
Chapter 135


In terms of human history, it happened towards the end of the fifth century.A time when human faith was still honest and unsophisticated. A timewhen the relationship between humans and [Heretic G.o.ds] was slightlymore intimate than in the modern age.During those times, he was still a [Heretic G.o.d] wandering freely upon theearth.His entire body clad in armor, wielding a lance, riding the white divinehorse. Sometimes he would appear on the ground as an inhuman whiteknight, while other times he would roam the skies in the form of lightning.Anyone with the slightest intelligence would identify him as a war G.o.d fromthat majestic appearance and cower in reverence.When descending before humans, he appropriately announced his nameas the "Lancea G.o.d." The only reason why he visited the island of Britainthen, was simply on a whim. Because he heard from his old friend in thisplace that there was a [Heretic G.o.d] like him. Because he recalled old ties,he paid a visit without deliberate intent."A while ago, I met a rather interesting member of [Steel]."The old friend smiled as she chatted."[Steel]... This Knight"s kin?""Yes. The great hero, born to exterminate the G.o.d-slaying Devil Kings.Quite a few Devil Kings have surfaced in recent times, and that mandescends to bring salvation to the world as it approaches end times--""Oh? Hence the warrior who manifests at the end of eras.""Not too long ago, he most splendidly slaughtered the G.o.d-slayerrampaging on this island."It was several decades ago when she was reported to have wandered tothis land (later known as Wales).Thereafter, she was feared as the [Heretic G.o.d] who disseminated theblessing of life and the peril of death. She seemed to be known as the"White G.o.ddess" Gwenhwyfar."Then his name is?""No idea. I already asked, but he remained silent.""Hmm, he does not want to reveal his name either eh?""Seems like it. The people of this land started worshiping him as theisland"s guardian G.o.d, calling him the hero "Artos.""The man known as the "Lancea G.o.d." The woman known as the "WhiteG.o.ddess." That was how the bold and ferocious tribes worshiped them.However, excessively unruly tribes inevitably fell into decline.Without exception, these peoples lost their country and even their basictraits. Their blood and culture a.s.similated by other nations, sooner or later,they all lost their defining ident.i.ties of old.When cultures change, so do myths.Sometimes these changes were so drastic that even the names of G.o.dswere altered completely."G.o.ddess who is this Knight"s ancient companion. In that case, this Knightwill soon obtain a new name. Hohoho, to encounter such hardship, itseems like the war-torn world is not as pleasant as expected.""You sound like you are enjoying it."Hearing the laughter leaking out from the helmet, the ancient mother earthG.o.ddess smiled quietly.A few decades after that, she would forsake immortality for the Holy Grail"screation, and be reborn as the hero"s maidservant. A death prior toreceiving a new name. Consequently, in accordance with the WhiteG.o.ddess" alias of Gwenhwyfar, the reborn being called herself Guinevere..."Hmm. After all, this Knight simply journeys along a directionless path. Oneshall visit the great hero as a way to pa.s.s time. Can you inform this Knightof the location?"Thanking her for the answer, he bid his old friend goodbye and departed.Riding the divine steed to gallop across the sky, he sped off to thelegendary hero"s location.The place where the Devil King exterminating hero slept was located onthe peak of a towering mountain.The knight had always been the rider of the sky-faring divine horse.Allowing his partner to fly like lightning, he easily reached the mountaintop.Along the way, he spotted the figures of humans striving to climb themountain.A group of Britons who also aimed for the peak. But unlike him, they weredesperately risking their lives. For the sake of offering prayers of reverenceto the hero "Artos" believed to be there.An iron sword was embedded on the top of the peak.A st.u.r.dy sword. The double-edged blade was extremely long, broad, andheavy in structure.But compared to its shape, the sword"s most outstanding feature was thebrilliance radiating from the blade. Emitting from the st.u.r.dy sword was aplatinum-colored brightness as if coming from a star."How truly beautiful..."A divine sword indeed. A sacred sword indeed. He exclaimed inadmiration.Whether in beauty or power, there was probably no existing sword thatcould rival it.The knight was also a sword that had been born like a white meteor, adragon-slaying and snake-slaughtering sword G.o.d. A single glimpse wassufficient for him to know how astounding the platinum divine sword was."Pardon this intrusion. This Knight humbly visits this place, seeking the warG.o.d who exterminates Devil Kings. One humbly apologizes for therudeness of disrupting your slumber. Nevertheless, this Knight wishes toconverse with the peerless hero and become friends. Pray manifest yourdivine self."The platinum divine blade was not only a weapon but the G.o.d"s avatar.The Devil King-exterminating warrior was resting in the form of a sword,probably preparing for the next battle. The instincts of a fellow member of[Steel] explained.In order to induce an awakening, he slowly reached his hand towards thedivine sword. Immediately, sparks scattered.Sparks turned into electrical shock to a.s.sault his hand, preventing his rudecontact."Fufu... Not waking up so easily eh? Looks like you are a rather wearyperson, a difficult man to get along with."Conversely, this cold reception only piqued the knight"s interest, causinghim to smile.He -- was to be known as the "Lancea G.o.d" Lancelot du Lac in hissubsequent encounter with the Devil King Exterminator, not far in thefuture. That was when the new G.o.d-slayer had landed on the island ofBritain, subjecting it to unbridled tyranny.In the decades after that, the mother earth G.o.ddess and Lancelot a.s.sistedthe "Devil King Exterminator" as his companions in battle.The reasons for the mother earth G.o.ddess to do so were unclear. It couldvery well have been romantic love, but Lancelot was not one so tactless asto deliberately confirm such reasons.As for Lancelot, his reason was simple. Simply for the sake of seekingintense deadly battles.This way of life fully satisfied his desires. However, to the very end, the"Devil King Exterminator" never revealed his name or origins.At the time, Lancelot felt that the man was similar to himself, most likely aG.o.d who had also lost his name.Reminiscing old times, Lancelot suddenly had this thought.--The strongest of [Steel], one whom we called "King of the End." That manhad probably grown weary of battle.He distanced himself from everything that could draw him onto thebattlefield.Yes, everything.He was obliged to eliminate the G.o.d-slaying humans. Forced by the starsof destiny to engage in battle.Why? That man always fought with complete indifference. A shadow ofgloom clung onto his face like iron rust, gradually turning his handsomefeatures drab and dismal.And on certain occasions, as he gazed into the eyes of his comrade on thebattlefield, the same disquiet and unsettled feeling could be gathered.Or perhaps, what the man grew sickened of was not only the enemy-However, Lancelot du Lac was a resolute warrior from ancient beginningsto the modern day. The most primitive [Steel] that only knew to chargestraight forward.All along, he had never worried over things that could no longer beconfirmed.At this time, he simply shook his head silently, and ended the useless tripdown memory lane.

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