
Chapter 116

Chapter 6 - Captivity in the Devil King"s CastlePart 1Before the whole commotion, Salvatore Doni had challenged G.o.dou, "let"splay a game!"Viewing things through those words of his, they were now heading back tothe game"s starting point. G.o.dou was currently entering the forest whereUldin"s castle was located.Sunlight streamed through the foliage, projecting sparkling radiance whilea comfortable spring breeze blew past.Were this the modern age, it would be a trek through a beautiful Swissforest. However, this place was currently ancient Gaul and the forest waseven a terrifying lair belonging to divine beasts."It said I"m welcome to visit any time I want..."The content of the invitation letter could be described as rather ordinary.Basically, something like "Greetings comrade. If you happen to be currentlyliving in that town there, then it"s perfect. Please visit me any time youwant. I will offer the best hospitality within my ability."Neither time nor place were decided. How enviable the lifestyle of an idlenomad.G.o.dou stepped into the forest which had neither entrances nor signs.Taking a carriage took roughly a day to reach here. Since there were noroads for the carriage to pa.s.s through the forest, G.o.dou had to continue onfoot from this point onwards.In any case, the Rhine"s sh.o.r.e was his target. G.o.dou walked casually forroughly thirty minutes.During this time, he sighted divine beasts twice. Those black dinosaursresembling Deinonychuses. Despite their seven-meter-long, ma.s.sivebodies, they moved quite nimbly as they roamed the forest.Without exception, they panicked and fled into the forest"s depths as soonas they saw G.o.dou..."Isn"t this treating me like a bear?"Just as G.o.dou shrugged, he heard the rustling of leaves.Some kind of giant organism was pushing its way through the vegetation toapproach him. Probably another Deinonychus? Indeed, the result was justas expected.It was walking upright on two legs in its characteristic posture with its head,back and tail in a straight line.With viciously hooked talons on the hind legs and a ma.s.sive black body,the divine beast made another appearance, quite a familiar sight by thispoint. However, this time there was someone riding in the saddle on itsback. Not Uldin."Greetings to you for the first time. You seem to be the other G.o.dslayingmonarch similar to my lord. Or am I mistaken?""Yeah, I am. That"ll do for now. I am Kusanagi G.o.dou."Due to the other person"s politeness, G.o.dou bowed his head in modernj.a.panese etiquette.The rider on the black Deinonychus was a blonde woman, clad in armorand leather with a helmet. Adorned with feathers on two sides, the helmetlooked quite magnificent.Furthermore, she was a great beauty with a slender figure and face andincomparably graceful airs."My name is Clotilde. Let me show you the way to my lord"s castle."She gave off a vibe like an elegant female warrior. G.o.dou answered"Thank you" to accept her offer. The forest was mostly likely undersurveillance and the appearance of an intruder had been reported."If you are not opposed to the idea, please ride behind me.""Eh, is that really okay!?"G.o.dou was pleasantly surprised by the unexpected suggestion.Riding on a dinosaur"s back would be a rare experience indeed. Helped byClotilde"s hand, he mounted the back of the crouching Deinonychus.During this time, the Deinonychus remained still and acted quiteobediently.Unlike the other ones earlier, it was not afraid of G.o.dou. Hence, he wasable to mount the saddle effortlessly.Naturally, Clotilde was the one sitting in front of him. She had quite a tallfigure for she was only slightly shorter than G.o.dou whose height was180cm. Speaking of which, she was quite strong despite her slender anddelicate physique."Are you ready? Then we"ll set off."Issuing the command to start moving, Clotilde kicked the belly of thedinosaur that was no horse.The Deinonychus stood up and began to run. Due to its long strides, itmoved very quickly. Also, the motion was less rocking than G.o.dou hadexpected, so the ride felt quite nice actually. This divine beast must be atype of creature that was quite talented at maintaining balance.As a side note, Clotilde"s feet were firmly planted in the stirrups.Judging from the riding equipment, it seemed to be in the style ofequestrian tribes. Hanging on the saddle were also a small bow and aquiver of arrows."We"re about to take flight. Please hold on tight!"Clotilde suddenly announced when they reached the Rhine"s sh.o.r.e.Although surprised for an instant, G.o.dou immediately understood. Likeriding behind a motorcycle driver, he wrapped his arms around Clotilde"swaist.Then immediately, the Deinonychus" short front limbs turned into wings.Spreading its wings, the dinosaur took flight.Thus the flying began. The height was probably thirty, forty meters or so.Roughly at the speed of a horse"s gallop, the Deinonychus flew over thegrand river of the Rhine.The castle was already visible several hundred meters ahead. It wassurrounded by walls on all four sides.From the air, it could be seen that the castle was built in the same Romanarmy style as the stronghold at Raurica."So that"s the fort Uldin annexed from the empire..."G.o.dou nodded. There were two Deinonychuses swimming leisurely on thesurface of the water below. One easily got the impression of eels becauseonly the slender outline from head to tail was visible."Do these things really like water?""Yes. Although their movements are not impeded in drier places, they dobecome more nimble and lively near sources of water."G.o.dou recalled the incident of slaying the divine beast at the Arno River.According to Clotilde"s explanation, these beasts really had an affinity forwater."By the way, how many of these beasts are there roughly?""Probably ten at the moment. I"m not too sure about the exact number."The number of divine beasts could be regarded as Uldin"s combatpotential.G.o.dou simply asked without expectation but Clotilde answered withsurprising readiness. Did she have no intention of keeping the informationa secret, or was she providing false intelligence? Which was it?During their conversation, they had already reached the airs.p.a.ce abovethe castle before G.o.dou realized.Indeed, the structure was similar to the stronghold at Raurica. There wereroughly five long and narrow buildings with a plaza and headquarters in thecenter.Controlling the pterosaur, Clotilde descended slowly to the plaza.As the hind legs landed with a "clang," the two wings shrunk back into theshort front limbs. The dinosaur divine beast maintained its crouchedposture to allow its rider and G.o.dou to dismount.A black-haired man approached with a smile on his face."You"ve finally arrived! Hahaha, let us drink heartily throughout the nightuntil dawn!"Naturally, the man proposing such nonsense in broad daylight was theG.o.dslayer Uldin."I asked you to tell me your name the next time we meet. Come, comrade,time to fulfill that promise!""Kusanagi — G.o.dou."Uldin"s cheerful temperament was unconcerned with formalities and hismagnetic personality felt rather charismatic.Admitting to himself that the man did possess a certain charm, G.o.doubriefly introduced his own name.Uldin ordered a long table to be brought out to the plaza.The Hunnic G.o.dslayer Uldin declared generously:"Today we have a special guest here! Bring out all the food and wine!"The people who appeared to be servants began to work efficiently