the urban area.Aqueducts provided an abundant water supply to the citizens. There weretheaters, amphitheaters, temples, Christian churches, forums wheresenators gathered, public baths, etc...This was a typical ancient Roman colonial city.Compared to medieval cities slightly further in the future, life here must bein much greater comfort.When evening came, G.o.dou left the stronghold and made his way towardsthe "secondary abode" in the high-cla.s.s residential neighborhood.Naturally, Erica and Ena were together as well.Along the way, they had a simple dinner at a plebeian-run restaurant."You two, compared to food that"s good for your development, you reallyeat anything, don"t you?""Because there isn"t any food that is too strange, so it"s fine.""If only this were a coastal city, we would get to try moray eel cuisine, astaple of ancient Roman diets... What a shame."The night"s menu included salad flavored with salt, vinegar and olive oil;stew, made with beans and various vegetables; omelets with roastedsausages; plain bread; etc.Ignoring Erica"s dangerous murmurings, G.o.dou and Ena ate with theirhands.Although this was an era without knives or forks, most of the food on thedining table was quite familiar.Vegetables included cabbage, garlic, broad beans, onions, etc. Meat wasdominated by pork. Poultry actually had goose more commonly thanchicken, but G.o.dou had not tried it yet.Since most of the flavorings were salty, the taste was delicious to themodern palate.After dinner, they made a visit to a bath along the way.Ancient Roman-style public baths were quite famous. These facilities notonly contained ma.s.sive baths but also a sports arena and swimming pools.Naturally, men and women were separated in this place. After a solitarybath, G.o.dou met up with the two girls.By the time they returned to the residence, night had fallen completely.Since it was a house prepared by the army, it was not only s.p.a.cious indesign but also luxurious.Originally, a group of slaves were supposed to be living here as well.However, the idea of being served felt repugnant to modern sensibilities,so they had all the slaves dismissed. Thus, the trio currently lived bythemselves.After a change of clothing, G.o.dou and his companions gathered in thehouse"s great hall.They were going to discuss the "invitation letter" that Uldin had delivered."Well, he must have some motive behind the invitation.""At the same time, it"s a chance for us to gather intelligence from theinterior of the other side."Erica and Ena instantly began the conversation.Perhaps because of the earlier agreement to "prohibit stealing ahead,"neither of them tried to tease or play around with G.o.dou. Instead, theydiscussed the situation in earnest harmony. G.o.dou considered this to be agood thing from his perspective.On the other hand, their location and attire was quite problematic.Erica and Ena were both on top of a s.p.a.cious couch. They were lyingcasually on the couch in opposite directions with a map of the surroundingarea spread out between them.Furthermore, they were both dressed in ancient attire.First of all, there were the silken tunics. Due to how low the hems reached,they did not need to wear lower garments such as pants.Their bare legs were exposed completely.Then there were the long shawls they wrapped around their waist andthrew over their shoulders.Dressed in this manner, Erica and Ena were lying casually on the couch.Pairs of dazzling white thighs and bare legs were jutting out from thecouch. Clad in sheer clothing, the ma.s.sive bulges of bountiful bosoms andthe seductive curves of their posteriors as they lay on the couch, the sightof all this was driving G.o.dou"s sanity to the very edge.Furthermore, Erica and Ena had returned straight from using the publicbaths.Hence, there was a reddish flush to their bodies, and the two girls werequite relaxed."So, I guess it"s time for me to go to sleep..."Finding an exotic allure in the unfamiliar sight of their current clothing andfeeling an irresistible attraction towards the girls" relaxed and unguardedbodies, G.o.dou intended to leave his seat.Only earlier at noon, he had just told Madame Aisha that they were simply"living together."Hence, G.o.dou tried as hard as he could to avoid easily misconstruedsituations. However, he was prevented from leaving."No G.o.dou. The conversation hasn"t ended, has it?""That"s right, Your Majesty. You"ve been silent all along.""Well... Seeing as I"m the only man here, it"s really quite difficult to staycalm..."Feeling like surrendering, G.o.dou confessed with honesty.However, Erica and Ena giggled and brushed his argument aside."What are you talking about? This is a place for family members to gatherand chat happily.""Yes yes. As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, so hurry over here,Your Majesty. Let"s all