uponhearing his orders.A table was moved outside and chairs were arranged neatly with a clatter.Then with highly experienced motions, they laid various objects onto thedining table: jugs of wine; plates of meat; bowls of fruit such aspomegranate, peaches and figs; wheat bread; large amounts of cheese;roasted onions; etc.Did they hold banquets like this often? These people worked with greatfamiliarity.The men and women working as servants numbered roughly thirty. WhenG.o.dou tried asking Uldin, the answer he got was that "Rather than sellingthem, I think it"s better to have these guys work for me."Confronted with the fact that this man"s occupation was "invasion andplundering," G.o.dou frowned.Then he asked about something that occurred to him by chance."So, is this forest the place used to raise these dragons?""Yeah. These beasts don"t live too long. They mostly die after one or twoyears. I need to constantly replace them."Supposing Uldin was not lying, he had just divulged a major secret.The so-called equestrian tribes were nomadic peoples after all. Since theywere apparently steeped in the ways of raising animals, G.o.dou tried toask —"So, there may be cases when they might run away unnoticed...""Well, occasionally. Roughly a month earlier, two of them went missing.They probably died somewhere in the forest."G.o.dou"s prying attempts ended up obtaining information from Uldin thatcould not be ignored.Weren"t there two Deinonychuses that had appeared in modern Tuscany?This did match the facts. G.o.dou secretly nodded to himself.While chatting over this and similar topics, the banquet"s preparations wereready. G.o.dou and Uldin sat together at the center of the long table.Waiting on them, the servants stood quietly in the surroundings."This isn"t lively enough. Whats-your-name over there, go fetch those otherfellows!"Uldin called out again.Several minutes later, fancily dressed beauties had gathered. There wereblue-eyed blondes, those bearing the Roman characteristics of black hairand brown eyes, silver-haired women, and brunettes. There were evenblack ladies and oriental women of Uldin"s ethnicity. It was like a greatracial melting pot.The beauties poured wine into two cups and handed them to the twoG.o.dslayers.Taking the cup, Uldin took a great gulp in one breath. G.o.dou declined thewine and asked:"Are they all your servants? They"re all quite beautiful.""No, they"re not servants. They"re all my women, get it? Basically whatpeople call lovers."Uldin"s matter-of-fact answer caused G.o.dou to go "What!?" and almost fellover in his seat."Don"t openly ask about this obvious-as-heck stuff, comrade. Isn"t it a bitawkward?""W-What is the meaning of this!? You mean every single one of these girlsis your lover!?""Yeah, of course. All twelve of them are my women. Well, I can understandhow you feel. You must have many questions."Nodding, Uldin finished his wine.One of his lovers instantly refilled his empty cup with wine."For a man like me, this harem is a bit lacking in scale. That must be whatyou"re thinking, comrade? However, I don"t want to be tied down toomuch."Uldin"s unexpected answer caused G.o.dou to be flabbergasted.With a serious expression, Uldin continued:"Rather than increasing their numbers meaninglessly, these womenrepresent the very best I"ve picked.""What kind of joke is this!? Twelve people are more than enough in scale!"G.o.dou tried as hard as he could to retort against this tyrant who keptdowning wine, cup after cup.Furthermore, wine during this time period was usually prepared by dilutingwith water. However, judging from the intensity of the color and fragranceof the wine, Uldin was clearly drinking undiluted wine.He was apparently quite a drinker. On the other hand, G.o.dou simply drankwater.Although he was currently in ancient Gaul, G.o.dou had no intention ofcontravening modern j.a.pan"s underage drinking laws.Next, one of the many lovers brought forth skewers of roasted pork.Feeling it would be rude to decline this as well, G.o.dou ate some asappropriate. Although the pork was roasted with only salt for seasoning,the taste was actually quite good.Uldin continued to speak as G.o.dou stuffed himself with food."Hmm, well, to be honest, I do have other wives apart from these girls.Comrade, now is a good opportunity for me to make introductions."Other wives apart from these twelve lovers? As G.o.dou watched insurprise, Uldin waved his hand.The one who approached was — Clotilde.She was gallantly clad in armor, leather and a feathered helmet. Herbeautiful countenance carried n.o.bility and elegance. All this, combinedwith her tall physique, contributed to airs like a queen"s.G.o.dou had only had a brief conversation with her, but her personality wasprobably the very serious type.It was quite surprising to find out that such a person was Uldin"s wife.Clotilde bowed to the surprised G.o.dou, then spoke to her husband:"Uldin-sama, it"s probably time I should...""Yeah, sorry my bad. I"ll leave things to you."Was she entrusted with some kind of task? Clotilde departed the venue.Mounting the pterosaur she had just ridden with G.o.dou, she took to theskies once more. The banquet continued leisurely for almost an hour."By the way, comrade. I"ve got an important request for you today."Eating a pomegranate as he listened to the banquet"s host, G.o.dou beganto get nervous.This was because of Uldin"s personality. Although G.o.dou felt that Uldin"swelcome banquet might not have any ulterior motives, the opposite wasalso possible as speculated.However, Uldin"s request was completely unexpected."Are you willing to become king as my proxy?""K-King!?""I have this fun little idea. To set up proxies as kings on occasion and letthem take over the country. Then I"ll send them off to conquer other landsto further increase the number of countries under my control."Uldin casually proposed "taking over the country."If a normal person had said this, one would simply regard these words asdelusional.However, this man was a Campione who commanded an army of dragons.Furthermore, this was currently a tumultuous era in the ancient world. Theentry requirements for becoming a king were much lower than in themodern world.Considering Uldin, it was possible indeed —"I established a country not too long ago in the east and even lent myname to the chieftain I established there as my proxy. However, that guyisn"t very reliable so I foresee the country heading towards ruin on its ownin the near future."Uldin was talking about the rise and fall of countries as though he weretalking about developing business ventures.He looked quite young in appearance. However, given the examples of thesworn elder sister and Madame Aisha, a Campione"s outward appearancewas not a good indicator of actual age.Perhaps this man had acc.u.mulated decades of experience —G.o.dou stared intently at Uldin, causing him to smile in the end."Indeed, if my proxy does not possess the requisite mettle, great thingscannot be accomplished. Hence, I want to entrust this role to you who aremy fellow G.o.dslayer. Become king as my proxy!""I can"t possibly agree to such a request. Besides, why me?"G.o.dou refused cautiously with a displeased expression at the same time.They had only encountered each other merely by chance. Why wouldthings come to this?"I am completely certain, because your taste in women is similar to mine.""Women!?""Yeah. The two girls you had by your side previously, they both looked likeindomitable