lie down together for a chat."This room was a great hall for holding banquets.Members of the family would gather for reunions here or invite guests overfor dinner. Chatting. Drinking. On the other hand, lying on this full-lengthsofa that resembled a bed was quite comfortable.For a modern person, this was quite hard to get used to. However, this wasthe ancient Roman lifestyle.Teased by the two girls, G.o.dou felt his heart waver slightly.The worst of it was trying to tear his gaze away from the attractive bodiesof the girls who were lying down.With much difficulty, he had arranged for the three of them to sleep inseparate rooms. The current situation was rendering his efforts naught.If he were to be overcome with rash impulse — This sort of "possibility"terrified G.o.dou."No, look here. If some weird change occurs in my mood, then theagreement you two mentioned would be voided... This is for preventingthat as well."G.o.dou expressed his thoughts honestly, hoping they could understand thelegitimacy of his retreat.However, Erica and Ena simply answered nonchalantly."Of course it won"t be voided, because no one is stealing a march bymaking a move in advance.""Yeah, because Ena and Erica-san want to conquer Your Majesty"s hearttogether.""Conquer!?""By the way, we won"t lock our doors when we"re sleeping.""So please feel free to sneak in during the middle of the night.""Wha— !?"These shocking words caused G.o.dou to feel as though his head had beenstruck by a hammer.In the face of G.o.dou"s shock, Ena continued:"Whether Your Majesty chooses Erica-san or Ena, neither of us willcomplain. That is what we agreed already.""We are dressed the same way in order to create a level playing field. Withthis, the decisive factor boils down to our own attractiveness.""Yes yes. Ena and Erica-san discussed already... So neither of us arewearing underwear or the like.""Hold it right there, Ena-san!"Seeing the Hime-Miko shyly make a shocking confession, the blondefemale devil angrily expressed rare disapproval towards another person"sunruliness."It is quite unladylike to reveal such matters so overtly. Of course, due tothe possibility of G.o.dou"s overflowing l.u.s.t, we needed to make this sort ofpreparations beforehand...""Oh sorry. But Erica-san, you are acting bolder than usual right now."Ena apologized with forthrightness and laughed "Ehehe" inembarra.s.sment."Seriously, stop making fun of me. Behaving like a lady or a n.o.blewoman,as well as enjoying love boldly are equally important, you know? So,G.o.dou."Erica suddenly got up and walked over determinedly.Grabbing G.o.dou by the arm, she pulled him towards the couch. Ultimately,G.o.dou could not resist the magic she had used to augment her armstrength.G.o.dou sat down on the couch in an immobilized predicament. Then Ericatook a seat by G.o.dou"s right and leaned her seductive body tightly againsthim."We wish to act like ladies and won"t force you to bestow your love uponus. So let us sit down here and discuss what"s necessary, shall we?""If that"s the case, why are you leaning your body against me!?""That"s because it"s comforting and delightful. The ideas won"t flow if onewere to force too much self-restraint."Erica whispered softly. Apart from a soft shawl wrap, she was only wearinga sheer layer of silk.Also, she was wearing nothing over her lower body. G.o.dou felt terrified. Inother words, the current sense of warmth from her body pressed tightlyagainst him, the sense of weight from those soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s — Aren"t thesefeelings almost like touching a nude body? The only difference was thesmoothness from the sheer layer of silk in between."Of course, should you have the intention, G.o.dou, I am very open to theidea of enjoying things in a different manner after the discussion."Rather than seductively charming, the element of adorable loveliness wasmore prominent in Erica"s current smile.In contrast to her usual boldness and initiative, Erica was deliberatelyeasing the pressure on her prey. In order to increase her lead on hercompet.i.tive rival, Erica was carefully adjusting the pace of her rhythm.Feeling the astuteness of her strategy, G.o.dou shook his head in a panic."Jeez. You keep insisting on ladylike behavior in your speech, butimmediately you act like this, Erica-san..."Ena grumbled as she approached with displeasure on her face.Opposite to Erica, she leaned from G.o.dou"s left side, pressing close as iftrying to oppose her rival in the same manner. Naturally, the sensation wasconsiderably warm and soft as well. The size and elasticity possessed byher b.r.e.a.s.t.s were enough to rival the Italian girl"s touch.In actual fact, Erica and Ena were quite similar in height and build.Purely by the numbers, Erica"s measurements were probably slightlysuperior. However, the visual