broncos without exception. Despite your young age, you haveexcellent taste, comrade. In fact, I love that type of women too. Womenwho only obey subserviently are no fun at all."Erica Blandelli and Seishuuin Ena were exactly as he described.To be able to discern that simply from their faces and appearances, Uldintruly had an extraordinary ability. Could this man possess astounding skillsin the realm of female-related matters?G.o.dou felt impressed at the same time as being surprised. Then he took adeep breath.This was for accelerating the gears of his mind and body. Although G.o.douhad no intention of entering an argument with Uldin, he was prepared torespond with force if the other side picked a fight. G.o.dou prepared himselffor that."I understand your well-intentioned invitation, but I"m sorry. I have nointention of agreeing to your proposal.""Don"t decide so quickly. Please enjoy yourself at this castle for a couplemonths and consider my offer carefully. Despite appearances, I"m actuallyquite a patient man. I"ll give you plenty of time to think over things.""No, it"s not necessary. Let"s talk again some other time."Seeing G.o.dou stand up, Uldin waved his hand lightly.Understanding his wishes from this single motion, the lovers and servantsall swiftly left the area. They must have smelt a fight brewing."You probably can"t understand even if I tell you, but I"m a pacifist. I don"tlike unnecessary conflict. Will you allow me to leave?""Hey hey, this is getting better and better."Uldin partially closed his eyes towards G.o.dou the pacifist."I, too, am a person who subscribes to a philosophy of avoidingunnecessary conflict as much as possible. For that purpose, I preparedsomething that has now arrived."Saying that, he looked up into the sky. As a member of an equestrian tribe,did his sharp vision capture something?All G.o.dou could see was a black dot flying in approach. After a while, hecould see it was a pair of winged Deinonychuses.The two Deinonychuses each carried a rider. One was Clotilde while theother was a black-haired woman.G.o.dou focused his gaze. Apart from the dragon riders, there wereadditional pa.s.sengers. Sitting in front of Clotilde on the saddle was Erica,tied up in ropes. In a rare moment, she was biting her lip in an expressionof chagrin.In addition, the black-haired rider was carrying Ena.Naturally, Ena was also tied up, displaying a strange expression like aplayground bully who had lost a fight.In actual fact, G.o.dou had set off to Uldin"s forest with two companions.Their plan was to provide support to G.o.dou, who was inside the castle,regardless of whether he decided to negotiate peace, run away or fight."As expected of my wives. Looks like it went off without a hitch. So that"sthat. Why don"t you enjoy your stay a while longer?"Declaring arrogantly, Uldin cast his gaze towards G.o.dou again. Clearly,the other side had captured hostages. Naturally, G.o.dou could not refuse."Just to be on the safe side, I resorted to a petty trick."Uldin motioned with his eyes. Clotilde jumped down from the back of thepterosaur.The tall, blonde beauty approached G.o.dou as she drew out a small,bladed tool — a razor.G.o.dou was surprised. He could sense divine power from Clotilde"s razor.Was this also something related to the G.o.ds?While he stared in shock, Clotilde had already arrived before him, swingingthe small blade in a flash.Confronted with the mysterious razor, G.o.dou perceived its incrediblesharpness...Part 2It was the next morning since G.o.dou was stranded in Uldin"s castle.The accommodations arranged for him here also consisted of quarters formilitary officer. However, the quarters were surrounded by several guards.Hence, G.o.dou was currently under house arrest.Furthermore, G.o.dou was the only one detained here. His two companionswere not by his side.G.o.dou had no choice but to kill time on his own. At noon, Erica came by tovisit."We were taken out by those two women."Erica explained to G.o.dou with a face full of resentment.They were the only two occupants of the reception hall in the quarters.There were no guards inside. Superficially, G.o.dou was a guest and not aprisoner, hence he was still given the freedom of such meetings."Uldin"s wives huh...""Yes. Without a doubt, they are powerful warriors who can rival those ofthe Paladino rank. Even if my uncle or Saint Raffaello were here insupport, chances of victory would still be slim."G.o.dou had already expected Clotilde to be a female warrior.Furthermore, Erica pointed out that she was apparently a master of "thisera"s rune magic." In a direct confrontation of sword and magic, Erica andEna were apparently defeated in quick succession.Moreover, they were clearly defeated in a merciful manner, unharmed withonly their weapons struck down from their hands."Is the other woman powerful too?""That"s Ruska. She... I"m not sure of the details but she"s probably a witch.She apparently discovered our location effortlessly."In the face of such terrifying events, even Erica was showing a frightenedexpression."If Lily and Yuri were here, perhaps we could still offer some resistance..."Were those two girls here, perhaps they could have discovered theenemy"s a.s.sault using spirit vision and psychic sensing. Then usingwitchcraft"s disorienting effects to counter the enemy"s strength advantage,they might have escaped successfully.Two were currently missing from the five-member team.Feeling deeply the effects of that through this incident, G.o.dou and Ericasighed heavily."What about you, G.o.dou? Are you still unable to use your authority?""Yeah. I never knew a tool like that existed in this world."Touching his severed bangs, G.o.dou muttered.Yesterday, Clotilde had swung the razor to cut off a little of his bangs.Immediately after that, he was unable to invoke his authority.Even when he tried to summon Ama no no Tsurugi, it did notappear in his right hand.Despite his mental orders for the [Boar] to "destroy this castle," there wasno response whatsoever."I believe that razor should be a divine artifact related to Samson^, thebiblical judge from the Old Testament. However, discerning the artifact"sorigins isn"t going to recover your power, G.o.dou. How truly vexing.""How about you and Seishuuin? Did they do anything unusual to you?""Things are fine in that regard. We"ve been offered grand hospitality.Clotilde, Ruska and the other women have been very cordial. Oh well, atleast from my perspective as a hostage."Erica replied in a slightly sardonic tone of voice.G.o.dou felt relieved. If the two girls were to suffer inhumane treatment, hewould never forgive Uldin."That guy Uldin seems unexpectedly considerate in this area...""A description of daring would not be enough to encapsulate who he is. Ibelieve he is surely a man possessing the disposition to become a greatking. Hey G.o.dou, you must know the name of Attila, right?""Hmm? Yeah, that"s the king who would unify the Huns later."G.o.dou knew the name from his World History textbook. Erica explainedabout the man in great detail.He was reportedly born in a barbaric equestrian tribe. Not only was Attilaskilled in war, he was also a great diplomat. He also employed talentbased on merit regardless of race.His Hunnic Empire stretched from the Caspian Sea all the way to theDanube River — covering the areas of western Russia, Eastern Europe andGermany in modern terms.However, his empire fell apart due to his sudden death. And with that, theHuns disappeared into the annals of history...Recounting the name of the great king of the barbarians, the Italian girlspoke with a gloomy expression."This is what I suspect. In a few decades" time, Uldin will probably helpAttila succeed the throne to establish the unified empire of the Huns.""What are you talking about?""Didn"t he propose to you, G.o.dou, to "become king"? If Uldin continues tosurvive, this enterprise will likely come into fruition."Making a rather bold hypothesis, Erica continued:"Furthermore, there is a factual consistency that cannot be overlooked. Inthe early fifth century, the Huns did indeed have a chieftain named Uldin.In addition, there is also this legend about Attila, which calls him the bearerof the sword that brings victory to its owner, the divine sword of the warG.o.d Tyr..." [2]Uldin had mentioned that he had lent his name to a man who was currentlyking.Furthermore, Uldin"s nickname was [Tyr"s Sword]. However, G.o.dou stillhad yet to witness the Hunnic G.o.dslayer draw his sword in battle —Just as Erica had pointed out, there was a consistency in facts that couldnot be attributed to coincidence."Although Attila"s active period was quite short, he left extremely deepmarks on European history. Whether his existence should be consideredgood or bad, he was undoubtedly a super important figure in history.""If he disappeared, the effects on history would be unimaginable...""a.s.suredly. I am currently starting to consider the possibility of Uldinbecoming the future Attila. However, he seems to have said he had nodesire to become king..."This speculation was fairly bold but also quite convincing.G.o.dou began to agitate. Although he could not fight Uldin in his currentstate, G.o.dou wondered if he should fight when he regained the ability to doso."No one can guarantee that Aisha-san"s idea of a corrective force is true. Ina work of science fiction, this would probably be a parallel world instead,right? Yeah, so even if history gets changed, it"d generate a second world,leaving the original unchanged.""In that case, have you considered this? The Madame did not tell us, but inactual fact, she may already know something that could prove thecorrectness of her hypothesis — ""I see. Deducing in reverse huh.""Your Majesty. Ena has brought something for you!"Just as G.o.dou nodded in agreement with Erica, a cheerful voice called outto him.Ena happened to be entering the hall at this time. There was alsosomeone accompanying her. Like the j.a.panese Hime-Miko, she also hadblack hair.But unlike Ena"s extremely long hair, hers was cut to shoulder-length.The woman was the blooming beauty who had ridden a pterosaur alongwith Clotilde yesterday. She seemed to be oriental in race, perhaps bornamong the Huns or somewhere in Asia. G.o.dou greeted her:"I remember you are Uldin"s wife, is that correct...?""Yes. I am Ruska. Since he is not here today, allow me to care for yourneeds. Are there any inconveniences you would like to be addressed?""I"d like to leave this castle.""Hahaha, unfortunately, this request is denied."Ruska was a black-haired beauty whose eyes gave off an air of weariness.She spoke concisely and her mood seemed inexplicably depressed.However, she reacted to G.o.dou with laughter and a low-tension. She didnot seem like a cold person.Ena was carrying a large plate of fruit while Ruska held a jar of drinkingwater in her arms."Ruska, where did your husband go?""No idea. He is a man who seldom leaves word on where he"s going.""Ah, got it, got it. Ena is also the type who doesn"t tell people where she"sheaded."Erica and Ena were already able to converse intimately with Uldin"s otherwife. In this regard, they really had first cla.s.s social skills and naturalinstincts respectively, having established excellent interpersonalrelationships without any apparent difficulties."Anyway, Why is His Majesty unable to to use his power?""It"s the divine artifact. Delilah"s Razor." [3]Ena stared blankly in response to the curt answer, but Erica went "just asexpected" and nodded."In the Book of Judges in the Bible"s Old Testament, Samson was a manwith unparalleled, supernatural might. His source of strength, his hair, waslost because he was betrayed by his lover, Delilah. So this is the divineartifact that recreates this story?""Yes. Samson"s head was shaved clean during his sleep, thus he lost hispower."Ruska gave a grinning smile to G.o.dou whose bangs were cut off a little."Uldin had suffered the same before. But he deserved it. Because thatrazor is a tool that only women can use.""Was Uldin-san also betrayed by one who shared his bed?"Ena stared wide-eyed as she asked. Ruska nodded in response."He"s always behaved like that. Out of my sight, he"d immediately getfriendly with other women. On occasion, he"ll even take them home andadd them to his troupe of lovers.""But provided it"s only "on occasion," perhaps there"s still hope for him."Chiming in sarcastically was Erica."A certain someone somewhere would "always" make his target his lover...""Based on His Majesty"s situation, it"s not like his affections wanderwantonly. He"s always very serious in each case. But only thanks to that,Ena was able to get along so harmoniously with everyone as the fourth, sono complaints there."In contrast to the critical gaze Erica was giving G.o.dou, Ena was smilingsomewhat wryly.Nevetheless, both were acting in a way that would lead others tomisunderstand Kusanagi G.o.dou.Just as predicted, Ruska"s lethargic gaze turned towards G.o.dou as shemurmured.""Always"... "The fourth"... Sigh, I knew it...""Oh no, that"s not true. Although I have no idea why so many girls gatheraround me, I definitely don"t engage in Uldin"s problematic behavior.""Hmm... You are very similar to him — Uldin."Finding Ruska"s words shocking, G.o.dou went "!?" and froze."Probably, your personalities are fundamentally similar. Bold and to willful unruliness, yet unexpectedly adept at taking care ofothers... And skilled in reading people..."Murmuring with a hollow gaze, Ruska"s eyes turned into the color of gla.s.s.G.o.dou was shocked.This was a change that he had often witnessed in Yuri — a Hime-Miko whohad strongly inherited the blood of the Divine Ancestors. In other words,Ruska was also a distant descendant of the Divine Ancestors!?Erica and Ena exchanged glances. They must have realized it already inthe previous day"s battle.That was why Erica had said she was "not sure of the details.""The number of girls accepted is different... The world you were born andraised in is different huh. Hmm?"Ruska murmured as if receiving revelations through spirit vision.However, she was suddenly puzzled as she gazed directly into G.o.dou"sface."A man from a different world... A G.o.dslayer who could not possibly existhere... Who are you?""Yeah, I came from somewhere quite far away."G.o.dou nodded emphatically to agree with Ruska"s description that he"could not possibly exist here."Indeed, he really should not linger too long in this era. Wasn"t it the samefor Salvatore Doni and Madame Aisha?Should he discuss this with her? — Just as G.o.dou wondered..."So you"re here, Ruska."Another person arrived. This time it was Clotilde."Uldin-sama cannot be found anywhere... Do you know anything?""No, I have no idea. No one has seen him since this morning.""Really? That guy came over to visit me early in the morning."G.o.dou recalled what had happened a couple hours earlier.Morning came very early in ancient Gaul for there were