impression of the two girls was "virtually thesame." And through the current direct contact, G.o.dou never expected hewould have a chance to find out by touch that the conclusion was also"virtually the same.""This reminds Ena of the time at Kisarazu together with Your Majesty."Ena went "Ehehe" and smiled shyly as she recalled the past.Seeing G.o.dou shocked by her expression, Erica immediately spoke up:"Oh dear, I have also shared a bed with G.o.dou during that time in Sicily?That was quite a night we spent together.""Even Ena has cooked personally for His Majesty before, you know?""In that case, I have also..."Erica stopped herself midway while Ena went " ", falling silent.Then the two girls nodded at each other by coincidence."What our compet.i.tion in these areas proves is that G.o.dou is a wolf whonever misses out on prime opportunities.""Yes. Never missing out on any chance, that"s His Majesty"s style.""R-Rather than that kind of issue, we have more important things todiscuss, right!?"G.o.dou protested against the two girls who seemed to be getting alongamiably.Although the two girls getting along was supposed to be a good thing,G.o.dou could not help but feel that his body was in danger. As he pulledthe map over to his side for a look, the two girls also turned their gazes tothe map.The map showed the Rhine flowing from east to west. After flowing pastthe city of Augusta Raurica, the river took an L-shaped turn to the north ata certain point. As a side note, were this modern Europe, Raurica would besituated between Basel and the city of Rheinfelden which is famous for itshot springs.Following east along the Rhine, one would reach Uldin"s stronghold.That was also the location of the forest that G.o.dou and his companionshad seen when they first arrived in ancient Gaul."The following information is only on the level of rumors. Reportedly,Uldin"s forest contains several dozens of those flying dragons — The divinebeasts resembling dinosaurs."Erica continued to be leaning tightly against G.o.dou as she spoke in asonorous voice."In fact, we have sighted three of them already. Although the figure of"several dozens" cannot be ascertained, there should be a considerablenumber of divine beasts at any rate.""The guys in the army don"t have accurate information in this regardeither."Ena was an innocent and forthright girl who could converse with older menwithout any reservations.She was apparently making use of this skill even in the land of Gaul,making more and more acquaintances in the army."Recently, there are reports that no one dare enter the forest for fear of thedragons. Should Ena make a trip to do some detailed scouting?""Although I already considered it already... I object to the idea.""That"s right. If there really are several dozen dinosaurs, it"s toodangerous."Seishuuin Ena was highly agile and held the trump cards of divinepossession and Ama no no Tsurugi.She was supposed to be the ideal person to scout. However, G.o.dou alsonodded and agreed with Erica"s decision.Due to the severe depletion of stamina caused by divine possession, Enawas not suited to protracted battles.An ordinary monster would be fine but the lair of divine beasts would be fartoo dangerous for her."So I guess I"ll have to take a look myself after all...""That"s true. If we are going to collect information while encountering andfighting divine beasts, I believe it is the right decision for this situation. Inthat case, we can"t let go of the opportunity to enter the heart of enemyterritory provided by the opposing side"s invitation...""Then that means we"re accepting the invitation?""That is what I intend to do. However, permission is needed from thecommander here."Erica frowned as she answered Ena"s question.The mercenary contract already contained a clause granting "KusanagiG.o.dou the autonomy to act according to his own judgment." However, thiswas only applicable during battle.Was the commander going to allow them to face off against Uldinproactively?"Swiftly suppressing bandits and hostile tribes was originally the prided skillof the Roman army. However, should there exist a certain gap in battlepotential against the enemy, the Romans would leave them alone in mostcases. Especially against a powerful foe like Uldin, it would be like agamble.""Indeed, that guy only talks tough but he shows no intention of attackingproactively."Hearing Erica"s explanation, Ena nodded in agreement."If Your Majesty were to leave the stronghold, there would be no onecapable of fighting Uldin-san. Should we try to apply for permission first,then sneak out if it"s rejected?""Oh... In that case, there should be a way to accomplish that."Hearing Ena"s proposal which seemed quite improper, G.o.dou replied.He recalled his conversation with the fourth(?) compan

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