many who rosewith the sun. Although Erica remained tardy in rising from bed, G.o.dou wasalready accustomed to rising at 5am back in the modern world.Nevertheless, there was nothing to do here even if he got up early.Uldin had visited at that time. After a brief chat with G.o.dou, he had left.Clotilde demanded forcefully:"Did he say anything about where he was going!?""No, nothing about that... However, he was a bit annoying in the way hekept asking me about Aisha-san — the Holy Maiden in the town we wereliving in."G.o.dou had no intention of obediently coughing up information aboutMadame Aisha.Hence, he had answered coldly and sloppily as though he were dealingwith Salvatore Doni, thus sending Uldin away. Hearing about this, Enasuddenly murmured to herself."Just maybe. Uldin-san headed by himself to Raurica, intending to bringAisha-san back here by force? Uldin-san really l.u.s.ts after women, right?"Rather than a deduction, Ena"s suggestion was more of a cheeky joke.However, Clotilde"s reaction was considerably intense. Her shouldersshook as she went "Gun" and stared straight at the j.a.panese Hime-Miko."Only with someone like my husband, Uldin-sama, would that sort of thingbe... That sort of thing — ""Oh sorry. Ena wasn"t serious just now. It"s completely baseless, don"t youworry."In a rare moment, the innocent Ena was actually panicking.She seemed to be saying "What a disaster, I never intended to bully herlike that" with troubled-looking eyes as she gazed at Clotilde whose powerhad vastly overwhelmed her in battle.On the other hand, Erica crossed her arms in thoughtful contemplation."But now that you mention it, I do feel like he is the type who might dosomething like that. Coincidentally, it happened precisely after he resolvedthe pending issue of capturing G.o.dou."Clotilde suddenly looked up as a result of Erica"s words.She was staring into s.p.a.ce with a terrifying expression. Her whole bodywas shaking intensely.Ruska looked at her with a lethargic gaze. Soon after, she sighed as iffinding things troublesome."If it really bothers you that much, why not go and have a look?"Thus spoke the witch who wielded unfathomable powers.Part 3Although the honorary t.i.tle of "Madame" was dedicated to Aisha, she wasnot of n.o.ble birth.She was born in northern India during its British colonial era and grew upas a daughter from one of those ubiquitous families of low-ranked castes.Her turning point in life occurred when she was seven years old.At the time, she was hired as a maid and entered the household of anEnglishman who ran a diamond mining business.As an adolescent girl, Aisha was deeply loved by the master"s youngdaughter. When it came time for the family to return to England, sheconvinced Aisha with repeated entreaties to accompany them homeoverseas.However, given Aisha"s humble origins, her life as a maid in England wasnot completely happy.She frequently suffered hardship and all sorts of discrimination.Nevertheless, Aisha was naturally born with a cheerful and optimisticpersonality. To go even further, in contrast to her slim and delicate figure,she possessed the resilience in mental strength to survive in any sort ofcountry.Not treating hardship as hardship was precisely Aisha"s characteristic.But when Aisha reached seventeen years of age in England, a series oftragedies befell the family she served. First, the master suddenly pa.s.sedaway. After that, even the daughter who inherited his estate died as aresult of illness.However, the daughter made very considerate arrangements for Aisha.She bestowed her ma.s.sive funds and stockholdings to "the wonderfulfriend who had served her over the long years."However, Aisha had lost her maid occupation and was all alone withoutany relatives.How was she going to live the rest of her life henceforth?Not dwelling too deep into pessimism was another of Aisha"s goodqualities. After that, hoping to calm her tumultuous feelings throughtraveling, she set off enthusiastically on a trip to Greece. This happened tobe the time of the great commotion from Heinrich Schliemann and hiswife"s discovery of Troy.Aisha was originally a servant girl who never had a chance to be educated.However, thanks to the deceased master"s generosity during his lifetime,she was able to read the books in his library. Furthermore, while helpingthe daughter in her studies, Aisha also learned the correspondingknowledge and more.Aisha particularly loved history and geography.Hence, she chose the land of Greece as her tourist destination.There, she had encountered the [Heretic G.o.ddess], Persephone. Leftwithout a choice, Aisha managed to slay her first deity —Dating from her time as a nameless girl, over a hundred years had alreadypa.s.sed.And now, Aisha was situated in ancient Gaul.She was an adventurer who traversed gaps between countries and eras.However, her adventurous journeys were always accompanied by disaster.Augusta Raurica was facing an unprecedented crisis.At noon of this day, black pterosaurs flew over the skies above Raurica.There were three in total. As their master, Uldin was riding on the back ofone of them. Ever since Kusanagi G.o.dou had set off for Uldin"s main base,a number of days had already pa.s.sed."Looks like Kusanagi-san did not succeed..."To resolve conflicts peacefully. That was what Kusanagi G.o.dou had saidbefore he left.However, the young Campione from the modern age had failed. Perhapshe had lost his life in a battle against Uldin. Maybe the same fate befell thetwo girls who were his companions.As soon as Aisha imagined their unfortunate fates, tears overflowed fromher eyes."We had become friends through such rare circ.u.mstances... Kusanagi-san,I shall avenge your regrets for you...!"Clenching her fist tightly, she looked up into the sky.Were it nighttime, she would have sworn an oath to the stars. However,there were currently two pterosaurs flying back and forth, freely overRaurica"s airs.p.a.ce. Furthermore, they were making high-pitched shrieks.KAAAAAAH! KAAAAAAH! KAAAAAAH! KAAAAAAH! KAAAAAAH!Overwhelmed and intimidated by the pterosaurs" flying and shrieking, thecitizens on the ground were trembling nonstop.Augusta Raurica"s population was roughly twenty thousand. During thistime period, that would have been quite a large-scale city. All the citizenswere terrified by the divine beasts" arrival and were cowering in fright.On the other hand, the pterosaurs" master, Uldin, remained casual andcomposed.Only the pterosaur he was riding did not make a racket. With its wingsspread wide, the pterosaur glided slowly through the air above Raurica.Mounted on its back, Uldin surveyed the city"s condition from above in aunhurried manner.It was as though he were appraising the value of treasure that had alreadyfallen into his hands.Feeling a weight in her heart, Aisha began to ponder.Now that Kusanagi G.o.dou was not present, there were no warriorscapable of engaging Uldin in battle. Although she was a Campione like himas well, Aisha was not skilled in fighting.— At the very least, she had to a.s.sist the Roman army in the stronghold.She must encourage them in their fight against the pterosaurs and healtheir injuries.Deciding that, Aisha quickened her footsteps. She had just left town andwas heading towards the stronghold. She was about a kilometer away.In contrast to her frail appearance, Aisha was actually quite athletic andfleet-footed.As she increased her running speed, the path ahead was suddenlyblocked. A black pterosaur had made a rapid descent from the sky.Furthermore, there was a rider on its back."I"ve been searching for you, Holy Maiden. If I couldn"t find you, my originalplan was to break every house here, one by one."The man speaking from the pterosaur"s saddle was Uldin of course.Aisha glared at the pterosaur"s rider sharply. However, due to her inborngentle temperament, she was not very intimidating."For what reason do you seek me?""Nothing much. I just wanted to have you in my grasp before I attacked thetown seriously.""l-ln your grasp!?""Yeah. I want to make you my woman no matter what. It"d be a shame ifyou escaped during the chaos of battle, so I wanted to get it donebeforehand."As always, Uldin made a shocking declaration with a cheerful tone ofvoice."If you refuse, I won"t force you to become mine. But you still need to comewith me. Once you start living by my side for a while, I"m sure you"ll changeyour mind.""Well well... That"s really quite some confidence you have there.""That"s basically how it always goes. Those women who hate me at first,they pretty much end up falling in love after a while. They desperately clingto their obstinacy as though they are trying to hide their change infeelings."As Uldin laughed with joy, unbelievably, his words did not sound especiallyrepulsive.He was not putting up a front or bragging. It felt like he was talking aboutthings in a matter-of-fact manner. Aisha realized that Uldin possessedundeniable charm.However, faced with the crisis of her chast.i.ty, Aisha could not possibly givein so obediently."My utmost apologies. I have no intention of joining anyone"s harem.""Not even mine?""Indeed. Granted you may be a rare hero, G.o.dslayer Uldin... Butconsidering our status, you and I are equals. Hence, there is no reason forme to follow you!"Aisha tried to speak as sternly as she could.In addition, she began to increase the magical power in her Campionebody with a cry of "Yah!"If this continued, she was going to be taken away by force. Despite the factthat Aisha did not possess authorities suited for fighting, she did not wantto submit without resisting. If she did not oppose with all her might —"This power... Are you...""Kusanagi-san and you are not the only G.o.dslayers. Besides, I alreadyhave over a century"s experience since I first slew a deity. Some haveeven called me "Queen.""In actual fact, Aisha had no confidence at all that she could defeat Uldin ina direct confrontation.Nevertheless, Aisha still held her head high and puffed out her voluptuouschest, giving her best effort to look strong. No weapon could seizeinstantaneous victory in a situation like this. This was the wisdom she hadacquired in her century-plus life as a Devil King.In response, Uldin glared down sharply at Aisha from his saddle."I knew you were no ordinary person from the start... So you call yourself aG.o.dslayer."The pterosaur flapped its wings forcefully and began to soar once more.Returning to the skies, the Hunnic Devil King declared loudly to his peer onthe ground."Indeed, I can sense that sort of presence. However, that alone is notenough to convince me. Let me test your powers, how"s that?"Uldin smiled fearlessly and reached out.He took an arrow from the quiver hanging on his saddle and threw ittowards the ground. The arrow flew with a "whoosh" as though it had beenshot by a bow, embedding itself into the earth. Right before Aisha"s eyes.Immediately, the arrow suddenly burst into flames.The resulting fire instantly turned into explosive flames, incinerating Aisha"ssurroundings intensely.A fire G.o.d"s authority — This must be the power he had used to counter thesun G.o.d"s spear that Kusanagi G.o.dou had summoned several days earlier.Aisha deduced calmly while surrounded by a roaring inferno.Despite her frail appearance, Aisha"s womanly body did not perspire asingle drop of sweat, let alone suffer a single burn.Not only that, her white overcoat was not even soiled by a speck of dust."Oh..."Gazing down at the completely unharmed Aisha, Uldin picked up his bow.With lightning speed, he repeated the motions of nocking the arrow,drawing the bow and aiming thrice, firing three arrows in succession.The three arrows all flew towards Aisha"s heart while the flames devouredher.However, all the arrows pa.s.sed through Aisha"s body and simply struck theground behind her."What a wonderful skill. However, what if I did this?"Uldin muttered as he snapped his fingers.The raging flames suddenly vanished and were replaced by somethingflying towards the ground. Two seven-meter-longpterosaurs — Deinonychuses with their front limbs turned into wings.These were the two pterosaurs which had been flying over town, sendingthe citizens into a state of panic.Unnoticed, they had returned to their master"s side and were now divingrapidly towards the ground!Using the "terrible claws" on their hind legs to attack, they intended tocruelly slash Aisha"s slender body apart.However, their claws simply pa.s.sed through Aisha"s body.Seeing this occur, Uldin whistled loudly. The two pterosaurs returned to theair once more. All of them were watching Aisha on the ground as though inamazement."What trickery is this astounding skill? It"s like fighting against air."Uldin praised in admiration.Aisha smiled with a calm and composed expression as though she werepraying. This was the result of her using this time period"s "force ofattachment" to correct the results of phenomena.But under the current circ.u.mstances, that was as far as it could manage.Presently speaking, Aisha did not have any authorities that could be usedto attack.Although the charisma authority was quite potent, it was not very effectiveagainst G.o.ds and Campiones. Unless the opponent was showing ama.s.sive opening, it was not worth trying.Then how could she break through this encirclement?Just as Aisha pondered desperately, cover fire was shot in support. Thema.s.sive bowguns standing on the castle walls of the stronghold onekilometer away — the ballistae.Ma.s.sive arrows were being shot at Uldin and the pterosaurs.However, they were ineffective against the divine beasts. The pterosaur"sst.u.r.dy outer skin deflected all the shots. Nevertheless, the soldiers refusedto admit defeat and prepared many ballistae to keep firing continuously.The three pterosaurs began to feel annoyed and started to evade theattack of the arrows.At the same time, the castle gates opened and a small team of roughlyforty soldiers made a sortie.They were rushing forth in a straight line, presumably intending to rescueAisha."Getting in the way of my romantic pursuits, huh? No matter. I guess I"llneed to rely on a greater power to catch you who has turned into air."Sitting astride the pterosaur, the Hunnic Devil King declared briskly."I will take my leave for now, but I"ll return once night falls. When the timecomes, I will surely make you submit obediently!"Leading the two pterosaurs, Uldin flew towards the western sky.She had apparently survived the battle. Relieved, Aisha relaxed her entirebody and collapsed into a sitting position.Soon after, the small contingent of soldiers approached."Holy Maiden! Are you injured!?"The small team"s leader hurried over. Unlike the citizens, he had nottrembled in fear.Instead, he resembled an excited racehorse. Aisha had noticed. Due to herrepeated usage of the charisma authority to encourage them, the soldiershad developed absolute loyalty towards her. Even their fear towards thepterosaurs was easily forgotten."Does that man intend to take the Holy Maiden"s life...? What a b.a.s.t.a.r.d!""Oh no. Uldin-san does not want to kill me. Instead, he said he wanted tocapture me to make me his wife. So there shouldn"t be any danger — "In an attempt to appease the soldiers" excitement, she told them the truth.But unexpectedly, these words made them even more fired up."How dare he intend to make the Holy Maiden his wife?" "That barbarianb.a.s.t.a.r.d, how dare he harbor such delusional dreams!?" "Next time hecomes, we better teach him a lesson..." "Kill him! Kill that Uldin!"Hearing the soldiers yelling in a clamor, Aisha went "Oh dear" inpuzzlement.What an unexpected development, but no matter. Then a certain soldierbrought her a horse and helped her mount.This soldier yelled out as he started escorting Aisha towards thestronghold."We must protect the Holy Maiden! Everyone, let"s lay down our lives!"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Angry roars erupted in response, sounding as though they could cause anearthquake. Meanwhile, Aisha could feel their goodwill as they escortedher towards the stronghold. Rocking on the horse, Aisha murmured toherself:"Perhaps, I"ve done it again...?"Part 4Like the city of Raurica, Uldin"s castle was also built on the Rhine"s was for defending against foreign invaders. Reportedly, it wascustomary for the Roman army to swiftly send soldiers to swiftly repelenemy attacks.The Rhine"s river water not only provided the citizens with the blessings ofwater but also stood as a natural boundary and defensive line.The water surface of this grand river was now showing the battle betweentwo G.o.dslayers.They were the ancient G.o.dslayer Uldin and Madame Aisha respectively.Uldin"s "first wife," Ruska, was using a spell to project on the water surfacewhat was happening far away in Augusta Raurica."Fortunately, it"s a town that I know. Otherwise, there would be no way ofviewing it."Ruska spoke softly in an aloof tone of voice.The make-shift screen on the water by the sh.o.r.e was showing images ofthe great tumult caused by Uldin"s flames and divine beasts. Nevertheless,all of the attacks had simply pa.s.sed through Madame Aisha"s body."What on earth is that...?""It must be Madame Aisha"s authority, right?"Erica and Ena were baffled. Even as a Campione, Kusanagi G.o.dou wasentirely clueless. However, Ruska used her gla.s.s-colored eyes to gaze atthe Madame and began to speak slowly:"The other G.o.dslayer who is not supposed to exist here... Protected by apower capable of reducing to nothingness phenomena that were supposedto happen, correcting all phenomena even if they had already happened...""Eh?"G.o.dou wondered if he had misheard because he caught Ruska saying theword "correcting.""It"s the power that maintains her attachment to this place — Or rather, thisworld? The force that attaches her to a world where she should not exist.That"s what it feels like."Apparently an oracle delivered through spirit vision. Ruska spoke in ablank tone of voice."She is only impervious to calamities and powers in progress. Hence theimpossible was able to occur just now. However, due to Uldin"s keeninstincts... He ultimately noticed after all."The two Campiones" fight was projected on the water surface.Uldin had stated "I"ll be back once night falls" and left with his pterosaurs.With that, the incident was temporarily settled for now."Even the full-powered attacks of a G.o.dslayer like Uldin could notneutralize that miraculous power... I"m guessing he left because he sensedthat."Hearing Ruska"s words, G.o.dou began to think.Very likely, Madame Aisha was actually able to control, to some extent, the"corrective force" she had mentioned before? That was probably thereason why she adhered to that suspicious philosophy of hers andindulged freely in her time traveling —Speaking of which, this sort of live playback really was quite a convenientspell.Although Liliana could do something similar, she could only show images.In contrast, Ruska"s live playback included sound.Ruska"s powers were superior in this and other regards. However, toomuch convenience was sometimes quite troublesome too.G.o.dou took a glance at Clotilde.The blonde beauty"s face was locked in some sort of mental Shecontinued to stare intently at the water surface which no longer reflectedany images. During the battle just now, she had listened to manyproblematic statements."I want to make you my woman no matter what.""Once you start living by my side for a while, I"m sure you"ll change yourmind."Etc etc. Uldin had said quite a lot to Madame Aisha.Clotilde"s shoulders shook as she murmured to herself."Not only does he have us as wives, but also the other dozen womensurrounding him, yet he dares make a move on another woman...!"Although her voice was not loud, it was a mournful lament.Rather than anger, it was more the expression of mixed feelings. As aresult, the mood instantly grew heavy. G.o.dou could not casually offercomforting words to her either.Seeing Clotilde struck down by such a blow, G.o.dou felt rather somber.(Even a master warrior on Paolo-san"s level cannot withstand this sort ofmatter.)(That"s only natural. No matter what time period, humans" greatest sourcesof stress are love, money and health without exception. Even someone likemy uncle has started worrying about the problem of losing hair.)(R-Really?)(He really is unexpectedly concerned with his image and presentation...)(Speaking of murder motives, they all boil down to a few causes like lovedisputes and money.)Seeing Erica shrugging as she explained, Ena also whispered in a rare,sighing tone of voice.The trio were all whispering in consideration of Clotilde, naturally.(Hey, Your Majesty, can we talk?)The black-haired Hime-Miko was looking at G.o.dou with a troubledexpression when she suddenly spoke up.Although she usually behaved with cheerful optimism, Ena would display aYamato Nadeshiko"s docility on occasion. G.o.dou was quite surprised tosee her making that kind of expression.(So. Even if Your Majesty decides to go somewhere, even if you leave formany years, Ena will resolve herself to wait for you at home no matterwhat...)(Uh sure.)(As a result, to stop Ena from stabbing Your Majesty when welcoming yourreturn, Your Majesty really must show appropriate restraint in womanizingoutside, okay? This will surely be tough...)( )(Hearing Ruska-san describe Your Majesty as very similar to Uldin-san,Ena can understand very well. Ena has always been very aware ofsimilarities between people.)(You feel that way too, Ena-san? What a coincidence, I actually have thesame feeling as well.)Erica instantly nodded in agreement with her companion"s words.(If G.o.dou were born in this era, he"d probably turn out with the samecharacter? His self-styled pacifism is simply a tenet branded by modernsociety, isn"t it?)(So true. Yeah, it"s really a great thing that Ena and Erica-san were able tocome here together this time.)(Indeed that"s true. Because we are both here, we can prevent anyopportunities for strange women to hang around G.o.dou.)( )Realizing he would simply bring about his own demise if he were to raisehis objections, G.o.dou endured and remained silent. In actual fact, all ofKusanagi G.o.dou"s "b.a.s.t.a.r.d" behavior resulted from the girls" own toleranceand goodwill.Then G.o.dou turned his gaze involuntarily and found Ruska comfortingClotilde."Why not just stab him mercilessly to take out your anger? After all, he"snot going to die.""S-So ordinary blades are really ineffective against Uldin-sama?""Yes. I was quite angry once and stabbed a spear into his flank. Although itwas probably quite painful, he not only did not die but also had no seriousinjuries either. Now that"s truly vexing.""So basically, that"s not going to make him mend his ways..."The two beauties" conversation was gradually veering off in a radicaldirection.Were such excessive reactions of ancient people the result of living inborderlands like Gaul? Or perhaps, it should be seen as the harsh side ofRuska and Clotilde"s natures?(G.o.dou, absolutely do not forget the conversation just now, for I hope youcan learn a lesson from it. If you don"t keep yourself in check, perhaps wemay turn out like them as well.)( )G.o.dou felt the bottom of his stomach convulsing in pain in response toErica"s whispering grumbles. At the same time, he listened to the twoancient beauties conversing dangerous topics."The only ones capable of terminating G.o.dslayers are G.o.ds or their fellowG.o.dslayers...""Yes, indeed. But no matter which side, they are all rare existences.However, when that man is backed into a corner, he always fights back asnormal.""If that"s the case, if only there were a G.o.dslayer right here...""Indeed. If only a G.o.dslayer were here..."Clotilde turned her gaze meaningfully towards G.o.dou....Realizing their intent, G.o.dou sighed. If things were left alone, AugustaRaurica would be trampled by that man while Madame Aisha was alsogoing to fall into danger.Since things had developed to this point, there was really no way to avoida duel against Uldin.In that case — G.o.dou motioned to his negotiator with a glance."So, shall we confirm the terms and conditions? Just so you know, theprice for hiring Kusanagi G.o.dou definitely does not come cheap."Comprehending G.o.dou"s intentions, Erica immediately spoke up.At the castle"s plaza, Clotilde swung a pickaxe and dug out a small sack.It contained a small blade — Delilah"s Razor — and a small lock of hair. Thiswas G.o.dou"s severed hair from yesterday.Clotilde placed the hair on the ground and pressed her index finger on it.With a flash of radiance from her fingertip, a symbol resembling a letterfrom the Latin alphabet appeared. Then the letter turned into burningflames, devouring the hair. It appeared to be a runic symbol forincineration."This releases the razor"s curse. With that, Kusanagi-sama"s authority isrestored."Clotilde reported to G.o.dou who was standing quietly beside her.Severing a person"s hair would seal their authority. This was the divineartifact named Delilah"s Razor. Apparently, one must burn the severed hairin order to neutralize the effect.The rune"s flames were small but intense. In mere seconds, the hair wascompletely consumed by the fire.Immediately, G.o.dou"s body gave off a sound akin to gla.s.s breaking. Anindescribable feeling coursed through his entire body and he understoodthat his authority had been released."If you want to go by boat, you can take one from inside the town. That"sthe fastest way.""That would help greatly. Thank you, Ruska.""However, it"d be great if you could lend out those pterosaurs. Riding themto fly in the sky seems quite fun. It also looks faster than a boat."The trio had gone to pick up their luggage and returned.Erica expressed her thanks to Ruska who was standing in front. On theother hand, Ena made a suggestion."I"d advise against it, because those beasts can suddenly go berserk. Evenfor us, we almost never ride them without Uldin nearby.""Oh I see, that"s a shame. But if there"s a chance in the future, pleaseteach me how to ride them."Declined by Ruska with a wry smile, Ena took the opportunity to make apromise. Then G.o.dou"s group was taken to where the boats were moored.The Rhine"s source came from the Alps mountain range.In terms of modern place names, this river ran through Switzerland fromeast to west, then flowed from south to north to trace out the boundarybetween Germany and France, towards Holland.Even in ancient times, the shipping industry relying on this water route wasalready quite developed and prosperous.Ena was the first to jump nimbly onto the large cargo boat that was tied tothe river sh.o.r.e. Erica followed at an elegant pace and G.o.dou got on last.As a side note, Ruska"s final parting words were also quite radical."Well then, we"ll entrust the rest to you. I hope you will fight with the intentto kill. Please do not show any mercy.""I don"t think I have the room to show mercy in the first place... But are yousure that"s fine? If that Uldin guy dies — "Although G.o.dou brought up common sense in a matter-of-fact way, Ruskashook her head and answered:"No, if you don"t fight with the intent to kill, you won"t be able to corner him.Without the intent to kill... I truly hope you can prepare yourself to fight withthe intent to kill your opponent."Perhaps it was because she had spent so many years following thatridiculous man and a G.o.dslayer to boot?Although G.o.dou had no intention of sympathizing with Uldin, he reflectedon himself and sighed."O spirits of water. I beseech you to bestow special protection upon thesepeople."Clotilde invoked magic. Once again, her fingertip shone with the radianceof runic symbols."May your journey be blessed with safe pa.s.sage. All you need to do isfollow the river downstream and the boat will naturally reach itsdestination."She had apparently cast protection to prevent the boat from capsizingalong the way. Furthermore, she was aiding the man who was about tobattle the husband she loved deeply. With these complicated thoughts andfeelings, G.o.dou bowed his head.With that, the boat set sail, carrying the three moderners along withcomplicated feelings of hate and love."This is heavy responsibility in all sorts of ways..."As the boat advanced forward swiftly, G.o.dou quietly muttered to himself.Part 5The boat"s size was apparently large enough for ten adults to sit with roomto spare.Used to riding small wooden vessels, Ena initially took up the oars to row.But she soon realized it was unnecessary. Even without anyone in control,the boat automatically remained balanced and evaded rocks on its own.No mistake about it, this was all thanks to Clotilde"s protection spell."This is so interesting and it"s great that the speed is so fast!""This is much faster than riding galloping horses over the road. So G.o.dou,have you made a decision regarding the earlier problem you were facing?""You mean how seriously I should fight Uldin?"Sitting with Erica and Ena and facing the wind blowing across from theriver"s sh.o.r.e, G.o.dou began to ponder.The Hunnic G.o.dslayer Uldin was believed to have certain connections tothe barbarian king, Attila, who was about to enter the historical stage in thenear future. If he were killed, or simply injured seriously, there could beserious effects on the future.And even from a modern perspective, one might find him sympathetic in acertain way.Rather than tyrannical, he was more of a man who caused trouble forothers.However, if Uldin, who treated "invasion and plundering" as his daily life,were left to do as he pleased, the twenty thousand inhabitants of AugustaRaurica were going to be swept into a tragic fate.Even though such tragedies were probably quite common in the ancientworld —In the end, G.o.dou could not stand back and feign ignorance. Hence, hespoke with certainty."It"s okay. If

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